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Chapter 23 Hotel Oronne

"Investigating with you?"

Dai Lin came here to find clues and information related to Su Yuanshan.

The biggest problem when working with Gao Heyan is... Milan has to stay inside his right eye all the time.

Of course, Milan has a strong ability to hide. In the past, even when he was next to Damon Dellon, he could not be seen at all. But...

"It's okay, just promise her." Milan's message came to her mind: "Anyway, my hiding ability is enough for her to not be able to tell."


"She may also be able to provide us with some important information. To be honest, her talent is quite powerful and can be of great help to us."

"Okay then." So, Dai Lin replied to Gao Heyan: "So, have you investigated anything here?"

"Currently... what I can confirm is that in the future, the apartment residents will go to the Oronne Hotel to perform the Scarlet Mission. And there... there is the body of Li An, the former director of the Demon Department."

"That Scarlet Mission...how long is it until now?"

"It's been less than two months. At that time, I will take the Oronne Hotel exam organized by the hospital again."

Dai Lin then said: "I...I plan to become an attending physician before then, and then also take this exam."

"Become... attending physician?"


"Are you kidding me? It took two months to achieve the triple jump of attending physician and deputy chief physician???"

The hospital has never had this kind of precedent in the past!

However, Gao Heyan was not sure whether it would be possible for Dai Lin to achieve such a miracle.

"Do you know what the Hotel Oronne is like?"

"I asked. The Oronne Hotel was selected online as one of the top ten haunted places in the world. Have you been there not long ago?"


Gao Heyan recalled his previous experience of going to the Oronne Hotel to take the exam, and he still felt fondly about it now.

In the end, she simply chose to give up the exam and return to the hospital.

I think it was because Li An went to the Oronie Hotel and died there that Ouyang Rui's eyes turned into the devil's eyes that Dai Lin has now.

You can imagine how terrible it would be to have the director of the Demon Department die there.

"There are seven rules for staying at the Oronne Hotel. You know them all, right?"

Dai Lin nodded and said, "I know."

First, no matter what happens during your stay at the Oronne Hotel, never laugh.

Second, no matter where in the hotel, knocking on the door cannot be more than four times.

Third, if you hear someone knocking on the door more than four times, don’t open the door.

Fourth, any food provided in the Oronne Hotel, including steaks of any degree of doneness, will never have blood. If there is blood, please contact the hotel staff to replace it.

Fifth, do not count the number of shadows at any time and place. If you find that the shadows are inconsistent with the actual number of people, please check out as soon as possible within 24 hours.

Sixth, please try to avoid bleeding in the hotel, no matter how small the wound is.

Seventh, if you hear laughter at any time during your stay in the hotel but do not see the person making the laughter, you should contact the hotel service staff as soon as possible and they will deal with it.

Each of these seven rules looks weirder than the last, and there are various interpretations of these rules on the Internet. In order to increase their fans, some Internet celebrities will choose to go to the dangerous place of Oronje Hotel. Some people will even deliberately violate these rules.

.For example, knocking on the door more than four times, or counting people's shadows, and female Internet celebrities will even deliberately choose to check into a hotel during their menstrual period.

"Without exception, these Internet celebrities who deliberately violated the rules disappeared from the hotel. Even if the police investigated, they could not find out the truth. This also caused the hotel to become famous."

"These seven rules were set by the owner of the hotel, right?"

Hotel Oronie is a private hotel in Malaysia, and the actual owner of the hotel cannot be found online at all.

"Dai Lin, let me remind you, it's better not to go to this place." Gao Heyan reminded: "Besides, it doesn't mean that you will be fine in the hotel just by following these rules."

"Yes, for example, Article 5, if it is during the exam, you cannot check out and leave. For us psychic doctors, the biggest advantage is that we can teleport back to the hospital at any time, so it is safe as soon as we arrive. But

, if it involves the Scarlet Letter mission..."

"This can be considered an extra level of difficulty. You should also know that although the residents of the apartment are all mortals, for us supernatural doctors, as long as we approach them and show ill intentions to them, their shadows can easily kill us.

Only the top group of doctors can protect themselves from their shadow attacks. As for this Scarlet Mission, the apartment residents are in a hostile state with us."

This is troublesome.

"Have the hospital conducted an investigation on the people in this hotel? These people..."

Dai Lin judged that the people behind the Oronie Hotel should be somewhat similar to the Qin family behind the Phantom Manor.

"That's the problem. The Oronne Hotel is now listed as a place for examinations for promotion to senior professional titles in hospitals, so doctors are not allowed to investigate the people behind the hotel."

"Is that so..."

You can kill a demon department director. Is this hotel related to Hospital No. 666? You know, even if it is a curse, it is not that easy to kill a department director. The supernatural doctor just has no way to treat it.

A patient who is cursed by a cursed spirit does not mean that he or she is powerless against the cursed spirit.

"Can you tell me your previous experience of staying in a hotel for exams?"

Gao Heyan shook his head.

"The hospital prohibits us from leaking our examination experience. This is prohibited by the director."

In this case, there is nothing we can do. But think about it, if this is not prohibited, it would be tantamount to leaking the exam questions.

At Hospital No. 444, when the attending physician wants to be promoted to deputy chief physician and take the exam, he has to go to the Oronne Hotel. In fact, under normal circumstances, doctors will avoid going to the Oronne Hotel. After all, this place is really...

It's too dangerous.

Dai Lin communicated with Milan in his mind: "What do you think? Milan?"

"It's hard to judge. The strange rules of the Oronne Hotel make me think of hospitals. I mean the rules of Hospital No. 666. For example, you can't knock on the door more than four times. If you knock more than four times, you can't open the door.

at this point."

"Yes. It's the same as the elevator can't have more than twelve people, and if you see a thirteenth person in the elevator, you must not enter the elevator."

This very similar rule...

Is Hotel Oronne similar to Phantom Manor?

"However, this is also a great opportunity for us to improve our strength. The Demon Department will attack us sooner or later, and as long as we can become stronger, we can kill the doctors from the Demon Department!"

"Father-in-law, it seems that Alluka and David are getting along well now. Then, when and where will their wedding be held?"

Virgil stood respectfully before Mavis Faust.

"The time...two months is almost enough. As for the wedding location..."

"If my father-in-law trusts me, I have full authority to arrange this matter."

"No, there is no need to hold the wedding in Europe."

Mephis Faust said: "I have already chosen the venue for the wedding. Let's choose it in Southeast Asia."

Southeast Asia?

Considering that David is Chinese, it would be more appropriate to hold the wedding in China.

Why Southeast Asia?

"I will personally be responsible for arranging the wedding, Virgil. The wedding will be arranged at the Oronie Hotel in Malaysia. I will inform you of the specific details, and you and Klein will handle it together."

"Oronne...hotel? Okay, I understand."

Virgil was a little confused, this hotel... he had never heard of it?

This chapter has been completed!
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