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Chapter 29 Nileloga Paradise

"So...where is Lu Yuqing?"

"He and Lu Yuqing only had an intersection during that incident, and they had no contact with each other since then."


Song Min suddenly turned around, facing away from Gao Heyan.

Then, the cracks on her face began to appear one after another.

Her tone and voice began to change.

"Tell Dai Lin, I know what he is hiding."

This sentence made Gao Heyan find it extremely confusing. She didn't like the Riddler's speaking pattern very much.

"Director Song," Gao Heyan took a deep breath, "do you suspect Dai Lin of colluding with Han Ming? Or is this what Vice President Yin meant?"

Gao Heyan knew Song Min. She would not say such things to herself without her brother-in-law's approval.

She has been busy preparing for exams recently and has seen less of Dai Lin. What happened?

"Vice President Yin is just being cautious."

"So...that's what he really meant?"

Then, she shook her head slightly.

"Isn't this within the vice-president's authority? If there is no evidence, I don't think it can be done."

"There is indeed no direct evidence. But Heyan, you should know that people's hearts are sinister."

"I also know a saying: never doubt when you hire someone. Besides, I trust my own judgment. I see what kind of person Dai Lin is. Director Song, I am willing to vouch for him."

Although there were some surprises in Song Min's response to her, if you think about it carefully, it does fit her character. Although Gao Heyan looks very cold, she has a clear sense of love and hate and is aboveboard. A person who voluntarily entered Hospital No. 444,

There is no doubt about the perseverance of a person who becomes a surgeon on the front line of fighting against the curse.

If it's something Gao Heyan thinks shouldn't be done, she won't do it even if it means being hit with swords and axes. On the contrary, if it's something Gao Heyan thinks should be done, she won't hesitate even if it involves swords and fire.

Essentially, at this point, she and her sister Gao Menghua are the same type of people.

"Okay, Heyan. But don't tell Dai Lin about our conversation."

"I understand, Director, I hope I didn't offend you."

After watching Gao Heyan leave, Song Min returned to his desk.

Then, she picked up a piece of diary paper.

"December 24, 2021

My mother, I, and xxx, xx, xx went to watch Lehman Hallender's magic show.

Mr. Lehman was going to perform a cabinet trick and needed an audience member, and he chose my mother.

My mother cooperated and entered the cabinet. She disappeared from the cabinet for a while. After the magic was over, my mother came out again.

But she became very strange, like a different person."

There are only these four paragraphs.


Apparently it's the name of a supernatural doctor.

When the name of the target person cannot be known, the part involving the supernatural doctor will have this kind of "mistake" situation. Even if the name is known, there is still a certain failure rate in trying to predict the future of the supernatural doctor.

"Is Dai Lin part of this xx?"

Also, my mother seems to have changed. What does this mean?

Song Min looked at the diary paper in front of her. Then, the diary paper began to transform into human skin tissue little by little, and a large amount of blood oozed out!

Then, a crack appeared in the center of the skin tissue, and the crack opened continuously and turned into an eye!

An eye full of spite!

Song Min's face changed slightly, and she immediately moved the piece of skin tissue to her mouth and quickly swallowed it into her stomach.

"Looks like I need to go to the Curses Department to have a look..."

It is not uncommon for doctors at Hospital No. 444 to go to the Curse Department for treatment, but for Song Min, this sign of the resurgence of the curse is not a good thing for her.

She can suppress it, but this sign will increase the probability that the spell will backfire on her.

She walked into the bathroom in the office, closed the door, quickly took off all her clothes, and checked her skin to see if there were any other abnormalities in the curse's resurgence.

Fortunately... nothing unusual.

Song Min breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's related to the abnormal person, but his name hasn't been found out yet. The Ninth Hospital is where Dai Lin worked. If he uses his connections to prevent the medical staff from leaking information to me..."

She can no longer use the spells embodied in her skin to predict the future. This may aggravate the resurgence of the spells.

Every supernatural doctor is somewhere between human and ghost, and as time goes by, he is destined to deviate little by little towards the latter.

Moreover, this state is irreversible. If you want to curb it, you can only continue to implant curses in the body to achieve a new balance.

To this day, no one knows how the mysterious Department of Curses can implant curses into human bodies and ensure that it will not backfire on them.

Dai Lin's mood can be said to be quite bad.

At this time, he took the photo of Lehman's father Edward and looked at it repeatedly, but the devil's eyes never saw any clues.

"Next person!"

The clinic room opened, and a pale female patient walked in.

"Doctor..." The patient sat down in fear and said, "Please help me..."

If he hadn't come to Hospital No. 444, Dai Lin would never have imagined that hauntings would be so frequent.

"You say."

"It's like this. I'm from city S. When my boyfriend and I went to Nileloga Park..."

Nileloga Paradise?

It was a gothic-themed amusement park in City S. For a while, the "torture of death" in the vampire castle in the park was very famous.

"My boyfriend and I entered the underground lake of the vampire castle, and then..."

"What happened then?"

When the woman said this, she began to hesitate.

"I saw……"

Suddenly, she saw a photo on Dai Lin's desk.

That was the photo that Dai Lin asked Lehman about.

"Doctor, your photo!"

She immediately grabbed the photo and looked at it carefully.

"Inverted cross..." She said in a horrified tone: "How is it possible..."

"You, what did you see?" Dai Lin asked nervously: "You said an inverted cross?"

"Yes, it is……"

Suddenly, she stared at Dai Lin.

"Can not you see?"

She pointed at the photo and said to the person next to Edward: "Look carefully! The man wearing a hood next to him has an inverted ten on his forehead..."

As soon as she said this, a darkness surged out from behind her body, and the darkness quickly swallowed her up!

Immediately afterwards, the patient completely disappeared without a trace in front of Dai Lin!

After she disappeared, the photo fell to the ground.

Dai Lin didn't even have time to use his left eye to save her!

The patient was killed in the outpatient clinic. This was not a trivial matter, and the report was quickly reported to Song Minna.

However, after Song Min heard about this incident, she immediately gave instructions: all future diagnoses involving Nileloga Paradise will be transferred to her clinic.

It seems that this is the fifth case this year related to Nileloga Paradise.

While Dai Lin was deeply shocked, he also got a new clue.

"Nileloga Paradise?"

The lost magic…

"What is Lost Magic?"

Fang Zhou was in Han Ming's office at this time.

"You once said something similar." Fang Zhou hoped to get an answer from Han Ming: "But I can't find any information on the lost magic in the hospital's computer."

"Why are you interested in this?" Han Ming asked: "The Evil Spirit Surgery Department does not need to know this information."

"This is a personal request of mine."

What Fang Zhou can rest assured is that if he stays with Han Ming, Song Min's diary will be unpredictable.

"If you are willing to swear allegiance to me, then...I can tell you, Ark."

"Loyal to you?" Fangzhou shook his head and said, "I am not interested in factional fighting, and I don't want to get involved."

Fang Zhou thought for a while and then said: "Is the lost magic... related to the death of my wife?"

He has judged from various clues that behind the curse faced by Luo Ren, I am afraid... it has a certain connection with the Demon Department.

"Also, do you know the secrets about the demonology department? Wasn't the diagnosis of my wife by the demonology department not a misdiagnosis?"

Han Ming raised his hand and said: "Only in exchange for your allegiance can you get answers."

"Is it okay if I swear...?"

"Of course it can't just be an oath. An oath has no restrictions on humans. Be loyal to me and I will give you... meat."


The third update will be later

This chapter has been completed!
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