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Chapter 80 Visionaries of every age

 Feng Ziying turned around and said, "Uncle Fang, I do want to do something. We can all see the situation in the court. The situation is not good. I want to do many things quickly. Opening the sea is just one of them, but

I also know that rushing for success will only be counterproductive, and I can’t achieve it on my own..."

"Ziying, this is exactly what Jun Yu and I want to tell you." Fang Youdu's eyes became more insistent, "We all know that you have a big game and plan, and we all want to help you.

, and we all know and approve of some of the ideas you expressed before, but if you can't tell us these ideas and plans, how can we help you?"

Feng Ziying did not answer this question for a while.

Fang Youdu's tone became more sincere, "I remember what you said to me when everyone adds firewood to the flames. There is also a saying that one person is short-term and everyone is counting on their strengths. Unless you think that we people will not agree with your idea.

Otherwise, why can’t you tell us?”

Feng Ziying smiled bitterly, "Uncle Fang, your words are too big, and I have to respond. Well, I do have some ideas, but they are not mature yet, and you also know that we haven't really finalized our plans yet.

The final decision on my official career will not be announced until next year when my term of office is over, and there are also some other reasons, so I have been thinking about it..."

Fang Youdu shook his head and disagreed with Feng Ziying's point of view: "Ziying, immaturity means that these ideas are still in the brewing stage. I believe that most of our classmates from Qingtan Academy should have similar ideas and views, including

You mentioned the current difficulties faced by the court and various local shortcomings. How to solve and change them? You also said that it takes our generation to realize it, but first we should unify our views and ideas.

, at least to achieve basic agreement. Without this foundation, it will be impossible to achieve the better court and place we hope for."

Feng Ziying understood what Fang Youdu meant and nodded, "Uncle Fang, do you mean that even immature ideas and opinions should be put forward for everyone to discuss and discuss together?"

"Yes!" Fang Youdu's eyes were bright, "Everyone in our department knows that you are a genius. Even Jun Yu admires you. Da Zhang, Meng Zhang, Ke Yao, Lu You, Fei Xiong and all of them.

They are not convinced by others, but are they not convinced by you? Outside, Yang Sichang is so arrogant, Huang Zunsu is conceited, and Hou Xun is strong, but I think they also want to be polite when talking about you, so what are you good for?

Are you worried? Are you worried that we are out of tune with you? Or are you worried that one of us will steal your limelight? I think there are a few people around you who are helping you with things, but they are doing specific things, not big ideas,...


There’s a degree to this!

Feng Ziying couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

He is quite observant and noticed that people like Wang Wenyan, Cao Yu, Duan Xigui, and Jia Lian were helping him with things, but he also believed that these people could only help him with things that he could not bring to the table, such as Haitong Bank, what he called

The Great Way is probably something that needs to be changed or realized from the level of imperial policy.

However, Fang Youdu didn't think about it. Even if his group of people could get together, would it be able to make much difference to the imperial avenue?

Look at Qi Yongtai, Guan Yingzhen and other senior masters have not yet occupied a dominant position in the court, let alone juniors like himself?

Moreover, Feng Ziying believes that once people like herself gather together, many contradictory differences in views will slowly emerge, and more importantly, they may not be consistent with the views of Qi Yongtai and Guan Yingzhen. In that case, this group of people will

Are the young, energetic students willing to compromise?

Politics is about compromise, and this has always been the case throughout the ages. Those who do not understand this will have a hard time getting things done. Feng Ziying, who has been working in the official career for decades in her previous life, has already had this awareness, but people like Fang Youdu can have this awareness.

Are you aware?

But what Fang Youdu said is correct. If they can also participate in the entire brewing and discussion process, it will undoubtedly better strengthen the cohesion and centripetal force of this group of people, and at the same time, it will also allow them to more effectively promote these opinions and opinions in the future.

Create policy impetus in the court.

Of course, there must be a premise here, that is, he needs to firmly grasp the direction of the entire ideological faction and at the same time firmly control the dominance of the entire group. If he cannot do this, Feng Ziying would rather slow down and let some things become more clear.

Maturity, or using the success of some examples to strengthen one's status and prestige.

"Uncle Fang, what you said makes sense, but I am a bit narrow-minded." Feng Ziying thought for a while and then said: "I will sort out some of my ideas for everyone's reference and consideration. Everyone is welcome to discuss, but I want to remind you first.

Now, some of my ideas may seem deviant or a little extreme to many people. In addition, they may not be in line with some of the current policies of the court, so I have to be mentally prepared. But I also want to be able to find common ground after all.

, we can always seek common ground while reserving differences, right?”

Fang Youdu laughed, "Ziying, you have to believe in yourself. Apart from Boya, you are the youngest in Qingtan Academy, but everyone knows that you have the right idea and everyone agrees with you. How come you are so young now?"

Over the years, you have traveled far and wide, your reputation has grown, and you have gained more knowledge, but you have become more cautious and humble, right?"

Feng Ziying smiled but didn't explain much.

Will the situation in the academy be the same as after entering the official career?

Like Han Jing, he has parted ways with everyone long ago, and like Xu Xie, who was once very close, is also drifting away. If there are differences in some basic worldviews and values ​​from the beginning, and then when it comes to interests, then it means that they are different.

It's hard to get together if they work against each other.

Seeing that Feng Ziying didn't want to say more, and he finally succeeded in persuading Feng Ziying, Fang Youdu didn't say much.

The whole group of people had also considered the reason why Fang Youdu was asked to take on this role.

Lian Guoshi was written earlier than Feng Ziying, and he was a top scholar. Although he had a close relationship with Feng Ziying, everyone was worried that it would make Feng Ziying uncomfortable.

Several others felt that they did not have the eloquence to persuade Feng Ziying, or they did not have a close personal relationship with Feng Ziying. Only Fang Youdu had a close personal relationship with Feng Ziying, and he was ranked among the top three in Chunwei High School, and his eloquence was good, so he was the best


To be precise, this is not lobbying, but more like actively approaching and "demanding organizational acceptance."

Feng Ziying can feel some of this attitude, which also makes him feel a little more comforted. At least this group of people still hope that Dazhou will be better and the court will be better. With such a foundation, many things can be done and can

Let’s discuss it.

"Master Feng, congratulations." Feng Ziying was a little surprised by Zhuang Limin's arrival. She rushed to the capital city from Guangdong in person for her wedding. This was a bit of a favor.

"Mr. Zhuang, you are so polite. It makes Feng a little embarrassed. Thank you for your kindness..." Feng Ziying raised her hand to indicate that the look in Zhuang Limin's eyes suggested that she had something to say to herself.

"Master Feng is young and promising. Zhuang will naturally come to this wedding." Zhuang Limin nodded, and Feng Ziying simply introduced him to the study room of the Intermediate School. Except for Feng Ziying and other classmates, relatives and friends, basically no outsiders were accepted here.

, but Zhuang Limin is special.

"Thank you very much." Feng Ziying motioned for the other party to take a seat, "My father has already written a letter. He has received the goods of the Three Thousand Bird Guns. The quality is really not bad. Mr. Zhuang, you must work hard."

"Mr. Feng, the Japanese blunderbuss production technology is learned from the masters of Folangji people, and the production history is earlier than ours. Moreover, the Japanese have always been accustomed to using blunderbuss, which is far better than bows and arrows. Especially in the past ten years, according to Zhuang's knowledge, in

The popularity among the armies of major names and generals is increasing day by day,..."

Zhuang Limin always spoke clearly and neatly, never being sloppy, which Feng Ziying admired very much.

"What's the difference between the main fire guns here in Foshan and the bird guns produced by the Japanese?" Feng Ziying asked a key question.

Although there are still no signs of Japanese involvement in the Great Zhou War on a large scale, the infiltration of Japanese spies into the White Lotus Sect a few years ago alarmed Feng Ziying.

There have been some deviations in history, just like my father's letter. As soon as he became the governor of Jiliao, he attracted Shuerhaqi and his son. Now Shuerhaqi, his eldest son Altong'a, son Amin, and the three

Zizasaktu had obtained the escort of the Liaodong military town, escaped from Nurhaci's hands, and survived.

Although the army and men in hand are still small and far from being able to compete with Nurhachi, this is a very good sign.

Historically, Feng Ziying has the impression that except for Shuerhaqi's son Amin who was lucky enough to be saved by Nurhaci, Shuerhaqi, Altong'a and Zasaktu were all killed by Nurhachi. Regarding this possibility,

Those who caused divisions for the Jianzhou Jurchens, even their own relatives, Nurhachi and later Huang Taiji, would never show mercy.

But now Shuerhaqi and his son have escaped with their lives and have fled to Heizhanmu, which is closely guarded by the Liaodong Army. Even though he is very weak now, this sign and significance are extraordinary.

At the very least, the Horqin people were greatly shocked. Zhou actually directly intervened in the internal affairs of Jianzhou Jurchens, and even publicly sheltered a person who was regarded as a traitor by the Jianzhou Jurchen Khan and wanted to be killed, and he still survived.

This made the Horqin people doubt Nurhachi's control.

Because of this, history has gone awry, and Feng Ziying cannot believe that Tokugawa will have other ideas after seeing the current situation in Dazhou. Likewise, he cannot guarantee that Nurhaci will have other ideas after seeing Shuerhaqi and the Horqin people in Liaodong Town.

It is hard to say whether the U.S. will take the initiative to connect North Korea and Japan if it begins to turn under pressure.

Therefore, the natural vigilance against the Japanese brought from his previous life made him subconsciously want to figure out this problem, and even solve this problem so that the quality of Da Zhou's fire blunderbuss would be better than that of the Japanese bird blunderbuss.

"In many aspects, there are still some gaps in the quality of Foshan's iron materials. There are still some problems in our iron smelting process, but we are also trying to improve it. In addition, in terms of the process of making fire guns, as far as I know, we and Folang Jiren

, there is still a big difference between the Hongmao Fans, and the Folangji and Hongmao Fans have gradually eliminated this kind of fire blunderbuss. As you said, self-generated fire blunderbuss have increasingly become the mainstream in the wars between the Western Yi people.


Zhuang Limin also had some trouble and embarrassment on his face, "We are already recruiting technicians and craftsmen through the Francois in Sulu and Luzon, but this cannot be done in a short time. It is expected that we will be able to recruit a group next year.

But if we really want to make it ourselves, we will probably see if it can be done in two or three years. Moreover, it is said that the Xiyi people are already using some faster and better production equipment, unlike us who are still purely making

Using hammers, drills, and grinders is too slow and the effect is far inferior..."

Feng Ziying did not expect that Zhuang Limin could be keenly aware of this.

In the early seventeenth century, Western Europe, such as the Netherlands, Britain, France and Germany, already had the technical reserves for early industrialization, such as some rudimentary simple machine tools, such as lathes, boring machines, and grinders, but they were mainly used in applications such as clocks and watches.

In other industries, shipbuilding and arms manufacturing should definitely start using it on a large scale now.

"Is there any hope that we can purchase some devices of this type from there, including hiring some craftsmen and technicians who can operate these devices?" Feng Ziying looked at Zhuang Limin and said: "I think Mr. Zhuang has realized this, so he just wants to

I'm afraid it's not just a simple comment, just a bit of envy, right?"

"Master Feng, I have a feeling that you are particularly interested in the technology of the Xiyi people, even more than the fire gun itself. Am I right?" Zhuang Limin asked.

He is also very interested in this aspect. Although he was interested in the past, the Great Zhou Dynasty did not pay much attention to fire guns, so although he was interested, he did not have much motivation. However, now Liaodong is interested in fire guns and even more advanced self-generated fire weapons.

Gun's attention made him feel that he had an opportunity.

When sending the Three Thousand Bird Gun, Liaodong hoped to improve the cannon. In short, it would be lighter and easier to transport, have a longer range, and be more powerful. It also clearly pointed out that it would be an important part of the future navy.

It also needs to be used, which makes Zhuang Limin see further hope.

If the two major military towns, Liaodong Town and Ji Town, were to replace themselves with fire guns and self-made fire guns on a large scale, Zhuang Limin made a rough estimate, and it would be a business worth at least one million taels of silver.

If improvements and equipment to the artillery are included, the total cost will be even greater.

In the future, Liaodong and Jizhen will be the focus of Zhou Dynasty's defense, as well as the artillery equipment on the naval fleet. This makes Zhuang Limin unable to help but feel excited. You must know that if the navy is equipped with artillery, it means that from then on

Nothing comes into existence, and it is immeasurable.

This chapter has been completed!
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