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Chapter 23 Transactions

 At this time, Yin Wuque was in the monitoring room of the hospital, checking the monitoring records of the payment office on the second floor.

When he saw the hand reaching out from the ceiling to catch the ghost, Yin Wuque said: "She was not successfully captured and had already escaped."

Behind Yin Wuque are Song Min and Mei Quzhen.

"The patient this time also showed the same magical signs,

"Mei Quzhen raised her right hand, "It's a pity that my devil's charm is gone. Before, He Yan wanted to take a blood sample to me for investigation."

Yin Wuque started to rewind the tape, re-checked the monitoring, and slowed down the video, hoping to find some clues.



Yin Wuque suddenly pointed to the corner of a corridor next to the payment office: "Who among you is going to check here?"

Through slow playback, Yin Wuque finally discovered,

In that corridor, there was a silhouette of a person passing by, just at the moment when the ghost was caught on the sky guard.

"If you go there, it should lead to the corridor. If you go there, you will probably be restrained by the corridor over there and unable to escape for a while. But... it is also difficult to detect."

Mei Quzhen was just about to say that she would go, but Song Min took the lead and said, "I'll go, Dean Yin."

"Be careful, Director Song."

Despite what he said, Yin Wuque still trusted Song Min. Although Yin Wuque was Song Min's superior and had better medical skills than her, Song Min's qualifications and clinical experience were much higher than him. What's more,

Yin Wuque knew very well how powerful Song Min's curse was.

Even if she encounters a vicious spirit, Song Min is able to escape unscathed.

There is no one at the payment desk on the second floor at this time.

It's already past ten o'clock now.

After two hours, all doctors must withdraw from the outpatient department.

No one can stay here,

This is the ironclad rule stipulated by the dean.

Song Min is the only one here and now.

Song Min raised her hand, grabbed her right cheek, and then... tore it apart hard!

And then...

She actually tore off a big piece of her face!

However, there was no flesh and blood on the back, and what was revealed from the torn wound was notebook paper!

This scene is really absurd and incredible.

And the back of the face she tore off was also notebook paper! The horizontal lines on it were clearly visible.

Then Song Min turned the paper back and forth several times, and the part that was originally skin turned into note paper!

Immediately afterwards, the note paper began to grow longer and larger...finally, it became A5 size.

Song Min held the note paper in front of her, and fonts began to appear on it!

The first thing that comes to mind is today’s date and weather.

Then the words that appeared were:

"I walked step by step on the second floor of the hospital at night,

Soon we came to the corridor in front of the corridor. Here, two ghosts were wandering, but the ghost that Dean Yin was looking for was not found.

I was walking in the corridor, and after a while, suddenly, a ghost appeared behind me and pounced on me."

When Song Min saw this paragraph, he took out a pen, crossed out the "back" on the paper, and then wrote "five meters ahead" on it.

Then, Song Min thought for a while and added, "The ghost was greatly restrained in the corridor and his speed became very slow."

"Well, it shouldn't be difficult to capture it this way..."

Before Song Min could say the word "了", the six words "the speed became very slow" she just wrote disappeared.

"No..." Song Min was not surprised by this either.

Her spell, this diary, has been completely integrated with her own body.

The diary can predict the future up to two days. However, if Song Min takes actions that are different from the future predicted by the diary on that day, the content of the diary will change, and the prediction of the future will be limited to ten minutes.<


Once the future goes unfavorably for Song Min, she can moderately modify the contents of the diary to lead to a future that is beneficial to herself. However, of course, this cannot be modified at will, otherwise she would not be invincible. The modified content cannot be too outrageous.

, must be limited within a certain range, and the most important thing is...under the seal of the Curses Department, this diary cannot be used to curse doctors and patients.

Later, Song Min continued to make modifications.

If the revised part fails, she will continue to revise until the words can be left in the diary.

After the final revised content was finally "passed," she looked at her watch and wrote the exact time at the front of the paper, which was three minutes from now.

Then, she walked forward with peace of mind.

But after walking for a while, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

Picking up the diary paper again, Song Min suddenly discovered that the content on it had been changed!

The time has changed to now!

The content is: "The evil spirit appeared behind me, but I didn't react."

Just such a line.

The evil spirit is... behind her?

Song Min is not afraid, and her spell is not limited to this diary.

She looked back without hesitation!

Then, she saw a figure emerging from the darkness behind her.

"You are not the devil." At this moment, Song Min realized something: "The host of the devil, right?"

The black shadow remained silent, and then retreated little by little, disappearing into the darkness.

Song Min looked at it coldly and did not pursue it.

Obviously, the other party cannot kill itself.

But she also can't do anything to him.

From the beginning, this evil spirit could leave here at any time.

For a long time, no information has been obtained from the Devil's Department regarding treatment related to the Devil's Curse. This means that... if an ordinary outpatient and emergency department encounters a Devil's Curse patient at the first time, it will be difficult to immediately diagnose and transfer the case to the Devil's Department.

.Especially in the emergency center, there is no way to diagnose and treat in the right way at the first time, and it is difficult for the patient to save his life. Although such patients are rare in general, if they happen, it is easy for doctors to be injured or killed.

The breakthrough in the treatment of devil's curse came when Han Ming went to the United States to bring back the devil's curse.

It was only after that that Hospital No. 444 finally mastered the imaging diagnostic criteria for the devil's curse, which was later called the "magic sign." Of course, not every patient can have typical imaging characteristics, but at least doctors

When diagnosing, you won’t make a blind decision.

When Song Min raised her hand to push aside her bangs, she realized that her forehead was covered with sweat.

When they returned to the monitoring room, Yin Wuque and Mei Quzhen also had solemn expressions. Through the monitoring, they naturally saw the scene just now and almost came to help.

"The evil spirits cannot do anything to us under the restrictions of the hospital." Yin Wuque comforted: "You don't have to worry too much, Director Song."

Song Min is not afraid of the evil spirit, and it is not impossible to fight hard.

But that evil spirit won’t fight you head-on!

Even if she wants to leave, she can’t stay!

Therefore, I feel really frustrated.


When Dai Lin left the hotel, he was still in a very gloomy mood.

Now, he only hopes that, as Yin Wuque said, his brother can be discharged from the hospital.

At this moment, suddenly his cell phone rang.

The caller is... Tang Li!

Last time, Dai Lin and Tang Li did exchange mobile phone numbers, and what Dai Lin was talking about was the mobile phone number Gao Heyan gave him.

"Doctor Dai, is there no one else around you now?"


"I have something to trouble you with. Listen, please help me do something... just because we fought side by side last time, please help me."

"What do you mean? Doctor Tang?"

"Please, Doctor Dai, don't ask why."

Dai Lin looked around and through the eyes of the devil, he made sure that Han Ming's people had not followed.

Although Tang Li is an emergency doctor and can be considered a subordinate of An Zhiyuan, there is no doubt that she is not from the Han Ming faction.

"Okay, Doctor Tang."

"Thank you, Doctor Dai."

Then, she said: "After confirming that no one is following you, go to a FamilyMart convenience store on Lindong Road in W City, tell the cashiers inside about my appearance, and then tell them that I just paid with

The money is counterfeit, ask them to check the cashier box for you. There is a fragment of a hand-drawn map hidden inside."

Hand drawn map???

Dai Lin understood immediately: "Doctor Tang, that day you stayed to help us deal with the aftermath. Did you have the fragment of the map in An Minglu's mouth?"

"Yes. I used my charm to make the cashier think it was cash. I will transfer 100 yuan to you via WeChat later, and you can help me pay for the map fragment. Remember... this is very important.

Remember... after you get the map fragment, immediately teleport to the hospital and hide it in your doctor's lounge! Don't give it to anyone! Remember, don't give it to anyone! Even He Yan, don't give it to anyone.

Give it!"

"Even Dr. Gao...? Dr. Tang, why do you want to hide the fragment of the map?"

"I said... please don't ask why. You who have just entered the hospital are the only people I can trust! This is what Menghua entrusted to me... I must help her complete it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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