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Chapter 5 Outpatient Clinic

One p.m.

Dai Lin relied on his ability to travel through space again and entered the hospital.

The pure white corridor with a sci-fi feel gave him a strong sense of unreality.

On the road, doctors in white coats walked by him from time to time, as if this was an ordinary hospital.

The Wraith Surgery Department and the Wraith Internal Medicine Department are both on the fifth floor of the outpatient building.

Doctors cannot leave the outpatient area to which they are assigned without permission, so they cannot even go to other floors easily.

In the outpatient hall, there were not many patients. It looked like one of those private hospitals, which was completely different from the public tertiary-A hospitals that were always overcrowded and noisy.

Dai Lin counted the number of patients sitting and waiting for treatment, and there were less than twenty.

These people...are all suffering from various supernatural curses and come to the hospital for treatment?

The so-called Wraith Department is a department established based on the classification of ghosts. Wraith belongs to the scientific name. This is a kind of ghost that can cause physical harm to humans and even endanger life.

It's still half an hour before the outpatient clinic opens.

Dai Lin came to the 4th clinic of Wraith Surgery.

He opened the door and walked in. At this time, no one was in the clinic.

Suddenly, figures flashed in the clinic room, and then he saw Gao Heyan appearing in front of the desk!

"It's quite early." Gao Heyan opened the computer on the table in front of him and said: "When we go to the outpatient clinic later, you will be responsible for recording the patient's medical history and don't say unnecessary words. Intern doctors like you can come to the outpatient clinic to learn.

Very few, usually helping in the inpatient department, so you'd better cherish this learning opportunity, which will be of great help in improving your ability to survive in the hospital in the future."

Dai Lin vaguely felt that Gao Heyan was quite cold towards him, which was totally different from Yin Wuque's attitude.

However, she is right, this is indeed a good learning opportunity for the intern doctor. When he was in medical school and came to the Ninth Hospital as an intern, he could only help in the inpatient department, but in the outpatient department, he could indeed learn

A lot of stuff.

"The clinic will start in half an hour. Let me confirm today's appointment list first. Let me remind you first that anything can happen during the clinic. No matter what happens, don't yell or make the patient anxious." At this time.

, the computer was turned on, Gao Heyan opened an Excel spreadsheet, "Also... no matter how dangerous it is, you are not allowed to hide. I can guarantee your life safety. You are sitting here as a doctor, and you represent the face of our department.


"Okay." Dai Lin nodded solemnly: "I will study hard."

Since working here was an irresistible fate, Dai Lin chose to work hard to learn the knowledge of supernatural medicine. Ordinary doctors save people, and so do supernatural doctors.

However, psychic doctors bear greater medical risks than ordinary doctors.

A few hours later.

"Well, it's not a big problem."

After Gao Heyan completed the diagnosis, he began to write the prescription in front of the patient.

Unlike public hospitals, a consultation may only last a few minutes. Because the number of patients in this hospital is relatively small, the doctor can patiently consult. She will only write a prescription when she is confident enough about the diagnosis.

All prescriptions must be written by hand, which is a habit of Gao Heyan.

"Okay, just go to the spell room on the first floor to get the spell. Remember, use the spell once every morning and evening according to the instructions, and there will be no problem. No more, no less. Your home is so close to the cemetery.

It's not surprising that such a level of evil spirits would lead to a ghost in bed. You came here early and it won't have much impact on your life and health. Get the outpatient manual and bring it with you next time you come."

Dai Lin handed the outpatient manual he wrote to the middle-aged man. Of course, Gao Heyan also recorded a copy on the computer.

The patient was a middle-aged man. He took the prescription and outpatient manual, and still said uneasily: "Is this okay? Is there no problem?"

Dai Lin often encountered such outpatients in clinical practice before. Even if the doctor made a promise, he would still feel anxious.

Gao Heyan nodded and said: "If you are worried, you can go for a soul B-ultrasound. If you want to do it, I will bill it for you."

"B-ultrasound? Souls can also do B-ultrasound?"

"Usually B-ultrasound is used to check whether there is any ghost possession. A deeper curse can only be seen by going to the Spiritual Shooting Department for a CT scan. Your symptoms are very typical, but my judgment is that they are far from the level of a curse."

"What's the price of B-ultrasound?"

"Our diagnosis and treatment fee is the same as the registration fee, which is a person's life span. In your case, a B-ultrasound will pay for four hours of life span. I can give you time to think about it. I have outpatient clinics this week except Sundays."

Gao Heyan's tone was very relaxed, but the middle-aged man seemed very anxious and still worried. He looked at Dai Lin aside and asked: "Here, this doctor, tell me, are you really going to go back like this?"

This kind of ghost pressing on the bed is really scary."

How could Dai Lin answer? As a surgeon, he should logically answer that the essence of ghost bed pressure is sleep paralysis and a neurological disease. However, what this patient encountered was a real "ghost" bed pressure.


"Just listen to Dr. Gao." Dai Lin could only reply: "She has much more experience than me."

The middle-aged man thought for a moment, then picked up the prescription and walked out of the clinic.

"The Resentful Spirit Division and the Ghost Division..." Dai Lin asked: "What is the essential difference? What he encountered cannot be regarded as a resentful spirit, right?"

"Before the imaging examination, it is difficult to judge which department to enroll in just based on the symptoms complained by the patient. You were a surgeon before, so you should know this. Although the ghost has a word for resentment, it is not necessarily the kind of ghost in your phenomenon.

." Gao Heyan patiently taught Dai Lin: "Generally speaking, ghosts refer to ghosts that will not cause physical harm to humans. Such ghosts are more likely to cause mental trauma to humans, such as hallucinations and dreams.

, or the fear caused by repeatedly appearing in front of the patient...and this patient's condition has almost exceeded the scope of mental trauma."

Dai Lin quickly wrote these contents down in his notes and nodded.

"Okay, the afternoon outpatient clinic is over. There will be a night outpatient clinic in the evening. You can go to have dinner first, either in the hospital cafeteria or in the real world. Just come on time in the evening."

"okay, I get it."

As the sun sets...night reigns over the earth again.

The woman holding the business card came to a square in the center of W city.

Her face became increasingly ugly.

This square is always filled with a group of old ladies dancing in the square, 365 days a year.

But today, the square was deserted, and even the wild cats that had always hung around here were nowhere to be seen.

She became more and more frightened... Now, no matter where she went, it would become so empty. She would be walking on the main road, but inexplicably, she would end up in a small trail.

Then... there will be strange footsteps behind her!

Then...she took out the business card.

This chapter has been completed!
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