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Today is the third day after the operation.

For Alex, discharge from the hospital came earlier than he expected.

The cost of this operation is that he must bear a total of 90,000 dark soul points. The dark soul points mean that he will encounter unpredictable misfortune in his future life, and what kind of misfortune this will bring to his life

Such a huge impact was completely unpredictable.

When he returned home, Alex felt somewhat cold.



He bought the home in Philadelphia where he expected to live with his wife Melty.

but now……

At this time, a Dalmatian dog ran up to Alex's trouser leg and kept rubbing against it.

This is his pet dog Bodie that he bought when he and Melty went to the pet store together.

His hand stroked Bodie's head.

In fact, Alex doesn't like pets like cats and dogs. For him, taking care of pets is too time-consuming. Especially for him as a movie screenwriter, it is even more troublesome.

At this moment, Alex's cell phone rang.

He looked at the phone screen and saw that the caller was his colleague Tom.

He picked up the phone and dialed the number.

"Hello, Tom?"

"Alex, you said you were going to have thyroid surgery. Are you okay now?"

"Well, there's basically no problem."

He and Tom both work in the same screenwriter studio. Generally speaking, they often undertake movie scripts from major Hollywood companies. However, in the United States, the treatment of screenwriters is really terrible, otherwise there would not be screenwriter strikes from time to time. Hard work

Sometimes scripts written may not have the opportunity to be signed.

"That's great, "The Stranger" will have its premiere in Washington the night after tomorrow. This is your first film signed by the first screenwriter. The e-ticket for the premiere has been sent to your mobile phone, right?


"Yes, it has been sent."

"You should be able to come over then, right?"

"Come on, of course."

"Odd Monsters" is a science fiction film script that Alex himself has been polishing for many years. This film is a rare example in Hollywood where political correctness is becoming more and more crazy. The male and female protagonists are both blond, blue-eyed, heterosexual, handsome men and beautiful women, and both star stars.

.It was not easy for this script to be bought by a film company and filmed.

Now, the movie is entering the promotion period, and the company has a lot of money. You can see the posters of "Odd Monsters" in subways, shopping malls, and bus stations.

After chatting with Tom, Alex couldn't help but look a little gloomy.

Now, he has been implanted with the latest curse developed by Hospital No. 666.

A kind of curse that is said to use the "Corpse Curse".

Dr. Green's explanation was quite complicated, and he didn't actually understand it very well. However, it was very dangerous for him to implant this curse, but he had to do it no matter what.

Otherwise, he would never be able to meet his wife Melty and their daughter.

What happened between him and his wife would be unbelievable for ordinary people. In fact, many things would be unbelievable for Alex if he had not experienced them personally.

However, all this is true.

He and Melty, one lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the other lives in Atlanta, Georgia... From Philadelphia to Atlanta, it is a full 1,200 kilometers. Since they met, they have been on a very difficult journey to different places.

Love lasts until marriage.

But... just after registering their marriage, suddenly from a certain day, they were unable to see each other.


There is no way to meet.

Not to mention meeting face to face, even if you want to see each other through a video call, you can't do it.

Some strange power, like a curse, was preventing him from meeting Melty.

Alex once told people around him about his experience.

But no one believed him. Although Philadelphia and Atlanta are far apart, if they want to meet, why can't they? Many people think this is simply an April Fool's Day joke.

Alex's body leaned back slightly.

He has no choice now.

Only by fighting hard can you meet Melty and her daughter.

At first, Alex knew that this long-distance relationship would be very difficult. However, he and Melty still persisted. Although the two of them had always used contraceptive measures, they were not cautious enough in the end.

Erti became pregnant as a result.

Since the other party is pregnant with her child, Alex naturally wants to start a family with her as soon as possible.

At that time, he planned to buy a house in Philadelphia.

Alex is not a native of Philadelphia. He comes from New Jersey, located east of Pennsylvania, and came to Philadelphia early. Pennsylvania and New Jersey are only separated by a river, and Philadelphia is a city with a long history in the United States.

When the United States was founded, Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence in Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Philadelphia had been the capital of the United States until the 19th century. When Alex came to Philadelphia for the first time, he attended the Philadelphia Film Festival.

It was also because of that experience that he came up with the idea of ​​becoming a film screenwriter.

At first, Alex felt that God was very favoring him. When Melty was pregnant, the film company happened to take a fancy to the movie script of "Odd Monsters" and invested in the filming of the movie. The generous salary finally allowed him to

Buy a house in Philadelphia and you can live here with Melty from now on.

but now……

He and Melty were separated in Philadelphia and Atlanta respectively, unable to meet each other.

If he wants to try to go to Atlanta to meet Melty, then all kinds of weird situations will happen.

Cars will break down for no reason, buses will encounter car accidents...

The most extreme one was when a tornado came directly over him. It could be said that he was lucky enough to save his life.

Anyway, as long as he tries to find Melty, he will encounter all kinds of terrifying situations. If Melty comes to find him, the situation will be the same.

So much so that he was almost desperate.

He tried every means except flying, and he couldn't even get to Atlanta.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! If you choose to take a plane, you may encounter a plane crash directly.

Moreover, he was convinced that there was a curse behind all this.

Until the business card of Director Green of the Dark Demon Surgery Department of No. 666 Hospital appeared on his body.

After telling Director Green all this, he also told him: "I can confirm that there is some evil spirit that is preventing me from meeting Melty."

"Tell me more specifically?"

"I saw it. It was once, I was driving to Georgia alone. I drove very slowly to make sure there would be no accident. Then, at a gas station, when I stopped to refuel, I saw


After listening to Alex's narration, Director Green's expression became more solemn.

"I have been practicing medicine for many years, and this is the first time I have encountered a case like yours..."

At this moment, Alex's cell phone rang again.

This time, it was Director Green's call.

"Director Green, hello?"

"Hello. Your plan is to meet your wife and daughter at the movie premiere in Washington, D.C. the day after tomorrow, right?"

"Yes... I sent all the electronic tickets. But, I don't know if we can meet this time."

"Dr. Dai Lin, whom I mentioned to you before, is about to become the director of our Purgatory Surgery Department. I want him to meet you. He has a space spell on him and can come directly to Philadelphia. He has agreed and is willing to

Personally escort you to Washington, D.C."

"Personally... escort me there?"

Alex couldn't help but feel flattered.

"Yes. I will send you the information about Doctor Dai in a moment. You can pick him up later. He will move to an area roughly three kilometers away from you, and the spell in your body will automatically attract the one in his body.

Space spell."

"Okay, okay! I'll personally treat Doctor Dai to dinner tonight!"

Although the distance between Philadelphia and Washington is not far, his situation is too special and he dare not use any means of transportation. If a department director personally escorts him from Philadelphia to Washington, then he will be confident enough!

This chapter has been completed!
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