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Chapter 2 White Mist

David heard his own voice and almost wondered if he had heard it wrong.


The first one is yourself?

Among the thirty-eight people, eight people were selected every day for a month. From a probability point of view, it was indeed a high probability that he would be selected, but being the first one to be selected today was still a bit beyond his expectation.

Tonight is his birthday!


"Isn't this Dai's son old? He is already nineteen years old?"

"Look, he's like this!"

Countless people's eyes came over and looked at David.

"You...are you nineteen years old?" someone asked.

"Well, well, yes...yes. Actually, today is my birthday."

Hearing this sentence, everyone said "ah".

"Uncle Zhao, why don't we forget it this time? Let David have a good birthday first?"

"Yes, they just turned nineteen today, so you put their names in the lottery box."

But then, voices of opposition also emerged: "Why!"

"That's right, why!"

"The rules set by the village chief must not be violated!"

"OK OK!"

Although Uncle Zhao is old, he is obviously still strong and full of energy. He said: "Everyone, please be quiet! What does it look like to be so noisy!"

David bit his lip and said, "Since it is the village's rule, I should abide by it."

Although the village is small, it still has a social circle. If this precedent is set for him, in the future, the Dai family in this village will be easily viewed by some people through colored glasses.

David didn't want to embarrass his parents. After all, this had been the rule of the village for ten years.

He raised his head, feeling a little nervous inside.

As a result, going to see Captain Lin in the afternoon seemed a bit like... just last minute.

Soon, Uncle Zhao continued to draw lots. Everyone listened quietly to these names.

And when all the names were revealed, the news quickly spread throughout the entire Nanming Village.


"Well, David, it's your birthday today and you have to go on patrol?"

David's mother said anxiously: "I was still thinking of asking Captain Lin to explain some precautions to you! This...how can this be done!"

Dai Lan also became anxious: "Brother, are you... going so soon? Tonight?"

David nodded: "Well, yes. I can't help it, who let Uncle Zhao whip me. This is the rule of the village, and I can't violate it."

"Since it's a rule, there's nothing we can do about it." David's father sighed, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Sooner or later, this is going to happen."

"Dad," Dai Lan grabbed his father's hand and said, "What is patrolling like? I asked you before, but you refused to answer me."

"You are still young, Dai Lan, there is no need to know."

"I've heard it from the villagers!" Dai Lan wiped his tears and said, "And...two years ago, Teacher Ge, who taught us classes, went on patrol one night and never came back!"

"There must be some danger." David's father knew not to put too much psychological pressure on his son at this time, so he said: "David, don't think too much, follow other people, pay more attention, generally you won't

Something happens. The most important thing is to never enter the white fog area. Not even a hair can touch the white fog!"

"I see."

Every villager in this village has been reminded repeatedly about Baiwu.

"Okay, let's eat first. After eating, I will take you to Captain Lin's place right away."

Dai Lan took his father's hand and said, "Dad, when I am nineteen years old, do I also want to join the patrol?"

"Yes. Every villager has to do this. This is a rule. This applies to both men and women."

When Dai Lan heard this, she couldn't help but shed tears in her eyes.

"But, girls are naturally weaker. And if it's one of those days, do we have to draw lots to participate?"

"Okay, don't ask, Dai Lan." Mom patted Dai Lan's hand and said, "It's just a little dangerous to go on patrol, but if no one goes to patrol, our small village will be doomed."

She noticed the tears in the corners of her daughter's eyes, immediately squatted down, wiped away her tears, and said, "Okay, stop crying, stop crying."

This lunch was destined not to go smoothly.


While eating, David's mother suddenly grabbed his hand and said, "You...you must be especially careful!"

"I, I know..."

"Listen to me..." Mom ignored Dai Lan's presence and said, "Remember, try to be at least one meter away from the white fog. Don't worry, the white fog will never spread over you. When patrolling, pay more attention to other people's eyes.

To do this, you must hold the bamboo pole firmly, and be sure not to drop it on the ground! There is a part of the terrain that is a bit sloping. If you drop the bamboo pole, it may roll into the white fog area! Hold it firmly, and be sure to do so.

Gotta hold on tight!"

"Also," Dad began to lose control, "if a team member accidentally enters the white mist area, or you see them being caught by something in the white mist... you must not rescue them! What should you do?

Didn't even see it! No one will blame you, everyone in the village knows this rule."

"Hey, Dad, Mom." At this moment, Dai Lan asked a question: "The snow won't stop at night, right?"

David's parents looked a little embarrassed when they heard this question raised by their daughter.


"Yes, that's a problem!"

All year round, no matter whether it is cold or hot, someone in the village must patrol the white mist area at night.

It's snowing heavily and the sky is dark. When patrolling, you can't go too far away from the white fog. Not only does the flying snow affect visibility, but if you slip under your feet... it will be a big problem.

"It's all fate." David's father sighed and said, "We have no choice but to accept it."

David could see that his parents were full of fear of the white mist area.

In fact, who in this village is not like this?

Nanmei Village, with the temple in the center of the village as the center, has a radius of about ten kilometers. The area around this area has been completely shrouded in white mist since ten years ago.

Since that day, Nanmei Village has been isolated from the rest of the world, and the rescue team they were hoping for has never arrived. Countless elderly people and children in the village, and their relatives who work in the city, can no longer see each other.

Ten years, ten difficult years, passed like this.

"Okay, David, come with me, and I'll take you to Captain Lin."

"Okay, Dad."

Carrying the bacon, David and his father left the house and walked into the flying snow outside.

Now, not only is it snowing heavily, but the ground is frozen in many places and is very slippery.

This made David worried about patrolling at night...

In the past ten years, he has almost never gone close to the white mist area, where... it is too dangerous and terrifying.

No one knows what is hidden in the white mist...

This chapter has been completed!
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