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Chapter 1264 Surrounded on all sides

Cheng Xuyuan looked at his wife.

Gui Qian also looked over.

Her eyes were red and tears were falling, like a frightened woman who had been robbed of her bag and screamed, "Catch the thief, don't let him escape!"

Hearing these words, Cheng Xuyuan didn't hesitate at all. He took back the foot that entered the Cheese Cafe, turned around and left.

"Hey, sir -" the modern girl from the Cheese Cafe waved her hand, and when she saw this man walking away without looking back, she stamped her feet angrily.

The woman whose wallet was robbed shouted loudly and ran past her as fast as she could.

"Stop chasing her, you want money rather than your life." The modern girl shouted at this woman as a kind reminder.

The woman whose bag was robbed ignored her at all and continued to chase her. However, perhaps she was running too fast and was too tired. The woman just panted heavily and did not cry out anymore.

In the cafe.

In deck A6, Wan Sanliang was looking at the time on his watch. The noise and commotion outside caught his attention.

Because it was already time for the connection, he didn't intend to pay attention to it, for fear of causing unnecessary complications.

However, at this moment, he inexplicably remembered the incident at the door of the Guangming Cafe yesterday.

Wan Sanliang's expression changed, and he said in his heart, 'There won't be another accident.'

Without any further hesitation, he immediately stood up and walked towards the entrance of the cafe.

Seeing Wan Sanliang get up, Dong Zhengguo and Feng Man, who were once again in the cafe as lovers, also got up immediately.

"You are here, don't move around." Dong Zhengguo also immediately thought of yesterday's porcelain touching incident. His expression changed and he said to his wife, and then hurried towards the door.

As Dong Zhengguo stood up, four agents No. 76, who were pretending to be customers and were sitting in various corners of the cafe, also stood up.

However, since they did not receive the order, they had no further action.

Wan Sanliang came to the door.

He raised his eyes and looked outside.

A woman chases a purse thief.

He frowned slightly and looked away.

A slightly familiar figure appeared in his sight.

This man was wearing a suit and leather shoes and was walking in a hurry, but he accidentally bumped into someone. This person didn't even stop to apologize, but instead sped up and left.

"Mr. Cen." Wan San's conscience moved and he shouted loudly.

Cheng Xuyuan’s current pseudonym is Cen Xuyang.

Then he saw that the man did not pause at all, but instead quickened his pace.

This actually confirmed Wan Sanliang's guess.

"What's going on?" Dong Zhengguo ran to Wan Sanliang's side and asked eagerly.

"Cheng Xuyuan!" Wan Sanliang lowered his voice and said to Dong Zhengguo. He pointed at the far end, "That person is wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase."

"Ce Na Niang." Dong Zhengguo cursed angrily. He turned and shouted at a few geese in the cafe who were looking up, "What are you doing stupidly? Arrest people."

Because Wan Sanliang particularly emphasized that Cheng Xuyuan was very cautious and alert, Dong Zhengguo only arranged arresters in the cafe, but not around the cafe. Instead, he arranged a lot of arresters at both ends of Robertson Road.

, it is loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

According to common sense, there is no problem with this arrangement. The four subordinates he arranged in the cafe are all good players who can compete with ten. As long as Cheng Xuyuan enters the cafe, he will definitely be unable to fly.

But I didn’t expect to encounter this kind of ‘playing house but not entering’ situation again this time!

Dong Zhengguo regretted it too late now and was extremely angry.

Following his order, four of his men followed him and rushed out of the cafe.

"Cheng Xuyuan!" One of his men pulled out a short gun hidden in his waist and shouted while chasing him.

Dong Zhengguo was so angry that he slapped his forehead and cursed "idiot".

Although this person has now been identified as Cheng Xuyuan, there seems to be no need to hide and disguise, but his words "Cheng Xuyuan" really exposed everything, and there is no room for change.

Suddenly, Wan Sanliang was completely exposed!

Wu Bufei was hidden in the crowd.

When Secretary Cheng evacuated quickly and gave the signal to evacuate, he did not evacuate.

Not only that, Wu Bufei also made a gesture towards the two brothers from the Second Operation Brigade who were secretly performing protective duties. Instead of retreating, the three of them just stayed outside the cafe, pretending to be passers-by.

At this moment, when he saw several men rushing out of the cafe, especially one of them shouting "Cheng Xuyuan", Wu Bufei immediately confirmed the identities of these men.


Without the slightest hesitation, Wu Bufei pulled out the short gun hidden at his waist and shot down an agent No. 76 with one shot.

As the gunfire rang out, the man was shot and fell to the ground. Screams erupted on the crowded Robertson Road, and people were in chaos.

Go back in time one minute.

Gui Qian chased the 'thief' and came to the intersection of Robertson Road and Gein Lane. A hand stretched out and pulled her into the alley.

She was so frightened that she struggled hard and reached for the revolver at her waist with one hand.

"Qianyun, it's me."

Hearing her husband's voice, Gui Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

Then all the strength in her body seemed to be drained away, her body sank, and she was about to sit on the ground.

"What's going on?" Cheng Xuyuan grabbed his wife and asked urgently.

"There are spies, this is a trap." Gui Qian said concisely and to the point.

"Wan Sanliang has a problem?" Cheng Xuyuan asked immediately without asking how his wife knew about the trap.

Gui Qian shook her head and nodded again. She hugged her husband tightly, "I was scared. I was afraid that something would happen to you if I was late."

"Let's go." Cheng Xuyuan didn't hesitate at all. He took his wife's hand and said, "Get out!"

If it is true that this is a trap as my wife said, then the entire Robertson Road must have been ambushed by the enemy. This place is too close to Jisfield Road, and we must evacuate quickly before the enemy can react.

The time difference before this encirclement is the key to whether they can successfully escape.

At this time, there was a loud gunshot, followed by a burst of gunfire.

Cheng Xuyuan looked in the direction of the cafe, and he immediately understood:

Wu Bufei did not obey orders to evacuate!

This is Wu Bufei leading the brothers of the Second Operation Brigade, using their own lives to stop the enemy and buy him time and opportunity to evacuate.

"Let's go!" Cheng Xuyuan gritted his teeth, grabbed his wife and started running wildly.

The four men brought by Dong Zhengguo are indeed good players.

Although one of them was knocked down by a cold gun, the other three responded extremely quickly.

The three men quickly drew their guns and fired back.

After a burst of gunfire, Wu Bufei was shot and fell to the ground. Also lying in a pool of blood was an innocent passerby.

Dong Zhengguo, Wan Sanliang and others came to Wu Bufei and looked at the opponent lying on the ground. There was a pool of blood on the ground, and it was spreading rapidly.

Wu Bufei struggled to raise his head and looked at the enemy in front of him.

There was a sad smile on his face.

The barrel of the short gun in his hand was stuck in his mouth.

"No!" Dong Zhengguo shouted loudly, he wanted to live.


Wu Bufei pulled the trigger. He was unwilling to be a prisoner and committed suicide for his country!

At this time, gunfire rang out again.

This was the exchange of fire between Agent No. 76, who came for reinforcements, and two other military commanders.

"Stay alive." Dong Zhengguo shouted hurriedly when he saw that a military commander was shot to death and another person was shot and fell to the ground.

"Grab Cheng Xuyuan!" Wan Sanliang reminded, sweating profusely.

Compared with these minions in the military reunification action team, Cheng Xuyuan, secretary of the Shanghai District of the military reunification, is naturally the most valuable.

"Don't worry, he can't escape." A voice sounded from behind several people. It was Chen Mingchu who led the team after hearing the news. "The entire Robertson Road has been surrounded by water and it is difficult for Cheng Xuyuan to fly."

As he said that, Chen Mingchu looked at the corpses of the military commanders in front of him and sneered, "It's not bad to catch Cheng Xuyuan and clean up a few small fish."

Seeing Chen Mingchu and his people arriving, Dong Zhengguo breathed a sigh of relief.

Then his face became anxious and he quickly said, "And the woman who shouted to catch the thief, arrest her too!"

He was now very confident that the woman was also a member of the military command, and that the woman who shouted to catch the thief was actually giving a warning.

Cheng Xuyuan judged that Robertson Road must have been surrounded by the enemy, so he chose to go through Gein Lane, trying to enter Penang Road from Gein Lane to bypass the enemy's encirclement.

However, when he and his wife came to the intersection of Gein Lane and Binlang Road, they took a look outside and their expressions suddenly changed.

The two couples looked outside cautiously and saw that spies were already searching Binang Road.

"This road is blocked." Cheng Xuyuan whispered.

Gui Qian held the revolver tightly in her hand, "Xuyuan, if I can't run away after a while, you can shoot me to death."

"What did you say?" Cheng Xuyuan looked at his wife.

"I must not fall into their hands." Gui Qian's hand holding the revolver was trembling, but she said in an extremely determined tone.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Cheng Xuyuan said. He took his wife's hand, turned around and walked back.

"Xuyuan, I'm serious." Gui Qian said as she walked away, her eyes filled with nostalgia and sadness, her voice lowered, "You must find a way to survive, our child..."

"Don't think too much." Cheng Xuyuan said.

"Continuing the source."

"Shut up!" Cheng Xuyuan grabbed his wife's hand and scolded her.


Robertson Road.

A shiny black Ford car suddenly braked to a stop.

"Where are the people?" Li Cuiqun got out of the car and asked with a cold face, "Where are the people from Cheng Xuyuan?"

He looked around at everyone with a gloomy expression, "Can someone explain it to me?"

"Brother Li, don't worry, Robertson Road and the surrounding areas have been surrounded by brothers." Chen Mingchu said, "Cheng Xuyuan, he can't escape!"

"I hope so." Li Cuiqun said coldly.

He looked at Wan Sanliang and said, "Brother Wan, can you explain to me why Cheng Xuyuan didn't enter the cafe again."

"What can I explain? I can't explain anything!" - Wan San's conscience was full of anger, and he also wanted to know why.

"Now we suspect that it was a woman who sent a warning signal to Cheng Xuyuan," Wan Sanliang said.

"There is no need to doubt that that woman is indeed a member of the military." A voice came. It was Hu Sishui walking over. Behind him, two agents were escorting a man.

"Caught one?" Li Cuiqun asked.

"An unlucky guy." Hu Sishui pointed at the man and said.

This man is the 'thief' who was chased by Gui Qian just now.

"What's going on?" Li Cuiqun asked.

"That woman is very smart, but this guy is a fool." Hu Sishui said.

He had just quickly interrogated the thief, punched him a few times, put the gun to his head, and the man said everything.

According to the man's explanation, he just accidentally caught a glimpse of the woman opening the small bag in her hand, and saw several large and small yellow croakers in the bag.

The woman nervously closed the Xiaokun bag again.

This man was originally a Sanguang coder who was making a living on Robertson Road. When he saw this fat sheep, he immediately took action. He took advantage of the woman not paying attention and went up to grab the Kunbao.

He originally thought that the woman would grab Kun Bao tightly, but he didn't expect that the robbery was very smooth. As soon as he grabbed it, it was almost effortless, and the woman let go.

He was overjoyed and ran away on his foreign car.

The woman seemed to be frightened and didn't scream immediately. Instead, she waited until he had ridden more than ten meters away and was no longer able to catch up before she started screaming and chasing him.

"Idiot!" Li Cuiqun glanced at the three-light code.

Hu Sishui was right. That woman was very smart. Li Cuiqun didn't even have the slightest doubt that the woman was actually looking for people around her. She locked onto this three-light code at a glance and concluded that this person was definitely not a kind person, and then deliberately exposed her wealth.


"This woman is not simple, we must catch her together." Li Cuiqun said in a deep voice.

The military command does have a tradition of using female agents, but most of them are internal staff, or use their lust to infiltrate our ranks. Women like this who are so smart, decisive, and fearless in the face of danger are rare within the military command.

The woman is extraordinary and her status is definitely extraordinary.

Chen Mingchu ordered people to place a map.

"Cheng Xuyuan may have taken advantage of the chaos and entered the surrounding alleys." Chen Mingchu said, "This is Gein Lane, and this is Fandi Lane."

He ordered everyone, "I will lead people to continue searching on Robertson Road, Team Leader Dong will lead people to Gein Lane, and Brother Hu will lead people to Vandy Lane."

Hu Sishui looked at Li Cuiqun.

Li Cuiqun nodded.

Hu Sishui waved his hand and left with a group of his men.

Dong Zhengguo also wanted to lead his troops to leave, but was stopped by Li Cuiqun, "Brother Wan, you know Cheng Xuyuan, you go there with Team Leader Dong."

He just took a look at the map. Gein Alley is the closest to the surrounding streets. Coming out of Gein Alley is Betelgeuse Road. If he were Cheng Xuyuan, he would choose to enter Gein Alley from Robertson Road as soon as possible, and then try to enter Betelgeuse Road from Betelgeuse Road.

Leave, because there is a tram stop not far from Penang Road. As long as you squeeze into the tram, you will be like a big fish in water.

"Okay." Wan Sanliang nodded. Now that his surrender has been exposed, he has no choice but to capture Cheng Xuyuan. This is a great achievement and is crucial for him to gain a foothold in No. 76.

It can be said that among everyone at the scene, the one who is most eager to catch Cheng Xuyuan is not even the group of No. 76, but him, the person who has recently "abandoned the darkness and turned to the light".

"Interrogate that survivor immediately." Li Cuiqun looked at Chen Mingchu.

Just now, two of the three military commanders were killed, and one was injured and arrested. We need to pry open this man's mouth as soon as possible. Maybe this man knows where Cheng Xuyuan is hiding.

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I was still in my hometown. I was replacing telephone poles in the town during the day, but there was a power outage. I got a call at night and quickly updated the code.


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