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Chapter 171 Three Swords Great Emperor

 However, the journey of the Three Sword Emperors to carry the destiny is definitely the most tragic and spectacular among all the great emperors.

It starts with the man picking up the three-knife scimitar.

The story happened that spring, the immortal tree was blooming with immortal flowers. The flowers were blooming in spring, and the blood-red flowers were accompanied by a burst of fragrance.

On the road leaving Zhenwu Shengzong, the spring breeze was rippling, and the immortal trees on both sides looked like giants standing strong in the world, watching this boulevard as always.

Looking from one side of the road, it looks like you are in a sea of ​​blood-red fire.

Both sides of the road are lined with sturdy immortal trees, which are covered with densely packed immortal flowers.

The flowers sang softly to the breeze, then turned around and waved goodbye to the mother tree.

They follow the breeze and want to feel the freedom they have always longed for.

Unfortunately, the breeze suddenly disappeared, and the fiery red petals fell down.

On the boulevard planted with immortal trees, there is a thick layer of immortal flowers.

The Emperor of Three Swords stood in the middle of the immortal tree with his fierce sword power and immortal flowers under his feet, waving goodbye to the Zhenwu Holy Sect.


The destiny of that life appeared in the Dark Ridge, and the other saints, saints, geniuses, and monsters were all accompanied by the elders of their respective sects, protecting the law and holding down the formation.

The Three-Knife Emperor declined everyone's following and walked alone on the heavenly road that led to either hell or the temple.

What he left to everyone was not only the back figure wearing a blood-red robe, but also the three shocking scimitars.

The immortal flowers along the way seemed to be saying goodbye to him.

And then, that man...became the emperor!

On the day when he carried the destiny, the sky was cloudless, and he became famous all over the world. He stood on the sky and engraved his imperial title on Yuanyang Continent, this magnificent world.

He left a chapter that belongs to him.


A long time has passed, but the immortal tree still blooms every year, and the immortal flowers still scatter on the boulevard at the same time.

But the world can no longer see the man wearing a red robe with three stunning scimitars on his back.

Immortal trees and immortal flowers are flying all over the sky. When the man waved goodbye, those deeply rooted words still seem to be echoing in the fiery red.

"I would like to entrust my life to my knife.

If this group of people can never come back, let me and my sword bloom its final withering and brilliance on the top of the sky in front of the world.

Please remember my name, my name is Sandao, I have been in this world before."


In the dark ridge, countless geniuses stood in mid-air, their momentum annihilated countless black holes, and the sky was full of destiny. It was a brutal battle that attracted the attention of the entire continent.

Those who once made people stupefied, whether they were geniuses or monsters, are now worthless here, as if they are in ruins.

At a glance, one can see that there is no one here who is not a saint son who can be proud of the world, and who is not carrying the hope of his sect.

With a slap, the so-called evildoers are just ants among all living beings in the altar.

However, right here, the man named San Dao pulled out his first knife.

"Behead the Immortal,"

People have asked me, are there immortals in this world? I only know that if I cut them with my sword, the immortals will be wiped out.

Under destiny and in the world, he drew his second sword.

"Demon slaying,"

People have asked me, what is a demon? I only know that if I strike with my sword, the demon is also a mayfly and an ant.

I have killed immortals and demons, but I know that I am still me.

So the man pulled out his last knife.

"True me!"


Dark Ridge is just like its name, boundless darkness surrounds everything.

everyone there,

They were all famous all over the world,

Once powerful in all directions,

Someone is holding the real weapon of the Great Emperor,

Someone brought the ancestor who entered immortality,

But that day, that man just took three knives and massacred everything.

Ghosts, ghosts and monsters.

He is neither invincible nor invincible.

He was knocked down again and again and stood up again and again.

Just like the spring when the immortal flowers bloomed, he made an oath that I would entrust my life to my sword.

He said it and he did it.

Blood was sprinkled all over the Dark Ridge, and the Three-Knife Emperor fought from the front of the mountain to the back of the mountain, and then from the back of the mountain to the front of the mountain.

The sky is turned upside down, the sky is dark and the earth is dark.

The genius was slaughtered, the monster was begging for mercy, and the Holy Son was wailing.

Everything was just to pave the way for that man to become an emperor, and to achieve such a grand event that all bones would be withered.

The path of the Great Emperor has always been difficult, but the Three-Knife Emperor has performed the difficulty and tragedy to the extreme.

Finally, he reached the top and stood above the sky dripping with blood.

Destiny is roaring, the world is looking up, and the opponents below have become a sea of ​​blood.


In that battle, in addition to Emperor Three Swords ascending to the throne, the former Dark Ridge was also flooded with blood.

Countless real weapons of the Emperor were lost in that battle, and with the fall of Dark Ridge, they will never see the light of day again.

The Dark Ridge has since been renamed the Silent Ridge, and has been classified as one of the ten forbidden areas by the people of Yuanyang Continent.

Different from the other nine forbidden places, the other forbidden places have fixed locations.

The Silent Ridge is like a floating continent, it moves strangely and has no exact place or location.

It will stay in one place for a long time, and then suddenly disappear, jump in space, and appear somewhere else.

For this new forbidden land, it not only contains dangers, but also countless opportunities.

So many talented people died there, and countless great and real artifacts were lost there.

For many Imperial Immortal Sects, they have been looking for traces of the Nirvana Ridge, hoping to find the Emperor's real artifact that was lost by the sect back then.

But Silent Hill rarely appears. It spends most of its time hidden in space and is very mysterious.


Xu Zimo and Xiao Guizi walked deep into the Shiwan Mountains. Along the way, they also saw too many tribes of the beast tribe.

Some tribes are more friendly and invite them to visit the tribe.

There were also some who wanted to rob Xu Zimo and Xu Zimo due to the strength of their numbers.

However, most of these tribesmen who live deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains are not very high in cultivation. Along the way, Xu Zimo has seen the strongest people who are only in the Imperial Lineage realm.

On this day, the two of them were walking on a path in the mountains, when bursts of rumbling explosions suddenly came from the sky.

All I could see was the wind and the remaining clouds in the sky, showing the majesty of the sky.

The boundless air of silence filled the entire sky, and in the empty space above, a continent slowly descended from above.

The "rumbling" explosion sounded in the sky, deafening, as if it was destroying the world, and the sky was covered by a shadow.

This chapter has been completed!
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