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Chapter 27 Banned

 The female ghost in the blood-red space is currently sealed by her right eye, but this kind of ban is very fragile. At most, it can only last for half a year. After half a year, this female ghost will break out!

And...this is no ordinary ghost.

This is...


Hospital No. 444 has a department called the Demon Department.

And this female ghost is not a fierce ghost or an evil ghost, but a devil!

The devil is an evil spirit born under the curse of the devil!

The proportion of Easterners cursed by devils is far less than that of Westerners. Therefore, there are very few cases of devils in the hospital, and there are no special curses that can cure them.

At this moment, a person walked into the ward.

It turned out to be... Yin Wuque!

After he came in, he closed the door of the ward and walked to Dai Lin's bed.

"How do your eyes feel now?" He looked closely at Dai Lin and asked.

"I don't feel anything, as if I'm numb..."

"The effect of the analgesics will soon weaken, and you may continue to feel severe pain. You should accept the treatment with peace of mind first. Your injury is a work-related injury, and the treatment is free, and your spiritual healing points will not be lost."

"What will happen to my eyes...?"

"This kind of curse implanted in the body cannot be removed. We have sent several chief doctors to check, and now the evil ghost is no longer in Lin Yan's home."

Then, Yin Wuque looked at Dai Lin carefully.

The look in his eyes made Dai Lin realize that he had seen through everything.

Yin Wuque sat on Dai Lin's bedside and said: "You don't have to worry, everyone outside the ward is my people. I can promise you that I will never hurt you, but will vigorously cultivate you to ensure that you can grow up in the shortest possible time."

Within a short period of time, he has grown into a unique supernatural doctor. So, you can tell me the truth. Is that devil... locked in your right eye?"

Upon hearing this, Dai Lin immediately understood that there was no point in hiding it.

He knows these eyes very well.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else. Of course, if you don't want to say anything, there's nothing you can do. Sooner or later, your situation will attract the attention of the Cursed Objects Department, and the Director of the Cursed Objects Department is

Fang Shen, one of the three vice-presidents, I cannot guarantee what they will do to you."

When Dai Lin heard this sentence, he immediately understood that Yin Wuque had known it for a long time. He was just asking Dai Lin to see if he was telling the truth. This sentence was both kind and powerful, so he couldn't help but tell the truth.

"Yes. The female ghost is now sealed inside my right eye."

"To be exact, it's a devil. With the power of these eyes and Director Mei's help, you can successfully lock this devil into the right eye space. And this is all because your eyes are a pair of devil eyes!

Upon hearing these four words, Dai Lin's expression changed drastically.

"Evil eyes?"

"Now, let's discuss your eyes and the devil that is closed inside."

Now, Dai Lin's right eye cannot successfully swallow and absorb the female ghost's body, so he can only seal and imprison her. This is natural, all ghosts can only be sealed.

The curse itself is to transplant part of the ghost into the human body, so that one can become a supernatural doctor.

Therefore, supernatural doctors also have a title, called "ghost imitators"!

"When the doctors from the Curses Department come, no matter what they ask you, never tell them the changes inside your right eye. You can't seal this devil for a long time. Once she comes out, she will kill you first before killing Lin Yan.

. Before that, you must at least become the attending physician! Otherwise, you will definitely die!"

At this moment, Dai Lin confirmed one thing. Yin Wuque was on guard against other factions in the hospital and did not want them to get involved in investigating these ghost eyes.

As expected, Yin Wuque added: "Only I can help you, so don't tell any third person, including Dr. Gao, that you swallowed this devil. If the special nature of these ghost eyes is discovered, believe me, the Curses Department will

We will immediately use you as experimental material. You must at least become the attending physician to be able to completely seal this devil in your right eye space."

Dai Lin took a deep breath and his brain began to think quickly.

He didn't think Yin Wuque was lying. He must have had the confidence to say that.

"According to the will I gained, I can only ban this devil for half a year at most."

"Half a year...is quite a long time. It seems that it was only possible to achieve this through Director Mei's spell."

"Dean Yin... Are you sure that if I become the attending physician, I can successfully seal this devil away? What are the secrets behind these eyes?"

Yin Wuque looked at the door of the ward and said, "Okay, now it's time to tell you."

Dai Lin became nervous. Finally, he could know the secret of these ghost eyes!

"Where should I start... In this way, I will start from the beginning. Dai Lin, you know that our hospital has a department called the Demon Department, right?"

"Well, yes."

"But in fact, no one knows where the Demon Department is located. Not even our three vice-presidents know."

"What?" Dai Lin opened his eyes wide: "You don't know?"

"The dean has many special regulations for the Department of Demons. The Department of Demons is an independent department. The doctors, deputy deans and directors of other departments in this department can only recommend them, and only the dean can appoint or remove them. Where the department is, there is no

Anyone knows, of course, the same goes for patients. After registration, the ambulance will send them directly to the Devil's Department. As an independent department, it does not need to conduct any clinical discussions with other departments, so other doctors know a lot about this department.

Few, even the few doctors like Director Mei who have practiced in the Department of Demonology have little knowledge of diagnosis and treatment related to the Department of Demonology. The dean also stipulated that the Department of Demonology does not have an internal medicine department, only surgery. Moreover, the operating room of the Department of Demonology is completely independent.

, doctors from other departments cannot use it."

"Wait a minute, I don't understand. If that's the case, how do doctors from the Demonology Department work there?"

"This is one of the many mysteries of this hospital. After the doctors are directly appointed by the director as the Department of Demonology, they cannot tell any other doctors how to get to the Department of Demonology, but they can still get in and out. As for how to get in, how

No one knows about it. The Demon Department is not affiliated with any faction in the hospital. Han Ming and I have tried to win over the doctors in this department, but neither of them succeeded. And in the process of wooing the Demon doctors, I have always felt that those doctors

The doctors who entered the Department of Demonology all began to behave very strangely, and they felt completely different from before..."

"They are two different people? Then, they take orders directly from the dean, right?"

"I don't know. In fact, the dean never appears directly. All appointment letters will appear directly in the office of me, the administrative vice dean. I have never seen the dean since I entered this hospital. But, you have to

Remember, nothing we do can be hidden from him! No matter when and where, the dean is always watching us."

"Dean, will you always look at us?"

"This is the most important rule of the hospital: never explore the identity of the dean, and never try to resist the dean. The dean will always look at each of us no matter when and where."

Yin Wuque didn't seem to want Dai Lin to ask the dean anymore about the matter, and quickly changed the subject: "However, the most important thing is not this. Regarding the demon department, the dean has a very important rule, that is, the doctors in the demon department must be

In any case it must be...four people."

"There can only be four doctors?"

"Yes. Under any circumstances, the number of doctors belonging to this department must not be more than this number, nor less than this number. Once there are no longer four doctors in the Devil's Department, the outpatient clinic of the department must be closed immediately until

Only when a sufficient number of doctors are recruited can the outpatient clinic be reopened. Because only the dean can appoint doctors in the Demonology Department, there may only be less than four people in the Demonology Department."

So far, Yin Wuque has not mentioned the origin of these demon eyes. However, Dai Lin still listened patiently.

"Three years ago, something happened. At that time, my fiancée Gao Menghua, Dr. Gao's sister, told me at the time that she was worried about her senior brother Ouyang Rui. Dr. Ouyang worked in the emergency department like her.

He was appointed as the new attending physician of the Department of Demonology by the dean half a year ago. He and sister Menghua were both students of Dr. Jiang Licheng, so they could be considered brothers and sisters. However, Menghua told me at that time,

Within half a year of working in the Demon Department, Ouyang Rui became completely different from before. Sometimes he became very weird, but sometimes he was normal. Based on my past experience, I followed him in the Demon Department.

As Co works longer and longer, he will completely change, and there will never be a so-called 'normal' time again."

The more Dai Lin listened, the more horrified he felt.

"At this time, another thing happened. Li An, the director of the Department of Demonology, went abroad for medical treatment. At that time, there were only three other doctors in the Department of Demonology, including Ouyang Rui. Then, Menghua told me something.

On the seventh night of Director Li's visit, Ouyang Rui called her. On the phone, he said that he had been having a strange feeling in the clinic recently. He was obviously the only one in the clinic, but he

But it felt like there was an extra person. Then, he would keep looking around the room. Although he couldn't see anything, he gradually found that his left eye would start to hurt!"

Dai Lin felt a chill down his back.

"At first, I thought it was a ghost. After all, it's not strange for a ghost to invade the clinic. However, Ouyang Rui told Menghua that it didn't look like an ordinary ghost. He told Menghua that his eyes were getting worse and worse.

The weirder it is, he was originally a little short-sighted, but his eyesight was getting better and better inexplicably. In the next few days, no matter day or night, he would feel that there was an extra person in the clinic... always watching him! "

This chapter has been completed!
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