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Chapter 18 We must either die or be free

Hearing these words, Gao Heyan's expression suddenly changed!

The body actually disappeared in the funeral parlor?

There is no doubt that if this has nothing to do with supernatural phenomena, Gao Heyan would not believe it at all!

It seems that we need to take this opportunity to understand the truth behind this supernatural phenomenon!

Therefore, Gao Heyan no longer hesitated, and immediately took three steps and then two steps, and walked up.

"Auntie, don't get excited yet." The reporter who was pulled by the middle-aged woman was obviously very happy to find a more newsworthy clue, and said: "Well, there are many people here, let's go over there.


Obviously, there are reporters everywhere here, not to mention regular media, there are also some self-media. If you are not careful, the exclusive news will be shared.

Especially when Gao Heyan was walking towards him, the reporter judged him to be a reporter from other media, so he immediately took the middle-aged woman with him and left.

Gao Heyan thought for a while, stopped, and then snapped her fingers.

Immediately afterwards, a grimace appeared on the reporter's abdomen. Of course, it was covered by clothes so that the reporter would not notice it. But in this way, no matter what the reporter said to the middle-aged woman, Gao Heyan could

See, hear.

"That's fine, as long as you control the time." Gao Heyan looked at the time. The grimace cannot be attached to the human body for too long. Although the last test found that the curse is still very stable, it must not exceed thirty just to be safe.


"At times like this, I will still miss Lu Ning very much."

When Dai Lin went to Muyang Building, Gao Heyan sent the ghost Lu Ning there. As a result, she never came back. From then on, if Gao Heyan wanted to detect supernatural phenomena, the only way was

All you have to do is use your own magic.

"I hope nothing happens."

Immediately afterwards, Gao Heyan chose a nearby flower bed to sit down, then raised his right hand and touched the socket of his right eye.

"Then... let's start..."

She gradually aligned her eyes with the vision of the grimace.

Then she started touching her right ear again.

At this moment, suddenly, a person sat next to Gao Heyan.

"Don't see anything, don't listen to anything, Doctor Gao."

Hearing this, Gao Heyan was stunned.

"You are still just a ghost surgeon, so..."

"Vice President Han?"

Gao Heyan looked at the man sitting next to him.

This is an ordinary-looking man, but his voice actually belongs to Han Ming!

"Don't look at anything..."

"When your sister wakes up, she will tell you some truths that you don't want to know. But what I can tell you is, Gao Heyan, we have... won't be psychic doctors for too long anymore."

"What's the meaning?"

Gao Heyan temporarily stopped sharing vision and hearing with Ghostface. Anyway, he can still watch it back later just like the video.

"Or, let me put it this way... all of us, by 2023, will either become dead, or we will be free and never work as supernatural doctors again. Apart from that, there will be no third situation


Hearing this, Gao Heyan's whole face froze.

"Did you just say...2023?"

"Yes. 2023 AD. That is next year. By the way, no surprise, I basically belong to the former."

Gao Heyan stood up and looked at the man in front of him who spoke in Han Ming's voice.

"Vice President Han, why are you telling me this?"

"Pass the exam as soon as possible and become the deputy chief physician. Then, get rid of Yin Wuque as soon as possible. When I say this, do you understand what I mean?"

As a supernatural doctor, from the moment he becomes a doctor, he is destined to be unable to resign on his own initiative, and there is no concept of retirement. Being fired by the director is synonymous with death.

Therefore, as long as you live, you will always be a supernatural doctor. Only by dying can you permanently get rid of the director's control.

However, what Han Ming said now actually...

"The reason I'm telling you this is because you, your sister, and Dai Lin should be important people who can compete with the dean in the future. Of course, the most important thing is... I probably won't live long."

Han Ming was currently sitting in the hospital's director's office.

He said these words to Gao Heyan through that body in a very calm tone.

"I will rescue Dai Lin. So, before that, you don't have to do anything. You just need to wait for him to come out and work with him to prevent the dean from coming to this surface world. Remember, this is for...

…all mankind.”

"Did he really tell you that?"


After Mei Quzhen heard Gao Heyan tell her about her daytime experience, her expression became a little ugly.

"It seems that this bus accident is not that simple. It is not a simple supernatural event, nor is it an ordinary evil ghost."

"I thought so too."

Mei Quzhen repeated the question: "What he means is that by next year, we will either die, or we can... no longer continue to be supernatural doctors?"


Mei Quzhen's expression now became extremely playful.

Psychic doctor...

If given a choice, Mei Qu can really believe that most people do not want to become a supernatural doctor and gain freedom.

Being a supernatural doctor is a profession with a very high mortality rate. Moreover, you cannot resign, change jobs, or retire. As long as you live, you must continue this job forever. Theoretically, as long as you use spiritual healing points to extend your life, you can live for hundreds of years.

It is possible to continue doing it for thousands of years. Moreover, the curses implanted in the body will sooner or later have the hope of backlash over the long years. Although under the ban of the Curses Department, it is generally relatively safe, but the curses

The backlash of things is an inevitable event, just like it is theoretically true that as long as humans live long enough, they will definitely suffer from cancer.

Mei Quzhen bit her lip tightly.

"Is it really because of the opening of the entrance to hell? And..."

"And? And what?"

Mei Quzhen looked at Gao Heyan and said, "Heyan, I'm afraid, something very terrible is going to happen now. None of us can escape it."

"Director Mei?"

"You and your sister really shouldn't have become supernatural doctors." Director Mei smiled bitterly: "Actually, I have always wanted to tell you this. Your decision to become a supernatural doctor is a huge mistake."

"I am not afraid of death..."

"This is not a matter of sacrifice, Heyan. You will soon know that becoming a supernatural doctor does not mean saving lives, but becoming the dean's slave."

Gao Heyan recalled Han Ming's last words.

"He said this is for all mankind."

"Yes." Mei Quzhen nodded: "This is indeed for all mankind."

This chapter has been completed!
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