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Chapter Eleven Wake Up

 Dai Lin remembered that Dr. Gao had an operation this afternoon. According to the time, Dr. Gao should be performing the operation.

He touched his forehead, thought for a while, and remembered the name Jiang Han said yesterday - Lin Sen.

He pressed the call bell, wanting to call a nurse to come over and ask him about his current situation.

And at this time...

In an operating room in the inpatient department.

Gao Heyan is suturing the incision of the patient in front of him.

The operation has been completed and the process of removing the curse went very smoothly.

This kind of suture will not leave any scars. After the suture is completed, the thread will merge into a part of the body and will not be visible to the naked eye. Naturally, there is no need to remove the suture.

There is an iron plate on the side. Nothing can be seen on it with the naked eye, but it contains the removed body of the curse.

Not long after Gao Heyan finished suturing, a large amount of blood suddenly and inexplicably seeped out of the iron plate!

It’s just that the blood is black!

The doctors looked towards the iron plate. Soon, a terrifying human head slowly emerged from the center of the black blood!

The man looked at the patient lying on the operating table ferociously, as if he still wanted to curse the patient!

But Gao Heyan quickly walked up and inserted the scalpel into the head!

Then, the head gradually sank.

"It went smoother than expected." Doctor Lin He who was standing next to him said to Gao Heyan: "The patient's soul will not be greatly affected. The patient and his family should be able to rest assured."

"Don't take the post-operative observation too lightly." Gao Heyan looked at the blood on the iron plate and said, "When the people from the Curse Department come to pick it up, you can give this thing to them."

"Well, you still don't like to deal with people from the Curses Department." Lin He looked at the black blood on the iron plate and said, "This should be a resentful spirit produced by some kind of evil curse. I don't know what the patient is."

What kind of person do you have to offend to do something like this?"

"It should be a sorcery more evil than voodoo," Gao Heyan glanced at the patient who was still under anesthesia and said, "Okay, push the patient out and send him back to his ward."

"You went to that house with Director Song in the early morning, right?" Lin He approached Gao Heyan and asked, "How is the situation? I heard everyone in the department mentioned that Director Song advised you

Stop following up, after all, Mr. Jiang is the only registered patient."

However, Gao Heyan answered the question incorrectly: "Lin Yan should be in the dedicated operating room of the Department of Demonology now, right? If Dr. Kerry performed the surgery on her personally, the risk wouldn't be very high."

"You still dare to ask about this matter. No other department can interfere with matters in the Devil's Department. I'm still mumbling now, who knows if that devil will come to the hospital again..."

After walking out of the operating room, the patient's parents and several other relatives rushed up immediately outside.

"Doctor, how is it? Did the operation go well?" The patient's father looked at Gao Heyan hopefully, "No, it's no problem, right?"

"It's okay," Gao Heyan said: "The operation went very smoothly, and the main body of the curse has been completely removed."

"As long as it goes well, it will be good, as long as it goes well..."

At this time, a relative asked: "Wait, doctor, the main body? Are there other parts that have not been removed?"

Lin He explained: "After the main body of the curse is removed, the remaining part only needs postoperative treatment to achieve clinical cure. Otherwise, continuing to expand the resection area will cause irreversible damage to the soul."

"Doctor, I really, really thank you!" The patient's father held Gao Heyan's hand tightly and was extremely excited: "If our child has any shortcomings, I, I really can't survive!"<


"It's okay," Gao Heyan said immediately, "This is what I should do as a doctor."

After sending the patient back to the ward, Gao Heyan gave the nurse some instructions and then asked, "How is Doctor Dai doing?"

The nurse immediately replied: "Everything is fine with Dr. Dai, but the patient is Zhao Lin in bed 42. He was just found to have a recurrence of the curse in the morning. Director Song instructed him to transfuse blood first and then observe."

"The curse has returned?" Gao Heyan's face became a little ugly.

This is the patient she operated on, even though it was Director Song who performed the surgery.

Once another patient dies, the death quota of the patients she handles will increase. And next, she will have to save the person Jiang Han prophesied. If she can't save him, there will be next month, and the next month...
Everyone knows what the consequences will be if the death quota of a doctor's patients exceeds the standard. The death quota is set by the dean based on the department and doctor's professional title, and there is no room for accommodation.

"How come the curse has recurred?" Gao Heyan asked anxiously: "The data from the last check were still very good!"

"When the CT report was made, part of the body of the resentful spirit was regenerated," the nurse said, biting her lip: "Patient Zhao Lin could have been discharged from the hospital at the end of the year if there were no abnormalities in the examination. Now..."

"Wait a minute, did you just say that Director Song ordered blood transfusion?"

"Yes, this recurrence is very strong. The anti-curse treatment of ordinary curses is no longer effective, so we first suppress it by transfusing the blood of the karmic ghost."

"The director actually used such radical treatment techniques?" Although Gao Heyan said this, she did not dare to question Director Song. She was one of the oldest surgeons in the hospital.

"Well, it is... the current situation requires another operation. No matter how specific the operation plan is, it is still up to Director Song to decide." The nurse's voice was trembling when she said this: "Dr. Gao, you were doing the operation at that time.

,Patient Zhao Lin vomited a lot of blood..."

Evening, doctors’ cafeteria.

In Hospital No. 444, because doctors on different floors cannot move freely between each other, each floor has an independent doctors’ cafeteria.

At this time, Gao Heyan and Song Min were eating at the same table.

Although in terms of status, Song Min, as the director of the department, is Gao Heyan's boss, Gao Heyan's status as Yin Wuque's sister-in-law means that Song Min will never put on airs in front of Gao Heyan.

"Heyan, patient Zhao Lin has been possessed by a resentful spirit for nine years," Director Song said, "Judging from the CT results, the body created by the resentful spirit has already formed bones, and the spine is already complete. The patient

I was very scared. At first, he said he wanted conservative treatment, but he was afraid that he would not be able to get off the operating table."

"Maybe it was influenced by the patient who died in the same ward, right?"

"I instructed to input 200ml of the blood of karma ghosts first, suppress it with karma curse, and then observe it for a while. The blood of karma ghosts in the blood bank is currently in short supply, and it needs to be allocated to the curse department. This kind of recurrence trend

If it continues to develop, the patient may not survive two months."

Hearing this, Gao Heyan's face became increasingly ugly.

This chapter has been completed!
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