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Chapter 1167 The tightrope step by step

"Chief Mingjian." Cheng Qianfan nodded, but soon he showed an uncertain expression, "This is just a random guess by my subordinates. In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is just because of a unique vehicle.

Isn’t the price to pay too high to pay Wang Chuhai in the car and launch an attack like a dead soldier..."

Okada Toshihiko shook his head. After all, Kentaro Miyazaki was not a very professional agent. He didn't know enough about military commanders and Dai Chunfeng. Even if there was only a 10% chance, Dai Chunfeng wouldn't mind taking over the entire Nanjing District as long as he could get rid of Wang Qianhai.

Come to the funeral.

What's more, three convoys came out of Laohuqiao Prison, which is equivalent to a one-third chance. If he were the commander of this operation, he would also choose to take the gamble.

Okada Toshihiko glanced at Kentaro Miyazaki. He had previously heard Jiro Sanbon praise his subordinate for being smart and smart. Later, from where Umezu Sagami lived, he learned that Jiro Sanbon might have a close relationship with Kentaro Miyazaki.

, he has a low opinion of Kentaro Miyazaki's ability to do things, and believes that Mimotojiro's praise may not be without profit considerations.

However, Okada Toshihiko now has to admit that this guy who is keen on doing business is indeed very smart and has a very clever mind.

The idea given by Kentaro Miyazaki made Toshihiko Okada think it was possible the more he thought about it.

In other words, to a certain extent, the possibility mentioned by Miyazaki seems a bit ridiculous:

The assassination of Wang Qianhai turned out to be a gambling-style assassination operation by the Nanjing District of the military command. In fact, the preparation itself was not sufficient...

It seems absurd, but the more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.

For example, now that he thought of this, and thought of 'insufficiently prepared assassination', Okada Toshihiko suddenly thought of something.

He asked Kentaro Miyazaki, "Miyazaki, from your point of view, was the opponent well prepared for this assassination, or was it done in a hurry?"

Cheng Qianfan looked puzzled, thought for a while, and said, "Chief, there is no standard for whether you are fully prepared. We don't know the other party's situation, so we can't make a more accurate judgment."

Okada Toshihiko understood what Kentaro White Housezaki meant. For example, if the opponent has only a dozen people in total, and today's attack involves all personnel being dispatched, this means that they are fully prepared. If the opponent has dozens of people, this attack only has two cars with about ten people.

This was done in a hurry, so it was indeed difficult to evaluate objectively. However, after thinking for a moment, he still said with a serious expression, "Tell me about your first instinct."

"They should be well prepared." Cheng Qianfan pondered and said, "There are two vehicles, one blocking the front road, and one blocking the back road. There is no maneuverability, which means that they are most likely to come out in full force..."

As he said that, Cheng Qianfan said softly, "Hey".

"What did you think of?" Okada Toshihiko asked immediately.

"At that time, I vaguely heard an attacker shouting something." Cheng Qianfan frowned and thought, "It seems that there is someone who should come but has not arrived. The scene was too chaotic. I didn't hear clearly. Maybe I heard it wrong."

"This can be further verified." Okada Toshihiko nodded, with a smile on his face, "If this can be confirmed, it can mean that the other party's assassination operation was hasty..."

"What the room chief means..." Cheng Qianfan thought seriously. Under Toshihiko Okada's slightly reserved smile and encouraging gaze, he thought for a moment and then suddenly realized, "Their commander saw the Stypunk car.

, decided to go gambling with Wang Caihai in the car, so he made a prompt decision to act. It was precisely because of the hasty action that another team of people could not arrive in time. "

Cheng Qianfan looked at Toshihiko Okada with admiration and admiration, "The director's sharp eyes can see through the fog."

He shook his head, "If I think hard, I might be able to figure this out, but in Chinese terms, the day lilies will be cold by then."

"You are still very smart. I can think of this, and I have to thank you for your words." Okada Toshihiko nodded slightly.

He was in a good mood and looked at Kentaro Miyazaki a lot. "Okay, Miyazaki, let's continue. What step have we reached?"

"It should be at the beginning." Cheng Qianfan thought for a while and said, "The next step is to discuss how I sent the information about Stepunk."

At this point, Cheng Qianfan had a strange look on his face, glanced at Toshihiko Okada, and asked cautiously, "Chief, do you want to continue discussing this?"

"Continue..." Okada Toshihiko said subconsciously, and then he looked at Kentaro Miyazaki with a strange expression, dumbfounded.

Yes, do we still want to continue discussing how the information is transmitted?

According to the latest analysis just now, if that is the case, there is no need to pass on Stypank's information at all. This is completely an unexpected situation. This is when the commander of the military unified operations saw this 'unusual' vehicle and made an impromptu decision.


Therefore, what really needs to be investigated is when the military command in Nanjing learned that Wang Chuhai was in Nanjing, and when it was further confirmed that Wang Chuhai was in Laohuqiao Prison.

As for Stepunk, that was just an unexpected factor.

"If Stepunk is an unexpected factor, this seems to be explainable." Okada Toshihiko said calmly.

If the assassin really aimed to receive the exact information from Stepunk, there would be too many things to explain.

For example, how did they know that Cheng Qianfan rented a Stypunkt.

How can we be sure that Stypunk will be used by Chu Mingyu as a team car?

To be precise, this is the most incredible thing.

Compared with these unbelievable things, it would be easier to explain if the other party targeted Stypunk just because of a gambling decision.

Cheng Qianfan stood at the window and watched Okada Toshihiko and Pang Yuanju walk to the door together, and the two got into a black Ford car and left.

His gaze followed the car westward, and he finally turned it back when he couldn't see it anymore.

Lying quietly on the hospital bed, Cheng Qianfan was thinking about it. To be precise, he was reviewing the exchange he had just had with Toshihiko Okada.

From his words to his demeanor, memories flooded into his mind like a movie.

His intuition told him that Toshihiko Okada had some doubts about him.

This suspicion may be very direct. The existence of Stypunk's car will inevitably cause doubts to focus on him.

Of course, once he fails to deal with it successfully, this direct and superficial suspicion will immediately turn into more in-depth suspicion and investigation.

After he saved his life from the assassination operation, Cheng Qianfan has been thinking about how to deal with the investigation.

He knew he needed to face double investigations.

First, Wang's internal investigation and the investigation from No. 76.

The second is the suspicion and scrutiny from the Mei Agency and Okada Toshihiko.

He can handle the former with a certain degree of confidence.

However, this confidence comes from two aspects. One is Chu Mingyu. In a sense, Chu Mingyu least wants him to have problems. Therefore, if No. 76 wants to 'beat him into a move' or

Some shady means were used, and Chu Mingyu would not stand idly by in the first place.

In addition, this confidence comes from the identity of Miyazaki Kentaro, and specifically in Nanjing City, it is Okada Toshihiko who trusts and supports him.

Therefore, Cheng Qianfan knew that he had to successfully pass Okada Toshihiko's suspicion and investigation first. This was the foundation for him to stay on the edge of a knife in Nanjing City.

Cheng Qianfan carefully considered how to deal with Okada Toshihiko's investigation, and he had several plans in mind.

Among them, he was initially most inclined to "direct the disaster eastward".

Cum, leading Okada Toshihiko's suspicious eyes to No. 76:

No. 76 has been secretly sending people to monitor him, monitor his phone calls, and follow him.

It can be said that the people at the secret service headquarters are very familiar with every move in Nanjing.

Or, speaking from a certain fact, the only people who knew that he rented such a Stypunk car, besides Toshihiko Okada and Pang Yuanju of Ideal Automobile Dealer, were the agents of No. 76.

Cheng Qianfan's whereabouts are well documented, he is under surveillance, and there is nothing unusual.

So, who is the person who escaped surveillance?

Domestic thieves are the hardest to guard against.

Cheng Qianfan repeatedly thought about this strategy of "driving trouble to the east", and he almost decided to use this strategy when Toshihiko Okada was investigating him.

However, at the last moment, Cheng Qianfan rejected this strategy.

To be precise, when Toshihiko Okada said to him, 'If he were that person, how would he deliver the information?', he suddenly stopped, objected, and gave up his long-considered response strategy.

The reason is very simple. The hidden keyword in Okada Toshihiko's question is 'delivering information'.

This shows that Toshihiko Okada is already inclined to suspect that the 'Steepunk' car will inevitably occupy a place in this so-called intelligence.

Under this situation, Cheng Qianfan knew that if he continued to divert trouble eastward according to the original strategy, maybe this method would be successful and he could use someone from No. 76 as a scapegoat to clear him of suspicion.


However, there is another possibility, which will increase Toshihiko Okada's suspicion of him.

Because there is a prerequisite for this plan to divert disaster to the east, which is to confirm the important role of the Stypunk car in intelligence.

In this way, his strategy of "directing trouble to the east" may lead to disaster.

Both Okada Toshihiko and Mimoto Jiro are cunning and cunning old spies. Cheng Qianfan cannot even rule out that the other party will see through his strategy of "driving trouble to the east" under certain circumstances.

Therefore, Cheng Qianfan almost made a decisive decision and gave up the strategy of "diverting trouble to the east".

He quickly used his brain, responded to the situation, and made what he thought was the most reasonable response under this emergency situation, and guided Toshihiko Okada to discover a new possibility without leaving any trace:

This assassination was a hasty, gambling-like operation by the military-controlled Nanjing District——

Stipunk was just an accident, don't dwell on it.

Judging from Okada Toshihiko's reaction, Cheng Qianfan felt that his response strategy was successful, and this was the best response he could make.

However, Cheng Qianfan still felt uneasy.

However, although he felt uneasy, he still endured the uneasiness and restlessness in his heart and would not do anything to make up for it.

At this time, the more you do, the more mistakes you make.

Cheng Qianfan looked calm as he tasted the ginseng powder with honey in an elegant manner.

But he felt very, very tired in his heart.

Every step is like walking on a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will fall into an abyss. This is an indescribable fatigue.

Tired and——


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