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Jizi Volume Chapter 195: The fierce battle in Qian'an (3)

  Just when Sokoto realized the seriousness of the problem, Zhuoli Ketuhunbatulu and Zasai who were standing at the rear were even more aware of the danger.

The Zhou army's firecrackers started firing in the first round almost a hundred feet away. Although it didn't seem to be very effective, dozens of people were still hit and fell to the ground in this round, and the key was

Yes, they all hold leather shields!

 When did the Great Zhou Fire Gun become so sharp?

Looking at the three-eyed fire blunderbuss held by his subordinates, they are cumbersome to operate, troublesome to ignite, and difficult to aim. Their power is really lackluster. Perhaps compared with bows and arrows, the loud bang is very powerful and can boost morale.

These fire blunderbuss were obtained by the Chahar people from the Great Zhou Dynasty and then given to themselves. Now it seems that these things are junk items eliminated by the Great Zhou Dynasty and used to fool the Mongols.

The fire cannon used by Yongping's new army in the Great Zhou Dynasty not only has an extremely fast rate of fire and is easy to operate, but can also penetrate leather shields and kill soldiers from a distance of a hundred feet. This is almost three or even four times the power of the three-eyed fire cannon. Look

The opponent fired round after round with almost no hindrance.

Especially when entering the range of 70 to 80 feet, the power of the Zhou army's firecrackers is even more prominent. With each round of shooting, more than a hundred people will fall to the ground while wailing and screaming, but within 70 to 80 feet, there is still a need to

It took a while of sprinting to get to the edge of the low wall, but during this period of time, the Zhou army could at least hold on to finish the round.

Each round of shooting will cause the charging soldiers to stagnate. Some soldiers have begun to fall to the ground subconsciously when they hear the gunshots, and then get up again when they realize that they are okay. Although Sokto and others

They were constantly scolded and whipped, but the closer the soldiers got to the city wall, the slower their movements became. This undoubtedly delayed a lot of time and gave the Zhou army time for a second round of shooting.


Smoke was rising, choking people's eyes and noses, but at this time, the firecrackers on the low wall had already entered a state of excitement.

Watching thousands of Mongolian soldiers advance steadily from more than a hundred feet away, being hit by two consecutive rounds of fire at a distance of a hundred feet and being stunned, the feeling of massacre is a feeling for any ordinary soldier.

An unprecedented experience.

The Mongolian soldiers obviously did not realize that they would be attacked by firecrackers at this distance. The projectiles easily penetrated the leather shields and their simple leather armors, crashed into their bodies, tore their flesh and blood, and completely lost their combat effectiveness.

, could only cry and roll to the ground, howling endlessly.

That sense of living flesh-and-blood impact not only made the Mongolians' livers and gallbladders burst, but also greatly stimulated the nerves of the Zhou army, allowing them to quickly enter a more efficient and faster shooting progress.

The closer the enemy is, the more they can feel the most intuitive visual effect of causing pain, struggle and death to the enemy after firing this round of shooting.

, within thirty feet, their close-range shooting can even clearly see every subtle expression on the enemy's face after being shot, despair, wailing, twisting, ferocious, and sad. It is like a performance of a worldly drama, which makes everyone

The new soldiers who faced him all received a rare baptism in this environment.

Sokoto jumped up. Within three feet, he could easily cross over. With the help of the approaching ladder steps, he jumped up to the low wall. He wanted to use the ring knife in his hand to chop the gang alive behind the city wall and give it to his brothers.

They had caused endless damage to the Zhou soldiers, and he had the confidence to kill twenty of them in one go without taking a breath.

The moment he jumped up high, he even saw the panicked Zhou soldiers behind the low wall about a foot away looking at him blankly. Very good, the Huandao was already unbearably hungry and thirsty, and it wanted to drink up all these people.

Han blood!

The five spring-wheel self-generated fire guns have already locked onto the warrior who is a step faster than the ordinary Mongolian soldiers. Looking at this guy's flexible and strong body, the shield is larger than the ordinary leather shield, and the constant undulations.

By the jumping action, Hou Chengzu could tell that this guy must be one of the big fish.

The sailors under him were already impatient, but they were ordered to act as a reserve team. This was the first round of the attack, and it was far from the time when they could play their role. However, Hou Chengzu still led a team of the most elite

The sailors came to the city to experience the feeling of war.

A group of fire cannons had already locked onto the flying warrior, and fired the fire cannons at the same time with great tacit understanding.

Sokoto only felt that his body in an extremely relaxed state seemed to shake slightly, like an inflated sheepskin raft suddenly being punctured by something, and the whole sky became a little trance-like.

He didn't realize what happened, but he just felt something strange. When he was at the crenellation of the city wall with the soles of his feet, he was so excited that he couldn't help but want to roar, but why his feet felt weak, and he wanted to roar.

But it became a little leaky?

A strong fishy smell came out of his nose and mouth. He realized something and wanted to swing the knife, but his feet could not support his huge body, and he fell from the crenel with a crash.

Zhuoli Ketu Hongbatulu's body shook violently. He looked at Sokoto's strong figure in front of him and trembled in the air. Then he stepped on the wall and fell slumped amidst the cheers of countless people. Although he couldn't see it,

What happened to Sokoto, but Zoliktuhunbatulu knew that there was no doubt that the moment the opponent jumped up, he definitely suffered a fatal blow, and it could only come from a fire cannon.

Zhoriktuhunbatulu hated his weakness and hesitation in this matter.

 After Balihan's thousand cavalry swept under the opponent's city wall, the exchange of fire between the two sides caused Balihan's cavalry to suffer heavy losses, but it also cost the opponent a bloody price.

If the follow-up cavalry is allowed to cycle through the cavalry fire when the infantry launches an attack, even if it will cost huge casualties, it will definitely be able to cause fatal damage to the opponent's firecracker formation. At that time, Sokoto and the others may be able to rely on that one

The wave charge completely eliminated the enemies on the low wall.

But now, Sokoto's attack suffered a heavy setback. The soldiers who fled back were shot again by the enemy's gunfire, and only three of them were able to escape.

But when the first round of attacks was launched, he should have continued to order the second and even third rounds of attacks to continue to follow up, without giving the opponent any chance of opening up, and using his absolute advantage in military strength to completely annihilate the opponent.

It’s just ridiculous that before the war, I told Zaisai that this battle was not going to be easy, but deep down in my heart I still had a natural sense of contempt for these new Yongping troops.

How can a bunch of mud-legged warriors become warriors after only three months of training? Maybe after a wave of attacks, the opponent will completely collapse and fall in one battle?

 The cruel reality taught Zoliktuhunbatulu a vivid lesson, making him realize that even though he had improved his level of this Yongping new army before, he still greatly underestimated it.

 Zaisai was also aware of this.

This conventional round-by-round charge seems to have lost its effectiveness against this kind of firecracker defense line that can shoot endlessly. The enemy barely gives our siege soldiers any chance of close combat.

They were subjected to continuous shooting and massacre from a hundred feet away. By the time the soldiers on their side had not really approached the other side, the entire morale and battle line had collapsed, making it impossible to sustain the subsequent attack, and the price paid in the early stage was almost all in vain.

To launch another attack, we need to cross the death land a hundred feet away in front of us, and we need to pay a new round of sacrifices.

"Uncle, this won't work." Zaisai said solemnly: "We need to concentrate more troops to launch attacks continuously. There can be no gaps or pauses in the process. We cannot let the Zhou army take advantage of the distance between us.

Their fire cannons are at their maximum power, we must take down the low wall in one go, and then build ladders directly from the low wall to attack the city!"

Zholiktu Hungbatulu also admitted that what Zasai said was true, but this meant that the initial effort would be extremely heavy.

Seeing his uncle's hesitant look, Zaisai knew that no matter how worried and heartbroken his uncle was about the loss of their Uziyet tribe, this was only the first wave. The loss was only a few hundred people, and he already had such an attitude. Then this battle

Can it continue?

 Zai Sai shook his head, now that things have happened, can he still turn back? He can only bite the bullet and carry on.

"Uncle, I think it's like this. Bring up the Folan cannons we have and concentrate them on the front of the northern city wall for bombardment. We have too few cannons, so we can only use them intensively. Even if they are all destroyed by bombing, we must persist.

If the fight continues, our cavalry must still insist on sweeping across and attacking like Balihan did before, otherwise we will not be able to suppress the Zhou army's attack on our siege army..."

Zholiktuhunbatulu sighed and nodded.

"Uncle, the Uziyet tribe will have another round. I hope you can invest more than 2,000 people. My 2,000 people will follow your 4,000 people and your 2,000 people will follow. If all your people are defeated,

If it is over, our Hongji tribe will all press forward. We cannot drag it out like this. Once it is dragged on, we will only pay a greater price, and even the price will be worthless!"

Zoliketuhunbaturu was shocked all over. He looked at Zaisai. He did not expect that Zaisai was so determined. He would have to put all his bets on the second wave of attacks. Is this appropriate?

 “Zhasai, in case...”

"Uncle, there is no chance. Our attack today can last at most two or three rounds. If we cannot break through in two or three rounds, I am afraid our morale may drop to the point where we cannot continue. Horqin and the Bahrain Department

I have already sent someone to notify them over there, asking them to suspend the attack, but to maintain pressure so that the enemy forces in Dongcheng cannot gather. Today's battle will be decided on the North City side..."

This chapter has been completed!
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