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Jizi Volume Chapter 77 Forced into a desperate situation

  Zhang Chi liked to see the smile, anger, joy and anger of this stunning beauty in front of him, her movements, her hair and her face. Every movement made his heart flutter.

Such a dignified, wealthy and well-mannered woman still had a cold and proud air, which made him even more confused.

Although I can’t say that I think about it day and night, I really feel a little haunted by it.

Of course, Zhang Chi knew that the woman in front of him was not easy to mess with. Although his father was not very interested in these women, he was still in the palace after all. Where could he not have his father's eyes?

It is true that this Concubine Jia is not in the favor of her father, and the honor she represents is now somewhat different from her father.

After Wang Ziteng left the position of Jiedushi in Beijing, his status has declined. The Denglai Governor's Palace is just a newly built Governor's Palace. It is poor and useless. It is started from scratch, and it is still focused on opening up and protecting the route to Liaodong.

, obviously not enough weight.

I don’t know what the father’s intention was or what the concubine had in mind before accepting Concubine Jia as his concubine.

"I care about the Emperor in my heart, not in the words and deeds on the surface. Some people do one thing on the surface but another behind the scenes, and they work against it, so you have to be careful..." Yuan Chun suppressed the anger in his heart and tried his best to express it.

He must be calm, "The emperor's blessings are as high as the sky, and good people have their own destiny. This is also a contribution to the work of people like me who silently pray for the emperor in the palace. Is it possible that he is still the one who wanders around all day long and has fun?"


Jia Yuanchun's sharp words not only did not make Zhang Chi angry, but also stimulated his interest. This type of woman with strong personality is what he wants. It would be boring to be as soft as a sheep and submissive.

"Haha, your Majesty is right. It's just that I don't dare to wander around and play all day long. A few days ago, I was ordered by my father to go to Denglai with Mr. Liu Yishen, the censor of the capital procuratorate, to inspect Denglai.

Military affairs related to the Governor's Mansion..."

Zhang Chi said slowly and authentically: "The imperial court allocated huge sums of money to urge the Denglai Governor-General's Palace to speed up the construction of the naval fleet. However, as Gu and Liu have seen, the management of the Denglai Governor-General's Palace is slack and chaotic, the construction progress of the naval fleet is slow, the dock has not yet been completed, and the shipyard

It's just on paper, far from everything going well as Governor Wang reported to the court..."

Yuanchun was surprised. Is this guy threatening him with his uncle's affairs?

However, Yuanchun also knows that not just anyone can touch his uncle. Even if the Metropolitan Procuratorate has opinions on this, with the censor of the right capital holding the battle, he doesn't want it to be as easy as some stupid censors.

Stir up trouble.

This King Shou wanted to use this to threaten himself, which was a little too naive.

Of course, Yuanchun would not deliberately break up with the other party because of this. He would deal with it neither lightly nor seriously, and no matter how much he shouted threats, I would just pretend to be dumbfounded and not respond.

"Really? His Royal Highness Shou Wang has worked really hard. He has traveled thousands of miles. It's time for Shou Wang to have a good rest in his house for a while. Does he still have the mind to wander around?" Yuanchun didn't pick up the other party at all.

The words are different.

Zhang Chi was startled, this Concubine Jia really had some power in the city, and she actually seemed to be sealed with a move.

“Mother, Mr. Liu is very jealous of evil. There are some things...” Zhang Chi smiled sinisterly.

"His Royal Highness King Shou, what does the matter outside the palace have to do with this palace? The imperial court has its own laws. If someone really breaks the law, he will naturally not be able to escape. In matters like this, it is not something that one person can say yes or no.

It’s just bad, there is always a priority, balance and overall planning,..."

Yuanchun was extremely disdainful of this person in his heart, but he also knew that if this guy kept criticizing and slandering his uncle in court, there would definitely be some influence.

Originally, the censors were not on the same page as Wu Xun, especially the young censors who liked to be hot-blooded. They were focused on looking for these "tigers" that they thought could be used to establish their power and fame. This quickly became a problem for these young censors.

Shortcut to fame.

If this person were walking outside and making such remarks, it is difficult to say whether they would attract the attention of these young censors and lead to a group attack. Therefore, Yuanchun did not dare to speak too harshly to avoid really irritating the other party.

However, her words could easily be seen as false and true by the other party, and Zhang Chi felt even more proud.

"Your Majesty, the imperial court has its own regulations. The Military Department of Denglai Second Town has long decided to build a naval fleet as its main purpose, but it seems that this is not what Gu and Mr. Liu saw. Haha, otherwise

Your Majesty, you can write to your uncle and ask him what he wants to do by building the Denglai Army on his own."

Yuan Chun's heart trembled, but he did not dare to show any weakness in his words, "If that's the case, then why does His Highness Prince Shou come to this palace to make noise? Why not let Mr. Liu directly report to the court and deal with it according to the law?"

Being pushed back by Yuanchun's strong words, Zhang Chi felt a little resentful.

If it was really that simple, Liu Yishen would have reported it to the court long ago.

However, the basic conditions of Denglai Second Town itself are not good, and local cooperation is not effective. The construction of the naval fleet is slow and the progress is delayed. It is not entirely Wang Ziteng's responsibility. The imperial court's money allocation is slow, and the Ministry of War has internal doubts about Denglai Army

There were also different opinions on the preparation of the establishment, and orders were changed day by day, which led to this.

However, Zhang Chi also sensed that the concubine was still very concerned about her uncle's behavior, and she felt much more at ease.

Things are not urgent at this moment. When we come back from this trip, we can still find out the real situation of the Wang family and even the activities of the Jia family.

He didn't believe that the Jia and Wang families had been in the capital city for so many years without any handles. When the time came, they would naturally be able to use these handles to control each other.

 Finally, this guy was sent away, and Yuanchun felt a little relieved.

But she also knew that this was only temporary. With King Shou's temperament, he would never let it go. This could be seen from the fact that the other party dared to threaten her with Prince Teng's military affairs in Denglai. This guy had already lost his bottom line.


Seeing that his wife's face was changing, Baoqin was also a little worried: "My wife, His Highness the Shou King comes to bother me every now and then. If other people in the palace find out, I'm afraid it will cause unexpected disasters for my wife."

Yuanchun didn't know it, and she couldn't think of a better way to deal with it for a while.

Such a matter should be reported to the emperor or Concubine Xu, who is in charge of the affairs of the Sixth Palace. However, if the emperor does not come to him at all and reports it himself, will the other party believe it?

As for the meeting with Concubine Xu, not to mention, one is a concubine in the palace who has never known each other and is even vaguely hostile, and the other is his own son. He is thinking about what the outcome will be like, otherwise he will be betrayed by the other party.

Come here and make a false accusation to ruin your reputation.

Or the concubine or even the emperor? That is even more inappropriate. Yuanchun does not want to leave any bad impression in the minds of these two people. King Shou only needs to bite back. As a woman and a concubine who was ignored by the emperor, he may be regarded as such by the outside world.

If he wants to take revenge on the emperor, then he will die without any excuse.

Manager Xia? Yuan Chun also felt that something was wrong. The less people knew about this kind of thing, the better. Yuanchun was not sure whether Manager Xia was trustworthy, so she did not dare to take the risk easily.

"Baoqin, this matter must be kept secret. I can only take it one step at a time. I have no choice but to make a fortune and lose everything." Yuanchun said harsh words, but even she felt how weak her words were.

 “Your Majesty, you can actually ask Xiao Feng Xiuzuan for advice. I think Xiao Feng Xiuzuan must have a way to deal with this kind of thing...” Baoqin suddenly suggested.

Yuanchun has actually thought about this problem in his heart, but Feng Ziying is no longer in the capital city, but has gone to Yongping Mansion hundreds of miles away. It would be difficult to return to the capital in ordinary times, and if such things are not kept confidential in letters,

It's hard to explain clearly.

The best way is to communicate face-to-face, but this method is not feasible now, so it is most appropriate to ask Baoqin to convey the situation for him and come back with countermeasures.

It's just not feasible for Baoqin to travel hundreds of miles to Yongping Mansion. It won't be possible for the general to come back in half a day. If this palace man stays out overnight without the approval of the eunuch in charge of the Sixth Palace, it will lead to chaos.

Beaten to death.

There was no one trustworthy in the Jia family regarding this kind of matter, not even his own parents. Yuanchun did not dare to let them know, otherwise it would only cause more troubles and would be of no benefit at all.

“Feng Ziying is no longer in the capital city. Yongping Mansion is too far away from us..."

“Mother, you can actually let a trustworthy person take the lead…”

“A trustworthy person? Who?” Yuanchun shook his head.

“What do you think, Second Master Bao?” Baoqin hesitated for a moment, “I feel that Second Master Bao is no longer the same as in previous years, maybe...”

Yuanchun shook his head subconsciously, how could Baoyu be involved in such a thing? If it were really leaked, wouldn't it be harmful to Baoyu for the rest of his life?

"Your Majesty, I think you can no longer look at Mr. Bao with the old eyes. Mr. Bao has changed a lot. You only need to go to the house yourself and reveal the matter. Please ask Mr. Bao to go to Yongping and talk to you in person.

Once Feng Xiuzhuan talks about it, there will be a result."

Seeing that Yuanchun refused, Baoqin was a little anxious.

“Baoqin, although Baoyu is not young, his temper is still too simple and he can’t hide things in his heart. Once it is leaked, I’m afraid it will harm the whole family.” Yuanchun shook his head, “What do you think of Detective Girl?”

"Third girl?" Baoqin was startled, "Shall the third girl go to Yongping Mansion? But for what reason does the third girl go to Yongping Mansion?"

 This is also a question. How can a lady from a wealthy family go to Yongping Mansion, hundreds of miles away, alone?

Yuan Chun pondered for a moment, "Then you go and tell Yuanyang..."

"Where is the ancestor...?" Baoqin said hesitantly.

Yuan Chun is also in a dilemma. She doesn't want her parents to know, but there is no trustworthy person in the house. To be honest, Yuan Chun feels more trustworthy because of her ancestor's temperament and thoughts.

"If our ancestors ask about it, just say that there is something urgent for Yuanyang to come over and the government will send a car..." Yuan Chun gritted his teeth, "If our ancestors really want to find out, just say that..."

This chapter has been completed!
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