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Virgil snapped his fingers.

The waiter carrying the wine came over immediately.


"Give me a bottle of brandy." After he finished speaking, he put a tip of one hundred ringgit (the local currency of Malaysia) directly on the tray.

"Okay. Please wait a moment." After receiving the tip, the waiter smiled happily and immediately went to get him a drink.

Klein knew Virgil very well, and his preferences were very specific. From the past to the present, his favorite wine has always been brandy.

"Your preference for wine is as good as ever."

"Brandy is the soul of wine, my father used to say that," Virgil continued: "You should agree, Virgil?"

"It's up to you." Klein didn't have much interest in wine tasting. "I only care about when I can get rid of Dr. Dai."

"He won't last long. This will not be changed by his own will."

Whenever he accomplishes something, Virgil will choose to reward himself. Wine tasting is the highest gift he can give himself.

"Then I'll just wait for the good news."

Not long after, the waiter came with drinks.

"Sir, wine..."

"Pour this gentleman a drink too."


The waiter immediately opened the bottle and poured wine for them.

At this moment, the waiter heard Virgil speaking to the man next to him in fluent Chinese: "Dr. Dai Lin, how do you feel about watching your brother's wedding with your own eyes?"

The waiter pointed the wine bottle at the glass in front of "Dr. Dai Lin" and slowly poured the amber brandy liquid into it.

"I... have an unreal feeling."

When Dai Lin said this, he suddenly looked at the waiter and said, "You guys, the first rule of the hotel is... when you laugh, you have to pay attention to your surroundings, right?"

Upon hearing this, the waiter was stunned for a moment.

He clearly remembered that during the training, the hotel manager emphasized to every waiter that if a hotel guest could not remember the rules or had a memory error about the content of the rules, he should report it as soon as possible.

At the same time, you must ask the guest a question.

"Yes, guest. Well, I'm sorry, according to the hotel's rules, I have to confirm a question with you. If you can answer this question, we will give you another bottle of wine."

"Is the brandy okay?" Virgil's words to the waiter could be said to be without any surprise.


"Are you asking whether humans are the only creatures that can laugh?"

"Yes." The waiter thought for a while and then said: "By the way, if your answer is that you are not the only one who can laugh, you can also tell us where you have seen people who laugh outside of human beings.


The "Doctor Dai Lin" covered his head, and after a while, he said: "Humans... are of course the only creatures that can laugh."

"Okay, I understand. I'll wait for a while and bring you drinks."


At this time, Dai Lin's consciousness was completely awake.

Han Ming's inheritance of spells caused the abyss pollution to have a short-lived impact on his spiritual consciousness.

He has entered another parallel time layer of the hotel.

And this place... is the otherworld that is severely polluted by the abyss.

The outer world and the inner world are separated by countless parallel time layers, which also prevents the dean from invading.

In this parallel time layer, Hospital No. 444 is a dead Schrödinger's cat.

Therefore, in this time layer, Hospital No. 444 does not exist. Therefore, of course, he, the doctor of Hospital No. 444, should not exist, and he should not have the curse of Hospital No. 444 in his body.

He had just felt that the cursed objects in his body were being transformed into nothingness little by little under the influence of the pollution of the abyss.

And a black inverted cross gradually began to appear on his forehead!

"finally come!"

"Inside the world!"

And he saw it at a glance, David in the banquet hall!

From just now, he could barely see the faces of people in this world. But now, it has stabilized.

He has gradually integrated into this time layer.

The curse in his body will not be eliminated by the high-dimensional curse power of this time layer.

"This low-dimensional time layer has been almost assimilated by the abyss, and by giving patients dark soul points, their life directions will change. This change will make this parallel time layer closer to the time layer of the surface world."

Dark soul points and spiritual healing points are essentially mutually transformable.

The dean collects spiritual healing points and converts them into dark soul points.

Thus... the isolation between the two parallel time layers will be broken bit by bit, and eventually they will merge bit by bit! In the end, the dean will be able to invade the surface world!

Once the director can enter the surface world, there will be no need for the hospital to exist.

And Dai Lin would never allow such a thing to happen.

Han Ming is right when he says that everything he does is for all mankind.

"Doctor Dai," looking at the black inverted cross on Dai Lin's forehead, Klein sneered in his heart. If he insists on going against them, he has no choice but to take away your eyes. "I have already made arrangements. Next week

, I will perform eye surgery on you.”


"The abyss that invaded your eyes requires surgery from the Demon Department. Don't worry, I will let my sister Lelia perform the surgery myself. When the time comes, I will arrange another pair of eye charms for you. Please feel free to do so.

rest assured."

"I see……"

"Don't worry, your eyes will be transferred to the Curses Department in the future, and we will conduct research," Klein picked up the wine glass and said, "After your brother's honeymoon is over, your surgery will be over."


Dai Lin looked at David and began to make calculations in his mind.

They don't know that they have been pulled into this parallel time layer, but they still retain all their memories and correct cognitions. Of course... from a high-dimensional perspective, there may not be a real "correct cognition".

He came here with only one purpose, to bring David back!

With Han Ming's inherited spell, Dai Lin is confident enough that he can escape back with David!

Of course, this step will be difficult...

At this moment, a woman came over.

By obtaining Milan's memory, Dai Lin recognized him at a glance.

Lelia Faust.

At this time, the wedding also reached its climax.

The priest has already asked the classic wedding vow question in front of the couple.

"Do you wish to take Miss Aluga Faust to be your wife?"

The priest faced David and asked this question.

Dai Lin only thought it was funny.

Do people who work for the devil hire a priest to solemnize their wedding?

Lelia sat down, and Virgil asked with a worried look: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Lelia didn't even look at Virgil, but said directly to Dai Lin: "Doctor Dai, I want to talk to you...about your next surgery."

"Let's talk about this now?"

"Let's talk now."

"Wait a minute," Virgil said quickly: "It's during the wedding now, so let's wait for a while. Besides, Lelia, I'm very worried about your current situation, and what happened to you and Yalujia just now..."

"My spell is enough to allow me to withstand most unexpected situations." When Lelia said this, her eyes were always fixed on the black inverted cross on Dai Lin's forehead, and she did not even look at her husband out of the corner of her eyes.

Virgil, "Dr. Dai, I am the most experienced surgeon in the Department of Demonology now. So I want to discuss the details of the operation with you in detail."

Dai Lin looked at Lelia in front of him. This woman was indeed stunning in appearance, comparable to the top female stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but in Dai Lin's eyes now, she was the most terrifying demon.

Lelia Faust is currently the director of the Demon Department of Hospital No. 666.

It can be said that she frequently used various curses to conduct inhumane human experiments on patients. Many times, she performed extremely cruel curse fusion surgeries on patients without using anesthesia, and tortured them to study the abyss.

The therapeutic effect of invasion. Of course, when it comes to treatment, the essence is to study the assimilation effect of the abyss and the soul.

This woman is...a real devil!

This chapter has been completed!
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