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Chapter 136: Mastering Fate

 The ball was pushed back to Jia Yuanchun, which is what it should be.

Feng Ziying has no intention and no right to make any decisions for the Jia family.

If Emperor Yonglong is believed to be dead soon, or even dies before the Supreme Emperor, then the situation of the Zhou Dynasty will be really difficult to predict.

Prince Ui-tada is in good health, and the most important thing is that Prince Ui-tada's eldest son, who is now Prince Ren, is extremely favored by the Supreme Emperor. Under such circumstances, will Prince Ui-tada be allowed to make a "house-stealing coup"?

It's hard to say.

Without Emperor Yonglong, his sons such as King Shou, King Fu, and King Li would not be able to support the overall situation. The civil servants, especially the scholars from the south, were also dissatisfied with Emperor Yonglong, an emperor who did not like poetry.

I am not very satisfied. If there is a fight for the throne within the Tian family, there is a high possibility of staying out of it.

In a word, if the situation of the government changes in the future, as long as Emperor Yonglong is in good health, it is almost impossible for Prince Yi Zhong to make a comeback. However, once Emperor Yong Long's life is short, unless the Supreme Emperor can pass away before him, so that he can calmly deal with Prince Yi Zhong.

Otherwise, as long as he dies before the Supreme Emperor and Prince Yi Zhong, then there is a great possibility that Prince Yi Zhong will stage a brother-in-law succession.

For the Feng family, neither Prince Yi Zhong nor the lineage of Emperor Yonglong had much influence. As Feng Tang established a foothold in Liaodong and his position as governor of Jiliao became more and more stable, whichever party had to give Feng preferential treatment.

As long as Governor Ji Liao, who has an army of 200,000 in his hands, is not directly involved in this matter of seizing the heir, he will never be in danger.

The Jia family is different. It has long been deeply bound to Wu Xun and even the Wang family, and is deeply favored by the Supreme Emperor. Jia Yuanchun's current attitude is more like a dangerous fence-sitting, not wanting to put all the eggs in one basket. The problem is

It seems there is no such opportunity.

Jia Yuanchun also understood the meaning of Feng Ziying's words. It should be said that this is a very pertinent suggestion. First, eliminate all superficial hidden dangers, avoid giving others leverage, and then take advantage of others to attack at critical moments, and then take sides.


This decision may not be made yet, and we need to observe changes in the situation. If Emperor Yonglong is really ill, or becomes too ill to handle court affairs, then we need to be cautious and anxious.

"Brother Keng, I understand." Jia Yuanchun spent a lot of thought to sort out the context here. He first eliminated all kinds of hidden dangers, big and small, and then made decisions based on the situation.

"In addition,..." Feng Ziying's hesitant look surprised Jia Yuanchun. In this situation, the two parties were almost sincere and honest. What questions are there that are not easy to ask?

"Brother Keng, what's the problem? Is there anything the Jia and Feng families can't talk about now?" Jia Yuanchun looked at Feng Ziying.

"Girl, this question may be a bit abrupt, but I still plan to ask it. Maybe it will help me make a judgment on the situation you and the Jia family are facing in the future," Feng Ziying said calmly.

"Oh?" Jia Yuanchun asked in surprise: "Brother Keng, tell me."

"I would like to ask how often the emperor has been visiting your concubines' palaces in the past two years?" Feng Ziying asked in a deep voice.

Jia Yuanchun's face felt feverish, and he turned slightly to the side, not facing Feng Ziying head-on. He tried to make his tone cold and calm, "Why did Brother Keng ask this?"

"Concubine Wu's uncle is the deputy general of the Shenji Battalion, her cousin is the deputy commander of the Warrior Battalion, Concubine Zheng's brother is the commander of the Beicheng Army and Horses Division, Concubine Zhou's uncle is the chief soldier of Xuanfu Town, your four families except the Zhou family My uncle was a martial arts scholar. Both the Wu family and the Zheng family were born in martial arts, but they were neither the Four Kings, Eight Gongs, Twelve Marquises, etc., or high-level martial arts families that even our Feng family could not compare with. Born in a Hou family, he was never favored during the Emperor's era, but now he is used so highly by the Emperor..."

Jia Yuanchun turned his head back subconsciously, "Brother Keng, what exactly do you want to say?"

Feng Ziying did not look at the other party, but held her hand on the white jade railing in front of her, looked at the Grand View Garden at the foot of the mountain, and said leisurely: "The emperor is of this age, and we all know that he is a vegetarian and a Taoist, but he married four concubines at once, which makes people think too much. Wu There is no need to mention the Zhou family, the Zheng family, but where is your side, eldest lady? I have to understand and evaluate it, maybe the emperor is showing his kindness to your uncle?"

Jia Yuanchun hesitated and his expression changed.

"If it's hard to answer, then the eldest girl knows it well. I'm worried that maybe the Jia family will involve the eldest girl, or the emperor will use the eldest girl's matter to anger the Jia family. Thunder, rain and dew are all your kindness,... …”

Feng Ziying's words made Jia Yuanchun's heart tremble.

Feng Ziying's keen analysis and judgment of affairs in the palace and the DPRK made Jia Yuanchun feel more and more wise that he and the other party would communicate frankly this time. Maybe the interests of both parties were not completely consistent, but even giving him some pointers would make him unable to do anything. As for being completely helpless.

As Feng Ziying said, the emperor and the concubine have their own ideas, uncle Wang Ziteng has his own intentions, and she and the Jia family look like chess pieces being used by all parties, or even insignificant chess pieces that can be discarded at any time. , which made her feel nervous and painful.

But no one in the Jia family can understand the current situation. He can't even dare to tell him about the embarrassing situation he had in the palace and the dangerous situation the Jia family is in. The whole house is full of confused people. The confused people who are dawdling around have to try their best to show their "scenery" at home and outside in order to appease their families and the outside world.

Only the person in front of him not only saw through the current crisis in the Jia family, but also saw the embarrassing situation he was in in the palace.

It seemed that she was working with her uncle's Wang family, but Yuanchun's connection with the Supreme Emperor made her realize that this kind of binding was very dangerous, but there were also huge risks in breaking this binding. This was Put her in a dilemma.

"In fact, the emperor stopped visiting his concubines a few years ago." Jia Yuanchun tried his best to keep his tone calm, "Whether it is the original imperial concubines and concubines, or the new concubines in the palace this time, all I rarely go there, and I only stay here and there during the day..."

"What about Concubine Wu, Concubine Zheng and Concubine Zhou?" Feng Ziying did not mention Jia Yuanchun, but he had already heard some clues.

"As far as I know, I've only been to Concubine Wu's palace four or five times, and Concubine Zheng and Concubine Zhou have been there two or three times each, and even fewer stayed overnight." Jia Yuanchun spoke faster and faster, and his tone became more indifferent.

, "The emperor only came to my palace once, and asked me to accompany him to eat. After the meal, the emperor had court affairs to deal with, and left."

Feng Ziying couldn't ask further. Jia Yuanchun's face turned slightly pale and his lips were trembling. He was obviously unwilling to mention this kind of thing more. This kind of embarrassing private matter was really hard to talk about, but she also knew that Feng Ziying

There is certainly reason to ask this question.

Yuanchun's answer was as expected by Feng Ziying. The current situation of Emperor Yonglong could not be that he was lustful and lustful. It was nothing more than a kind of win-win. For these families, a daughter could enter the palace as a concubine.

It has greatly improved the status and influence of the entire family, and this transaction is also a good deal.

But this is a bit embarrassing for the Jia family.

It should be said that this was an expedient move by the Emperor and the Concubine to make up for the relationship between the Emperor and the Concubine and Emperor Yonglong. Emperor Yonglong also took this opportunity to show his kindness to the Emperor, the Concubine and even Prince Teng, but

This idea, which was somewhat ideal at the beginning, was quickly shattered. The ambiguous attitude of the Emperor and the Concubine towards Prince Yi Zhong made Emperor Yonglong lose confidence long ago, and Wang Ziteng was not something that just Concubine Jia could win over. The Wang family was not as good as

The Zheng family, the Zhou family and the Wu family were from middle-to-lower families with little martial arts or martial arts background, and Jia Yuanchun could not represent the Wang family.

"I understand." Feng Ziying said solemnly: "Then the older girl should understand better."

Jia Yuanchun smiled coldly but said nothing.

The two of them fell into silence. It was not until Baoyu and a group of sisters appeared at the other end of the jade platform that Jia Yuanchun seemed to wake up from his meditation and said urgently: "Brother Keng, I'm leaving it to you now. I'll be there in the house."

I will try my best to arrange it. In addition, although I cannot leave the palace easily, Baoqin can sometimes come out, and sometimes my mother can enter the palace. If there is any news, you can also contact me..."

What is this? Feng Ziying smiled bitterly and was speechless. Her curls deepened. It seemed that she really wanted to leave the capital city as soon as possible.

I have been completely benevolent and righteous to the Jia family. Even if I marry Daiyu and Baochai and take over a few pretty girls from the Jia family, I will still be worthy of them.

Completely oblivious to Yuanchun's melancholy mood and Feng Ziying's troubled mood, Baoyu and the other girls were all smiling. It was obvious that their trip to Tubi Villa had put them in a good mood, and they all spread out papers on the table with great interest.

Scroll down and start writing down what you have come up with.

Even Yuanchun, who was originally a little languid, was inspired by these brothers and sisters. He abandoned all the previous restraints and gained a bit of youthful beauty in his eyes.

A group of warblers and swallows, laughing and playing, plus a youthful gem, splashing ink, high-spirited,...

Feng Ziying, who was standing aside, couldn't help but sigh. No wonder Yuan Chun said in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions" that the Jia family sent her to a "place where no one should be seen". Now it seems that the situation is worse than what Yuan Chun said. Thinking of Yuan Chun

Feng Ziying was even more touched by the looming judgment and the fateful decision of "the tiger and the tiger meet in a dream and return home".

Feng Ziying has no way of judging the fate of the Jia family in the future, but everything in the Feng family, and even the people closely related to him, are as beautiful and brilliant as the scene in front of him, but he cannot be broken, and must firmly control their fate in his own hands.

Flowers bloom on your hands.

This chapter has been completed!
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