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Ji Zi Volume Chapter 41 halibut (asking for 100 monthly votes!)

  Baoqin’s introduction made Feng Ziying feel really embarrassed.

If we continue to let things go on like this, things in Suzhou will definitely not be resolved in a short time. And if the Mei family takes advantage of this opportunity to spread the situation in Suzhou in Beijing, even some specious or unclear stories will be

It is enough to ruin the reputation of the Xue family. Not to mention that Baoqin's divorce is irreversible, and it will also affect Xue Biao's future marriage.

"Brother Feng, in fact, my little sister has been mentally prepared for a long time. As you said, the Mei family must have been fully prepared for this. The little sister is just afraid that her mother will be sad because of this, and she is also afraid that it will affect her brother's future marriage...


  Bao Qin's calmness and indifference also made Feng Ziying sigh. Such a girl would actually be divorced by the Mei family because of her family background. She didn't know what kind of dog-like eyes Mei Zhiye had to look down on others.

"Brother Feng is well-informed and understands the situation in the capital very well, so I also want to ask Brother Feng to come up with an idea for me. If things like this continue to drag on, I think it may not be necessary.


Bao Qin's decisiveness still surprised Feng Ziying. According to his thinking, since this marriage is no longer possible, it is better to end it early so as not to affect others. Everyone quietly forgets this marriage, as if there is no such marriage.

Something happened.

Although it is a bit self-deceiving and many people know about it, procrastinating it will only let more people know and make the Xue family more humiliated, so ending it early is the best strategy.

Seeing that Baochai and Baoqin's eyes were on her, Feng Ziying pondered for a moment and said: "In my opinion, it's better to meet with the Mei family and break it off early. There is no need for everyone to break up and go their separate ways. This way

The impact can be minimized, well, the future marriage of Brother Tao and Bao Qin can also minimize the impact."

A trace of sadness appeared on Baoqin's face. It was almost impossible to hide the fact of being divorced from the familiar people around him. It could be said that his whole life would be ruined by this marriage.

  It is very difficult to find a marriage that is even remotely satisfactory.

Who proposes marriage without first asking about the woman’s situation?

Who would choose a woman whose engagement has been annulled as a marriage partner?

 Even ordinary small families may find it difficult to accept this? They will not inquire about the reasons for the annulment. It is enough to know that this girl has been annulled.

 This will have a great impact on the Xue family, and may even affect Xue Biao’s future marriage.

Feng Ziying had nothing to do about this kind of thing. Looking at the sad look on Bao Qin's face, he didn't feel very good. Baochai's eyes were even red, but he just held Bao Qin's hand without saying a word.

"Thank you, Brother Feng, for reminding me. Little sister thinks so too? Is she going to be disturbed by him? It's fine for me in the future, but I can't affect my brother too much. Is it just my mother? I really don't know how to deal with it."

Tell her mother, "This is what Xue Baoqin feels most sad about. She doesn't know how to tell her mother, who is already in poor health and has some doubts about this matter."

Looking at Baochai looking at her as if asking for help, Feng Ziying also felt it was difficult. After thinking about it for a while, she said: "If we can find a good marriage for Brother Biao, maybe the impact of this matter can be diluted."

As soon as Feng Ziying's words came out, Baochai and Baoqin were immediately refreshed. To be honest, both of them had realized the trouble and impact of Baoqin's marriage. The biggest impact was Xue Biao's marriage.

Xue Biao is about to be seventeen. He is only three or four months younger than Baochai? Just over one year younger than Feng Ziying? Logically speaking, it is time to consider marriage? If the news about Baoqin's annulment spreads

? It will definitely have a great influence on his future marriage choices.

"Brother Feng, can you find a suitable candidate for my brother?" Bao Qin was most concerned about his brother's marriage and couldn't help but ask.

 Feng Ziying thought about it in her mind.

The younger sisters who practice state affairs are all married, and Zheng Chongjian also has a younger sister who has not yet married? The Zheng family is also a prominent family in Ningxiang, especially after Zheng Chongjian became a scholar in high school.

My biological sister married the son of a businessman.

Although these people are on good terms with Feng Ziying, their ideas in this regard are completely different from Feng Ziying's.

Thinking of Xing Xiuyan who was paired with Xue Biao in "A Dream of Red Mansions", Feng Ziying was slightly moved in her heart, but then she rejected the idea.

Now the Xue family hopes to find a better marriage partner to cheer up. Although Xing Xiuyan is in good condition, his family background is not worth mentioning. The situation of his parents is despicable. Feng Ziying knows it very well and cannot hide it from Bao.

Chai Baoqin, if I bring it up, I'm afraid the Xue family will regard it as a perfunctory prevarication on their part.

As for Xue Biao being found at the end of the book "A Dream of Red Mansions", the situation was different. At that time, Xue Biao had no other ideas and was satisfied with finding a suitable marriage.

But now, looking at the rapid rise of the Feng family, Bao Qin saw the special relationship between his sister and Feng Ziying and knew at a glance that she was probably going to the Feng family's second-bedroom house, which was currently causing a lot of quarrel, and thought of herself.

Although there is no hope for his life, he also hopes that his brother will have a better ending.

Feng Ziying thought about it and found that Fang Youdu had an unmarried sister in her hometown.

Fang Youdu had two younger sisters. After Fang Youdu passed the imperial examination, the eldest sister chose the son of a Juren from the endless stream of people who came to propose marriage. This Juren once served as the Proclamation Envoy in Henan.

The ambassador of the Zazao Bureau, and later worked in the Department of Experience and Experience, but now he has retired and returned home. He is considered a wealthy family in She County, so Fang Youdu's eldest sister married the other party's legitimate second son.

Another little sister is also waiting to be taken to the boudoir and has not yet been married.

Now Fang Youdu is the eldest brother and his father. Although his parents are still alive, major issues in the house are basically decided by Fang Youdu.

It would be a good thing if he could make an agreement with Fang Youdu and give his sister to Xue Biao.

"Well, Brother Yu, let's ask first." Feng Ziying is not sure about Fang Youdu's sister's situation. What if Fang Youdu is not willing to marry his sister to the Xue family, but feels that his sister should be married to a scholar's family? This

My personal opinions are different these days, so it’s hard to say.

Xue Baoqin was also a very smart and alert person. Knowing that Feng Ziying probably had something to say to her sister, she volunteered to go to her mother and brother. Baochai didn't bother to stay, but just asked her to come over for lunch at noon.

Seeing Feng Ziying's serious and slightly frowning brow, Baochai couldn't help but feel her heart pounding.

She had received the news the day before yesterday that the court had approved the restoration of the second house of the Feng family, which was consistent with what Feng Ziying had said before. However, Feng Ziying had not come here, so she realized that there might be some changes in the Feng family.

In fact, her mother had warned her before that if she really wanted to marry into the Feng family, she didn't have to wait until she was restored to the title. She could directly go to Feng Ziying to apply for a concurrent post at the Wanping County Yamen. If she gave up the title, she would give up.

, once you are truly restored to the title, you need to apply to the Ministry of Rites, and once the news spreads, countless people will definitely focus on the Feng family, and by then many variables may arise out of thin air.

However, Baochai also considered that Feng Lang had already made up his mind and was sure of it. There was no reason to ask Feng Lang to give up at this time, and if he refused to regain his title and asked for a concurrent post, he was afraid that Feng Lang's mother would

The reasons will be even less sufficient.

Seeing Baochai's gentle and jade-like dimples, and the somewhat frightened look in her beautiful eyes, Feng Ziying felt a little pain in her heart.

Although his mother relented, he couldn't push it too much in his eagerness. He could understand his mother's thoughts, but he couldn't agree with her.

Having identified Baochai, she would naturally be destined for life. He had already made up his mind on this, but he just didn't want to get into too much of a quarrel with his mother on this matter.

  After all, in this era, the right to decide on the marriage of their children lies with the parents, and I have completely deprived my parents of this power, from Shen Yixiu to Lin Daiyu, and now to Xue Baochai.

"Feng Lang, is it in your family..." Looking at Baochai's timid appearance, and thinking that a girl who had always been graceful and generous would become like this, Feng Ziying couldn't help but put her in her arms, "Don't worry, it's okay. Son, I went back and told my mother before. My mother also received some people who came to inquire about marriage, but I analyzed the pros and cons with her one by one and gave her away..."

Being held in Feng Ziying's arms, Baochai's nervous body gradually softened and she snuggled into the other person's arms, "Feng Lang, please don't argue with your wife. My little sister also knows that the Xue family is a bit different than your Feng family." …”

A hand gently covered Baochai's cherry lips. Feng Ziying looked at the other party with soft eyes, "Sister, there is no need to say this. I, Feng Ziying, never choose a wife based on her family background. My mother has her own thoughts and concerns, but I only I need a wife who can provide me with a stable future. My mother is very satisfied with Wan Jun, but I believe that after my sister marries into my family, my mother will be even more satisfied."

Baochai couldn't help but tremble in her heart. Her gentle and jade-like dimples were lifted up. How could Feng Ziying hold it back? She lowered her head slightly and kissed her red lips tenderly. At this moment,...

I don't know how long it took, but it seemed that the quiet space made the two of them feel a little dazed. It wasn't until the breeze blew in occasionally from the window, making Baochai's slightly exposed clothes feel a bit cool, and then Baochai said "Ah" He woke up with a start and pushed Ailang hurriedly.

Feng Ziying reluctantly took her hand back from the other party's underwear. The soft jade was warm and fragrant, the mutton fat was piled with snow, and the aftertaste was endless.

Just like this, Baochai leaned in her lover's arms, pressing her face closer to his lover's chest, and said quietly: "Then Mr. Feng..."

"Don't think too much about it. Although my mother was unhappy before, her attitude has softened a lot after my aunt and Wan Jun were persuading her. However, she still has a bit of pride, so she still has to wait for a few days. Don't worry. Brother Wei said he wanted to marry his sister, so he must marry her, and it will be within this year."

Feng Ziying's determined tone made Baochai feel a lot more at ease, and the other person's mention that even this year made her overjoyed.

She is already seventeen, and will be eighteen next year. How many of our girls are still unmarried at the age of eighteen these days? Shen Yixiu is really a special case, but they have already been engaged long ago.

"Feng Lang, please thank Sister Shen for me, and my concubine..." Baochai raised her face, "In the future..."

"When you get married in the future, please be more filial to your mother and aunt. As long as Wan Jun has a good impression of you, she will naturally hope that a sister who can get along with you can come over and become her sister-in-law..."

Feng Ziying's words made Baochai smile slightly, "So what Feng Lang means is that Sister Lin and Sister Shen don't like each other very well?"

Feng Ziying was stunned for a moment, smiled casually, and patted the opponent's buttocks, "How could my sister learn to be as sharp-tongued as Sister Lin? I didn't say that Sister Lin and Wan Jun didn't get along, but Sister Lin's temperament is different from that of my younger sister. Well, maybe it will take more time to get along with Wan Jun in the future before we can get along well."

"Then when does Feng Lang plan to take up his post in Yongping?" Baochai put aside her own worries. She didn't want her lover to worry about her all the time. Since her lover was sure, she believed him unconditionally and just needed to be quiet. That's all. Of course, the mother still has to comfort her.

"It will take another twenty days." Feng Ziying nodded, "I have arranged for someone to help me familiarize myself with the situation in the early stage. Well, it will take another three to five days for the Ministry of Rites to approve the concurrent marriage. Just don't worry, sister."

Baochai sighed softly, "I trust little sister Feng Lang, but Baoqin..."

"The car has its own way to the front of the mountain. Can a living person die from urination?" Feng Ziying shook her head, "It's just that Baoqin has to wait for a year and a half to find a family, and wait until the engagement with the Mei family is terminated. The matter has gradually faded away, let’s discuss it again, don’t worry, God will naturally have her marriage arrangements.”

 God’s arrangement?

Baochai's beautiful eyes flashed for a while, as if she thought of something, and her lips moved slightly, but in the end she didn't say anything.

This chapter has been completed!
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