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Chapter 1152 Female Sir

"Madam, the food is ready." Zhou Ru put on an apron, wiped her hands on the apron, and said with a smile, "The husband is not at home, and the wife's appetite has not been very good. Now it is better. The husband has called to tell the wife.

You also have a great appetite."

She had already learned from Datou, who drove to pick her up, that 'Brother Fan sent a telegram from Tianjin to my sister-in-law.' Therefore, Zhou Ru had vague speculations and expectations in her heart:

Therefore, she took the initiative to direct the topic to the telegram.

"Tell me, it's strange. I used to not be used to eating Mapo Tofu, but today I really want to eat it." Bai Ruolan smiled and pointed to the letter in her hand, "Speaking of which, the reason is because you are the cook.

On the body."

"Ah?" Zhou Ru was surprised. She blinked and didn't understand.

"Sir, I ate Bazhen Tofu in Tianjin and said it was not as good as the Mapo Tofu made by a little cook like you." Bai Ruolan said with a smile.

"Really?" Zhou Ru asked in surprise. As a cook, it is undoubtedly a great achievement to be praised by the master.

"I can still lie to you." As Bai Ruolan spoke, she said to the little maid Lizi, "Lizi, go ask Xiaobao to come down for dinner."

Then she handed the letter to Zhou Ru casually, "See for yourself, is this what the gentleman said?"

Zhou Ru took the letter and was about to open it when she heard Bai Ruolan say, "By the way, Xiao Zhima wants to eat stewed eggs. Could you please Xiao Zhou to make some shrimp stewed eggs."

"I know." Zhou Ru stuffed the letter into her apron pocket and hurried back to the kitchen to work.

He closed the kitchen door.

Quickly steaming the stewed eggs on the stove, Zhou Ru took out the letter paper from her apron pocket and read it carefully.

About half an hour later.


"Ouch." Zhou Ru's cry of pain came from the kitchen.

Bai Ruolan, who was dining, looked towards the kitchen in surprise, "Lizi, go and have a look."

Someone moves faster than Chestnut:

Xiaobao ran into the kitchen quickly like a happy rabbit, and the old cat followed her.

"Sister Ruolan, it was Miss Zhou who got burned." Xiaobao shouted.

Bai Ruolan hurriedly came to the kitchen to check and knocked over the steamed egg on the floor. Zhou Ru's wrist was so hot that it turned red.

"How could you be careless?" Bai Ruolan exclaimed, "Is the burn serious?"

"Xiaobao, go and inform Datou to drive Miss Zhou to the doctor." Bai Ruolan ordered.

"Madam, no, there is no need to go to the hospital." Zhou Ru quickly waved her hand, "They are all minor injuries. It is common to get burned when cooking. I always have burn ointment there, it is very useful."

"Da Tou, drive Miss Zhou back to Father Jin Road." Bai Ruolan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard what Zhou Ru said and shouted towards the yard.

"Yes, sister-in-law." Da Tou agreed in the yard.

"Thank you, madam." Zhou Ru said gratefully, with a look of guilt on her face, "It's a pity that this is a good steamed egg. The young master is waiting to eat it."

"You, go home quickly and apply medicine, what are you talking about?" Bai Ruolan said reproachfully.

Watching the car carrying Zhou Ru drive out of the yard, Bai Ruolan glanced at the cat that was sniffing the stewed eggs in the broken cup on the ground, and couldn't help but smile, "It's an advantage for an old cat like you."

"Lizi, look at the cat." Bai Ruolan glanced at Lizi and casually ordered, "After the cat has finished eating, you can clean it up."

"Yes, ma'am." Li Zi agreed hastily.

Father King Road.

Zhou Ru locked the door to the outer room.

He entered the bedroom and locked the bedroom door.

She took out the telegraph newspaper hidden in her inner pocket, read it carefully, and began to decipher it.

According to her observation, only the first sentence of the telegram sent by the team leader to his wife was, 'Ruolan, my wife, I have arrived in Tianjin and had a safe trip. I miss you and Xiaozhizhi very much.' This is definitely true.

Written for my wife.

The following content is all written for her to read.

Zhou Ru was thinking and translating the message on a piece of paper.

There is no secret code in black and white for this telegram translation. The secret code of this telegram is in Zhou Ru’s mind:

Or, to be precise, the secret code of this telegram was her familiarity with the team leader, especially the tacit understanding, vocabulary habits, and secret language mastery of the two people's long-term cooperation.

Furthermore, the key to Zhou Ru deciphering this telegram is that she and Cheng Qianfan had an agreement long ago——


Words that seem very ordinary and unobtrusive are actually used to limit the direction.

"My colleagues here in Tianjin are not very enthusiastic. Of course, I am here to handle miscellaneous matters, and I am already prepared for my colleagues to be uncooperative. Just wait, these monsters, the king will not show his power... With them

Begging for mercy.”

Colleagues appeared twice, and this was the team leader who specifically pointed out "colleagues".


Team leader’s identity:

Patrol room, agents of our military command, Japanese agents, and black marketeers.

Considering that the team leader's trip to Nanjing was a confidential mission, Zhou Ru first excluded black market traders.

Then her eyes locked on the word 'monster'.

This is one word Zhou Ru can be sure of:

魍鉉, the group leader used to use 魍鉉 to refer specifically to the Red Party.

"The king does not show his power" is also a code word.

People more commonly use the phrase 'the tiger does not show off its power'.

The team leader gave up using the word "tiger does not show its power" and chose to use "the king does not show its power" instead. In fact, it highlighted the word tiger and her.

Colleagues; monsters (red party); tigers.

This is the code word Zhou Ru retrieved from this sentence.

"Of course, there is no need to worry about safety for me. Lord Tande has repeatedly communicated with Tianjin. I now have sufficient security when I come in and out."

In this paragraph, the focus is on ‘I am now’. What the team leader wants to say is——

Adequate security, translated as:

The security is tight.

"I'm currently staying at the Traffic Hotel, which is one of the first-class hotels in Tianjin. The accommodation conditions are naturally okay, but some neighbors are too noisy."

In this sentence, the word 'I live now' points to 'Jiaotong Hotel', or to be precise, the word 'Jiaotong'. If the message uses 'I live now' and there is no second 'in', then

, pointing to the entire word 'Transportation Hotel'.

Transportation, this is a code word translated by Zhou Ru.

Just, traffic, what does this mean?

"This is the first-class place in Tianjin." This sentence is preceded by 'this is', followed by 'where', and the middle part of the sentence is specially defined as 'Tianjin first-class one'.

Then remove the place name "Tianjin" and retain "Yiyiyi".

Zhou Ru wrote the word "model" again on the paper.

The team leader usually uses the word 'model' in his official reports to the police station.

Therefore, Zhou Ru knew that in this restrictive sentence, "one first" actually pointed out the code word "model".

“The accommodation conditions are naturally okay, but some neighbors are too noisy.”——

The qualifier of this sentence is ‘just’, which is intended to highlight ‘the neighbors are too noisy’.

‘The neighbors are too noisy’, the code word is ‘no peace’.

Colleague; monster (red party); tiger; heavily guarded; model; no peace.

Zhou Ru's eyes lit up, and the corner of her mouth raised a smile:

The team leader is really a clever guy.

She remembered that among the qualifiers agreed upon by the team leader and her, "must not" appeared, but it actually meant "have".

Get peace.

De means determination, An means in accordance with it, and Ning means Nanjing.

Zhou Ru's heart moved. She opened the drawer and pulled out a carefully preserved map of Nanjing.

Colleague; monster (red party); tiger; heavily guarded; model; no peace.

Zhou Ru's eyes were fixed on the model prison.

Colleagues, the patrol room is the same as the police station.

Laohuqiao Prison is the first model prison in Nanjing. This place was previously famous for detaining Red Party prisoners Zheng Zhi and has always been under tight security.

Zhou Ru can now confirm that the first three paragraphs in the team leader's message are to tell her this location:

Nanjing Laohuqiao Prison.

What does this location mean?

The team leader is being held in Laohuqiao Prison?

Zhou Ru just thought about it and ruled out this possibility first.

She has confidence in Cheng Qianfan, and there is no way that the team leader will be in trouble.

The most important thing is that Zhou Ru knows Cheng Qianfan well. With her ability as a team leader, if something really happened, she would be able to see at least eight warnings in the first three paragraphs.

In any case, the location of Laohuqiao Prison must be very important.

Zhou Ru continued to decipher the following message.

"I ate the famous Bazhen tofu yesterday, but it was not as good as the Mapo tofu made by the cook."

Zhou Ru immediately understood the meaning of this sentence. It would be better to use this qualifying word, ‘Mapo tofu made by the cook’

This prompted her to call Chongqing immediately.

‘Ma Po Tofu’ is the code word agreed upon by the team leader and her, which means Chongqing Bureau Headquarters.

"And the gluten-free one has a mediocre taste, not as good as the gluten roasted pork you make."

Zhou Ru also quickly deciphered this sentence. "Single Gluten" and "Gluten Roast Pork" are both assassination methods. This is the secret code for assassination methods used only within the Shanghai Special Intelligence Group. In other words, the code word is "gluten" -


The guy in the special situation team who likes to play with bombs the most uses "gluten" to refer to explosives. Dugluten actually means "blocking gluten", which means blocking the front and rear and using explosives, while "gluten roasting meat" specifically refers to the use of explosives in the front and rear.

If explosives are placed in the vehicle, after the explosives explode, wouldn’t it be gluten-roasted meat?

Thinking of this, Zhou Ru immediately thought of the previous 'traffic' again.

She immediately understood that the team leader used these code words to connect them to launch an assassination operation against a certain target person in a vehicle.

As for whether to use the "gluten-roasted pork" assassination method, Zhou Ru thought about it, and her judgment was that maybe, maybe not. She believed that the team leader specifically pointed out "gluten-roasted pork". The most likely reason is that this code word is the most pointed.

, it can be deciphered by contacting the 'traffic' in the previous article:

Assassination, an important target in a car.

Well, Laohuqiao Prison is the location to assassinate an important target by car.

Zhou Ru felt excited. She knew that she had deciphered most of this special code message.

However, Zhou Ru knew that the most important information was still behind.

She knew the team leader, and because the team leader considered the issue thoroughly, she would definitely point out the identity of this important target.

"Yes, yes, there is also the braised mackerel. The fish is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The texture is extremely tender, sour and sweet, and appetizing. The most important thing is that the meat is extremely tender and juicy. The dish is golden yellow as a whole.

The meat is tender and tender.”

Right, right, and that, are all qualifiers.

‘Official roasted flatfish’ should actually be roasted flatfish, missing the word “bi”.

Zhou Ru wrote the word "bi" on the paper.

At this time, Zhou Ru frowned, and she noticed that the four words "young" were used in this sentence in the message.

Four ‘tender’, what does this mean?

Zhou Ru thought hard.

The team leader would never use the four words "young" in this paragraph for no reason, or in other words, because according to the tacit agreement between her and the team leader, the overlapping words themselves are code words, so the team leader would not not know it, and would not not know it.

Paying attention to this detail, then these four 'tender' must have special meanings.

Four ‘tender’.

Zhou Ru thought hard, she really couldn't figure it out.

Time was running out, so Zhou Ru temporarily put the four young ones on hold and continued to look down.

"The main ingredients are juicy, sweet and sour, and slightly salty. You should like this dish."

Zhou Ru knew that this sentence was not written to her, but to the Chongqing Bureau Headquarters. The meaning of this sentence was that the Chongqing Bureau Headquarters would take the target of the assassination very seriously.

Or, to put it more bluntly, this sentence means that Boss Dai Chunfeng will like this goal very much.

Suddenly, Zhou Ru's heart moved.

She had already vaguely guessed who the assassination target mentioned by the team leader in the secret message was:

Wang reclamation!

Only Wang Chuanhai is the target that Boss Dai likes and is most satisfied with.

"Next time if I have a chance, I will definitely bring you, a female gentleman, to taste it..."

Sure enough, Zhou Ru saw the word 'female gentleman' in the last sentence.

‘Mr. Female’ is Wang Quanhai’s code name within the Military Command Bureau. This code name has a very high level of authority and is only known to some senior officials at the Chongqing Bureau headquarters and some of the military commanders’ ace agents who actually participated in the assassination of Wang Quanhai.

Zhou Ru's heartbeat quickened.

She was so excited.

Previously in Cheng's kitchen, Zhou Ru only had time to read the first two paragraphs of the letter. These two paragraphs convinced her that this was indeed a secret message sent to her by the team leader. Then, Zhou Ru put the letter away and did not continue reading.


Because, at that time, she caught a glimpse of a figure outside the kitchen. Zhou Ru could not be sure whether the person outside the kitchen happened to be there or there was something wrong.

Zhou Ru was very cautious, put away the letter decisively, and immediately made the decision to burn herself with the steaming stewed egg and return to Father Jin Road with the 'secret message' to study it carefully.

Therefore, she only saw the word 'Mr. Female' at this time.

With the identity of 'Mr. Female', and then inferring the code words from the front and back, the whole clue and the idea become clearer——

She already understood what the team leader's secret message was saying!

In Laohuqiao Prison, to assassinate Wang Kehai, Wang would take a car.


Zhou Ru shook her head. Her eyes were fixed on the four words 'nen' written on the paper. Her intuition told her that these four words 'nen' were very, very important. It could even be said that they were important in the assassination of Wang Qianhai.

will play the most critical role.

However, Zhou Ru thought hard and still couldn't figure it out.

These four "young" words are not code words, to be precise, they are not code words that she has mastered.

Isn’t it a secret code that I have mastered?

Zhou Ru's heart moved, and her eyes rested on the 'female gentleman':

My wife is a music teacher, so the team leader would jokingly call her "Mr. Female" at home. Many people in the Cheng family knew this. This is why the word "Mr. Female" appearing in the telegram would not arouse suspicion.

The essential.

This 'female gentleman', in addition to referring to Wang Chuanhai, actually refers to Mrs. Cheng.

Zhou Ru frowned slightly——

Could it be that the team leader's words were actually a hint to her to ask the 'female gentleman' for advice...

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