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Wu Zi Volume Chapter 142: Sister Feng’s “Doomsday” (Fourth update, please vote for me!)

 Sun Chuanting and Xu Qixun both laughed.

Many people in the academy knew that Jia Huan, who only entered the academy last year, had a close relationship with Feng Ziying. Although the Jia family was also from a martial arts family, with Feng Ziying's care, Jia Huan did not suffer much discrimination in the academy.

Moreover, Jia Huan studied hard, and people like Sun Chuanting, Xu Qixun, Song Shixiang and others also took good care of him and often gave guidance. Therefore, Jia Huan became very familiar with these former classmates of Feng Ziying, which made Jia Huan even more grateful.

Fu Zonglong and Xue Wen also passed the exam on Tuesday, but their performance was not very good. One was ranked 99th and the other was 138th. However, they both passed the Spring Festival Competition as expected and became Jinshi.

As more and more students' names were announced, the expressions of Zhou Yongchun and Bi Ziyan became more and more excited.

Although their performance in the top three was unsatisfactory, Jiangnan scholars from Baima Academy and Shuangqiao Academy won Huiyuan and second place, but in the follow-up, among the top fifty students, Qingtan Academy performed well and had a criminal record.

Several students who originally thought they could do Chinese style but failed did so well in this subject and ranked among the best.

Among these Chinese-style students, Feng Ziying once again heard a name, Song Yingxing, a 299th-ranked Fengxin student from Nanchang, Jiangxi.

Feng Ziying had heard about the most famous scientist in the late Ming Dynasty for a long time, but he never thought that he would also come to Qingtan Academy to study. He had been to Qingtan Academy several times before, but he had never heard of him.

In terms of reputation, the other party could only be regarded as relatively outstanding in the academy, but it was far from outstanding.

Because she didn't know Song Yingxing, Feng Ziying couldn't get to know him directly, so she just congratulated the Chinese students like everyone else out of ceremony.

However, the other party's indifferent and natural expression still left a deep impression on Feng Ziying.

This ecstasy and excitement lasted until noon. When the gold medal was finished, all the stories ended one by one, and what was left was a mixture of joy and loss.

Feng Ziying and Lian Guoshi did not stay any longer. This was their moment of glory. In the fifth year of Yonglong's reign, this group of scholars should retire.

"Really planning to move to another place?" Fan Jingwen and others walked along the street with Feng Ziying while practicing state affairs. "What do you think? I thought you were impulsive, but I didn't expect you to take it seriously."

"I have been thinking about it for a long time. I was thinking about it when I was in Jiangnan. I knew nothing about the situation at the county level. What should be done at the county level? What is the social situation and public opinion? We are all the same.

I don’t know, sitting in the center of the imperial court, that is, listening to and looking at the various documents and materials reported below, who knows whether they are like that?"

Feng Ziying spread her hands, "I'm really worried about the character of the officials in our Dazhouzhou County. Many of them are not from the imperial examination, and even if they are from the imperial examination, their character is questionable. This has been the case in the past few years.

This can be seen from the cases investigated and tried in Dali Temple of the Ministry of Punishment..."

Feng Ziying's reason is not very sufficient, but everyone has his own ambitions. Lian Guoshi and Fan Jingwen are not easy to persuade, and they also vaguely feel that Feng Ziying's initiative to go to the local area this time may still have a lot of influence with the Kaihai Strategy.

Big relationship.

The South has benefited a lot and is cheering for joy. The imperial court has made huge profits. The treasury of the Ministry of Revenue has been greatly enriched. The emperor and the elders are very satisfied. However, as a leader of young northern scholars, the strategy you proposed to open up the sea is actually for the benefit of the southerners.

For the sake of this, this cannot help but make the northern scholars feel aggrieved.

In addition, from the victory in the Chunwei Competition to the counterinsurgency in Western Xinjiang to the strategy of opening up the sea, from the publication of "Internal Reference" to the proposal of the Liaodong Strategy, Feng Ziying's reputation has grown, and it is inevitable that many people will have a feeling of imbalance, so many people

Words of mouth are worth the weight of money, and if rumors accumulate too much, it will inevitably affect many people's perceptions.

The trees that are beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. At this time, it is undoubtedly a wise choice to choose a place to avoid the high winds and dangerous places in the capital city and stay dormant for a few years.

At the same time, this kind of "retirement" will definitely make the important ministers and the emperor feel indebted to Feng Ziying. In the future, as long as he has some achievements and a suitable opportunity, he will be able to return to the capital. You must know that Feng Ziying

His two teachers and one benefactor still have great influence in the court. Others worry about being forgotten in the local area, but he has no such worries.

"Ziying, since you have made up your mind, we will no longer persuade you. The situation you may face after you go to the local area will be different. You still need to deal with it. Those local gentry are not fuel-efficient lamps.

, I may not buy an account from a foreigner like you." Fan Jingwen and Lian Guoshi exchanged glances before saying.

"Well, thank you Brother Mengzhang for reminding me, but you may have thought too much. Even if I go down, I won't be the chief officer. Being a colleague means cooperating with the chief officer. If there is any problem,

The chief officer will definitely have an idea." Feng Ziying smiled.

There is still some time between the results of the joint examination and the palace examination. This period of time is certainly a time when new scholars are actively preparing for the palace examination, and it is also a period when the fate of former scholars is decided. The Ministry of Officials will conduct assessments and reviews on this batch of scholars.

Arrangements will be made based on their performance during the administration period.

But in fact, those who have truly outstanding performance have basically already had a general destination before that. For example, Fan Jingwen, Guan Yingzhen originally wanted to keep him, but considering the status of Zhongshushe in the Zhongshu Department, it was really not good

The only solution is to give up. Fan Jingwen will probably go to the Ministry of Household Affairs, Fang Youdu is basically determined to go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Wang Yingxiong and Zheng Chongjian are basically determined to stay at the Ministry of War.

On the other hand, Feng Ziying still doesn't know what the other party thinks about practicing state affairs. He doesn't have many opportunities in the Hanlin Academy, so leaving is inevitable. Feng Ziying thinks it is best to go to the Ministry of Personnel or the Ministry of Rites to practice state affairs, but it depends on the thoughts of practicing state affairs and the superior officials.


When Feng Ziying returned home, she saw Shen Yixiu coming out with a face full of joy, "Mr. Jun, you are in the Chinese style."

"Oh? How many?" Feng Ziying also asked with a smile: "I know the top three are not Jun Yong."

Shen Yixiu couldn't help but pout, "My husband's eyes are higher than the top of his head. Are there only the top three in his eyes?"

"Haha, I'm kidding, Wan Jun, where is Jun Yong's ranking? Is your husband's judgment correct? I think Jun Yong should not be lower than the top fifty." Feng Ziying said with a smile.

"Thirty-three." Shen Yixiu's beautiful eyes and rosy cheeks were obviously in a good mood due to his brother's good grades.

"Oh, so it's okay to be in the second grade. It depends on whether Jun Yong can pass the selection of Shujishi." Feng Ziying nodded, which was what he expected.

Shen Zizheng's own level of classics is not bad. In the past two months, I have been giving extra lessons to Shen Zizheng every now and then, focusing on current political affairs. It can be said that he has been thinking very hard. Of course, all this is in Shen Yixiu's eyes, and he cannot avoid it at night. It was also the lingering love and flattery between the bed that made Feng Ziying enjoy a lot of love.

"Jun Yong asked someone to bring back the news and expressed his gratitude to my husband." Shen Yixiu's eyes were full of affection and he held Feng Ziying's hand with both hands. "I also know that my husband has been very hard during this period. I am busy with official duties, but I still have to help give advice to Jun Yong. Fortunately, Jun Yong finally lived up to expectations and passed the Jinshi examination, which is even better than my father's score back then. I think my father and mother will be very happy after receiving the letter."

Seeing that Shen Yixiu was so charming and charming, Feng Ziying was moved with her index finger. She approached her wife and whispered: "Then I have to do whatever I want as a father during my lunch break today..."

"Ah!" Shen Yixiu was so embarrassed that he immediately distanced himself from Feng Ziying and couldn't help but stamp his feet, "Why do you think about these things all the time, sir? Wasn't it enough with the You family's sister last night..."

Feng Ziying touched her chin, "I want fish, and I want bear paws. I want to have both. Madam, can you do that?"

Shen Yixiu was about to say something, but he heard Yun Shang's voice coming from the outer court, "Master, grandma, Jin Chuan'er is here."

Jin Chuan'er rarely comes here, but to Shen Yixiu, she has always valued this girl who has always occupied the position of the eldest maid beside her husband.

At first, she was also worried that it would be difficult to arrange the position with Qingwen after Jin Chuan'er came over, but Jin Chuan'er voluntarily gave up coming and stayed there. This made Shen Yixiu feel that Jin Chuan'er was also someone who knew how to advance and retreat. Girl.

Qingwen also commented on Jin Chuan'er in front of Shen Yixiu, saying that Jin Chuan'er has a decent temperament and is not the kind of person who gossips and plays tricks. Although she has a normal relationship with her, she is a trustworthy person.

The relationship between Qingwen and Jin Chuan'er is average compared to Qingwen, Yuanyang, and Caixia. The reason why it is normal is because Jin Chuan'er has been working as an errand beside Mrs. Wang for a long time, and Qingwen is the person that Mrs. Wang hates the most, so Over time, this relationship of mastery naturally affects each person's perception.

Jin Chuan'er felt that Qingwen was too voluptuous and provocative and could easily cause trouble, while Qingwen also felt that Jin Chuan'er was too upright and not considerate of others like Yuanyang, so the two of them just maintained a relatively good relationship, but they still couldn't. There is no further level of relationship.

"Jin Chuan'er is here? Didn't you say anything?" Feng Ziying was also curious. What was Jin Chuan'er doing here at this time? Do you think he had to let himself go over for lunch? Jin Chuan'er shouldn't be so unwise. .

"Well, it looks like he is in a hurry." Yun Shang nodded. She and Jin Chuan'er have always had a good relationship.

"Then let her come in." Feng Ziying nodded. Feng Ziying estimated that it was mostly related to the Jia family. Generally speaking, when there was something going on in the Jia family, they would rather find Jin Chuaner, who has been with Mrs. Wang for a long time, instead of always being there. Qingwen, who is not very popular in Jia's family.

"Then I'll go into the house first. After my husband has finished taking care of things, let's let Jin Chuan'er stay here to eat." Shen Yixiu stood up and wanted to leave, but Feng Ziying stayed behind and said, "Wan Jun, why not Just meet Jin Chuan'er together, and it's you who should make the decision if I want to keep the meal."

Shen Yixiu glanced at Feng Ziying with a half-smile, "That's not necessary. What if Jin Chuan'er brought a letter for someone? Wouldn't it be a great disgrace if I were here too?"

Feng Ziying was greatly embarrassed.

Shen Yixiu's words were obviously referring to Xue Baochai, but he could imagine that it was unlikely to be Xue Baochai. With the way Xue Baochai worked, how could he come to the door during lunch time and have to be so anxious that Jin Chuan'er would take the message? , if it was really an emergency and he had to come forward, Xue Baochai would come directly to the door, how could he do things in such a nondescript way.

Seeing her husband's face full of embarrassment, Shen Yixiu chuckled and said, "Okay, I've never seen my concubine Jin Chuan'er before, so why should I be so particular about her status? Since I'm here in such a hurry, there must be something going on, and my husband will handle it. , I don’t have to stay here anymore.”

Seeing that Shen Yixiu was very determined, Feng Ziying had no choice but to let go.

After bringing Jin Chuan'er to his study, Feng Ziying asked Jin Chuan'er, who was also a little embarrassed, what was going on.

"It was Mistress Lian who asked Ping'er to come to the house. She had come in the morning while I was out, but Ping'er has been waiting since then, saying that she had something urgent to tell me. She also knew that today is the time for Chun Wei to unveil the results. , I was afraid that none of you would come back today. I finally heard that I had come back here, so I had to ask my servant to come right away and tell me that I should go to the house over there in the afternoon. Second Mistress Lian had something to do. Discuss with me."

Hearing Jin Chuan'er say it was Wang Xifeng's matter, Feng Ziying knew what was going on. Either Jia Lian was going to have a showdown with Wang Xifeng, or Jia Lian had been stable for so long and was starting to act like a monster.

Jia Lian was still dealing with the affairs of the Capital after the New Year, but he slowly brought Jia Yun out, and handed over many things to Jia Yun so that Jia Yun could slowly get started. Feng Ziying was naturally happy to see the results.

Jia Yun is actually more meticulous and careful in her work than Jia Lian, but because of her status, she does not have as many contacts in the outside world as Jia Lian, but this only requires a process.

Feng Ziying also observed Jia Yun. Although Jia Yun didn't know what Jia Lian was thinking, she was very grateful when she saw Jia Lian teaching him step by step and worked more diligently. The new accounting method and Arabic numeral calculation method were even better than what Jia Lian was doing now. After using it skillfully, Feng Ziying went to see it twice, and Jia Yun responded fluently, which made Feng Ziying very satisfied.

Feng Ziying also considered that if Jia Lian really wanted to leave the capital city and go to Yangzhou, let him go, and let Jia Yun take care of it for the time being. If Jia Yun can manage it, let Jia Yun do it. Jia Yun will do it.

If you don't want to come down, you can also ask Jia Yun to go to Datong to exercise.

"Ping'er didn't say anything?" Feng Ziying asked casually. He also knew that a tight-lipped person like Ping'er would definitely not say anything unnecessary.

"I didn't say anything. I just said that the second grandma is very anxious. It may be about making a living. I heard that the government is very tight now. The monthly payment for February has been stopped. The second grandma is going around to pawn to borrow money..."

A trace of worry also flashed across Jin Chuan'er's face. Although the two sisters had gone to the Feng family, their family was born in the Jia family, and their parents were still working in the Jia family. These news also came from their parents.

I heard it while listening.

This chapter has been completed!
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