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Chapter 7 The Eyeless Woman

When the middle-aged man said this, his body was still shaking uncontrollably.

"I was very scared at the time, and then one day, I found a business card in my wallet. However, I had never gotten this business card, and I don't know how it got into my wallet."

"Hospital No. 444's... business card, right?"

"Yes, I felt incredible...then I called the number above and hung up on the outpatient clinic here."

"I showed the photos to the doctor, and she said that I came early and the situation was not serious. After that, she gave me a prescription and a course of treatment. After the course of treatment, I took pictures again, and it never appeared again.

He got it."

"My situation is a little more complicated..." Lin Yan said, "If I don't come, maybe my life will be in danger."

"Then you've come to the right place." The middle-aged man said.

"You said the doctor gave you a prescription, so what kind of medicine are sold here?"

The middle-aged man replied: "No, it's not medicine..."

When he was about to continue talking, suddenly the door of the clinic opened in front of him, and the old lady came out. His number appeared on the big screen.

The middle-aged man stood up and said, "I have to go in first."

"Let me ask the last question." Lin Yan spoke faster: "Why did you believe the content of the business card at that time?"

The middle-aged man adjusted the glasses on his nose and said, "I don't know. At that time, I just... believed it. Sorry, I went in first."

After watching the middle-aged man enter the clinic, Lin Yan remembered that when she got the business card from the man from the insurance company, her first reaction was that she had an indescribable trust in the content on the business card.

I didn't think it could be a scam at all.

About twenty minutes later...her number was called on the big screen.

The middle-aged man walked out and she walked into the clinic.

The outpatient room is quite spacious, approximately fifty square meters.

Gao Heyan and Dai Lin were sitting one behind the other, with a computer on the table. On the right side of the outpatient room, there was a bed obviously used for patients to lie down for examinations.

Lin Yan recognized Dai Lin immediately.

"Hello! Please sit down, Miss Lin." Gao Heyan gave her a glass of water, and his usually cold face became much kinder.

"Are you... Dr. Gao Heyan?" Lin Yan originally thought that this name was more female.

"That's right. May I ask... what kind of... supernatural events did you encounter?"

Hearing the words "supernatural incident", Lin Yan immediately said: "You...can you really help me?"

"Please rest assured, Hospital No. 444 can be responsible for treating all patients who encounter supernatural phenomena, curses and other supernatural phenomena."

Lin Yan found it unbelievable, but this hospital seemed to have some kind of magic power that made her believe it all.

Under Gao Heyan's kind words, Lin Yan began to gradually let down her guard and spoke quietly: "All of this can be traced back to when I was seven years old... At that time, my parents drove me and took me

We went camping in Suyuan Mountain in the suburbs. Then, that night, the car broke down in the mountain."

Gao Heyan winked at Dai Lin, who nodded, opened a clinic manual in front of him, listened to Lin Yan's presentation of his "medical history", and picked up a pen to record it.

"At that time, my parents were checking the car, and I was bored, so I lay down under the car and took a look... Then, I saw one..."

At this point, Lin Yan paused.

Her hands were intertwined, and they were holding each other tighter and tighter. Even after so many years, that experience still left him with lingering fears.

She picked up the water Gao Heyan brought to her and took a sip.

"Don't worry, just say it."


Lin Yan slowly continued: "I saw a woman covered in blood lying on the ground! Her face was very pale, her eyes... both eyes only had a piece of white, and no pupils could be seen!"

"I was so scared at the time that I immediately called my parents to come and see... But when they came to see, there was no one under the car! My parents were on both sides of the car at the time. If the woman got out of the car,

There’s no way they won’t find out!”

"They all felt that I was deliberately trying to scare them, and no matter how I explained, it was useless. After that, I started to get scared. Although the car was later repaired, the outing ended early because of my persistence. But on the way back to the city

One day, my dad was driving a car, and my mom and I fell asleep sitting in the back seat of the car. Suddenly there was a bump, and I woke up, and then I saw in the rearview mirror of the car that I was supposed to be sitting in the car.

The mother next to me turned into the woman covered in blood! And when I looked to the side...my mother was gone!"

Hearing this, Dai Lin raised his head and glanced at Lin Yan.

"Then what?" In contrast, Gao Heyan continued to ask without changing his expression.

"Later, I discovered that the moment I woke up, the car was traveling exactly where it broke down!"

Gao Heyan suddenly asked: "Have the police conducted an investigation afterwards? Has anyone died there before?"

This is very important, and she will ask this question for almost every patient.

"No, I investigated later and found that nothing like this happened."

"You keep talking."

"My mother was eventually declared dead because she disappeared beyond the legally prescribed time limit. Later, on that day every year, my father would go to the place where the accident happened. He was afraid that I would be moved by the scene, so he never took me there. But one year, after he went there

, and never came back.”

Gao Heyan heard this and asked: "What about your father till now?"

"Yes, his whereabouts are unknown."

"And after that?"

"I have always refused to believe that my parents are dead. I have been looking for them in the past few years, but found nothing..."

Lin Yan secretly clenched her fists.

"A week ago, I was staying at home, and suddenly someone rang the doorbell outside. I went to look at the peephole, and found that standing outside the door was the woman with no pupils that I saw back then!"

Dai Lin felt a little incredible: "After so many years, you still remember her appearance clearly?"

"Yes, I felt incredible afterwards... and my first reaction at the time was that after my parents were taken away by her, she came to find me... I could only guard the door with a weapon, but the doorbell only continued.

It was gone within a few dozen seconds. Then I looked through the peephole and she was gone."

Gao Heyan asked: "She only appeared this time?"

"After that, I didn't dare to live at home anymore, so I went to live in my work unit, and I went to the temple to ask for a peace charm. However, starting from last night, I always felt like someone was following me when I was walking, and I often heard footsteps vaguely!


Dai Lin continued to quickly record her medical history in the outpatient manual.

"Next, I found that I would always go to some particularly secluded places for no reason, and even if I went to a busy place, the place would immediately become deserted!"

This chapter has been completed!
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