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Chapter 21 The night watch begins

Director Dave…Dr. William…

In Mei Ge's mind, the memories of these two people she had once forgotten gradually emerged.

As the key department of the hospital, Director Dave has always been a subordinate that Klein relies on.

Mei Ge once interned at Dark Magic Surgery, and she was relatively familiar with Director Dave. Even after her uncle died, his attitude towards her did not change much.

But since when did she forget about Dave and William?

And why did she think of these two people after seeing the seventh rule?

However, Mei Ge doesn't have much time to think about this because midnight is coming soon.

When the time comes, she must go on night patrol.

During this period, all doctors will not enter the outpatient area. Even under normal circumstances, there will be almost no doctors to support, let alone the current situation.

She was sent to stay here on night watch, which was a huge punishment in itself.

Even Mei Ge knew that many doctors had placed bets on how many days she could survive in the morgue. Of course, they used dark soul points to bet. The loser had to receive the winner's dark soul points.

She picked up the flashlight and the duty log, put the pen in the front pocket of her white coat, walked out of the room, and turned on the flashlight.

In front of the extremely silent morgue, there was a strong smell of formalin.

She also prepared her own spell.

Then, start moving forward step by step.

As long as she doesn't say anything, the dean won't know that she saw Rule 7.

As long as this secret is completely rotten in her belly, that's all...

"Uncle, you have never met the dean?"

"Don't talk about me, all the vice-deans in the past have never met the dean."

"Does the dean really exist?"

"Mel, don't talk nonsense." Uncle Kafka said very nervously at that time: "Although no one has ever seen the dean, no one dares to deny his existence. No one can question the dean, maybe even God

No. Mel, never inquire about the identity of the director or where he is in the hospital."

In Mei Ge's memory, her uncle used to be a very devout Catholic. For a person like him, who was even the director of the department in the hospital, to say such words shows how incredible the dean left in his heart.

faded impression.


Punch in and attendance completed.

Tonight's shift has officially begun.

The light of the flashlight is not particularly bright.

The area that can be illuminated is limited.

At this time, she took out the duty key and opened a small room.


They were corpses lying down and covered with white cloth.

What she needs to do is to first check the remains that have just passed 24 hours after death.

If the body dies more than 24 hours later, it will "come back to life" as time goes by, but no one knows how long it will take.

And if the body is not sent to the morgue in time 24 hours after death, Mei Ge doesn’t know what will happen. No matter what the circumstances, the hospital will ensure that the body of the patient who can leave the body after death is sent to this morgue.

In the corpse room. No matter how much the patient's family members want to bury the remains of their loved ones, it is absolutely impossible to realize their wishes.

She used a flashlight to check the records of the remains that had been delivered before.

"Glynn Malson, a 28-year-old native of Denver, Colorado, USA, died of a first-level abyssal attack. Half of the head of the body no longer existed. It had been 27 hours since death... The death certificate was provided by Dark Demon Surruta

Issued by a doctor."

She gradually moved over according to where the body was placed.

"That's the body, I guess."

She shined the flashlight on the white cloth, then raised her hand to lift the white cloth.

To be honest, during this process, a nurse will usually be there to help record the changes in the body, and then the doctor will review and sign it, just to ensure that the record is accurate.

The white cloth was lifted.

The right half of the deceased's head had completely disappeared, but the section of the head was not covered in disgusting flesh and blood, but was covered by a large area of ​​black.

The curse should have been extracted and sent to the Curses Department, but that does not mean whether the body itself has some traces of the curse, not to mention that this was a patient who died from an abyss attack.

The death certificate sent by the cadaver recorder includes a photo taken of the patient at the time of death.

Taking photos of the deceased is usually the job of intern doctors. Some intern doctors are timid and the photos they take are often not clear. Doctors do not pay special attention to this job. Therefore, she has to compare carefully.

There are seven photos in total, and they are basically full-body photos without clothes, including front, back, side, close-ups of key parts, etc.

Mei Ge took a flashlight to compare carefully. At the same time, she had to be wary of "fraudulent corpses" in front of her at all times.

In the morgue, it is normal to fake corpses, but it is very abnormal not to fake corpses.

And she once heard the doctor on duty here mention that often when the doctor is checking and recording the condition of the body, the nurse beside him may disappear silently.

Yes, silently. This is the most terrifying thing. You must know that even nurses have been implanted with curses. No matter how powerful the ghost is, they will not die without any movement.

And even if the nurse dies, the doctor has to work as usual and can't even look for her.

And now, she has to complete all the work alone. In terms of psychological quality alone, Klein is no match for her.

She checked every corner of the body based on the photos to make sure there were no changes.

Of course, those reactions and changes after death of a normal corpse do not count.

"It's been 27 hours and there's still no obvious change."

After specifically noting that there were no obvious changes in the duty log, she signed her name.

"Then, next one."

She covered the body again with the white cloth.

Mei Ge was still thinking about the seventh rule just now.

One more thing - "Hospital 444 is real."

"This hospital is not called Hospital No. 444, it is called Hospital No. 666." This is the first article of the hospital's medical staff code. Everyone in this hospital must bear this in mind.

No one will discuss Hospital No. 444, because every time someone does that, even if they just think about it, the inverted cross on their forehead will make them feel a sharp pain that is like tearing their souls apart.

She remembered that on the eve of Dave and William's disappearance, she had mentioned "Hospital 444" to herself.

Hospital No. 444 is real... The amazing thing is that even if Mei Ge thinks about this thing now, the inverted cross on her forehead doesn't make her feel anything special!

why is that?

I will definitely strive for perfect attendance this month. At the same time, please vote for me every month!

This chapter has been completed!
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