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Chapter 1429: Ba Dao escapes and protects the palace

"What? Didn't I say that the Ba Dao was hidden deep enough," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

"Before, Chaos Palace deliberately prevented me from investigating," Bian Wenzhou said with a wry smile.

"Now that the competition is over, they seem to be interested in showing favor to you.

Then he lured me to find the location of Ba Dao."

"Showing good intentions now? It's too late," Xu Zimo sneered.

"Let's deal with Ba Dao first. As for other things, we'll talk about it later."

"Ba Dao is in a mansion in the city.

I'll take you there," Bian Wenzhou said quickly.

Xu Zimo won the first place in the competition.

Now it is no exaggeration to say that he is the number one young person in the Chaos Fire Territory.

Even Bian Wenzhou had to fawn over and please.

After all, whether it is future potential or current strength, Xu Zimo has great investment qualifications.

"Since I promised you before, I will not go back on it."

Xu Zimo said: "I will give you the place to go to the place where the Fire Tribe originated.

You can just arrange for someone to go there when the time comes."

Hearing this, Bian Wenzhou was not as happy as he imagined, but instead felt a little embarrassed.

"This matter is not that simple," Bian Wenzhou said.


"Originally I wanted to do as you said.

But this time the origin of the Fire Ancestor is of great importance, and it does not include the destroyed Lihuo Territory.

Just between the six domains, there is also an open and covert struggle."

Bian Wenzhou said helplessly.

"According to the wishes of Chaos Palace, the quota cannot be replaced at will.

Whoever wins must participate."

Xu Zimo was stunned, shook his head and said: "I have no interest in the origin of the Fire Ancestor.

And I don’t necessarily have time to go.”

"I have been thinking about it for a long time and want to discuss it with Mr. Xu," Bian Wenzhou said.

"If Mr. Xu has time, he will dare to come to the Sun Palace as soon as possible to participate in the Place of Origin.

If there is no time, I will discuss with Chaos Palace and send someone else to replace you."

Bian Wenzhou said this, Xu Zimo thought for a while and finally nodded.

There is always a margin for success in everything, maybe it will be useful in the future.

While the two were chatting, they had already walked out of the bustling main street.

Came to a lonely road.

After passing through several alleys, we finally stopped in front of a mansion.

"This is it.

I have people staring around me all the time.

He cannot escape even if he has wings," Bian Wenzhou said.

Someone nearby had already kicked open the door of the mansion.

Everyone walked into the mansion, which was very large, with rockeries, pavilions, and running water, making it a pleasant scene.

"What are you doing?" At this time, a group of people came out of the mansion.

The leading middle-aged man scolded: "Why did you break into my mansion?"

"Let Ba Dao come out," Bian Wenzhou said calmly.

"I don't know who Ba Dao is.

This is my home," the middle-aged man said coldly, his eyes narrowed.

But no one bothered to talk nonsense with him.

Bian Wenzhou grabbed hold of him with his big hand and instantly suppressed the middle-aged man to the ground.

"What are you doing?

You dare to commit murder in the Chaos Fire Realm," the middle-aged man yelled with all his strength.

"I'm going to the Chaos Palace to tell you."

"You are still being tough at this time," Bian Wenzhou waved his right hand and looked at the group of people he had brought.

He ordered: "Search for me, don't let go of any corner."

The group of people behind him were like wolves, tigers and leopards, attacking from all directions.

The whole mansion was in chaos.

But the more he searched, the uglier Bian Wenzhou's face became.

Because there was no sign of Ba Dao at all.

"What's going on?" He had a bad thought in his heart.

Finally, when everyone had finished searching, no Ba Dao was found.

"Should he be allowed to escape?" Xu Zimo asked.

"This is impossible, my people are guarding all directions.

Not even a fly can fly out," Bian Wenzhou said with certainty.

Then he seemed to have thought of something.

His face changed slightly and he shouted: "It's true, why didn't I think of that?

Search for me again and see if there is any tunnel leading outside the mansion."

Everyone started searching again.

Xu Zimo looked around, and his figure came to the pool in front of the courtyard of the mansion.

This pool flows slowly along the rockery.

The sound of running water kept ringing.

Xu Zimo waved his palm and heard a "boom".

Endless spiritual energy rioted all around, and a giant palm overturned the pool.

Under the pool, a water tank suddenly appeared.

"There really is a tunnel," Bian Wenzhou said coldly.

Everyone opened the water tank and saw that the tunnel below was bottomless and they didn't know where it led.

Bian Wenzhou asked people to go in and investigate.

Soon, there was news.

This tunnel leads to a big tree outside the Chaos Fire Territory.

Because the other end of the tunnel is connected to the roots of a big tree, it is impossible to find it under normal circumstances.

"What happened this time was my inability to do things well."

Bian Wenzhou apologized: "Mr. Xu, please give me a few more days.

I will try my best to find it."

"As far as I know, in the past few days since the competition started.

The Chaos Fire Realm has always been banned.

People outside can't come in, and people inside can't get out," Xu Zimo asked.

"What Young Master Xu means is that the Tyrant Sword is still in the Chaos Fire Territory.

Just hiding it?" Bian Wenzhou asked quickly.

But then his eyes dimmed again.

"But the Chaos Fire Territory is so big, it's so difficult to find someone.

Unless he wants to send someone to assassinate you like before, we can find him.

Otherwise, if he really wants to hide, it will be difficult for us to find him."

"Find someone who can use other things," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

His gaze circled around the entire mansion.

Above the head, a traceless compass appeared floating in the void.

His eyes were like a torch, and spiritual energy surged around his body.

Since Ba Dao has lived here, we must be able to follow his trajectory and find his escape route.

The compass keeps spinning.

After a while, I saw a line like blue silk floating out from the compass.

"Follow the green line," Xu Zimo said.

Everyone followed the green line and first came to the foot of the big tree.

This shows that Ba Dao escaped from here in the first place.

The green thread is still wrapping around.

Everyone came to the main street, a very conspicuous place.

Finally, the green line stopped in front of a magnificent mansion.

The two big characters "Wangfu" are engraved in the center of the plaque like a radiant glow under the sun.

The door of this mansion is bronze.

The guards standing on both sides were also very powerful, with sabers hanging on their waists, and they looked proud.

"Why did it stop here?" Bian Wenzhou said helplessly.

"Why did Ba Dao hide in the palace?"

"What?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Do you know this mansion?"

"I'm afraid there's no one in the entire Chaos Fire Territory who doesn't know about this mansion," Bian Wenzhou said with a bitter smile.

"Now things are in trouble."

"What's the trouble," Xu Zimo asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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