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Chapter 1144 Arriving at Ning

"Want some?" Tong Xueyong spit out two pieces of melon seed shells from his mouth, pointed at the melon seeds and peanuts in the iron box towards Cheng Qianfan, and said with a smile.

"No appetite." Cheng Qianfan looked pale and waved his hands to indicate that he had no appetite.

Today the river suddenly became windy and bumpy, and he felt a little seasick.

To be precise, he just went to the ship's toilet, dug his throat with his fingers, and vomited, causing him to become seasick.

Without him, I learned from the diary that Kentaro Miyazaki, a Japanese, suffered from moderate seasickness, while Cheng Qianfan, a native of Jiangshan, did not suffer from seasickness.

He originally thought that he would be able to fly directly to Nanjing on a Japanese plane with Wang and other traitor gangs.

However, the driver of the Special High School took him directly to the dock.

It turns out that non-core entourage members like him will not arrive randomly, but will take the passenger ship named "Luzhiwan" from Shanghai to Ningbo along the river.

This made Cheng Qianfan a little disappointed. He had hoped to have the opportunity to contact Wang Chuanhai again. Even if he could not contact Wang Chuanhai directly, if Wang's traitor allowed him to be random, it meant that he had gained Wang's trust.

It now seems that Wang and other traitors are still wary of an 'outsider' like him. To be precise, Wang Chuanhai and others are always extremely wary of anyone who is not in their inner circle.

Cheng Qianfan felt a little regretful about this, but he was not surprised either.

Wang Chuanhai himself had carried out an assassination attempt on Prince Regent Zaifeng. Although he was unsuccessful, he still had rich experience in assassination. Of course, this person's sentence of "leading the sword to success, living up to his youth" has also become a famous saying and is widely used.

In order to spread, Wang's reputation as a scholarly and heroic person was created.

In addition, Wang Chuanhai experienced many assassinations and escaped death several times.

Wang Chuanhai was assassinated, and there were two well-known assassinations.

The first time was in Nanjing in the 23rd year of the Republic of China, when he was assassinated by the patriot Sun Fengming. Unfortunately, Sun was subdued by Zhang Hansheng, so that although three of the bullets fired hit Wang Chuanhai, they were not critical. Wang Chuanhai

Fortunately, he was rescued and brought back.

Another time was in March this year, when the military commander "Eighteen Arhats" assassinated Wang Kehai in Hanoi, Vietnam.

The military commander carried out a well-planned assassination operation. Unexpectedly, Wang Chuanhai's close confidant Zeng Zhengmin happened to stay in the room of Wang Chuanhai and his wife, but Wang Chuanhai escaped by mistake. Zeng Zhengmin became the scapegoat, and eventually he was not killed.

The assassination was successful.

With the experience and lessons of failed assassinations, and having been assassinated so many times, it can be said that Wang Quanhai is now a regular customer with considerable assassination experience.

Such Wang Kehai, whether it is himself or the surrounding security forces, obviously pays more attention to safety protection and eliminates the possibility of creating opportunities for assassins.

Especially when flying, a more dangerous means of transportation, at an altitude of 10,000 meters, an assassin may crash the plane and kill everyone.

Therefore, unless they are very trusted confidants of Wang Quanhai and others, they will not be allowed to travel together.

Then, Cheng Qianfan thought of the name of the ship 'Lu Zhi Maru' and snorted in his heart. Japan's ambition towards China can be seen in all aspects. A Japanese river ship will be named after 'Lu', and the ship will be named after the region.

, has always been limited to domestic use. This river ship is obviously not a new ship in the past two years, but is at least more than ten years old. This shows that Langzi's ambition has been planned for a long time.

Seeing Cheng Qianfan's polite refusal, Tong Xueyong smiled. He just ate melon seeds, read the newspaper for a while, or looked at the scenery on the river.

Cheng Qianfan took out the books from his briefcase and read to pass the time and 'suppress' the seasickness.

Tong Xueyong took a look and said with a smile, "Mr. Cheng also likes to read Red Mansions?"

"I'm bored to pass the time." Cheng Qianfan said. As he spoke, he wiped his forehead with a piece of ginger and made an apologetic expression towards Tong Xueyong, indicating that he was really uncomfortable and couldn't speak.

Tong Xueyong smiled and stopped talking.

He continued to eat melon seeds, read the newspaper, and admire the scenery. He seemed very peaceful and contented, but in fact, his eyes were always vigilantly paying attention to the situation around him, especially the 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' sitting in front of him.

The order he received was to monitor Cheng Qianfan.

This surveillance is not based on suspicion, but is a routine surveillance.

On the 76th, Zhou Liang, director of the Special Task Committee of the Central Executive Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang Party, who was responsible for the protection of Mr. Wang when he went to Nanjing on the 76th, personally made a list for the agents at the Secret Service Headquarters. The list included Mr. Wang who went to Nanjing this time.

In addition to the people listed on the "trusted list", the family's senior officials and close associates, other entourage personnel will enter the surveillance range of Agent No. 76 in order to detect possible dangers.

Tong Xueyong's eyes made mid-air contact with Tang Kanlao, who was not far away.

Tang Kanlao was drinking tea with another group of his entourage, chatting nonsense from all over the world.

He said hello to the people around him and walked to the toilet.

Tong Xueyong also put away the melon seeds, covered the iron box, got up and went to the toilet.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at the iron box. The iron box was ajar, and a piece of melon seed peel happened to be pressed down. If someone tried to open the box, the melon seed peel would fall off.

He couldn't help but become more alert to Tong Xueyong.

The seemingly rough technique actually shows that Tong Xueyong is extraordinary. If anyone thinks that this piece of melon seeds was just put in casually, and nothing will happen after opening the box and pressing it back again, then they are being smart.

Cheng Qianfan pressed the center of his eyebrows, closed "A Dream of Red Mansions", closed his eyes and rested.

It’s really about closing your eyes and recuperating.

He didn't think about anything, forcing himself not to think about whether the code words he left for Lao Huang and Ruolan were understood by the two of them, and what to do after he wanted to go to Nanjing. He just let himself go.

Surrounded by enemies, there is no pressure and no restraint. This is the best way to deal with it.

Hearing the wind blowing across the river, or the sudden sound of a whistle, or the unbridled laughter of Japanese ronin in the next cabin, Cheng Qianfan's thoughts drifted very far away, very heavy, very heavy.

"Is there any news?" Hiroyuki Kikube came to the Telecommunications Special Research Laboratory again to ask.

"Nothing unusual." Nohara Kenji replied. He hesitated for a moment and then asked, "Chief, let alone our old friends, there are fewer new suspicious radio signals than before."

"What do you want to say?" Hiroyuki Kikube asked.

"Chief, could it be that those rats know that we have radio wave positioning equipment, so..." Nohara Kenji said.

"It's not impossible." Hiroyuki Kikube frowned and said in a deep voice. Then, he glared at Nohara Kenji fiercely.

If Nohara Kenji and Aburaya had not been arrested by the police because of their suspicious behavior, the radio wave positioning equipment in the rickshaw would not have been taken away by the police.

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the patrol room. It is hard to say whether anyone will recognize the use of the machine.

He was never afraid to consider his enemies with the greatest possible estimation. Moreover, he felt that his thinking was correct. The people in the patrol house were involved in all kinds of religions, and those who could thrive in the patrol house were considered to be capable people on the beach. Among them, there were so

Some knowledgeable people are also normal.

Regarding the arrest of Nohara Kenji and Aburaya by the Central Police Station, Hiroyuki Kikube conducted a secret investigation afterwards and proved that the arrest of the two was indeed based on a report from a foreign woman near Masinan Road, and Nohara Kenji

The two men's rickshaw entered the small road in the villa area, and it was indeed acting suspiciously.

Therefore, when Nohara and Aburaya were arrested, everything seemed very reasonable, and even if he wanted to sue Kentaro Miyazaki in front of the section chief, he was unable to do so.

"Chief." Kenji Nohara reacts quickly when it comes to professional fields, "I think this matter is related to Ogasawara's disappearance."

He explained, "The enemy's attack on Ogasawara shows that it has a very strong purpose. It is likely that the radio wave locator in Ogasawara was discovered. It is not ruled out that someone discovered it at that time, or even recognized the use of the instrument, so he

He attacked Ogasawara."

"The enemy has learned from this that we have a radio locator, so they are now paying great attention to concealment." Nohara Kenji added.

Kikube Hiroo nodded, Nohara Kenji's explanation was indeed more convincing.

"Although the rats may temporarily stop sending reports, or send reports in remote places that are difficult to search, after all, this is a lot of inconvenience, and they cannot persist for a long time." Kikube Hiroo said.

He is confident in this.

Shanghai is the territory of the empire, and all those shady rats do is just a desperate struggle.


"The radio wave locator is still too crude. If the radio signal can be determined more accurately, the radio wave search range can be expanded." Kikube Kano looked at Nohara Kenji, "Our enemies are currently dealing with a crude locator. If we can

With more advanced research, this will catch them off guard and lead to greater gains."

"Hai!" Nohara Ken'er's eyes shone, "This is exactly the effect and goal we are pursuing."

A few days later.

"Taozi, what's your opinion?" Hao Zai looked at Qiao Chuntao.

Qiao Chuntao didn't speak, he looked at Zhou Ru.

"According to the usual practice, we will turn on the phone and contact the headquarters once in three days at the latest." Zhou Ru said, "However, after learning that the enemy had a radio wave locator, the team leader ordered that if there is nothing important during this period, we will only receive

Calls from Chongqing will not be sent."

With that said, Zhou Ru pointed to a radio.

If you just want to receive telegrams, you can do it with a radio. For a telecommunications expert like Zhou Ru, she can even use the radio as the base and buy some parts to assemble a simple transmitter.

"The problem now is that the team leader has been away from Shanghai for several days." Zhou Ru said, "We must report the matter to the headquarters and cannot delay it any longer."

Previously, Li Hao reported that Cheng Qianfan was most likely not going to Tianjin, but that his real destination was Nanjing.

Both Haozi and Haozi proposed to report the matter to the Chongqing headquarters immediately, but this was rejected by Taozi.

Taozi, as the temporary head of the Shanghai headquarters of the Shanghai Special Intelligence Group, ordered Zhou Ru not to send reports to the Chongqing headquarters without his permission.

Hao Zai showed strong dissatisfaction with this.

In the end, Taozi suppressed the situation as the temporary commander, but Taozi did not explain to others why he did so.

"Send the report." Taozi thought for a moment and said.

"It is said that the team leader was suddenly assigned to go to Tianjin on a business trip. It was important for his subordinates to be cautious before leaving. Because the team leader was in a hurry when leaving and did not give detailed instructions, the subordinates did not dare to act rashly, so they contacted the headquarters today."

Taozi continued.

Li Hao glanced at Taozi, seeming slightly dissatisfied, but in the end he chose to shut up.

Zhou Ru glanced at Taozi, and couldn't help but take a higher look at Qiao Chuntao.

Qiao Chuntao's telegram seemed to shirk part of the responsibility for Chi Ri's power generation on the team leader, but it was actually the safest approach. In addition, this approach further illustrated Qiao Chuntao's responsibility.

If it were someone else, he wouldn't have the courage.

"The incident in Nanjing will not be reported?" Zhou Ru asked.

"Report, but not today, report again tomorrow." Qiao Chuntao thought for a moment and said, "The team leader is under constant surveillance by the Japanese side, so I can't say much. However, Qiao Chuntao, the staff department, after many studies and judgments, believes that the purpose of the team leader's trip is not

Tianjin is sent to Ning by the Japanese side to perform a secret mission. This is a general guess and has not been confirmed. Please ask the headquarters for verification."

Hearing Qiao Chuntao speak like this, this time neither Li Hao nor Hao Zai had any strange expressions, and they did not blame Taozi for taking away the credit from his sister-in-law.

Only Zhou Ru was a little distracted. Her sister-in-law was so smart. She now suspected that she had had such good opportunities to do things before. In fact, her sister-in-law had been secretly helping and cooperating.

It turns out that the stupidest girl is herself, who is being 'played' around by the two of them.


"Six cakes." Cheng Qianfan played a card and yawned.

"What a fool." Hu Sihai pushed the mahjong and shouted happily, "Single six cakes, give me money, give me money."

Cheng Qianfan directly took three bills from his wallet and handed them over, cursing in his mouth, "I won't play anymore, I'm not lucky today."

"No, keep on, keep on." Hu Sihai shouted. His favorite poker player was Cheng Qianfan, a poker player who was not having much luck today but had a lot of money.

"No fight." Cheng Qianfan stood up directly. He put his wallet into his briefcase, picked up the briefcase on the back of the chair, and patted the bag. "There is a document that Secretary-General Chu ordered me to deliver today."

With that said, he patted his butt and left as if running away.

"Get the hair!" Hu Sihai said mockingly while counting the banknotes, "He's just a deserter. Today, Secretary-General Chu went to a meeting and I didn't see him at all. Others are piss escapers, but Xiao Cheng always escapes with documents."

Several other people laughed.

"Okay, Qianfan really lost badly today. He can't do it without running." Zhang Lu said with a smile, "Okay, everyone has gained a lot today, so that's the end of it."

"This is thanks to Mr. Cheng Dashan." Tang Kanlao said.

Everyone laughed, and the air was filled with joy.

Cheng Qianfan left the mahjong room, came to the door, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, held the cigarette between his fingers, raised his hand to hail a rickshaw, yawned in his mouth, and said, "No. 39, Yihe Road

, Well, it’s just an ideal car dealership.”

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