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Chapter 14 Two Levels

David felt very heavy.

He didn't know what it was about him that the vice-dean valued so much. At the same time, what would be the consequences of awarding Yalu to him?

"The vice-dean didn't consider that a couple like us... would..."

"The vice-dean doesn't care about this. He just needs you to give birth to descendants of the Faust family."

Being a son-in-law definitely has no human rights. The "three-year period has come and the Dragon King returns to his throne" is just to fool fools. As long as a man has a future and is capable, who would be willing to step in?

"Uncle Li, does he know everything?"

"Whether he knows it or not, it doesn't make any sense."

David is full of repulsion towards this marriage. Now, the situation is stronger than others, what can he do?

"You will live here for now."

Virgil patted David on the shoulder and said: "Your marriage will be held no later than this fall. What the deputy dean means is that I hope you can develop a relationship as soon as possible. Having feelings is of course the best. No feelings.

, and... we can still be together."

When David heard these words, he couldn't help but fell silent.

Cultivating feelings... Cultivating is nothing!

David felt that if Yalujia had not killed him with a gun, he would have been able to burn incense! How could he live in such a life?


David sighed heavily.

"Actually, you can also think on the bright side... at least becoming the son-in-law of the Faust family, your status will be different from what it is now." Virgil continued to persuade: "You will soon be able to become the chief physician.

The hope of survival in the hospital will be much higher than that of ordinary doctors."

After David thought about it carefully, he said: "It seems, it seems that's all I can think about."

"That's good."

But at this moment, David suddenly turned around!

He saw Yalujia walking towards him leading a tall German black-backed wolfhound.

Virgil knew that Yalujia's presence here must have been approved by his father-in-law. After all, with Virgil here, there was no need to worry about David's safety.

Yalujia held the wolf dog and looked at David coldly.

"Yaluga..." Virgil stopped in front of David and said, "You, you should know that it's useless no matter how emotional you are. We..."

"Brother-in-law, the face I have given you is not too little." Yalujia said coldly: "The reason why I still stay in this disgusting home is because I can't resist, and because as long as I have

If you have the ability to resist, I can kill all of you as quickly as possible. You chose me for marriage just because I am the only candidate at the moment, right?"

"I advised my father-in-law..."

"Brother-in-law, do you ever regret joining this family? Did you love Lelia Faust, or the Lelia Faust you imagined?"

David is really in trouble at this time. You hate the Faust family so much, don't take it out on me! I was shot while lying down, okay!

Then, Yalujia got closer and closer.

Virgil could not help but turn cold: "Yalujia, if you insist on forcing me, then I... will have no choice but to attack you."

Virgil didn't want to get to that point with Yalujia.

Yalujia said: "I want to have a few words with him alone. Since you want me to marry him, it's impossible for us to stay away from contact for the rest of our lives, right?"

"That's true..."

"Brother-in-law, you can just watch from the side. Do you think I can do anything to him under your eyes?"

Obviously, this is impossible.

"Okay. Don't make it difficult for me, Yalujia."

Therefore, Virgil could only let Yaruja and David walk in the garden in front of him, and he would monitor them at all times.

"Your name is David, right?"

David did not expect that Yalujia would speak in Chinese!


"How much do you know about Hospital 666?"

David never expected that she would say this to him.

"I'm actually not very..."

"Our essence is slaves." However, Yalujia hit the nail on the head: "We actually have no right to choose, we are just puppets controlled by the dean. In this profession, there is no resignation or retirement, only death at work one day.


David wasn't thinking that far ahead.

"The mortality rate of this profession is no less than that of soldiers on the battlefield. One day, we will die."

Then, she looked at David.

I have to say, looking closely from this position, David must admit that Yalujia is really beautiful, her face is full of collagen, and her skin is as smooth as an egg.

"Do you really want to be a slave for the rest of your life? David? They..."

The "they" Yalujia refers to are naturally the other members of the Faust family.

"They are willing to be the dean's slaves and lackeys, dedicate their souls, and spend their lives in shackles. However, not everyone thinks that way. For example, my late husband Lumian."

David didn't understand for a moment what she wanted to say to him.

"You...what the hell..."

Yalujia moved closer to David.

"Why do you think they wanted to recruit you? Because as the dean's lackeys, they want to penetrate into another level for the dean. Infiltrate... into the world from the level you came from!"

Seeing Yalujia move her mouth closer to David to speak, Virgil in the distance was stunned. This... what is going on?

"The plane I came from???"

David was stunned.

"Listen carefully to what I am going to say next." Yalujia continued walking slowly, "The dean is not truly omnipotent. 'He' is bound by some kind of power. However... the dean still wants to break through the shackles of this level.

.You are the most special one among the people 'he' brought from that level."

"I don't understand what you are talking about...at what level..."

"To put it simply, you were not born in Nanmei Village. Your experience at this level, your parents, your sister, and everything you experienced are not real. Everything is just you coming to this world and reassembling it.


None of them real?

"You don't belong here, David. You belong to another level, where your real family is. Think carefully, what are your real parents like?"


Having said this, Yalujia raised her hand and stroked David's cheek.

This scene completely dumbfounded Virgil.

"My...real parents...real..."

David held his forehead and began to think thoughtfully.

"This is impossible……"

"Of course. This is not to instill false memories into you. Everything you have experienced has indeed been experienced, but it is not the real you."

Virgil couldn't hear what Yalujia was saying, but he always felt vaguely that something was wrong.

After Yalujia returned from the Dai Lun family, she still refused to tell her the information she knew about the Dai Lun family. In her opinion, the fact that the Dai Lun family did not kill her and that Lumian even protected her was a great kindness.

She is absolutely unwilling to do anything ungrateful or worse than a pig or a dog.

But for Virgil's father-in-law, Vice-President Mephis Faust, kindness was meaningless. All he wanted was profit, so he repeatedly used various methods to interrogate her. In the end, it was Virgil who came forward to plead for mercy.

And the guarantee prevented her father-in-law from using more cruel punishments on her. Of course, it was mainly because he believed that the people in the Dai Lun family were unlikely to trust Yalujia and tell her truly valuable information.

Virgil has always known that the destruction of the Dairen family was precisely because they touched the dean's bottom line step by step.

He recalled... back then, it was he who discovered the secret activities of the Dai Lun family.

Klein had always told him that he, with his special talent, could see the "darkness" that ordinary supernatural doctors could not see.

At first, he was dubious about this, but later as the spell was implanted, he discovered that what Klein said was true.

That day, he and Klein entered the hospital elevator.

"I've been taking the elevator repeatedly recently and started to feel something."

He pointed to the elevator button ahead.

"I can see this button, and it always has a weird black ring attached to it."

Klein knelt down and looked at the staircase button carefully.

"4th floor"!

This chapter has been completed!
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