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Chapter 11 Lu Mange (6)

"The examination cannot be done today. I will prescribe a spell for you first. You should carry it with you first. Don't come into contact with your husband for the time being, and don't irritate him."

Lu Mange listened to Mei Quzhen, who spoke a little carelessly, and asked worriedly: "Director Mei, my husband, what is his condition now! Can you tell me?"

"He is probably not your husband anymore. You have to be mentally prepared."

"Not my husband?"

Regarding Hospital No. 444 and the concept of evil spirits, Lu Mange is completely confused and has no way of understanding it.

"I can only guess. Once the inspection is completed, we will be able to roughly confirm it. In short, you go ahead. The spiritual healing points will be deducted directly in the spell room."

Lu Mange was so frustrated that she could only take the prescription and leave the outpatient room first.

"Where can I get the charm?"

After arriving at the nurse's desk, after questioning, the nurse pointed to the corridor on the right: "That's the curse room in the outpatient building of the Curse Department."

"The Curses Department?"

"You don't have to worry about it, just go. After receiving the charm, if you want to leave the hospital, just come to me and I will take you away."


Lu Mange took the prescription and walked towards the corridor on the right in front of him.

But after taking two steps, she became scared again, walked back to the nurse and said, "I, I...can you do me a favor? I'm afraid, I don't dare to go there."

Nurses are used to this.

"Don't worry, there are spells laid in the corridors. What's more, this is the Evil Ghost Department. The arrangements of spells are more complete in all aspects. The level of the spell doctors here is beyond praise."

"Even if it's okay, I'm still scared when I look at it. Please, please take me there."

"I still have to be on duty...hey, Doctor Gao?"

Then, Lu Mange turned around and saw a charming and cold-looking female doctor walking over. Looking carefully, the name tag on her chest read "Gao Heyan, chief physician of the Wraith Surgery Department."

"Doctor Gao, why did you come to the Ghost Department?"

"It's about Dai Lin." Gao Heyan said, "I heard that a nurse on duty from the Evil Ghost Department witnessed him. I don't believe he is dead."

"Doctor Dai...if he is still alive, there is no reason for him not to come out from the morgue?"

Gao Heyan said categorically: "I firmly believe that he is still alive! No matter what, I want to talk to the nurse who witnessed him. So..."

"Why don't you, Doctor Gao, do me a favor? This patient is too frightened to go to the curse room alone. Can you take her there? I have to be on duty and can't leave."

"It's a small thing, no problem."

Gao Heyan looked at Lu Mange and said, "Well, this patient, come with me."

The nurse immediately said: "Dr. Gao Heyan is the attending physician, and will soon be promoted to deputy chief physician. You can't go wrong by following her."

Then she approached Gao Heyan and asked: "Um, Doctor Gao, is your sister... okay now? I've heard that the people from the Curse Department came to the hospital in the morning about your sister's disappearance in the inpatient department.

Investigation. We have heard several rumors here, but we don’t know whether they are true or false..."

"It's okay. My sister is fine now."

"Isn't it true? The rumor that your sister has become a resident of that apartment in K City is not true, is it?"

But this time, Gao Heyan did not answer the nurse, but looked at Lu Mange and motioned for her to follow him.

Lu Mange then followed Gao Heyan with confidence and headed towards the curse room.

Although she was a female doctor, Gao Heyan's temperament gave Lu Mange an inexplicable sense of security, feeling that as long as she followed her, nothing would happen.

While walking along the corridor, she couldn't help but ask: "Doctor, I want to ask, what exactly is the evil ghost?"

Gao Heyan replied: "I can't answer this question for you. It's too complicated. Besides, I'm not a ghost doctor. I treat curses caused by evil spirits. At most, I can only answer your questions about karmic ghosts."

“What is a karma ghost?”

"It is generally believed that karmic ghosts will inevitably transform into evil spirits, but the clinical treatment methods for the curses caused by the two are very different. Don't think too much first, just accept the examination and treatment with peace of mind. You are lucky enough to find out.


"Found it early? How did you know?"

"If you find it late, you usually end up in the emergency room instead of the outpatient clinic. Okay, just follow me."

Lu Mange subconsciously followed Gao Heyan closely.

Soon I walked to the window of the spell room in front of me.

"Dr. Gao Heyan."

At this time, I saw a male doctor wearing glasses standing in front of the window and said, "We meet again."

Facing the doctor wearing glasses, Gao Heyan said coldly: "Yes, we meet again."

"Your move is very powerful. After your sister becomes a tenant in the apartment, none of us can hurt her even a hair."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"But you're not an apartment dweller."

Lu Mange couldn't understand what they said at all, but she could tell that the optician was very hostile to the female doctor.

"Well, I'll get the cursed object..."

She placed the prescription on the windowsill.

The optician picked up the prescription, looked at it, and said, "300 spiritual healing points. Put your hand on this instrument and the points will be automatically deducted."

After hearing this sentence, Lu Mange immediately made corrections and followed suit.

There was only a "ding" sound, the deduction was completed, and the eye doctor took out a small box and gave it to Lu Mange.

"There are instructions on how to use it. Remember to follow it. If you use the spell indiscriminately without following the instructions, I cannot guarantee the consequences."

Lu Mange could hardly remember how he got home.

The memory after obtaining the cursed object in the cursed object room is like a fragment.

Just as she was about to recall how she left the hospital, her cell phone rang.

Lu Mange took a look and saw that the call was actually from Li Zhixiao!

She answered the phone immediately.


"Man...Mange. I want you to come out for a moment."

"You called me Mange? Are you awake?"

"Well, I think it would be better if we meet each other."

"Let's meet. Where can we meet?"

"I'll send you the location. Let's meet there."

"Okay. I'll be right over."

After hanging up the phone, she remembered that Mei Quzhen warned herself not to have contact with Li Zhixiao recently!

However, it seems that the husband has come to his senses?

She couldn't accept it no matter what if Li Zhixiao was a ghost!

Looking at the box in her hand, she bit her lip, picked up her cell phone, and called Lin Lu.

"Lin Lu, I may have to come back later."

"What's wrong?"

"I have something to tell you later."

Then, she quickly rushed over according to the position Li Zhixiao gave her.

Not long after, she arrived.

That's a restaurant.

After walking in, she quickly saw Li Zhixiao.

"Husband, your memory is back to normal now?"

As soon as she sat down, Li Zhixiao said: "Lin Lu, look carefully, it's her."

"Lin, Lin Lu?"

"Yes." Li Zhixiao looked beside him and said, "Don't you know her?"

However, Lu Mange was confused.

"Lin Lu, of course I know her."

"Why are you pretending to be stupid? Lin Lu, let me tell you, she actually said that she is moving to your house now!"

Lu Mange looked around and couldn't see Lin Lu at all.

"What are you talking about? Zhixiao? There are only two of us here, where did Lin Lu come from?"

This chapter has been completed!
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