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Chapter 14 The terrifying Yan family

"Why are you stunned? Yan Xin, sit down and eat together."

Hearing Yan Shixiong say these words in a tone that sounded so matter-of-fact, An Xiunian felt completely terrified.

"Yes, let's sit down and eat."

"Wait, wait a minute, I, I'm going to the bathroom."

An Xiunian rushed out of the restaurant as quickly as possible, ran into the bathroom, and locked the door. Then, she came to the faucet. Just as she was about to turn on the faucet, she vomited uncontrollably!

Countless filth was spit out by her.

What exactly is going on?

That strange middle-aged woman...


Then she started grabbing her arm.

An Xiunian finally realized a problem that she had already realized but had been avoiding.

The question is: Why can she be so lucky to possess Yan Xin?

Where in this world can such pie-in-the-sky things come from? Even if there is such a thing, why would it happen to me?

This is not luck!

"Replacement, does it mean changing the body?"

People in this family have the ability to transfer their souls to new bodies!

Then, there is no doubt that the transfer of his soul to Yan Xin's body is definitely not an accident.

Although I don’t know what the reason is, it is obvious that all of this probably originated from Yan Xin. It was Yan Xin who moved her soul to her own body.

Although she doesn't know why she did this, and her family doesn't know she did it, this is the most reasonable explanation at the moment.

No...or, do they really not know, or are they just acting in front of themselves?

The ability to transfer souls is simply unbelievable. There is no doubt that if this ability is really announced to the world, those old and wealthy people who are already old and frail will definitely acquire this ability at all costs!

Even if you are older, you can get a longer life by transferring your soul to a younger body. If this ability can continue, you can even make your soul immortal.

What kind of ability does this belong to? Is it science or magic? Is it a technology secretly developed by Blue Core Group?

Suddenly, countless thoughts flashed through An Xiunian's mind.

After a long time, A Jiang's voice came from the bathroom door.

"Miss, are you okay?"

Yan Xin quickly said: "I, I may have eaten something bad and have some diarrhea. It may take a while."

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay. As long as it's clean, it shouldn't matter."

After Ajiang left, An Xiunian began to think carefully about what to do now.

The biggest benefit her life experience has brought her is that even if she encounters a very bad situation, she can quickly calm down and think about the best solution to the current situation. Because she knows that only she can save herself.

"First of all, this family, as well as Guan Ning, are very aware of the matter of 'replacing' the body. So, I can't reveal any flaws that make them suspicious. Yes, I must not reveal any flaws."

You know, the current situation is completely different from before.

Before the change, things like soul possession were pure nonsense, and no one would believe it. Then, as long as she is indeed stationed in Yan Xin's body, no one can say that she is not Yan Xin.


However, now, for the people of the Yan family, "soul possession" is not a bizarre and absurd statement, but a daily routine that they have become accustomed to. In this way, once their flaws are exposed, it will not be difficult for them to produce "

Is the current Yan Xin taken over by someone else?”

The question is, where did this new body come from? Can an identity like the wife of the chairman of Blue Core Group be obscured by plastic surgery? How did they change their new identities? How much power does it have?

?Is there some indescribable shady secret here? Is it comparable to Gao Qiqiang's ability in "Hurry Up"? In this way, once their suspicion is aroused, I'm afraid they can kill themselves at any time.

This is the scariest thing!

"We must not expose our flaws, we must not expose our flaws..."

Obviously, even if she wanted to regret it now, it was too late. She must play the role of Yan Xin perfectly.

This is the most important question at the moment.

The next issue to consider is Yan Xin himself.

Where is Yan Xin’s soul?

If she moved her soul into her body, would she also move her soul into someone else's body?

Thinking this way, it is obviously very reasonable.

What is her purpose in doing this? What is her so-called "plan"?

In other words, could the car accident be fundamentally caused by her?

Frankly speaking, it is not unusual for a person with the ability to transfer souls to do anything. At present, An Xiunian must think about this problem from the worst case scenario.

For An Xiunian, everything is now beginning to become dangerous. The asymmetry of information makes it difficult for her to play the role of Yan Xin perfectly. The missing soul of Yan Xin and her unknown plan make An Xiunian now faced with

Amid various crises.

what to do?

On the one hand, there is a serious lack of information!

On the one hand, she is just a mortal without any superpowers, but her enemies are a group of unpredictable beings!

An Xiunian's teeth almost bit her lip. In this situation, it was really difficult for her to think of a way. It could be said that all around her were terrifying enemies.

She has no allies to turn to for help.


Wait a moment!

She recalled what Guan Ning said.


An Xiunian recalled Guan Ning's words again and began to realize that the so-called hospital may not be what she understood. At least, it was definitely not an ordinary hospital.

Hospital, could it be some kind of code name?

Guan Ning also mentioned that people from the hospital may come to contact her next, saying that she can clean up the people in the hospital.

Then, An Xiunian suddenly slapped his thigh.



The hospital, this force, is the enemy of the Yan family!

This is the only ally you can turn to for help!

This group must have information about the Yan family! They can even know how Yan Xin achieved such a thing as soul transfer!

No matter what, this has become An Xiunian's greatest hope now.

But the problem is that she has no way to proactively contact people in the hospital, no way to contact them. The most important thing is that even if they contact her, she doesn't know how to win their trust, how to avoid the eyes and ears of the Yan family, and exchange information with them

.The most important thing is that they regard the Yan family as their enemies, so they themselves are also enemies in their eyes.

However, this is the only way right now.

Can only wait...

Wait for people from the hospital to come and interact with you!

This chapter has been completed!
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