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Chapter 33 Will I go to the eighteenth level of hell?

At that time, Gao Heyan felt a little strange.

Because it's such a coincidence.

Not long after Yin Wuque met his sister, he actually passed the director's recruitment and entered the hospital!

This kind of coincidence is simply a coincidence that only appears in idol dramas. The male protagonist and the female protagonist can meet again no matter what the occasion, and then shout to each other, "Is it you?"

How could such a coincidence exist?

"As far as I know, there is no ability in the hospital to resurrect the dead?"

"In most cases, it is impossible. Once a person dies, the soul will either fall into the world of the dead, or stay in this world and become a ghost or a resentful spirit. There is no way in the hospital to bring the soul of the deceased back.

In the body of the living, unless some kind of curse was used while alive, such as the cursed meat or the brain curse used by Ying Ziye."

"Special cursed objects... Is this the case for Wei Shiling? Is the map fragment a type of cursed object?"

"I'm not a doctor in the Curse Department, so I can't answer this question."

The Curse Department is a department that has little communication with clinical departments, just like clinicians don't know how drugs are made. Only a few clinicians, like my mentor Jiang Licheng, have knowledge about making curses.

"Suppose... that map fragment is some kind of special charm. This kind of charm can allow Wei Shiling's soul to return to this world after she dies..."

If this is the case, Yin Wuque's behavior is understandable.

Dai Lin recalled Han Ming's words and began to speculate on Yin Wuque's experience: His original purpose should have been to learn more medical knowledge at Hospital No. 444 and to find the cause of the death of his lover Wei Shiling. But in the process, Yin Wuque

Wuque has found a way to bring Wei Shiling's soul back?

"I understand now." The more Gao Heyan thought about it, the more he felt that the reality was like this: "The look in Yin Wuque's eyes shows that he is indeed longing for a lover in his heart, but that person is not my sister."

"Those map fragments really point to the interior of Suyuan Mountain, but the map actually points to a place that does not exist in Suyuan Mountain. This is very contradictory... but maybe Yin Wuque has been waiting for the fourth map.

Fragments appear."

Map...Suyuan Mountain...Wei Shiling...

What exactly does Yin Wuque want to do?

Han Ming felt mentally tired.

Even as the executive vice president, having his mind invade the level of Hospital No. 666 was still a very tiring thing for Han Ming.

It's just that... there is never a black inverted cross on his forehead.

When Han Ming took over as the executive vice dean, he knew that... behind the position of executive vice dean, there was a force that restricted the dean.

Han Ming was not sure what kind of subordinate relationship existed between the position of Vice President of Administration and the Dean, but he was certain that the Department of Demonology was the true confidant of the Dean.

There are different cursed forces in the hospital, the director, and another force are at war.

He rubbed his temples, trying to regain his energy.

"No matter what, we must kill Mephis Faust and Yin Wuque. Both of them, no matter what the reason, are loyal to the dean."

Han Ming had absolutely no intention of being sincerely loyal to the dean.

It didn't happen in the past and it doesn't happen now.

However, Han Ming also knew that it was too difficult to kill Yin Wuque. Only he could deeply understand how difficult it was to kill Yin Wuque.

"Yin Wuque's original intention was not to be sincerely loyal to the director, but in terms of actual results, he successfully led the two doctors to move from the level of Hospital No. 666 to this level."

The Dark Magic Surgery is a faction of the Faust family, and it should be that after the Ouyang Rui incident, Dave and William were able to successfully invade the level where Hospital No. 444 existed.

And after they came to this world, their first priority was to get the fragments of the Suyuan Mountain map.

Obviously, behind this must be Mephis Faust's instruction.

"Yin Wuque probably has not united with the Faust family."

Han Ming could basically infer from various clues that Yin Wuque was not cooperating with anyone from the Faust family.

In fact, it is also a question to what extent Yin Wuque knows the existence of Hospital 666.

But Han Ming can still be sure that Yin Wuque was definitely behind the Ouyang Rui incident. Gao Menghua's coma was probably directed and acted by Yin Wuque. Han Ming usually watched Yin Wuque perform affectionately there, attracting a large crowd.

Han Ming found it funny that Lu Yuan's old subordinates were loyal to him.

"It is unlikely that Yin Wuque and I will live until next year at the same time. One of him and I will definitely die within this year."

And very sadly...

Han Ming knew that the person who died would most likely be him.

Of course he didn't want to die, but after being a supernatural doctor for so many years, he knew very well that life and death could not be changed by his own will. He could only do his best and obey fate. Fortunately, Dai Lin was no longer a Yin.

Yin Wuque is a die-hard loyalist, and now he has given Dai Lin meat. He will observe Dai Lin for a while, and wait until he is sure that this person can be used by him and will not be loyal to Yin Wuque, and then tell him about David. At that time, Han

What Ming needs to consider is to train Dai Lin as much as possible while he is alive to become a person who can replace him and succeed him as the executive vice president!

However, in the face of death, the most painful thing that Han Ming has to face is... he may be able to see his father again. As a supernatural doctor, he knows that the world after death is real.

Even after so many years, Han Ming still remembered the way his father looked at him when he was dying.

The pain of late-stage liver cancer left my father on the verge of death. Therefore, the hospital repeatedly gave him painkiller injections.

When his father woke up for the last time, he was so angry that he was in a trance. But even so, his father still looked at Han Ming with eyes full of hatred. His mother cried bitterly, and his aunt slapped Han Ming desperately.

She was crying and crying, especially grandma, who pointed at Han Ming and scolded him as something worse than a beast.

"Beast! You are worse than a beast! Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied? When you die in the future, you will definitely go to the eighteenth level of hell!"

Hell does indeed exist. As for whether there is an eighteenth level, Han Ming will have to wait until he dies to find out. No department in the hospital has researched this point.

If only...if he could enter the hospital earlier, it would be better.

Han Ming still remembers that when his father was first diagnosed with liver cancer, the entire family collapsed.

At that time, my uncle took my father to SZ City in the south for treatment and hired the best oncology experts. My father’s liver cancer was not discovered at an early stage, but with surgery, it was still possible to prolong his survival.


Most of my father's surgery expenses were borne by my uncle.

When his father was pushed out of the operating room, Han Ming knelt in front of his uncle and said that he would repay his uncle's kindness no matter what.

If Han Ming had already entered the hospital at that time, as long as there were enough spiritual healing points, he could let his father live as long as he wanted.

Later, Han Ming followed his uncle to work in SZ to make money. At that time, the reform and opening up had just begun, so his uncle came here to earn money. Han Ming entered his uncle's company as an intern and vowed to make good money and repay his uncle.

However, at that time, Han Ming would never have dreamed of...

"Are you that tired today?"

Huo Jialan walked into the deputy dean's office and saw Han Ming's tired face. He quickly came up and started massaging Han Ming.

"I just... went to eat a bowl of pork knuckle noodles."

"Ah?" Huo Jialan felt a little confused.

"When I went to SZ, my uncle took me to eat together. Now it is different from that era. Just after the reform and opening up, eating meat was a luxury. My uncle said that no matter how much money he made, he would cure my father's liver cancer.


"Why, we are talking about the past again..."

"After I die, I will see my father and... my uncle, right? Do you think, after death, which one of me or my uncle will be in a lower level of hell? Alas, the hospital morgue is connected

It's hell, but we haven't done any research on it."

"You don't have to think about this all the time, Han Ming...you did that back then..."

"I'm really a beast, aren't I?"

Huo Jialan grabbed Han Ming's shoulder, gritted his teeth, and said, "What you did... was not wrong. You saved more people."

"All the people I saved were people I had never met before, and those people never knew I existed. The ones I killed were my uncle and my father."

"I've known you, Han Ming." Huo Jialan showed a look of reminiscence: "My father sold me to a trafficker just to exchange for some money, which can be exchanged for some white powder. As long as you are touched by that stuff, you will no longer be human.

.Isn’t it because of my experiences that you saved me and sent me to the hospital? When your uncle was arrested by the police, the amount of drugs he traded was more than 300 kilograms. If this batch of drugs was traded,

It will destroy countless families. Han Ming, what you did is not wrong!"

"I'm not that noble of a person, Jialan."

"I know, that's because..."

"Jialan. When my father died, he didn't forgive me. Without this incident, his liver cancer would not have recurred so quickly. I often think that if I had not joined my uncle's company, I would not have accidentally heard about my uncle's relationship with me.

Drug buyers called and heard the time and place where they traded drugs. If I had never known that my uncle was a drug dealer from the beginning to the end, if I could successfully persuade my uncle to give up drug trafficking, if I had not chosen to call the police, what would my life be like now?

, what will it look like?”

This chapter has been completed!
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