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"Listen, this car can't continue driving."

Dai Lin told Alex what he had just seen.

"The situation is very similar to the previous one..."

Alex is actually under a lot of pressure.

After all, the ghost appeared last time when he and Melty were about to meet. But this time it was different. They hadn't even come close to Washington, D.C., but they had already encountered this situation in Baltimore.

"I'm afraid there are many more things that will happen next."

Alex touched his chest. In order to prevent any possible situation, he had prepared a pistol in advance. After all, he had encountered a gun battle before when he went to Detroit.

Dai Lin then said to him: "Are you ready? In the worst case scenario, we may have to walk to Washington."

"Well...I'm prepared."

Alex's expression was extremely determined, without any wavering.

Frankly speaking, Dai Lin really admired Alex and Melty. Most people couldn't be that tough-minded.

"No matter what, I have to meet the mother and daughter. No one can stop us."

When he said these words, Alex's eyes could almost burst out of fire.

Surprisingly, not a trace of fear could be seen.

"Let's find a place to have a meal first, and then discuss... the next plan."

Unless it was absolutely necessary, of course he still didn't want to walk to Washington, as it would be too difficult. Dai Lin felt that he could still discuss a perfect plan with Alex.

"What exactly is the Curse of the Law of Causality?"

In an Italian restaurant, Dai Lin and Alex were chatting.

Alex himself still has a hard time truly understanding the Curse of Causality.

"Why has this curse prevented Melty and I from meeting each other? I couldn't understand Dr. Green's explanation to me at all."

"It's normal if you don't understand."

The Curse of Causality is an extremely complex concept. It can also be said to be a curse that is close to being unsolvable. It is also a very high-end problem for Hospital No. 444. There are only a few doctors who can study this problem clearly.

In the past, Dai Lin could not find many papers on the curse of the law of causality on the hospital's official website. There would be no academic misconduct within the hospital. In other words, there would be no problems with the quality of the papers that could be published on the hospital's official website.

The dean will not defend you. If the paper can be published, it proves that the arguments of the paper are solid. And it is difficult for Dai Lin to fully understand these papers.

"For example, when Melty and I went to Detroit, we encountered a gang shootout. Later I investigated...it was two gangs that had been feuding for decades. At that time, Mei and I

Erti hasn't even been born yet."

"Yes, this is the curse of the law of cause and effect."

"I still find it hard to understand..."

Obviously, the curse of causality is harder for Alex to understand than the ghost itself.

"So, it is even more difficult to develop a spell that can master this kind of law."

"Doctor Dai," Alex asked uneasily, "is that... still with us now?"

He didn't dare to say the word "ghost".

The moment he said these words, suddenly, a bullet passed by his cheek, and then, a man sitting two meters behind him who was dining... was instantly shot in the head!

At this moment, everyone realized that someone had been shot in the restaurant!

Everyone was so scared that Alex didn't even have the first reaction to draw his gun.

Dai Lin pounced on Alex and pinned him down.

A bald man armed with two revolvers started killing people indiscriminately in the restaurant!

"It is indeed a free America, shooting every day!"

Dai Lin immediately looked at the man with the gun, angrily preparing to kill him.

With Dai Lin's current strength, killing an ordinary person is no different than squeezing an ant to death.

In the past, it was necessary to extract the opponent's soul, but now, Dai Lin can annihilate his soul in an instant!

The moment the bald man saw Dai Lin, he immediately fell to the ground and died!

Dai Lin helped Alex, who was shivering all over, and the latter looked at the dead man in horror.

"Are you...are you kidding me?"

Dead people.

This time it's really dead!

This causal curse is really deadly!

"I, I...I..."

Alex lost consciousness and fainted.

The restaurant fell into chaos, and most people escaped. Dai Lin didn't want to cause trouble when the police arrived, so he helped the unconscious Alex out.

In the United States, it is not uncommon for murderers to appear who shoot and kill people indiscriminately.

But there is no doubt that this cannot be a coincidence.

Dai Lin was puzzled at this time, why did this happen?

This causal curse can kill people. Since this can be done, then if Alex is killed directly, he and Melty will naturally not be able to meet each other.

The only way to explain it is... what this curse needs to achieve is the condition that "Alex and Melty cannot meet while both parties are alive."

This kind of thing...

No matter how you think about it, it feels outrageous.

Curses, evil spirits... only have malice towards living beings, but this kind of torture that does not cause physical harm but is purely murderous and heartbreaking is incomprehensible.

When Alex woke up, he was on a park bench.

"There's nothing wrong with you." Dai Lin is a surgeon himself, and his eyes can now be compared to CT machines, so he can see Alex's condition clearly.

"I, I..." Alex recalled the bullet almost grazing his cheek and the people who died behind him.

Dead people!

Someone died!

One of the most important reasons why he persevered and met with Melty again and again was that this curse would never cause casualties to him, Melty, or innocent people.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Not counting the gang shooting, they are all gang criminals. In Alex's view, the more dead the better.

But now, there is an innocent person who died because he was implicated!

"How could this happen... In the past, innocent people have never been implicated in the past." Alex began to speak incoherently, "How could someone die... What is the purpose of this curse... It is just to force me

Can’t meet Melty???”

Alex has always felt that this curse is not so terrible after all, and there is always a way to solve it. After all, Hospital 666 is full of cases of powerful curses that often kill dozens of people. And people like him,

Even if the people who died were all gangsters and criminals, it was rare that they were not directly killed by ghosts.

"What should I do..."

Alex began to be afraid, which meant that if he continued to go to Washington, he might be the next one to die.

Even if he doesn't die, someone else might die!

In any case, public transportation is absolutely out of the question. Driving is also out of the question. If the car breaks down, someone will die!

"Calm down first," Dai Lin persuaded, "After all, you just saw someone..."

"Dr. Dai, forget it," Alex finally made up his mind: "Stop the plan to meet in Washington. I...I can't let innocent people get involved and die just because I want to meet with Melty! This way

,Aren’t I too selfish?”

"I'm sorry... In the past, it didn't matter to the hospital whether you met or not. But now, the nature has changed."


"Currently, the only person who can possibly meet Melty is you who has been implanted with a curse. And no doctor can contact Natsume Ikaruga who is following Melty. Lelia Fu

Shitoku will bring Natsume Ikaruga back to the hospital at all costs, so if you decide not to go now..."

Although Dai Lin only met Lelia Faust a few times, he already knew her style of behavior very well.

This woman will never care about the life of anyone outside the Faust family. As long as she can achieve her goal, no matter how many innocent people are sacrificed, she will never blink an eye. What's more, Natsume Ikaruga has almost become No. 666

This is the hospital's top priority.

After Dai Lin explained the situation to Alex, the latter was stunned: "This...this has nothing to do with me, right?"

"I'm sorry... you are the only one who has a hope of meeting her now. There is no use sending ordinary people to contact Natsume Ikaruga. As long as you refuse to meet, a doctor will be dispatched immediately and forcibly escort you to Washington.

Even if you don’t want to see me now, you can’t.”

"Why is this still happening?"

"In the final analysis, a hospital is not a hospital whose purpose is to save lives, heal the wounded, treat illnesses and save lives."

Alex was scared.

"If we continue to get closer to Washington, won't someone still die?"

The most important thing is... the person most likely to die is himself!

That bullet just now almost killed him!

Just at this time, another call came from the hospital.

This time...

Finally it was Lelia Faust herself who called.

"Dr. Dai, has Mr. Alex decided not to go to Washington?"

Dai Lin was immediately shocked.

How could she know?

Do you have a listening device on your body?

Or is this her ability to cast spells?

Before Dai Lin could answer, she continued: "Persuade him to continue going to Washington, Doctor Dai. If he refuses, then you can use any means to take him to Washington. No matter what, please bring Natsume Ikaruga back."

As long as this curse of the law of cause and effect is broken, I will have a way to bring Natsume Ikaruga back." "An innocent restaurant guest has already been involved in the curse and died..."

"so what?"

Lelia just said a faint "So".

"Did I kill him?"

"What I mean is that if the two are forced to continue to meet, innocent people may be involved, and even Alex himself may die..."

"Then please ask Dr. Dai to protect him with all your strength and don't let anyone hurt Alex."


"Take him to Washington, meet with Melty, and bring back Natsume Ikaruga. To do this, I can agree to any conditions you have, Doctor Dai. If not, you should know the character of me, Lelia Faust.

.When I speak, I always mean what I say.”

Then he hung up the phone.

From beginning to end, it was a completely commanding tone.

After hanging up the phone, she glanced at Virgil sitting next to her.

"I'm afraid I need you to go out and help Dr. Dai. I don't want anything to go wrong in this matter again. The curse of the law of cause and effect must be in my hands, and it must be in the hands of our Faust family. Natsume Ikaruga and Natsume Zhu

The Lu sisters will marry into our family in the future."

"Marriage...who should she marry? Silas or George?"

"As long as we marry the Faust family, it will be fine. We have no children, so we can only consider other unmarried family members." Lelia suddenly saw Virgil still sitting motionless on the sofa and said, "I just seemed to be

Tell you...you need to take action, right??"

"I heard it, and I heard it clearly."

"My impression is that usually when I say this, you will act immediately, Virgil."

"I just heard Doctor Dai's voice on the other end of the phone. If this continues, more innocent people will be involved, and the patient, Mr. Alex, may also die."

"You don't want to talk to me about some issues about human morality, do you?" Lelia's cold face was full of jest: "Virgil Faust, you have been a member of our family for so many years, and now you suddenly start to have justice.

Are you feeling this? Do you need me to emphasize with you the meaning of the phrase 'if you ask for help, you are all guilty of me'?"

"But there's no need..."

"If there is no Natsume Ikaruga, of course it is not necessary. I have no interest in whether the couple can meet. And now, the legacy of the law of cause and effect curse left by Natsume Heisuke will finally come to fruition. For this, any sacrifice is acceptable.


Virgil looked at Lelia coldly.

This "any sacrifice" obviously includes him, Virgil.

From the beginning to now... For Lelia Faust, her only value is just being the host of the devil's curse.

Although he has always known this, now he feels it even more strongly.

"I'm not going. You can send someone else there."

"I don't want to lose the backbone of the department. I don't worry about others going."

"I can lose it, right?" Virgil's voice became even colder.

"If you go, you can definitely come back alive." Lelia became increasingly dissatisfied. Vergil, who was usually as obedient as a loyal dog, why did he start talking to him in this tone today?

"Just because I forgot how your father died? Just for such a trivial matter?"

"This... little thing?"

"Our family will rule the hospital forever. In the future, it will also assimilate with the abyss and become an eternal existence. Is it important how the people who have died died? What is important is our future."

It is "your" future.

Virgil replied categorically: "I won't go. If you are dissatisfied, just have me executed!"

This chapter has been completed!
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