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Chapter 10 In the Mirror...

"Zhengxian, you...are you serious?"

When Gu Yanan said this, he was already subconsciously considering looking in the mirror as a very dangerous thing.

Wei Zhengxian nodded heavily and said: "Yanan, listen to me, now I'm not sure what it means to look in the mirror..."

As he talked, Wei Zhengxian himself became confused.

Gu Yanan smiled bitterly and said, "Are we crazy? As a graduate student, I started to think about whether looking in the mirror would bring any terrible consequences?"

At first, Gu Yanan regarded this as pure feudal superstition.

But... now that she thought about it carefully, human science could never explain all the truth about the world.

The key is...what horrible things will you see when you look in the mirror?

Moreover, they cannot let the people in the village find out that they looked in the mirror...

At least judging from A Lu's tone, A Mei's father's crazy words are definitely not as simple as crazy words.

"One more thing...if Amei's father is really that lunatic..."

Wei Zhengxian also realized it.

"The difference in appearance between father and daughter is too big..."

This is completely consistent with A Yuan's situation.

An extremely ugly father gave birth to a handsome boy and beautiful girl.

People in the village take this phenomenon that completely violates the laws of genetics for granted, which is obviously unreasonable.

Late at night.

Lying on the bed, Gu Yanan and Wei Zhengxian remained silent.

What will happen when you wake up tomorrow morning and look in the mirror?

The dressing mirror has been placed on the bedside in advance. Wei Zhengxian will be able to get the mirror as soon as he wakes up tomorrow.


"Yanan, why don't you leave the village first."


"The more I think about this place, the more dangerous it becomes."

Gu Yanan shook his head.

"I can't leave you alone here. If you want to leave, let's go together. We can find another way to deal with Zhengkang's matters..."

"Yanan..." Wei Zhengxian looked at his girlfriend lying next to him and said with difficulty: "I have to stay here. Even if it is dangerous, I have to take my brother home to see my parents. I have to do that."

Gu Yanan held Wei Zhengxian's hand.

"Can you... don't think about your brother, just think about me, just for me, let's leave this village. There are only two of us. If this village is really some illegal group, and they unite to deal with us, we can do something


Gu Yanan was fed up with this feeling of fear. He was obviously going on a trip, but now it was like a spy drama about sneaking into the enemy camp.

"It doesn't matter what the mirror is! Let's go! This way, we don't need to take risks!"

Gu Yanan actually knew that Wei Zhengxian would not listen to her. Almost no one could change the things he believed in.

Sure enough, Wei Zhengxian shook his head.

Gu Yanan felt a little sad.

He knew that he was so stubborn, so she could only stay with him.

For him, putting himself and his brother on the same scale, he will obviously value his brother more.

Just as he had asked her many times to be considerate of his mother's many criticisms and dissatisfaction with her, she could tolerate it at first, but as time went by, he finally just made her give in step by step.

On the Internet, people can be very clear about right and wrong. Ma Bao and Fu Di Mo can sentence a person to social death. But when they really meet, Gu Yanan still loves Wei Zhengxian deeply. After all, other than that,

He is really very kind to himself. Knowing that there might be danger, he immediately asked him to look in the mirror.

This night...

It's really long.

Gu Yanan finally took the risk and stayed with Wei Zhengxian, advancing and retreating with him.

Gu Yanan slept very uneasily.

This uneasiness caused her to have nightmares again and again.



Amei's father's words have been lingering in her mind.

What is a goat…

What is a goat…

what is……

When she opened her eyes again, she found that it was still dark outside the window.

It still seems to be early morning.

Then, she looked to her side and was stunned.

She found... Wei Zhengxian was holding a dressing mirror and looking at himself!

"Zheng... Zhengxian!"

When Wei Zhengxian heard this, he looked at Gu Yanan.

"What did you see? Zhengxian?"

Wei Zhengxian's expression is somewhat strange, but...

There was absolutely no look of fear.

"what the hell……"

Wei Zhengxian put the dressing mirror aside and said, "Yanan, we all think too much..."

"You, what on earth did you see? Zhengxian?"

Wei Zhengxian laughed and said: "Looking in the mirror, what can we see? Of course it is our own appearance!"

"Really, really...?"

Wei Zhengxian said: "We are really too nervous and anxious. Seriously, do you think we will see some ghost like in a horror movie?"

have to say……

Gu Yanan really thought that.

She imagined various possibilities, such as Wei Zhengxian telling herself that when he looked in the mirror, he found that he had turned into a terrifying evil spirit or something.

But now that I think about it...it's really ridiculous!

"It's really..." Gu Yanan's heart dropped, "My book is really in vain. It's obvious that rural people are superstitious."

Then, Gu Yanan suddenly thought of something and asked Wei Zhengxian: "Are you lying to me?"

"Do you think I have such good acting skills?"

Gu Yanan tilted his head and thought for a moment, then said: "It seems... really not."

"It's only four o'clock in the morning. You can sleep a little longer."

"All right."

Gu Yanan did feel very sleepy, and her eyelids kept fighting. Then as soon as her head hit the pillow, she quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up again, it was already dawn outside.

Gu Yanan stretched, and then she found that the dressing mirror had been put away.

This chapter has been completed!
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