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Chapter 1 Future Death

It was in the 1980s, at the beginning of reform and opening up. Famous magicians from the West came to China to perform magic, which was quite a sensation. But after all, at that time, we basically only relied on newspapers to read news, and televisions were not widely available in every household.

, so even many locals in W City don’t understand this matter.

Edward Hallend, it can be said that his magic will always be accompanied by the theme of Gothic death, which is very hellish now. And he and his female assistant are always dressed up like Marilyn Manson.

Therefore, few parents take their children to see his magic show.

In comparison, the cabinet magic is already one of his magic shows that is more bloody and ghastly.

But that day... he opened the cabinet again, and when the female assistant did not appear, he did not panic, but laughed ferociously. The entire magic show fell into extreme chaos.

The identity of his female assistant is very mysterious, and the news only revealed that her surname is Chen. This woman has been with him all year round, rarely speaking, but faithfully playing the role of a good assistant in his many terrifying and terrifying magic tricks.

Because of the disappearance of his female assistant, he was arrested, but was diagnosed as mentally disturbed not long after. Not long after he returned to China, he committed suicide by shooting himself.

Lehman Hallender was only five years old at the time. His parents divorced not long after he was born. Despite this, Lehman has always admired his father and completely inherited his father's superb magic talent. Today, he is already

A famous magician who is famous throughout Western society.

The death of his father brought shame to the family, and the female assistant has not been found so far. However, Lehman has always believed that his father Edward was not a criminal, and he has always wanted to know the truth about his father's magic.

Dai Lin looked at Luo Ren carefully and asked: "Now, if you want to change the future, you must not watch a magic show. At least, one thing is certain from your description. You in the future have not had any precognitive dreams."

"Yes." Lu Yuqing had noticed this a long time ago: "So from the moment you dream, the future will be changed."

Dai Lin recalled the previous case of Jiang Han. At that time, he, Director Mei, and Dr. Tang cooperated to successfully save Mr. Jiang, which proved that... there is no destined future.

"Is Edward Hallend's magic really magic?" Dai Lin began to think about this question: "In other words, it is not magic as we usually know it."

Lu Yuqing also agreed with Dai Lin's view: "There have indeed been similar clinical cases. However, most of them are domestic cases. Some magic spells such as head-dropping and witchcraft can indeed curse others. Such magic spells can curse others."

The surgery was performed by Wraith Surgery not long ago."

"But over there in the West, there should still be a curse that we don't understand, right?"

Lu Yuqing smiled bitterly: "There are too few relevant clinical cases."

Dai Lin did not tell Gao Heyan about this matter. Lu Yuqing could only involve her because it was related to the precognitive dream, but Dai Lin did not want Luo Ren to meet the other doctors of Hospital No. 444 again. He became more and more suspicious that the hospital itself

It is a curse for patients.

"What follows is your latest dream..."

There is no rule about when Luo Ren has precognitive dreams and how far into the future he dreams.

The only thing that was certain was that every time he woke up, he could clearly remember the details of the dream, and he didn't even feel that he was dreaming at all.

"This time, something big happened in my dream." Luo Ren's lips trembled and he said slowly: "It was on March 1 next year...in the dream..."

Apparently, this time he dreamed something so terrible that he couldn't even talk about it.

"It's okay, it's okay. Please speak slowly and don't be in a hurry."

Dai Lin didn't know what he was dreaming about, but it was obvious that it was extremely terrifying.

It is natural for him to feel fear about everything in the dream if he foresees everything in the dream becoming reality bit by bit.

Predicting the future is itself a terrifying thing.

"In the dream, I still regarded that woman as my mother...and then...then..."


"She is not a human being..." Luo Ren's expression was full of horror: "I don't know how to use words to describe my nightmare to you, it's too real... She seems to be possessed by the devil, I can clearly feel it,

There is something else inside her that makes me think of her as my mother!"

Is it just like the Black Blood Mother Ancestor makes us think of those undead as goats?

Dai Lin thought this way.

"I see……"

Dai Lin nodded and said, "In short, we must solve all this."

Possessed by the devil...

There is a devil sealed inside Dai Lin's right eye. Moreover, he knows very well what it feels like to be possessed by a devil.

"Then, what happened?"

"She..." Luo Ren stared into Dai Lin's eyes and said this.

"She killed...three of us."

Dai Lin must face a choice.

He did not want Luo Ren, who could see the hidden rules of the business card, to enter Hospital No. 444 under any circumstances, and the problems he was facing now were more due to what would happen in the future.

March 1 next year...

According to Luo Ren's dream, Dai Lin will die on that day.

Of course, the future can definitely change.

There is one clue that is key.

Luo Ren said that his mother... knew Mr. Lehman.

For this reason, Luo Ren brought a piece of his mother's hair to Dai Lin.

But Dai Lin confirmed through his hair... that Lehman Harend did not exist in Luo Ren's mother's memory.

Inferring based on the content of the precognitive dream——

Lu Yuqing, who became Luo Ren's girlfriend, took Luo Ren and his mother to watch a magic show on Christmas Eve because he admired Lehman Hallender.

That is, after the magic show that day...

Luo Ren's mother has "changed".

However, Luo Ren was completely unaware that his mother had become another "person".

If it was a curse similar to that of the Black Blood Ancestor, then...he would definitely not be able to deal with it on his own.

Theoretically speaking, it would be best for him to find a powerful enough helper.

Gao Heyan definitely can't do it, she doesn't have that ability.

Yin Wuque? In the past, he would have trusted Yin Wuque, but now... he didn't dare to risk Luo Ren's wealth and life.

Dai Lin was very frightened when he thought of Wei Zhengxian and Gu Yanan who had turned into "goats". He could never let his best friend Luo Ren become like this!

Absolutely not!

Logically speaking, as long as you don't go to the magic show, you should be fine.


Can a curse really be changed that easily?

Dai Lin did not dare to maintain such an optimistic attitude.

At this moment, Lu Yuqing called Dai Lin.

"I have someone in mind who can help us."


"Desperate Surgery Department, Deputy Director Fang."


Of course Dai Lin had heard of the name of Deputy Director Fang Zhou.

The Jiling Surgery Department is the department that Han Ming is in charge of, but as the executive vice president, it is often difficult for him to fully manage the Jiling Surgery Department. Therefore, major surgeries in this department are basically completed by the two deputy directors, Li Bolin and Fang Zhou.

Li Bolin has always been recognized as Han Ming's most loyal right-hand man, but Fang Zhou is completely different. He was promoted by Han Ming solely because of his superior ability.

"Do you have a personal relationship with Deputy Director Fang?"

"The other doctor, Dr. Fang, transferred to Ji Ling Surgery Department in the past two years and was arranged by Vice President Han to assist Deputy Director Li Bolin. Before that, he had been working in Li Gui Surgery Department. When I took the exam for attending physician, he was the examiner.

I understand his character, and most importantly, he is one of the few surgeons who has traveled to Western countries. Moreover, he is not involved in factional struggles and treats patients equally."

"Okay, I understand. Then please help me get in touch and arrange for Dr. Fang to visit. I will be responsible for the spiritual healing."

With such a powerful boss taking action, Dai Lin immediately felt at ease.

After all... nothing in the future has happened yet.

It should...can still be stopped...right?

This chapter has been completed!
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