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What surprised Chris was that the other party answered his question without hesitation.

"We met when we were watching the same movie because we are both fans of Bruce Lee. We went to see the Chinese movie "Ip Man 4" because Bruce Lee appeared in it."

When he heard her answer this question, Chris was suddenly in a trance.

After a long time, he said: "Are you newly married?"

In his mind, the movie seemed to have been released in recent years.

"It's not..."

Then, she suddenly said: "Maybe what I say next will make you feel very abrupt and weird, but I still want to ask you. Do you... believe that there are ghosts in this world?"

Chris never expected that the other party would ask such a question.

"Why do you ask?"

"Intuitively, how do you think about this problem?"


Chris had never thought about this question seriously.

"Ghosts, of course, don't exist. But since you ask that, do you think you have a different opinion?"

"The United States is the country with the most people on the planet who believe in the existence of God. Since we believe God exists, why do we think ghosts do not exist?"

Chris was stunned.

"Sir, I tell you clearly that there are ghosts and ghosts in this world."

Chris slowly closed the book in his hand.

"Have you ever seen a ghost? If so, you can tell me."

"To be specific...even if I tell you, you won't believe it. This kind of thing is very ridiculous."

Chris is not a very curious person. Since the other party is unwilling to say more, then naturally he will not say anything more.

"Anyway, thank you very much, ma'am."

"It's okay. It's just a small matter."

Then, Chris began to continue reading the book in his hand.

The train continued to run through the night.

After a while, Chris began to feel a little sleepy.

For him, there are still a lot of things to worry about when he arrives in Washington tomorrow.

For him now, there is no possibility of saving his marriage to his wife. He knows this intellectually, but emotionally, Chris still finds it difficult to accept it.

But if things really go to the worst, the key is the custody of the daughter.

My daughter is only five years old now.

In a divorce case, when the court awards child custody to one parent, it will generally consider the financial situation of both parties. When the conditions of both parties are equal, it will generally be inclined to award the child custody to the mother. Of course, the child's own

Willingness will also be taken into consideration.

But the problem now is... his wife won't let him see the children at all. She moved out of the house and only arranged for a lawyer to contact her. He came to Atlanta to meet in person a very experienced divorce lawyer who was on a business trip here.

The lawsuit lawyer wants to hire the other party personally. After all, he was once a university professor. Even if he temporarily lost his career because of his son, with his resume, as long as he can find a job as soon as possible and obtain custody of his daughter, he should still be able to

Lots of chances of winning.

Of course, it would be best if you can avoid divorce.

Before getting married, Chris and his wife Anna felt that each other was each other's soulmate.

At least, that's what Anna told Chris at the time.

At that time, both of them were extremely convinced that only death could separate them. Just as their wedding vows said.

The two of them met because they watched the same movie, called "Casablanca". In this movie, there is a line: There are so many cities in the world, and there are so many pubs in the cities, and she

But he just walked into mine.

Both of them can almost recite this line. Even as a science professor, Chris deeply feels the romance of this line.

But in the end everything is over.

Reality is so ironic and distorted. There is no romance in imagination, only the blood of reality.

Several years have passed since John's death, but Anna couldn't get over it. She couldn't accept the reality, and in the end she put all the blame on Chris.

"A ghost...?"

He really hoped that ghosts existed.

That way, he can see his son come back to find him.

He hoped that everything could go back to the past. Maybe he would have time to educate him better so that he would not get addicted to drugs, so that he would not run away from home and hang out with drug addicts for the sake of rebellion, which would lead to him becoming what he is now.

Suddenly, he put down the book.

"Ma'am, are you asleep?"

"No," the other party said immediately, "I didn't sleep."

"You just told me about ghosts...is that right? Can you tell me more about it in detail?"

Chris was halfway through speaking when he felt that he seemed to be a little abrupt.

However, even if it felt abrupt, he still wanted to finish what he said.

He doesn't know the meaning of what he is doing now.

Hearing this, the other party looked hesitant.

"Just forget what I just said..."


For a moment, the atmosphere fell into an awkward state.

Chris was about to say "Okay then", but the other party suddenly spoke up.

"Forget it, let me tell you. Anyway, I can't find anyone else to talk to."


Chris could see that she was filled with sadness.

"My name is Melty...I am going to Washington, D.C., to meet my husband Alex. However, I know very well that I will not be able to see him at all."


About fifteen minutes later.

After listening to Melty's story, Chris stared at Melty blankly and couldn't believe his ears.

"Are you kidding me???"

At this time, his expression was completely the standard black question mark face.

"Ma'am, with all due respect, this is really a bit..."

"Which part do you not believe? The ghost part, or the supernatural hospital part that cures curses?"

"Even if I believe in the existence of God, it's hard to believe in a supernatural hospital..."

"See, even if I tell you, you can't believe what I say. Can you?"

This made Chris feel a little embarrassed. However, he really couldn't believe what she said.

"Sorry, I, I'm going to have a cigarette."

He left the seat in front of him and walked towards the car behind him.

After arriving at a relatively remote corner, he took out his cigarette and quickly lit it.

Somehow, he always felt that the woman named Melty didn't seem to be lying.

Her expression, tone of voice... all seemed to be telling the truth.

But what he said was unbelievable and unbelievable.

"How can there be ghosts and monsters in this world?"

Suddenly, he found that the cigarette was suddenly extinguished.

Chris was stunned.

A cold feeling began to hit his back...

This chapter has been completed!
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