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Chapter 18 Mistake

 When Gao Yunyi woke up, he felt very energetic.

The weather is very good today.

He looked at the white clouds outside the window and thought, it would be great if the climate in heaven was so good.

Today is Saturday.

So Yunyi doesn’t need to go to kindergarten.

He quickly got up and started dressing himself.

After his father passed away, seeing his mother so sad, Yun Yi tried his best to do his own things without bothering his mother.

He can dress himself, put on his shoes, take a bath... He no longer needs his mother to accompany him to sleep. He has learned to do all kinds of things by himself, and then found that these things are not very difficult.

It's just after seven o'clock now. Mom said he could sleep in late today, but he still woke up early.

He opened the door and looked outside...

For some reason, he always felt that the light in the room was a little dim today.

It doesn't even look like daytime.

Then, Gao Yunyi suddenly remembered... The same thing happened on the day his father passed away!

When he came up that morning, he felt that the room was inexplicably dark.

Then, Dad said something strange...

He said that he always felt like something was watching him...

This sounded so strange that Yun Yi was deeply impressed. Then that night, his father passed away.


Suddenly, a voice came from behind Yun Yi. He quickly turned around and saw that it was his mother, Jin Yunlan.


"Come down and eat, I'll make you something you like."


After going downstairs, Yun Yi saw her aunt Jin Yunran sitting at the dining table, reading the book "Wuthering Heights". It looked like she was almost finished reading it.

"You haven't finished reading yet? Auntie?" Yun Yi walked over, sat down, and asked curiously.

Jin Yunran turned another page and said: "The closer this book comes to the end, the less I can bear to read it."

"You're too into the fun, Yun Ran."

Then, Yunyi saw several boxes placed not far from the living room.

"That is?"

"Some props for Halloween night tomorrow night." Jin Yunlan brought the breakfast: "Yunyi, I've said it many times, wash your hands before eating, hurry up!"


As Gao Yunyi slowly walked to the bathroom, he began to discover... that the light in the room had really become a bit dim.

Why is this?

When he walked into the bathroom and started washing his hands, he suddenly felt something was wrong.


It seems...

There is always a strange sense of dissonance?

What is that?

Speaking of which, Yun Yi did not expect that her mother would actually decide to continue celebrating Halloween. Halloween is a ghost festival for Westerners. Does her mother want to use this festival to mourn her father?

When celebrating Halloween in the past, Yun Yi never felt scared. Instead, she found it quite interesting to wear a pumpkin head and carry a jack-o'-lantern.

"Are you ready? Yunyi?"

Suddenly, my mother's voice came from outside the door.

"Okay, okay."

After walking out of the door, Yun Yi discovered that her aunt Jin Yunran had finally finished reading the book.

She took a long breath, grabbed the book in her hand, and said: "The hero Heathcliff is indeed dead."

"After all, he has committed too many sins." Jin Yunlan replied: "Maybe now, his soul will merge with Catherine."

"Hmm... maybe."

Jin Yunran said this, clutching the book tightly, and suddenly asked: "Sister, what do you think of this protagonist? He tortured and abused many innocent people because of his loss of love..."

"I don't know either. I can only say that literature is literature after all. In literature, we can discuss more complicated good and evil, but in reality, he is an out-and-out scumbag. If it were me, I would definitely

The further away from him the better. If I were Catherine and knew that he tortured my daughter, even if I died and became a ghost, I would want to stay as far away from him as possible."

Yun Yi listened blankly to the conversation between her mother and aunt, not quite understanding what they were talking about.


Jin Yunran grabbed the book and suddenly said: "When I read this book, sometimes I put myself into the male protagonist. Sometimes... people will do some crazy things when they face love."

When Jin Yunlan heard this, his expression changed slightly.

"Yunran, you...have you fallen in love again recently?"

Afterwards, Jin Yunran looked at her sister and said, "Sister, do you think there will really be undying love? Even if you die, your soul will not leave the other person?"

For a moment, Yun Yi felt that the atmosphere at the dinner table had become a little stagnant.

"What are you talking about?" Jin Yunlan looked confused, "Yunran, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing...sister, just think I'm talking nonsense."

As she was talking, Yun Yi saw her aunt Jin Yunran suddenly sigh heavily, and then said: "Sister, actually, I have been envious of you since I was a child."

"What are you talking about? Yun Ran, your parents obviously love you more, and your grades and popularity are better than mine..."

Yunyi looked at her aunt.

"But you have something I don't have."

"...something you don't have?"

"What I want to have, but can't have..."

Yun Yi waited for her aunt's next words, but she didn't say another word.

"What do you want? Yun Ran? If you want it, I can give it to you."

Jin Yunlan looked puzzled.

Yun Yi also said: "Yes, aunt, what do you want?"

Jin Yunran shook his head.

"I've finished eating and I'm leaving now."

Watching Jin Yunran leave, Jin Yunlan and Gao Yunyi were left looking at each other.

"Mom, what's wrong with auntie?" Yun Yi asked.

Jin Yunlan shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

"Mom, what is it that my aunt said she wanted? She said she didn't have it, but you have it?"

Jin Yunlan pursed her lips and stroked her son's head.

"You accompany me to decorate Halloween things."

"Well, let's ask Alan to help..."

At this time...

Yunyi finally discovered where the sense of dissonance came from!

"Mom? Alan...where is she?"

Why wasn’t Alan the one who cooked breakfast for him today?

Jin Yunlan looked at Yun Yi blankly, and then said: "What are you talking about? Yun Yi? Didn't Alan leave for something urgent? She has been gone for several days?"

Yun Yi was stunned.


He thought about it carefully...it seemed to be true.

Alan suddenly left, leaving a note.

"I probably fell asleep." Yun Yi patted his head and said, "Yes, Alan has already left."


Lu Yuqing's face can be said to be extremely ugly.

The ghost face tattoo on Dai Lin's arm is getting lighter and lighter.

Even the Curses Department cannot solve this problem.

This means... Gao Heyan is now in danger.

Of course, she's not dead yet.

"Is there really no way to find Dr. Gao?" Dai Lin could be said to be extremely anxious now.

"There is no way." Lu Yuqing shook his head: "In the past few days, we have used all the available methods. He Yan is now trapped in a space that should not exist."

A space that shouldn’t exist...

"For example..."

Like Hospital 666?

But in the end, Dai Lin did not say this.

"If we want to talk about hope..." Lu Yuqing pointed to Dai Lin's eyes: "Your eyes are the biggest hope. Moreover, after coming out of the Muyang Building alive, these eyes should have become stronger."<


"Then what should I do?"

Lu Yuqing held his head and said: "Good question. I also want to know the answer..."

Lunch break.

Dai Lin sat on the bench outside the hospital's outpatient clinic, thinking about countermeasures.

The hospital is always very quiet during lunch break.

At this moment, Dai Lin suddenly noticed a person walking not far away.

That was a female doctor with long black hair.

When passing Dai Lin, she looked over and said, "Hello, are you Dr. Dai Lin?"

"Well, it's me..."

Dai Lin had some impression of the beautiful doctor in front of him. He seemed to have seen her in the department before.

"Hello, I am a new intern, my name is Ying Ziye."

This chapter has been completed!
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