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Chapter 6 Clues

"Doctor Fang's mood seems a little not right."

Lu Yuqing knew Ark very well. Although the latter never admitted it, Lu Yuqing always regarded him as a teacher.

Dai Lin knew that Fang Zhou must be acting like this because of the abnormality on his forehead, but he would not tell Lu Yuqing this.

When we meet Ark later, will there be a black inverted cross on his forehead?

Today happens to be the weekend and the hospital is closed.

It was Lu Yuqing who drove Dai Lin and Luo Ren to the hotel to pick up Fang Zhou.

"Dr. Fang, do you think...my case is difficult?" Luo Ren was somewhat worried. What he was most worried about was that the curse he suffered made it impossible for such an ace surgeon to treat it.

"Maybe I'm too worried." Lu Yuqing was afraid of causing Luo Ren to feel uneasy, so he immediately said: "It's also possible that we called him to W City to let Dr. Fang worry about his family situation. Dr. Fang should still be married

In less than a year, his child is still young. Once he leaves, his wife will have to take care of the child during this period."

Dai Lin was stunned: "You have a child less than a year after getting married? Ah, yes, this happens occasionally..."

"That's not true... the child was born to him and his first wife." Lu Yuqing still had a bit of a gossip nature, and he didn't consider that this was other people's privacy and started to expand the topic: "His first wife,

He died at the hands of evil spirits."

"Killed...by a ghost?" Dai Lin's eyes widened, "He is a ghost surgeon!"

"I don't know the specific situation very well. There were many versions circulated within the hospital at that time, and later the department director didn't let us talk about it anymore. At that time, Dr. Fang was still in the ghost department."

"It's so pitiful..." Dai Lin couldn't help but sympathize with Ark. As a supernatural doctor, he couldn't save his wife, and his children lost their mother at a young age.

This reminded him of David. He still blames himself now. At that time, he could have prevented his younger brother from being cursed, but in the end he sent his younger brother to the demonology department for treatment. He never knew when his younger brother would face the fate of the recurrence of the curse.

He even didn't know whether his brother's current condition could be considered clinically cured.

"David, brother will definitely find a way to cure you completely, for sure!"

Dai Lin made up his mind in his heart.

When they arrived near the hotel, Dai Lin saw Fang Zhou a few hundred meters away. From this distance, through the devil's eyes, he could still clearly see Fang Zhou's forehead.

There is no black inverted cross.

Dai Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, it’s better not to go to the Devil’s Department if you can.

After the car stopped, Luo Ren got out of the car, walked to Fangzhou, and said, "Dr. Fang, thank you for your hard work. I'll take you there. Well, that's it. I can't tell my mother the truth, so..."

"Understood, I'm not going to see your mother as a doctor, right?"

In fact, reason tells Fang Zhou that the safest choice for him now is to leave City W immediately and not be involved in this matter. He can take his wife and children to the zoo or aquarium on weekends to stay away from it all...

He couldn't be sure that if he continued, the black inverted cross would appear on his forehead again.

However, after thinking about it again and again, he finally decided to give it another try. After all, too many lives were involved, so if you can help, you might as well help. Otherwise, he would always feel uneasy.

He understands better than anyone the pain of a loved one dying at the hands of evil spirits.

After all, if you are killed by a human being, there is still hope for revenge. But what if you are killed by a ghost? All you will face is despair.

After getting in the car, Fangzhou fastened his seat belt and asked, "Mr. Luo, in that case, let's make a confession first and not show off in front of your mother. In what capacity should I go to see your mother?"

"I've already thought about this..."

"Listen up," after talking about how to conceal his identity, Fang Zhou continued his analysis to Luo Ren: "I carefully checked some news about the magician. Before the magic show, I'd better talk to Luo Ren.

Get in touch with this magician."

"Actually, I have had similar thoughts..."

"There is still some time before Christmas. How to use this time to solve the curse as much as possible is the fundamental thing." Ark said this, thought for a while, and said: "At least we can be sure that the curse must come from the magician.

.And according to your dream, your mother and Lehman Hallend know each other. This..."

"My mother..." Luo Ren bit her lip and said, "She has never liked watching magic shows. It can even be described as disgusting. In the past, she could watch the Spring Festival Gala, even if it was a particularly boring song and dance show.

She enjoys watching it, but she will leave immediately only when it comes to the magic show. She doesn't even know about famous magicians like Liu Qian and David Copperfield."

"Why doesn't your mother like magic shows?"

"I asked her, but she never gave a reason."

Dai Lin took a look at her hair and couldn't find any reason why Luo Ren's mother didn't like magic shows.

"Obviously there is some secret in this." Dai Lin smiled bitterly: "But I read the memory and didn't get any... answers."

"Just because you can't read it, doesn't mean there's no problem." Fang Zhou was not surprised by this. "Currently, there is no foolproof spell to read memories in the hospital."

Everyone began to worry about this.

Although there are still many clues at this stage, there are so many clues that it is difficult to find out the clues.

One way Dai Lin is currently thinking of is to get close to the magician named Lehman Harend.

Soon, the car arrived downstairs at Luo Ren's mother's house.

After Lu Yuqing parked the car, the four people got out of the car.

Ark began to observe the surrounding area, looking for any signs of evil spirits.

If the evil spirits had left any traces here, he would be able to find some traces.

"I'll take a walk around here first."

"Okay, please."

Ark walked slowly around the building in front of him.

After walking around for a while, he felt something vaguely.

Just as he was thinking about it, his cell phone rang.

He picked up his phone and saw it was his wife's request for a video call.

The reason Fang Zhou fabricated to his wife was that he was going to a hospital out of town for further study. He and his wife agreed to have video calls every day.

He walked to a secluded flower bed and answered his wife's call.

The wife and daughter appear on the video.

"Dad!" my daughter who just entered kindergarten said on the other side of the mobile phone screen: "Look, look, these are the three new English words I learned today!"

Nowadays, English education has been extended to kindergartens. My daughter, holding three cards with English words, laughed and said, "Mom also praised me!"

The daughter now does not know that this mother is not her biological mother. After all, when her mother passed away, she did not remember anything at all. For the sake of the child's physical and mental growth, he decided to wait until his daughter was older before telling her the truth.

"Well, Xiaomeng is so good and smart."

The wife said: "She remembers words very well now. I am surprised."

Fangzhou showed a smile, and the gloom of the morning was finally wiped away. He said to his wife: "Ashu, I will trouble you these days."

"It's okay." His wife took the mobile phone, looked behind him, and said, "Are you here?"

"It's near the hospital where I study." Fang Zhou continued to lie.

The wife nodded and said, "Remember to eat on time and pay attention to rest. I will take good care of Xiao Meng."


With them here, Ark has the motivation to fight for his life.

This chapter has been completed!
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