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Chapter 19 Medical Ethics

 "Is this... a patient from the Su Ling Department?"

Not long after, the raised part was quickly pressed down.

"Don't worry about what department it is in. The Suling Department is not divided according to the type of ghost. Patients who are directly possessed by ghosts are treated in the Suling Department. Besides, if a ghost face appears, it is the Suling Department? You

Do you know under what circumstances you should go to the psychiatric department for treatment?"

The Ghost Department only has internal medicine but no surgery, while the Su Ling Department only has surgery but no internal medicine. After all, ghosts have possessed the body, and it is absolutely impossible to cure it with conservative treatment.

Dai Lin thought about it again, and finally, he took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, teacher, I can't make a diagnosis without being sure."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Licheng nodded in approval.

"Very good, very good. Yes, you cannot make a diagnosis hastily when you are unsure. If you forcefully make a diagnosis based on your existing symptoms in order to gain my praise and appreciation, then you will only be a quack doctor in the future.

Misjudgment in other industries can result in economic losses at most, but misjudgment in our industry can result in human lives!”

After hearing these words, Dai Lin immediately felt in awe of Dr. Jiang.

"Remember what you said today." Dr. Jiang pointed to the patient in front of him and said, "Every judgment we make as a doctor may determine a person's life or death! As a doctor, you should never pursue fame and fortune.

It should be the patient’s health! Patients entrust their lives and fortunes to us, and we must be worthy of this trust! Before practicing medical skills, we must first establish medical ethics!”

The word "medical ethics" made Dai Lin feel deafened and enlightened!

"Okay, now class officially begins!"

Inpatient department, seventh floor.

This is a relatively spacious single ward.

Lying on the ward was a woman with pale skin and a face that was roughly similar to Gao Heyan.

Gao Heyan filled a basin of water, wrung out the towel inside, then took off the woman's hospital gown on the hospital bed and wiped her body.

Although all bacteria and viruses cannot survive in the hospital, it is still necessary to wipe and clean the patient's body.

"Sister," Gao Heyan said while wiping his body: "Finally, a person with those eyes has survived after being implanted. If he can really survive the backlash of the curse, he may be able to find clues to wake you up. Waiting for you

After you wake up, you will know what happened and where the missing part of your soul is... If you can't find it back, will you really not be able to wake up? Today, the teacher has asked about you...


Having said this, she stopped her hand and looked at the window behind her.

"You can't bask in the sun in this place, and your skin is getting whiter and whiter... Now every year for check-ups, I worry that one day the curse in your body will cause the curse to backfire. The only thing I can be thankful for is that you are protected by the curse.

Your immunity will not decline, and your limbs will not atrophy."

At this time, she had finished wiping her sister's upper body and then started wiping her legs. After wiping, she began to change her diaper.

Because the reflexes of the bladder are pretty good, my sister does not have a urinary catheter inserted, but wears a diaper. Fortunately, because of the sterile environment of the hospital, no bacteria will breed regardless of defecation or urination. Although the nurses here are

It's quite professional, but Gao Heyan will come here to change her sister's diapers and clean her body whenever she has time.

After everything was put away, she went to the bathroom attached to the ward and just finished washing her hands when her cell phone rang.

Gao Heyan picked up the phone and connected.

"Doctor Gao," a woman's voice came from the other end of the phone: "I have sent all the examination reports of Lin Yan's patient to your phone. Because you are her first doctor, it is not against the rules. By the way, later

We also collected the blood stains on the shoe, which never dried up, and also conducted tests in the laboratory."

"Okay, Tang Li, thank you."

"It's okay. Dr. Gao Menghua also took good care of us in the past. She saved my life in the operating room several times. This is nothing. However, I think it is right for this patient's symptoms to be treated by Ligui Surgery. You guys

It’s better for the Wraith Surgery Department not to get involved.”

"That's good..."

Gao Heyan looked at her sister lying on the hospital bed and said, "Actually, I am in my sister's ward now."

"Really? Is Menghua okay now? I've been too busy with work recently. I'll come and see her when I have some free time."

"It's... not bad. Fortunately, the dean's regulations are still humane. Medical staff's work-related injury treatment is free of charge."

"Well, okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to get busy."

"Okay, thank you anyway, Tang Li."

After hanging up the phone, she sat back in front of her sister Gao Menghua's hospital bed and checked the image data of Lin Yan received on her phone.


She checked the CT images on her phone. The more she looked at them, the uglier her face became.

"How did she survive for a week without treatment after the female ghost came to her door? It can't really be because of that peace charm?"


Jiang Licheng cut the scalpel in his hand from the center of the patient's clavicle to the position of the pubic symphysis.

What surprised Dai Lin was...

What is revealed after the dissection is not the bones and internal organs, but... large tracts of pure black!

"This is not a normal anatomy. What is dissected is not human bodies, but their souls." Jiang Licheng explained without changing his expression: "Normal human souls should be in a translucent, white smoke-like state.

, and the patient is currently completely black..."

As soon as I finished saying this, a bloody hand suddenly stretched out from the pure blackness!

Jiang Licheng didn't change his expression as he inserted the scalpel into the mouth of that hand!

"Look now, what kind of ghost does this belong to?"

Lines of black smoke began to appear around the tiger's mouth where the scalpel was inserted. My hands kept grabbing upwards, but every time they touched Jiang Licheng, it was like an invisible wall blocking them, making them impossible to touch! < /p>

Dai Lin continued to check.

"It may be that the resentful spirits are transitioning to the evil ghost stage, that is, the karma ghosts. Generally, the resentful spirits eventually become evil ghosts, but a few resentful spirits become karma ghosts under the influence of strong karma. So in this situation, , strong karma will transform the resentful spirit into an evil ghost! Therefore, evil ghosts are currently considered to be a special variant of evil spirits."

"Correct answer!" Jiang Licheng then asked: "How can you tell?"

"Here." Dai Lin pointed to the hand: "The resentful spirit is generated by a curse supported by strong resentment, which is the so-called curse. If a curse is too strong, there is a chance that it will evolve into karma. Karma will The karma of the ghost is gradually enhanced, thereby transforming into an extremely evil evil ghost. This kind of black pattern is the emergence of karma. If patients and doctors cannot bear the backlash of karma, they may die during the operation. .Dr. Gao mentioned to me that karmic ghosts also belong to the category of surgical treatment for ghosts."

"You do know about karma. Yes, the black smoke produced by karma is a specific symptom caused by the curse of karma. It can only be seen with the naked eye when being stabbed by a scalpel or scalpel in the hospital. Those who starved to death in folklore Ghosts are karma ghosts."

Then he pulled out the scalpel and retracted his hand!

This chapter has been completed!
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