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Chapter 30 The only hope

"Ark, what do you think I should do?"

Since Dai Lin entered Hospital No. 444, he really hasn't had a few worry-free days.

Fangzhou looked at Dai Lin carefully and said: "We are all doctors, so I won't say anything to comfort you. At present, there is no way to treat your cousin. We can only pray that the process of losing the soul will not continue forever. So,

Next, we need to do examinations for observation, and Ms. Pan will also be admitted to the hospital for examination."

"If the process of soul loss continues..."

"Dai Lin, are you sure you want me to say what's next?"

How cruel.

Dai Lin knew that if this continued, Dai Ming would definitely end up with the same ending as Gao Menghua, and it might even be worse.

Dai Lin himself does not rule out the possibility of following in his footsteps.

"If we catch that female ghost..." Dai Lin suddenly thought of something, "If we can catch her and make a curse..."

"I checked in the emergency department before and there was no sign of any ghost approaching your cousin. Although he drew it..."

"Maybe the female ghost will appear next to Miss Pan. If we catch the female ghost and make a spell! There may be hope, right? Ark, right!"

Fang Zhou looked at Dai Lin's eager eyes and said, "Theoretically it's possible."

"Then there is hope! Find a way to catch that female ghost!"

Ark suddenly fell into silence.

Maybe Dai Lin's idea...is really possible?

"Okay," finally, Fang Zhou nodded: "I'll help you find a way. You tell me how to contact Miss Pan Yizhen."

Wen Xiaoshu had long been accustomed to Fang Zhou being unable to get home on time for dinner.

Even so, she would still do a little more each time, and then heat it up when he came back.

But today, Ark came back not too late.

But Wen Xiaoshu discovered that Fang Zhou was worried as soon as he entered the door this time.

"If anything happens, just tell me." Wen Xiaoshu also knew that Fang Zhou's profession was to be an angel in white who rescued the wounded and rescued the dying, but he could easily encounter all kinds of difficult and difficult cases.


Fang Zhou looked at his wife and finally decided to tell the truth half-truth and half-lie: "I'm going to another place for a business trip."

Wen Xiaoshu did not expect that Fangzhou would be on a business trip again so soon.

"How long will it take this time?"

"I don't know." Fang Zhou always felt guilty for lying in front of his wife, but he couldn't tell the truth. If one day he could tell his wife frankly, it would only be when she became a patient in the hospital.

"Okay, I'll help you prepare things."

Wen Xiaoshu didn't ask any more questions. She was a very thoughtful woman, and she could already tell that Fang Zhou didn't want to tell her what she was doing on this business trip.

"No need to prepare anything, Ashu..."

"Don't be polite to me, Fang Zhou. I am your wife."

Wen Xiaoshu felt helplessly that since marrying Fang Zhou, he had always been subconsciously very polite in front of her.

Perhaps Fang Zhou himself was not aware of this.


When Wen Xiaoshu walked into the bedroom and prepared a change of clothes for Fang Zhou, she couldn't help but recall... the first time she met Fang Zhou and Xiao Meng.

At that time, Wen Xiaoshu was still working as a website editor and working as a shadow writer.

Once, it was raining heavily and when she was riding the subway, too many people crowded into the subway. As a result, one person touched her umbrella holder and was scratched.

Unfortunately, that person was a hemophiliac. The terrible thing about hemophilia is that even a small wound cannot stop the bleeding, not to mention that he was still on the subway at the time.

When the patient's bleeding stopped, his family members came to Wen Xiaoshu to settle the score. At this time, Fang Zhou came forward and said that he was a doctor. Then, I don't know how he gave first aid, but the patient's bleeding stopped!

This made Wen Xiaoshu very grateful to Fang Zhou. Although the other party declined, Wen Xiaoshu insisted on treating Fang Zhou to a meal.

This was the beginning of their acquaintance, and they became friends at first.

Then, she would often come to Fangzhou's house from time to time. At first, she was a guest, and later she often helped Fangzhou cook. Later, she even came to Fangzhou's house every few days to help him cook. The most important thing is that Xiaomeng is special

She likes Wen Xiaoshu and often sticks to her. If Wen Xiaoshu doesn't come, Xiaomeng will cry all the time. At that time, the confinement nanny who took care of her left her job and went home because her daughter was pregnant.

Wen Xiaoshu's work can be done anywhere as long as she has a laptop. So, she went in and out of Fangzhou's house quite naturally, taking care of his children, cleaning, cooking... until she got married, everything was so logical.

She is with Ark not so much because of love, but because she is a very suitable and ideal partner for Ark.

In fact, Ark really didn't need Wen Xiaoshu to prepare anything for himself.

He transformed into a mummy again, came to W City, and then rushed to the hotel to find Pan Yizhen.

Dai Lin's idea is indeed possible, but most doctors are unlikely to be willing to do it.

Gao Menghua's precedent has cast a psychological shadow on too many doctors. Loss of the soul cannot be treated, which is the biggest fear for doctors.

Dai Lin just hoped that Fangzhou would submit this idea to Xie Chengjun, but he never expected that he would actually implement it himself.

For Ark, he did this for no reason, just because Dai Lin was his friend.

When he was in college, he entered Hospital No. 444. In his prime, his only interpersonal relationships were with supernatural doctors and patients, and he knew his ex-wife Mei Chao because she came to the department for treatment.

In front of Dai Lin, he had never met a like-minded friend. Having a confidant in life is enough!

Fang Zhou called Pan Yizhen in advance using the number Dai Lin gave him.

"Miss Pan Yizhen? I am a doctor from Hospital No. 444. My name is Fang Zhou, and I am a friend of Dr. Dai Lin." Fang Zhou got on the bus to the hotel where Pan Yizhen was staying and asked, "Your CT report has come out."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Doctor?" Pan Yizhen was a little surprised: "Just so, I also have something I want to tell you!"

Later, Pan Yizhen told Fang Zhou about the Blue Island.

"The person who posted just replied to me." Pan Yizhen said excitedly: "He said that he had seen this woman!"

"Has he seen it?"

"Yes, after he saw the original painting of the woman falling into the sea, he asked me if I was from Blue Island, or if there was anyone from this island around me."

There really is a clue!

This discovery made Fang Zhou, who had originally planned to become a living doctor, suddenly became energetic!

There is hope!

Blue Island!

Go here and do some research, maybe you'll find hope!

"Okay, Miss Pan, we'll see you later!"

Unfortunately, even hospital-specific mobile phones cannot make calls to the isolation ward.

"Find a way to contact the other party."

As long as he knows the name and appearance of the other party, no matter where he is, Ark can cast a blood curse on the other party. That will be enough to track the other party and learn the truth.

It can be judged from the current clues...

When this female ghost was alive, she seemed to be living on that blue island.

After summarizing the medical histories of these two people given to him by Dai Lin, Fang Zhou noticed something.

The time when they first drew this woman was very close to each other.


This must be a curse.

This was his first reaction.

But the problem is that the soul image shows no signs of curse. Instead, the soul begins to be partially missing.

If so...

I'm afraid I have to go to the so-called Blue Island once.

However, Ark began to think about a problem.

He might have to take Dai Ming and Pan Yizhen with him.

If the patient shows no signs of a curse, even if the blood of these two people is extracted, Ark cannot cast a reverse blood curse.

Moreover, as Dai Lin said, perhaps only by their side can it be possible to capture the female ghost. Even if it cannot be completely imprisoned, as long as she brings back a part of the female ghost's body, it is possible to create a curse for healing.

When surgery is not possible, magic is the only hope for treatment.

However...if this is the case, it still brings a lot of problems.

Fang Zhou himself also has to go to work. There are only seven doctors in the Jiuling Surgery Department, and there are only three doctors with senior professional titles. His outpatient volume is very large, and it is difficult to get leave even if he wants to ask for leave.

But...it's impossible to just let Dai Ming and Pan Yizhen go to that Blue Island, right? We have to think of a foolproof plan.



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