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Chapter 36 The Long Night (10)

Hospital No. 444 Volume 1 The Curse Cured Hospital Chapter 36 The Long Night However, as soon as the man stepped into the duty room, he was ejected! Then, his body turned into nothingness and disappeared completely!

It seems that the interior of this duty room is indeed quite reliable, and the internal defense is very strong. No wonder it is said that if a black cat barks, it will flee here immediately.

Facing this horrific scene, Mei Ge had no reaction from beginning to end, and even picked up another cup of coffee she had brewed and took a sip.

"What? Is this your first contact with the devil? To be precise..."

"Miss Mo." Dai Lin slowly looked at her and said, "I know about devils and the invasion of the abyss. I know more about your hospital than you think."

"That's it..."

Mei Ge looked at Dai Lin and became increasingly wary.

Fuck... I can't beat him... He also knows more than expected. It's very difficult to fool him now.

Mei Ge didn't know how much Dai Lin knew about the hospital, but since he already knew it to this extent, it at least meant that Hospital No. 444 might know more than he expected.

"So do you know the Daeron family?"

Dai Lin nodded.

It’s okay to know so much that you can’t know any more!

"That'll be easy."

So, Mei Ge told Dai Lin her specific experience.

Milan naturally didn't know about Mo Meige's series of experiences after Director Kafka's death. Dai Lin naturally couldn't know what Milan didn't know.

Logically speaking, as Kafka is in the Dairen family camp, Mo Meige and Milan should also be friendly forces. What's more, Mo Meige now has no value to the Faust family, or...

...Torturing her to death can better scare the monkeys and frighten Xiaoxiao.

Dai Lin originally had no enmity with the Faust family. But judging from various signs, this family has decided to become the dean's lackeys.

Damon Dalen has one point that Dai Lin agrees with. To the doctors, the dean is a slave owner and their enemy. He was kidnapped for no reason, forcibly turned into a supernatural doctor, and implanted with spells.

Why should doctors bow to the dean as a matter of course? This makes no sense at all! Because of this, Dai Lin naturally has no good feelings towards the Faust family who are willing to be lackeys.

"Okay, I have to go on night watch. You won't let me go, right?" Mei Ge even stood up directly. In front of Dai Lin, she was always unruly and surrendered, but she was not willing to surrender completely.

"I will go with you."

Dai Lin stood up and prepared to go to the door of the duty room with Mei Ge.

The devil may be waiting for them outside the door.

Dai Lin has already started to activate his left eye.

"Your eyes." Suddenly, Dai Lin heard Mei Ge's words: "Based on my clinical experience, I can basically determine that the spell in your eyes can be said to have been invaded by a high-level abyss. How can you actually use it so often?

Will it cause the soul to be cursed?”

These eyes...

In fact, even the doctors in the Curse Department of Hospital No. 444 find it difficult to understand. Dai Lin's ability to withstand this level six abyss-invading curse even amazed Milan.

Why did Li An's death cause Ouyang Rui to be invaded by the sixth-level abyss? Ouyang Rui's situation is the same as Zhong Siming's. He is not an intern in the Department of Demonology, and he has no devil's curse. Like Gao Menghua, he is an emergency doctor who studied under Jiang Licheng.

Doctor, but was directly appointed as a demon doctor by the dean.

Not long after that, the Devil's Eye incident occurred. Ouyang Rui, who was attacked by the sixth-level abyss, had his eyes transformed into a curse, and then he died, and Gao Menghua became unconscious from then on.

It is impossible for Yin Wuque to interfere with the dean's appointment of demon doctors, but what if he submitted a recommendation to the dean? The vice dean's personnel recommendation to the dean will not be known to others.

Therefore, Dai Lin has always suspected that Ouyang Rui had a complete plan behind entering the Demon Department. It was all for these eyes, and what was needed was a host like Dai Lin that could carry the sixth-level abyss invasion curse.

In order to achieve the goal of Yinwuque...

"I have never encountered a cursed object that invades the abyss at a high level like yours." Mei Ge continued: "I don't know how the cursed object is made, but your level of invasion... you don't usually see many special things.


"At least not yet."

"As a doctor, my advice to you is that it is best to remove your eyeballs as soon as possible. I can't understand that you can still live to this day."

"You don't have to speak if you don't know how to speak, Doctor Mo."

As the two walked out of the duty room, Dai Lin began to search for traces of the devil.

"But, this unknown doctor, there is one thing that I don't know if you understand."


"I have read a paper. It is a paper that can only be read if you have been the director of the department for more than ten years. The author is Rhaenys Darren... Do you know this person?"

Of course Dai Lin knew who was on the losing side of the internal strife in the Dai Lun family.

"The paper she wrote has a point of view on high-level abyss invasion. That is...the higher the level of invasion, the more the Dean's presence can be sensed. As you know, the Dean is omnipresent. But it is difficult for ordinary people to understand

There is a concept, and many people doubt this statement. However, when the abyssal invasion reaches a very high level, patients can sense the director... It is really omnipresent, and it is really around us all the time."

When Dai Lin heard this, he slowly turned his head and looked at Mei Ge.

"What did you say?"

Milan was also the director of the department before. Why hasn't she read this paper? Oh, it should be because she has been the director of the department for less than ten years.

As the level of the abyss invasion deepens, can we sense the presence of the dean?

why is that?

"Renice Daeron believes that the essence of the invasion of the abyss is a kind of soul pollution. The evil omen is the first sign of this pollution."

Mei Ge took advantage of Dai Lin's listening fascination and began to get closer to Dai Lin little by little.

Getting closer...

Suddenly, she quickly raised her right hand, and it was about to pass Dai Lin's eyes!

As a result, Dai Lin grabbed Mei Ge's right hand.

He held a bright scalpel in his hand.

"What do you want to do?" Dai Lin said coldly.

Mei Ge secretly lamented that her success was in vain. As a surgeon, she was still not good enough in practice. How could she know that Dai Lin's eyes could see through her completely.

Mei Ge forced herself to calm down and said, "I said, from a doctor's perspective, it would be best for you if these eyes are completely removed."

"So I should thank you, right?"

"You're welcome."

Mo Meige was so thick-skinned that she had no intention of begging for mercy at this time.

"It seems that you didn't take the warning I gave you seriously. What you just said were all lies, right? You can feel the invasion of the abyss, Dean..."

"No." Mei Ge shook her head: "Everything I said is true. Even Rhaenys Darren had a bold inference..."

"Do you think I will still believe you?"

"If people talk more, the sky will not fall. We must pursue freedom of speech."

"I'm sorry, I'm not one of you Europeans and Americans."

Dai Lin was about to use his left eye to teach Mo Meige a lesson, but the latter's next words made Dai Lin stop.

"Her inference is that after our supernatural doctors were invaded by the abyss, the real symptoms of soul pollution were manifested in the fact that from the doctors of Hospital No. 444," she raised her eyes slightly, "we gradually transformed into the doctors of Hospital No. 666. We

The inverted cross on the forehead is proof that the supernatural doctor has been invaded by the abyss and his soul is polluted."

"You..." Dai Lin wanted to say that she was lying, but for some reason, he found her words to be unspeakably convincing: "Isn't it possible? Don't you know how to check the state of your soul?"

"Are we going to use the medical equipment provided by the director?"

Dai Lin was stunned.

"So what you're saying is that all of you are Abyss Invasion patients?"

"Or, it can be said." Mei Ge looked into Dai Lin's eyes and said, "The fact that you came here and came into contact with me does not prove that you have begun to pollute your soul bit by bit because of the curses invading the abyss.

? Will Rhaenys Daeron lose because she is not strong enough, or because...she told the truth, and the dean must let her die?"

I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival

This chapter has been completed!
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