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Chapter 24 Meeting

The place Mei Quzhen chose to meet Yan Xin was the lobby on the first floor of Wanyong Shopping Mall in W City.

This shopping mall is designed as a hollow structure. From a high place, you can have an unobstructed view of the lobby on the first floor, and you can observe whether there is an ambush. Of course, even if there is an ambush, they must be wary in this shopping mall full of cameras.

In a society governed by the rule of law, no matter how powerful these people are, there is absolutely no way they can go against the government.

On this point, Mei Quzhen is still very confident.

She and Fang Zhou have also agreed to meet here, but he will hide in the dark. If no unexpected situation occurs, he will not take action and can be used as a surprise soldier. As for her husband Zhao She, she has never thought of letting him come.

, although the two are husband and wife, she has to admit a cruel reality: although her husband is also a doctor in the Ghost Department, to be honest, his ability is far from being able to participate in this level of struggle.

Will this woman named Yan Xin go to the meeting alone, or...will she use this opportunity to deal with herself through some kind of evil magic?

Mei Quzhen considered various possibilities.

Mei Quzhen was completely ignorant of the concept and mantra of "ghost planting".

Precisely because he knew nothing, Mei Quzhen completely lacked any countermeasures. Any evil spirit curse could be used by the opponent.

Of course, Mei Quzhen also has the biggest life-saving trump card.

That is, you can return to the hospital at any time.

If the other party sends ghosts into the hospital, there will be many ways to deal with and suppress the hospital that is filled with a lot of curses.


The Ark has yet to arrive.

This can't help but make Mei Qu really worried.

There won't be any sudden accidents, right?

She was about to make a call when suddenly she noticed a woman walking in front of her.

"Dr. Melody...right?"

She raised her head and looked at Yan Xin.

"it's me."

The other party arrived much earlier than expected.

An Xiunian sat opposite her.

At this time, there was only a table between the two of them.

Mei Quzhen has thought of countless ways to restrain the other party in an instant. She didn't even feel any hostility or murderous intent from the other party. Moreover, as a supernatural doctor, she couldn't sense any signs of the presence of evil spirits around her.

To make her unable to sense at all, either there are no ghosts, or... they are evil ghosts whose abilities are at least at the level of cursed spirits.

Of course, everyone is happy with the former possibility. If it is the latter possibility, then whether Mei Qu really escaped back to the hospital alive or not is a big question.

"Miss Yan, right?"

"Since I know you are Dr. Mei, then naturally I am Yan Xin."

Mei Quzhen and An Xiunian began to face each other.

At this time, Mei Qu never expected that what An Xiunian was thinking now was not at all what she expected.

An Xiunian can be sure that the power of the hospital is a formidable enemy to the Yan family.

However, when the hospital really started to contact him, An Xiunian began to realize a big problem.

How should she seek help from the hospital?

Directly say that he is not Yan Xin, but is possessed by the dead An Xiunian?

But if you say this, would anyone believe it?

Well, these people all know that there are ghosts and gods in the world, and they may believe it. However, all things considered, how to make the other party believe what they say is also a very difficult problem.

And, think about it a little more deeply.

Even if they believe it, will they help themselves?

The enemy of my enemy may be a friend, but only if both parties have the value of cooperation. Does she have the value of cooperation with the people in the hospital?

Before she knew the details of the hospital, she decided not to say more. Instead, she tried her best to find out the details of the hospital from the other party's mouth, and then tried to find out the information about the Yan family.

"I don't like to talk in circles, so I just got straight to the point, Miss Yan." Mei Quzhen subconsciously paid attention to the left and right, and finally found that Ark had appeared nearby.

Seeing the Ark appear, Mei Quzhen felt reassured.

With him in charge, even if a curse spirit appears, it won't be a big problem until he can escape and return to the hospital.

Of course, the most she can do is escape, and from then on, she will never have any contact with the Yan family again.

Then, she continued: "I'm here to discuss cooperation with you."


An Xiunian was surprised when he heard the word "cooperation".

So, the hospital doesn’t intend to become an enemy of the Yan family?

This is completely different from what I originally expected.

No, she still expects people from the hospital to save her life!

"Whether you have heard of the name of our No. 444 Hospital before or not, you should have a thorough understanding of it after you get that business card, right?"


"Our hospital is dedicated to treating all curses involving ghosts. This is our purpose. So, I think it is possible for us to cooperate."

"You keep talking."

Mei Quzhen looked at An Xiunian's attitude and thought only that "Yan Xin" didn't seem to reject his proposal, and she began to feel a little happy in her heart.

If the problem can be solved by talking without resorting to force, that would be the best.

Of course she knew that the person in front of her was most likely a vicious person who did not take human life seriously. However, weighing the pros and cons and understanding the evil ghost's curse was her first goal. Therefore, as long as she could achieve this goal

, she is also acceptable to discuss cooperation with the other party.

"You can't tell the concept of a curse just from the hospital's business card, so let me explain to you what a curse is. To put it simply, we can remove the curse attached to humans through surgery. And

Make the curse itself into a curse that can be controlled and used. This curse is the medicine we usually use to resist the curse."


Hearing this, An Xiunian immediately became overjoyed.

Doesn’t that mean that with the spell, you can deal with the ghosts that appear in the villa?

Then this so-called cooperation can be discussed!

You can talk about it!

But, how to trade?

This curse obviously cannot be given to me in vain, right?

"So, you mean cooperation, what do you want our side to do?"

Mei Quzhen didn't expect that the other party would relent so quickly, so he began to feel happy inside.

Since we can talk about it, it is naturally the best thing.

"My request is actually very simple. To put it simply, I want to know the information about ghost cultivation. Isn't this too much?"

Hearing this sentence, An Xiunian was stunned.

What she fears most is hearing such terms that she doesn't understand at all.

Why! Why does she always meet the Riddler!

This chapter has been completed!
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