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Chapter 17 Dont answer!

Fangzhou turned around, glanced at his wife Wen Xiaoshu who was busy in the kitchen, and then turned around again.

In front of him, there was an A4 paper.

He put his right index finger into his mouth and took a hard bite.

Blood dripped down his lips.

Then, blood was sprinkled on the paper in front of him.

In an instant, Fang Zhou's finger wound healed as before, and there was no longer any wound at all.

"Okay." Fang Zhou looked at the blood sprinkled on the paper, stared at the blood, and said: "Dai Lin, now...you watch. In addition, I need to be highly concentrated when using this move, so if

If my wife or my daughter comes over, I will cover this paper immediately so that they cannot be frightened by the blood."


The blood quickly began to spread on the paper, and then it began to outline a picture!

Six boys and girls were sitting at a table, while a woman was standing in front of the table.

These are the children of Lin Sunzhu and the Qin family... Well, why are there only six?

Fang Zhou pointed at the piece of paper and said, "Dai Lin, take a good look at it. Are there any special abnormalities?"

Dai Lin nodded and looked intently at the A4 paper.

The picture shown by the blood on the paper is not static, but dynamic. The characters on it will move from time to time. Obviously, this is a real-time live broadcast.

Dai Lin knows one thing very well: this is the blood of evil spirits. Even one drop of this blood is enough to kill dozens or hundreds of ordinary intern doctors. If this blood breaks away from the seal imposed by the Curses Department, the people in this residential complex will

Everyone, one by one, will die.

Fang Zhou dared to release this blood in his own home, and he was obviously very confident. But even so, Dai Lin would still be a little nervous.

Evil spirits are still too terrifying for him now.

And there is no doubt that in this room painted with blood, if there are any evil spirits or ghosts, they will definitely be drawn. Even if there are evil spirits in it, there will still be clues.

However, no other figures appeared.

In this case, two possibilities are generally considered.

First, there are evil spirits here. Evil ghosts cannot be included in the classification of ghosts. Although the probability of evil spirits appearing more terrifying than evil spirits is not high, it is theoretically possible.

Second, it is a cursed spirit that transcends evil spirits and can be called an incurable curse. If it is really a cursed spirit, then there is no need to consider treatment. The only thing doctors can do is hospice care.

"Is it...an evil ghost?"

From a probability perspective, Dai Lin thinks the possibility of it being an evil ghost is still higher.

Moreover, if it is an evil ghost, then at least there is hope for treatment. Although treatment is difficult, there is at least hope.

"I don't think so." Fang Zhou recalled Han Ming's tone on the phone: "It's not an evil ghost. At the worst, Dean Han can arrange for the evil ghost department to take over. But the curse spirit... it shouldn't be the case. If that's the case,

In this case, he just told me it was a curse spirit."

Dai Lin observed the scene and said: "Then, contact Teacher Lin and ask her to find a way to get a hair from these children and pass it over so that I can read the memory through the hair."

"I don't plan to do that for the time being." Fang Zhou shook his head slightly: "After all, I don't know which of the people in Phantom Manor are human and which are ghosts."

The differential diagnosis between humans and ghosts is always a big problem in Hospital No. 444. This is the situation where misdiagnosis is most likely to occur clinically.

To this day, no psychic doctor can make a 100% clear diagnosis.

Therefore, theoretically, these six students may also be ghosts. However, the blood of evil spirits cannot be identified, so they can generally only be regarded as evil ghosts or cursed spirits.

As he watched, Dai Lin noticed one of the figures and pointed at him.

"this person……"

Then, Dai Lin heard Milan in the space of his right eye say to him: "He is in some special state."

"Special status?"

"This situation..."

The person Dai Lin felt something was wrong with was Qin Qingji.

There are still about ten minutes until get out of class ends.

At this moment, Qin Qingji suddenly raised his head and looked at the slide map in front of him.

Then, he suddenly spoke.

"w...w city..."

Lin Sunzhu was stunned when he heard this.

This kind of speaking tone...

So familiar!

Just like a foreigner who has just started learning Chinese, his pronunciation is quite inaccurate.

This weird pronunciation is completely different from Qin Qingji's previous standard Mandarin.

Lin Sunzhu turned around and looked at him.

"The place... where we live... is called... W City?",

Hearing such a strange question, Lin Sunzhu felt goosebumps all over her body. She always felt that Qin Qingji in front of her seemed to have become another person.

"Teacher Lin." Qin Boxheng spoke immediately at this time: "Answer quickly."

"Answer, Teacher Qin." Qin Liqun also said immediately.

Then, even Qin Yujuan, who didn't speak much, spoke up: "Answer this question quickly, Teacher Lin."

Only Qin Mi, who had always been timid, didn't speak much. She even picked up her notebook and covered her face, as if she wanted to escape from something.

From the beginning to the end, Qin Shenluo, who almost never spoke and was as evil as a god, remained silent and kept his poker face.

Qin Qingji, on the other hand, mechanically repeated the question just now. Moreover, he also asked one more question: Is City W... at this location... on the map? "

He pointed to the map on the slide.

These are two questions as simple as one plus one equals two.

This is City W. Is this a question that needs to be asked so seriously?

As long as there is no problem in the brain, can anyone answer this question? But why did Qin Boxheng, Qin Liqun, and Qin Yujuan react like this?

However, something even more unexpected happened to her.

Something she never expected.

Qin Bosheng, who had always been quite polite, suddenly stood up, rushed to Lin Sunzhu in three steps and two steps at a time, then raised his hand and grabbed Lin Sunzhu's collar.

Qin Bosheng stared at Lin Sunzhu like a ferocious god and roared: "Answer the question for me! Now, right away!"

Lin Sunzhu looked at this scene in horror, as if if he didn't answer these two simple questions, Qin Boxheng would immediately strangle him to death. At this time, Qin Boxheng's dry eyes were full of madness.

"Answer him! Hurry!" Qin Yujuan also shouted: "Hurry up! Otherwise it will be too late!"

Just when Lin Sunzhu was about to answer, suddenly, a voice came into her mind.

That's the sound of the Ark!

"Don't answer! Don't answer! Don't answer!"

This chapter has been completed!
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