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Chapter 683 Salamander Heart

 "Otherwise?" Xu Zimo said: "How can a demon beast in the Heaven Fusion Realm, an ant-like existence, still struggle."

"It is the Four Great Protectors," Lu Yun was still a little unbelievable.

It is difficult to change concepts that have existed for thousands of years in an instant.

"This is the strongest existence besides the black dragon."

"That's just for you," Xu Zimo said: "If you have the chance, you will understand when you go outside to see a brighter world."

With the death of the black dragon, the turbulent river gradually calmed down.

"What should we do with it?" Lu Yun pointed at the body of the black dragon and asked.

"Throw it here, it's of no use," Xu Zimo replied.

The two sat on the Dark Sky Tiger, crossed the river, and came to the land on the other side of the river.

Although it is only separated by a river, this land is different from the green lizard plains.

The ground under your feet is red, and even the plants that grow are basically light red.

Not far ahead, a canyon appeared in sight.

"Let's go, the red lizards live in the canyon, but I don't know if it has changed in such a long time," Lu Yun said.

Xu Zimo nodded, he put away the Dark Sky Tiger, and walked step by step on the red ground.

"Can you tell me what you want from our lizard clan?" Lu Yun was silent for a while.

Finally, I mustered up the courage to ask: "I believed you got into it by mistake before, but now I feel you must have come here with a purpose."

"What do you think your lizard clan are of use to me?" Xu Zimo said with a smile.

"I don't know," Lu Yun shook his head.

"Have you ever heard of blood lizard?" Xu Zimo said again.

"You are," Lu Yun was startled and thought for a long time before he realized what he was doing.

"No wonder, you are talking about that legend."

"It seems you know," Xu Zimo nodded.

"That's right, for you humans, we lizards are indeed somewhat useful."

Lu Yun said: "Originally, this is a secret within our clan, and ordinary lizards don't even know about it.

But thousands of years ago, the Wrathful Heavenly Lord came here for the same purpose as you, so I didn’t know about this kind of thing."

"He gave up later?" Xu Zimo asked.

"No, it's mainly because his fusion method was incomplete and ultimately failed," Lu Yun shook his head and replied.

"If there had been a complete fusion method at that time, he might have been able to defeat the black dragon after eating the heart of the blood lizard."

"It seems you know a lot," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

"We, the lizard clan, have a very long lifespan. The longer we live, the more we will naturally know," Lu Yun said, looking at Xu Zimo.

"Can you promise me something?"

"You won't let me kill you lizard clan members?" Xu Zimo asked in return.

"No, can you please don't kill the innocent lizards? Those who are the lackeys of the black dragon should be enough for you to kill," Lu Yun said.

"You can consider it," Xu Zimo smiled.

As they talked, the two of them had arrived in front of the canyon. The soil of this canyon was also dark red red soil.

Not a single plant grew on the canyon, it was a bit like the Gobi Desert, bare.

The canyon is not big, but the temperature inside is indeed a bit hot. There are some footprints on the ground, which look like they should be left by red lizards.

The two of them walked forward along the path of the canyon, and after walking for thirty or forty meters, they heard a "Stop comer" sound.

Three black figures jumped down from the canyon above.

"It's the Black Dragon Guard," Lu Yun said quickly.

"Who are you?" The three of them glanced at Lu Yun and yelled, "What are the green lizards doing here?"

Xu Zimo frowned slightly and was too lazy to talk nonsense. With a wave of his right hand, the three figures flew out directly.

With a "boom" sound, the three of them hit the wall on one side of the canyon heavily.

Because the force was too great, the earth fell from the sky, and the bodies of the three people were directly embedded in it.

"You," one of them pointed at Xu Zimo. Before he could finish his sentence, he vomited black blood and became silent.

This movement also attracted the attention of others, and they saw that the mountain gates were opened on the walls on both sides of the canyon.

Red heads stuck out from inside, looking around cautiously.

The place where these red lizards live is somewhat similar to a cave dwelling, with the earth wall cut out and the door also made of red earth.

"Someone killed the Black Dragon Guard."

"W-what's going on? There seems to be a green lizard? Why did it come to us?"

Many red lizards whispered at first, but eventually more people were discussing, and the voices became louder and louder, becoming noisy.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, we are here to rescue you," Lu Yun shouted to everyone.

"The Black Dragon Guard was killed by us, and the black dragon in the black river is also dead. You can be free now."

At this moment, I heard an angry shout coming from not far away.

"What's the fuss about? Do you want your life?" I saw a group of red lizards wearing red armor running over.

"Kill quickly, the lackeys are coming," Lu Yun said from the side.

After this group of red lizards arrived, everyone was shocked to see what they saw.

"Master Black Dragon Guard, what's wrong with you?" The leader rushed to the front, checked and found that there was no sound.

He turned around and asked tremblingly: "Who killed him?"

"Me," Xu Zimo said lightly.

The several red armored lizards next to him all drew out their sabers and looked at Xu Zimo with eager eyes.

"What are you doing? Kill well," but the leader yelled at his subordinates.

He angrily shouted: "This hero killed these beasts for us. We should be happy and congratulated. Do you want to rebel?"

After the leading red lizard finished speaking, he turned to look at Xu Zimo and said with a flattering smile: "My lord, you don't know.

These Black Dragon Guards enslave us on a daily basis, and we have no choice but to listen to their orders and do things we don't want to do.

In fact, I have wanted to resist for a long time, but unfortunately I never found the chance."

"You are very good at seeing the current situation clearly," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

"It's a pity that I'm a very strange person. Anyone who wants to kill me will die if he or she goes against my will."

After his words fell, Xu Zimo clapped his big hand, and the big hand with condensed spiritual energy fell down.

There was a "rumbling" explosion, leaving a deep fingerprint on the ground and corpses all over the ground.

Xu Zimo removed the hearts one by one and said to Lu Yun: "I'll leave this place to you. I'll go out after I finish my work."

Seeing Xu Zimo leave the canyon, all the red lizards jumped down from the cave dwellings and surrounded Lu Yun curiously and asked.


Leaving this canyon, Xu Zimo found a relatively quiet place and prepared to fuse the Salamander Heart first.

He took out pieces of fusion stones.

This chapter has been completed!
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