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Chapter 16 Shared Crime

This scene shocked Hai Yunlan.

The stone hit the man's shoulder hard, and the man screamed in pain.

Then, he shouted: "Kill me, kill me!"

"Very good." The leader of the Faceless Society patted Su Wen on the shoulder and said, "This is the correct way to treat sinners."

"Yes... you, you are right."

Then, the leader of the Faceless Meeting looked at Hai Yunlan behind Su Wen and said, "So, what about you?"

"She, let's forget it." Su Wen quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from her body, handed it to the other party, and said, "She is timid, so...it's better to forget it about such a bloody matter."

"This is not acceptable." The Faceless Society member pointed at the tied man behind him and said, "Do you know what the sinner's crime is?"

"No, I don't know."

"Then, you should listen carefully. His crime is to attack us as members of the Faceless Society and intend to remove our masks to check our identities. Whoever dares to spy on the identity of our Faceless Society members will be the first

A big sin. Now, he has shown black signs and will soon go to hell. There will be another black skeleton on this island. What we have to do is to choose the most suitable execution ground for him.


Hearing this, Hai Yunlan suddenly felt as if his brain was about to split!

The scene in front of her made Hai Yunlan suddenly feel extremely familiar!

She has seen this before!


"Yun Lan...we can only throw stones at them..."

"If, if we can know their identities..."

She vaguely recalled something!

The first sentence was said by the woman in white!

The second sentence is what I said!


Like the tied man, she once intended to find out the identity of the man in the black mask!

"Throwing stones at a sinner, of course, cannot kill him. He must live and turn into a black skeleton." The man in the black mask did not accept the cigarette box, but said coldly to Hai Yunlan: "You don't throw stones.

Block, it means you sympathize with the sinners. Sympathy for the sinners means you are as guilty as the sinners! We will find out your identity soon, don't underestimate our intelligence capabilities."

Hai Yunlan could clearly see that these people were all wearing guns.

You can shoot yourself to death at any time if you want.

She could only bend down and pick up a stone on the ground.

Then, walk over step by step.

"I remind you." The man in the black mask added: "You must lose it, otherwise it will still be seen as you sympathizing with the sinner."

At this time, the person who was called the sinner roared: "You beasts are the sinners! My daughter is only eight years old. Just because you want to have fun, give her to..."

The man in the black mask turned around and punched the man hard on the chin!

The other party immediately spit out a mouthful of blood!

Two teeth fell out and fell to the ground.

However, even though he has reached this point, he still glared at the black masked man with a pair of fierce eyes and said: "Unfortunately, I am just a little bit close to seeing your face... As long as I see your face...

There is a way to find out your names... Even if I can only find out one or two, I will make your names public! In this town, everyone hates you Faceless Meeting people! You are the ones who should be the most important

The person who turned into a black skull! Just like Dancha! Hahahahahahaha!"

"Aim for his head!"

Suddenly, the man in the black mask grabbed his head and shouted at Hai Yunlan: "Smash him on the head, immediately, immediately! Otherwise, I will immediately declare you a sinner!"

Another man with a black mask next to him quickly persuaded: "Wait a minute, this is not good, what if I smash him to death? He must live like this until he turns into a black skeleton!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Smash it!"

Hai Yunlan felt trembling all over.

If the stone is thrown out and hits the opponent's head, it may kill someone.

At this time, Su Wen came over and whispered in her ear: "Forget it, forget it, just listen to them. This man has shown a dark sign and will definitely die."

At this time, she thought of Lu Ningyuan who was undergoing surgery.

No, it’s not certain death!

If you go to Hospital No. 444, there may be hope!

Maybe there's still hope!

But, would the person in front of her give her the chance to save her?

Even if she wants to call the emergency department now, it's useless. She can't unlock her own mobile phone! She used to use the landline at home to make calls!

"He is bound to die. You, just smash him over. He will soon turn into a black skeleton, and there will be no corpse left that can be examined. The black skeleton cannot detect any human DNA at all, and will not be judged as a human being."

It's the remains of a human being. Even if you crush him to death now, he will turn into a black skeleton when the time comes."

At this moment, Hai Yunlan suddenly began to understand why the man in the black mask had to force him to do this.

Because they force themselves to become accomplices.

If she takes a stone and throws it out, she might become a murderer.

Yes, if he turns into a black skeleton after death, it is impossible for a forensic doctor to detect anything.

She bit her lip tightly and her body began to tremble.

She had no choice.

In the end, she could only lift the stone.

At this moment, the tied man suddenly shouted: "I know your name! If you dare to attack me, I will tell everyone during the parade that you are also a member of the Faceless Society!"

When she heard this, she was suddenly startled.

Su Wen's face became ugly. Suddenly, he took the stone, then quickly walked up to the man, raised the stone, and hit him on the head hard!

Then, he smashed it down again!


The man in the black mask grabbed Su Wen's arm and said, "I didn't let you kill him! A sinner should live to wait for his punishment!"

"This, is this enough?" Su Wen's face was covered with sweat: "I said, is this enough?"

The man with a black mask next to him said: "Forget it, that's it."

"Yes, we can't delay any longer. We will be dragging the sinners on a parade later."

"Yeah, let's go first."

"Well, you are lucky. However, you must remember and tell her that any behavior that sympathizes with sinners is the same as the sinners!"

After the group of black-masked people left, Hai Yunlan almost collapsed on the ground.

"This is...this town..."

Su Wen knelt down, looked at the ashen Hai Yunlan in front of her, and said, "Yes, I'm sorry, but I can't help it. If I don't do that, what will be waiting for me will be..."

"I know, I understand how you feel."

This chapter has been completed!
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