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Chapter 5 The Mysterious House

"Then, I specifically asked Lu Junjun during the interview if she had ever been in contact with our company before and if she had met my father. Her answers were all no. She had never even played any of the games produced by our company, just...

I just watched the TV series. After the interview, I asked her to go back and wait for news. Later, I called her mobile phone and asked her to meet for dinner in the evening. She was naturally ecstatic and thought that our company would hire her."

When Jiang Lan said this, she clenched her hands.

"In the evening, when I saw Lu Junjun in the restaurant, it was already past six o'clock. It was less than an hour before my father's predicted death time. No matter how I looked at it at the time, I didn't think she was going to die.

Dai Lin's heart began to tighten gradually.

Obviously... Lu Junjun must be dead now.

"I deliberately chose an Internet celebrity restaurant with a better location and a lot of people. I thought that nothing would happen here... I thought that what my father said at that time was just ordinary nonsense.


Jiang Lan took another sip of tea and straightened her thoughts. Obviously, for her, what follows will be a very terrifying memory.

"We had a pleasant chat during the meal. She kept wanting to ask me if the company was planning to hire her, but I changed the subject. Then, just in case, I asked her a question.

.I asked at that time, have you not been sleeping well recently? She looked at me and said that she was so tired recently that she had some hearing problems last night, so she originally planned to wait for the weekend to go to the ENT hospital.

Take a look."

"Is there something wrong with your hearing?" Dai Lin quickly wrote the word "hearing" repeatedly on his notebook.

"I wanted to ask further at that time, but Lu Junjun was careless and did not expand the topic, so I couldn't ask any more questions. Thinking about it now, under the circumstances at that time, she should have tried her best to please me, but she still wanted to go off the rails.

Opening up the topic, it can be seen that she really doesn’t want to mention this matter."

"Time flies so fast, and it's almost seven o'clock. Nothing bad happened, and Lu Junjun couldn't see anything unusual. I originally thought that my father probably learned about this through some channel.

People's information, but what kind of hatred do you have against these people? Why do you want to curse them to death while sleepwalking? Just when I thought so... Lu Junjun suddenly said that she wanted to go to the toilet."

"At that time, I remember clearly that the time displayed on my phone was 18:55. She was going to the bathroom, and I couldn't let her go. Originally, I was thinking about following her, but I also thought, nothing would happen, right?

"After she left, I checked my phone again, but she still hadn't come back, so I felt a little uneasy. It was already seven o'clock soon, so I thought about it and ran into the women's room."

When Jiang Lan talked about the most critical moment, her face turned pale.

Unconsciously, outside the window, the sun has gradually begun to be swallowed up by the horizon.

"But, there was no one in the toilet! I ran out to look for her, but I couldn't find her! And by this time, it was seven o'clock!"

"Later I contacted her family, and her parents said she didn't go back. I called her cell phone, but no one answered. Finally, I called the police, who came to the restaurant and called up the surveillance. From the surveillance, it can be seen that

, she entered the women's restroom. After that, she didn't come out until I entered!"


"But, what's even scarier is what's behind. Later, I saw on the surveillance camera... that about ten minutes after I left the women's room, she... came out of it!"


"You mean...Lu Junjun?"

"I swear, when I entered the women's restroom, I checked every single room. There was absolutely no place for her to hide. The restaurant's surveillance camera near the restroom captured it very clearly. She came out... But, I discovered at that time

, her whole walking posture was very strange, her body was quite stiff, her face was very pale, and she had no expression at all! What was even more frightening was that later the police retrieved the surveillance of the restaurant and the street outside, and there was no longer any surveillance probe.

, Lu Junjun was photographed!"

At this moment, Dai Lin understood.

"She... was already dead at seven o'clock!"

"The police later found several people who had gone in and out of the women's restroom ten minutes before she came out based on facial recognition surveillance, but no one said they had seen Lu Junjun, and the testimonies were the same as mine.

There is no one in the single room. But in the opinion of the police, we must have made a mistake."

"No one has ever seen Lu Junjun again, right?"

"Yes. The police later even called all the surveillance cameras within a five-kilometer radius around the restaurant, and none of the surveillance cameras captured her."

Now, Dai Lin understands why Jiang Lan is so scared.

Death prophecies are true.


What summoned Jiang Han to that room while he was sleeping, and then... informed him of the death prophecy?


Jiang Han prepared a very sumptuous meal to entertain Dai Lin and Gao Heyan.

However, Dai Lin had no appetite at all for the delicious food in front of him.

"Originally, I wanted to invite you two to taste my precious red wine, but tonight is more critical, so I changed it to juice." Jiang Han looked at the two doctors in front of him with hope: "Tonight, I will trouble you two.

Judging from the current situation...the death notice mentioned by Jiang Han during his sleepwalking will not have an impact on his own life and health. All the equipment examinations he went to the hospital also proved this.

However, no one knows what will happen in the future.

Just like a ghost cannot remain a ghost forever, as time goes by, it will inevitably transform into a resentful spirit that threatens human life. Otherwise, who would be willing to overspend the future for treatment of a person haunted by a ghost? However, at this stage, Jiang Han has no

Ordinary doctors would not dare to treat symptoms. They must strictly follow the symptoms to issue prescriptions. This can be said to be the ironclad rule of the hospital.

Dai Lin looked at Jiang Han in front of him, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "The key is that the people who were warned must find ways to cure the curse they have received."

"The trouble is right here." Jiang Lan sighed: "Perhaps my father went to that house every month in the past to announce someone's future death. Just thinking about it makes people feel creepy. If

That's right, then...that means many people have died, and this situation may continue in the future, and he seems to be really haunted by some evil spirit..."

This chapter has been completed!
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