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Chapter 24 Nightmare Insect

"Demon insect..." Lelia heard this and said, "It can be considered a quite rare curse."

"For you, it's just a sideline charm."

"But it's not easy to control, right? The most important thing is how to raise and cultivate it. The doctors in the Curse Department's research on cultivating demonic insects have been making very average progress."

"Yes. Just for the problem I mentioned just now, the bodies of people staying around Mel will continue to be eroded by the demonic insects. Although this kind of erosion is completely bearable by the supernatural doctor, over time, it will always

Increases the risk that the curse will backfire on itself."

"Does Mel himself know this and still regards the doctors around him as food for raising demonic insects?"

"She herself was actually quite surprised by the side effects of the demonic insects. Because of this, she initially hoped to control the demonic insects. However, this kind of control was not ideal."

"In the final analysis, she is still selfish." Lelia said coldly: "It's no wonder she fell into such a situation, and no one spoke for her."

"The only thing that surprises me is that even though I gave her a way to survive, she still insisted on confronting me. In this case, there is no need to say anything more. Just wait, tomorrow morning, if the news of her death comes out

, how many people will celebrate. Especially those doctors who have been corroded by the demonic insects in her body, no longer have to worry about the danger of the curse in her body coming back to bite them."

Lelia suddenly thought of something and said, "So, is this the reason why my sister-in-law has always opposed George's marriage to her?"

"Diana has investigated her a long time ago. If nothing else, she has a character that can use her own spells to harm the doctors around her, and she would never want to hand over our son to her. After all, this child George has never seen anything in this world.

Deep down, he doesn’t understand what love is at this age. In this case, I can choose a better marriage for him."

"Choosing a wife for George is not a simple matter, and it depends on his father's wishes. George is the eldest grandson of our family, and his father has very high expectations for him. Therefore, no matter what, we must choose a truly good wife for him."

Then, Lelia stood up and said, "It's getting late, I'm going to rest first."

Lelia returned to her room.

Then she raised her arms.

The wound on the arm opened one eye.

Through this eye, some scenes of the lake can be conveyed to her.

And what she saw right now... was Lin Qian lying on the hotel bed!

"Soon, it will be more than 24 hours..."

Lelia sat down and started looking at her watch.

After waiting 24 hours...

The observation really begins.

More than 24 hours after death, the patient was still not admitted to the hospital.

It is very rare for a supernatural doctor to obtain such observation records. After all, as a supernatural doctor, he must abide by the director's regulations and must send the patient's body to the morgue within 24 hours after death.


So even if you want to do such an experiment, it is very difficult.

Lelia looked at her watch.

24 hours is coming soon.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six...

Five, four, three, two...

"Then, let me see... what would happen if the body did not enter the morgue 24 hours after death?"

She had already picked up a pen and paper and started recording on the paper.

As a supernatural doctor, such first-hand information will be very crucial for the future demon department. If nothing else, it will provide material for her new paper in the future.

For a long time, Lelia Faust has been unwilling to be just an assistant to her brother Klein. Her father is very fond of Klein, and she knows it very well. But this does not mean that the position of vice-president will be in a hundred years.

Handed over to Klein smoothly. Lelia has always been determined to win the position of vice dean.

Mei Ge knew that there must be countless people looking forward to her death here tonight.

She has offended too many people in the past.

In the past, because uncle Kafka was here, they had no choice but to do anything to themselves.

But now, she has lost all power. Anyone can step on her.

She is now a typical "remnant of the previous dynasty". Even if she is killed, it will only be because of the righteousness. The only reason why she can still live until now is that George Faust still has feelings for her. You can see

For his sake, he just made things difficult for her.

Mei Ge also knew very well that if she had accepted Klein's suggestion and really made a living by slandering her uncle, those who already hated her would have looked down upon her even more. In the future, even if she didn't say it openly,

It would still poke her spine behind her back. Just thinking of this scene was even more unacceptable than staying in this dark morgue.

As long as Mei Ge thinks about these things, her fear can be driven away to some extent.

"This is……"

She opened the new body information, and the signature on the death certificate was Alice Gale.

Her former colleague.

What surprised Mei Ge was that the photos of the body taken by Alice (she always took photos of the body she declared dead) were extremely clear.

Mei Ge originally thought that even if it was just to improve herself, the photos taken by Alice would be too mimetic, making it difficult for her to identify the changes in the body.

Mo Meige knew that if she died, Alice would be one of the happiest supernatural doctors in this hospital.

After her uncle Kafka died, she completely cursed herself in front of her, saying that she was scum and garbage, and that she had better die directly. Because the demonic insects in her body had been increasing the risk of Alice's curses coming back to bite her.

This was enough to make her hate herself to the core.

However, as a supernatural doctor, you cannot resign or change jobs. Therefore, Alice can only face Mei Ge all the time.

From this point of view, it is natural that she hates herself.

Looking at the cause of death, time of death, and specific diagnosis written by Alice in front of her, Mei Ge couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Whether it is diagnosis or cause of death, they are all written in very detailed and intuitive manner. They even include exact surgical records.

As a supernatural doctor, Mei Ge asked herself that her surgical skills were definitely not as good as Alice's.

If it weren't for her own background, she would never have been able to become a supernatural doctor. However, this bloodline also destined her to step onto the operating table, and she couldn't resist.

Is this a blessing or a curse?

She couldn't tell clearly either.

Moreover, no matter how many generations the supernatural doctor's bloodline is passed down in the future, he is destined to become a supernatural doctor. No one with direct bloodline can escape this curse.

It is precisely because of this that her uncle poured resources into himself and even implanted this bug into her to enhance her strength...

This chapter has been completed!
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