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Chapter 1319 Spring Breeze Building

"For this 'Mr. C', what kind of job do you think he should be engaged in?" Chikitaharaji asked Onohang.

He has been thinking about this mysterious "Mr. C" and trying to make a preset inference about this person.

"Although it is only a C-size teahouse, Chunfeng Deyilou is a very famous teahouse in the French Concession and is a high-end teahouse." Ono said, "So, if you can use it, it should not be a bad expense to buy a C-size teahouse."

Saying that, Onohang paused, "However, although I may not be short of money, I am not a rich person either."

Qianbei Yuanji nodded slightly, and his mind was already tightening the 'search' conditions:

A man from a well-off family who has some spare money can come to a teahouse to have tea.

At the same time, he should be a very particular person. In other words, it would be inappropriate for this person to appear in a teahouse with a cramped environment.

As for why he is the male protagonist, this is entirely Chikitaharaji’s subconscious judgment:

A man with a family is more likely to lurk, but of course, this is not a necessary condition.

Chikitaharaji came to Shanghai from Nanjing this time, and one of his important tasks was to hunt down this mysterious "Mr. C".

This mysterious ‘Mr.

Yes, although the theory that Toshihiko Okada died in a despicable sneak attack by the New Fourth Army has been officially recognized, the real cause of Toshihiko Okada's death has been secretly investigated.

The Special High School Class obtained Gao Yao's body from Dingmu Tun.

This person is believed to be directly related to the death of Chief Okada.

At that time, Gao Yao, who had been hunted by the agents for many days, tried to sneak out of Tiger Bridge by hiding in a truck buying grain, vegetables and dried fruits, but he was discovered by an agent.

The agent calmly called for help to round up Gao Yao.

With no hope of escape, Gao Yao committed suicide with a dagger.

This person's act of decisive suicide in a desperate situation attracted the attention of Chikitaharaji.

Intuition told Qianbei Yuanji that there must be something wrong with Gao Yao.

Nanjing Super High School conducted a rigorous and detailed retrospective investigation into Gao Yao's whereabouts after arriving in Nanjing from Shanghai.

This person is Tang Kanlao's subordinate and basically always moves with the team.

However, a member of the Tang Canlao team reported one thing, that is, on the second day after Gao Yao came to Nanjing, they passed by the Confucius Temple and Gao Yao said he wanted to buy cigarettes.

However, this team member secretly noticed that Gao Yao quickly bought cigarettes in a cigarette store, then entered a bookstore, and then stayed in the bookstore for a few minutes before coming out.

Chikitaharaji immediately concluded that there was something wrong.

It's unreasonable for Agent No. 76, who is a high-profile killer, to buy cigarettes instead of quickly going back to join his colleagues, but instead entering a bookstore?

The Nanjing Special Higher Education School immediately raided and surrounded the ‘Daxian Bookstore’.

After three consecutive days and nights of interrogation, among the three people including the bookstore owner and the clerk, the bookstore owner died of excessive torture, one clerk went crazy and was executed, and the other bookstore clerk was tortured but could not speak——

Daxian Bookstore is a secret intelligence station of the Red Party in Nanjing.

The owner of the bookstore, Wen Xiaozheng, was the head of the intelligence station. The man who went crazy and was executed did not know anything, and the man who could not survive the punishment but spoke while dying was named Zhang Hui. He was Wen Xiaozheng's downline and assistant.

Zhang Hui is just a little guy. He only knows the webmaster of Wen Xiaozheng and knows nothing about other things about the Red Party.

Moreover, Zhang Hui's consciousness at that time had begun to be a little blurry, and the things he said were all messy and disorganized.

The most important thing is that Zhang Hui was also severely tortured at the time. Although he received emergency treatment after speaking, he soon died of his injuries.

However, the careful Chikitaharaji discovered a seemingly inconspicuous detail from Zhang Hui’s disorganized confession:

Wen Xiaozheng once went to Shanghai two months ago, and he even brought some uneaten snacks for the two guys to taste.

And these snacks were ‘bought by an old friend when he invited me to tea’.

What would be the identity of an old friend of the Red Party who never spoke a word until he was tortured to death?

Chikitaharaji feels that he can have more expectations!

It seemed difficult to trace the whereabouts of the literary school leader after he came to Shanghai two months ago. However, Chikitaharaji found another way and gained something.

Wen Xiaozheng is obviously a cautious person, but his cautious habits have left clues for being followed——

In order to avoid being questioned and suspected, Wen Xiaozheng came to Shanghai for a legitimate reason and came to Shanghai to purchase goods.

Moreover, with the caution of the literary school, he would definitely go to the big bookstore that he was familiar with before coming to Shanghai.

Through the painstaking investigation of the subordinates assigned to him by Sanbonjiro, Chikitaharaji found the Hanlin Bookstore that had business dealings with Tatsuxian Bookstore.

The clerk at Hanlin Bookstore confirmed that the owner of a small bookstore called Daxian Bookstore in Nanjing had indeed come to purchase the goods. Unfortunately, the books that the literary school solicitor wanted to buy were out of stock, so Hanlin Bookstore asked the literary school solicitor to keep them. I got the phone number of the hotel where he was staying so that I could contact him easily.

Later, Hanlin Bookstore was always out of stock, and even called the hotel where the literary school was staying to apologize to him.

In this way, based on this clue, Chikitaharaji determined the foothold of the literary school in Shanghai at that time.

Then, centering on the hotel where the literary school recruits stayed, they spread out to conduct a carpet-like secret search. From the five teahouses, they were screened and eliminated as if they were peeling off cocoons, and finally locked their sights on Chunfeng Deyi Restaurant——

Chunfeng Deyilou's crab apple cake is very famous and sells very well. Regular customers are accustomed to greet them in advance and make reservations.

The clerk at Chunfeng Deyilou had an impression of this. A customer wanted to buy crab apple cake and was told that it was sold out. He explained that he wanted to invite a friend from Nanjing to taste it. When a regular customer heard this, he took the initiative to make a reservation for himself. Give the crabapple cake to this guest.

Because of this incident, the clerk at Chunfeng Deyi Building had an impression of the customer. He still remembered that they wanted a No. C tea room, and that gentleman came to Chunfeng Deyi Building to drink tea in the middle of the month for several consecutive months. , and all use C-size tea rooms.

At this point, this mysterious "Mr. C" has officially entered the hunting range of Chikitaharaji.

Today is December 15th. Chibeiharaji speculates that the mysterious "Mr. B" is most likely to come to Chunfeng Deyi Building for tea today, so he personally takes charge of the arrest today.

Qianbei Yuanji picked up the telescope and looked at Chunfeng Deyi Building.

His brows furrowed.

Cheng Qianfan was having tea at Chunfeng Deyi Building. He was a guy who 'treasured his own life very much'. Two cars were parked outside Chunfeng Deyi Building, one was Cheng Qianfan's car and the other was Cheng Qianfan's bodyguard vehicle.

Now there are two bodyguards smoking next to the car on the roadside, and three bodyguards have entered the Chunfeng Deyi Building to protect themselves.

"This guy is as timid as a mouse." Chikitaharaji cursed.

He couldn't help but worry that Cheng Qianfan's existence and his behavior would arouse the vigilance of Mr. C, or even frighten Mr. C away.

"That Hou Kuiyuan..." Qianbei Yuansi said.

He asked the waiter in the tea shop who knew Mr. C.

"Don't worry, Chief, Hou Kuiyuan is working in the teahouse. I have asked Liu Gu to take control in the teahouse. As long as 'Mr. B' comes to the teahouse to drink tea, Hou Kuiyuan will recognize him," Onohang said.

Chikitaharaji nodded.

Then, he frowned again, his face gloomy and uncertain.

"Change of plan." Chikitaharaji said, "You don't have to wait until 'Mr. C' enters the C tea room. As soon as this person appears, as long as you see this person, take action immediately."

He was still worried that the arrogant Kentaro Miyazaki would scare away 'Mr.


"Yes." Ono said, he was going to Chunfeng Deyi Building to give the latest instructions to Yanagiya Kenichi.

"Wait a minute." Chikitaharaji handed the telescope to a subordinate and said in a deep voice, "I will go there myself."

This chapter has been completed!
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