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Chapter 1446 Brothers, walk slower

Chapter 1448 Brothers, walk slower...

"Who fired the shot?"

Li Cuiqun was shocked when he heard the gunfire.

As long as the Japanese don't shoot, they must not shoot first.

The most ideal and expected situation is to just keep confronting him like this until reinforcements arrive who can solve the problem and rescue him.

However, the gunshot made Li Cuiqun's heart sink into an ice cave.


Everything went as he expected, a military policeman was shot and fell to the ground.

Onodera Shogo was overjoyed when he saw his men shot. Commander Yoneda Koichiro gave him an order to encircle but not attack, forcing Li Cuiqun and others to surrender, and then quickly search and interrogate them.

This move is also to avoid further forcing Wang Kehai, so as not to affect the ongoing meeting of the 'Big Three'.

However, in Onodera Shogo's mind, if no one was involved, then his intelligence office would bear the greatest responsibility for the death of Fushimi Miya Shunsuke, so his thoughts were different from those of Yoneda Koichiro.

Therefore, at this time, Onodera Shogo was overjoyed in his heart, but angry on his face. He waved his command sword and shouted, "しゃげき! (shoot)"

Following Onodera Shogo's order, the military police began shooting.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

There was a loud sound of gunfire.

The Japanese military police's marksmanship was accurate, and they used long guns with a longer range.

Soon, agents from the secret service headquarters were shot, and someone screamed and fell from the building.

"The Japanese want to kill us all." Deng Wenye shouted loudly, "Brothers, fight them."

Several subordinates from the former Qingdao Station Operations Section immediately raised their guns and fired at the Japanese military police.

Affected by them, some agents from the secret service headquarters panicked and fired back.

"It's Deng Wenye!" Wan Haiyang recognized Deng Wenye's voice, gritted his teeth angrily, and said to Li Cuiqun.

He panicked and asked Li Cuiqun, "Director, what should we do now?"

At this moment, Li Cuiqun had the desire to cut Deng Wenye into pieces, but he also knew in his heart that now was not the time to deal with Deng Wenye. Even if he ordered to kill Deng Wenye and others and surrender to the Japanese,

The Japanese will not let him go either.

"Hit!" Li Cuiqun gritted his teeth and ordered.

The Japanese must be blocked outside the courtyard. The only chance now is to wait until rescue from Wang Chuanhai arrives.

Following Li Cuiqun's order, other agents from the Secret Service Headquarters who were still hesitating began to fire back.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

There was a loud sound of gunfire, and people on both sides were shot and screamed from time to time, which was very lively.

"しゃげき!" Shogo Onodera hid behind the military truck, fired back with his sidearm, and ordered the machine gunner to fire.

Da da da da.

The crooked machine gun opened fire, and the powerful firepower immediately suppressed the short guns of the agent headquarters.

The casualties at the secret service headquarters also expanded rapidly.

"Where to shoot?" Wang Chunhai handed the phone receiver to Chen Chunpu, his expression changed, and he asked.

Chen Chunpu put away the phone receiver and said, "I'll go take a look."

With that said, he hurriedly opened the door and ran out.

"It's not like the Japanese are at war with Li Cuiqun, right?" Chu Mingyu said in panic, "That would be bad."

Wang Chuanhai's expression was gloomy and uncertain.

He had just had a phone call with Kenji Doihara. With his support and angry protest, Kenji Doihara had already stated that he would send people to stop the Qingdao Military Police's military action against the secret service headquarters.

But I never expected that there was already a firefight over there.

"Sir, it seems that the Japanese are determined to disarm the secret service headquarters." Chen Chunpu knew how to seize the opportunity and said immediately.

"You go now, go downstairs to find Ikegami and Saburo, and ask him to stop the gendarmerie's persecution of the secret service headquarters!" Wang Quanhai's face turned livid, "Yes, it is persecution. Just tell Ikegami and Saburo."

He told Chen Chunpu, "If the Japanese side cannot stop the atrocities committed by the gendarmerie, my safety will not be fundamentally guaranteed, and tomorrow's meeting will not be held."

"Understood." Chen Chunpu was overjoyed and hurried away immediately.

Seeing Wang Chuanhai's still angry look, Chu Mingyu tried to persuade him from the side, "Sir, don't worry, Xingya Academy's consistent policy is close to ours."

Ikegami Kasaburo is the person in charge of the guest house of Koya Academy. He is responsible for Wang Reclamation's immediate communication with the Japanese side, and also serves as the communication with Wang Kemin, Liang Hongzhi, etc. Of course, this can also be understood to mean that the Japanese are secretly controlling everything.

, on the grounds of communication services, secret monitoring is carried out.

"What are you thinking about?" Kawada Atsuhito asked Miyazaki Kentaro.

"I don't think Li Cuiqun will sit still and wait for death." Cheng Qianfan said.

"That's not good." Atsuhito Kawada said with a smile, "Onodera is hoping that there will be resistance over there."

Although the Kempeitai were responsible for the failure of protection in this attack, the Kawada family had a common interest with the Kempeitai in getting rid of Fushimi Miya Shunsuke's death.

Of course, relatively speaking, Onodera Shogo is more eager to shirk the blame. After all, Kawada Atsuhito is also a victim to a certain extent.

Cheng Qianfan nodded and said nothing more.

He picked up the water glass and drank, his deep eyes shining with an inexplicable light under the light.

Deng Wenye, it’s up to you.

His intuition told him that if there was a chance, Deng Wenye would surprise him:

Deng Wenye was arrested by the secret service headquarters and when he was taken away, he should have seen Shen Xi.

This was confirmed after Cheng Qianfan saw the photos of Shen Xi taken from Li Cuiqun.

Deng Wenye saw Shen Xi, but did not betray Shen Xi.

This shows that although Deng Wenye surrendered to Li Cuiqun, strictly speaking, he did not really want to rebel and become a traitor.

Under his subtle prompting, Onodera Shogo naturally made the decision to surround the secret service headquarters with troops, and then Cheng Qianfan thought of Deng Wenye.

For the vast majority of people, they are not afraid of death, but they are unable to endure severe torture.

He believed that among those at Qingdao Station, there were probably many people like Deng Wenye who were not actually willing to be traitors.

In such an unexpected situation, if people like Deng Wenye could seize the opportunity and act according to the circumstances, they would be able to clear themselves of the charge of being traitors, and they would not have wasted the life of a good man.

"What's going on?" Li Cuiqun asked in surprise.

"Director, it seems that the Japanese gunshots outside have become sparse." Wan Haiyang hid in the corner and said.

"Li Cuiqun, Deputy Director Li, I am Ikegami Kasaburo from Koya Yuan. This is all a misunderstanding. Please cease fire immediately." Ikegami Kasaburo got out of the car, holding a tin horn in his hand, and shouted loudly.

"Everyone stop, don't shoot anymore." Li Cuiqun's heart moved and he immediately shouted loudly.

As he spoke, he winked at Wan Haiyang.

Wan Haiyang understood immediately and led a few brothers towards Deng Wenye.

"Deputy Director Li, I was entrusted by Mr. Wang Chuanhai to deal with this misunderstanding." Ikegami and Saburo continued to shout.

"Director Li, it's me, Chen Chunpu." Chen Chunpu took the tin trumpet from Ikegami and Saburo and shouted.

It was Chen Chunpu's voice. Li Cuiqun was overjoyed. He hid behind the corner and shouted, "Director Chen, if it's not brothers, I want to cause trouble. It's the locust army that surrounds brothers indiscriminately and kills them. Brothers, I will not stop until

I don’t even know what happened now.”

"Don't worry, Director Li. Mr. Wang knows you and he believes you." Chen Chunpu shouted, "Mr. Wang has already spoken to General Dofeiyuan and personally vouched for you. This is all a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? That's not what the Japanese say about their guns." A voice shouted.

It was Deng Wenye who shouted, and then he raised his hand and was about to shoot.

However, Wan Haiyang and others touched him from behind and pinned him to the ground. There was a gunshot and the bullet flew upward diagonally.

Chen Chunpu, who was shouting, was startled and hurriedly hid behind the car. His heart also skipped a beat. Could it be that Li Cuiqun really had rebellious intentions?

"Director Chen, don't be alarmed." Li Cuiqun immediately shouted, "There are some Chongqing elements who want to take advantage of the chaos, and I captured them."

"Okay, good, good, good." Chen Chunpu was overjoyed, "Don't worry, Director Li, as long as Mr. Wang is here, he will definitely uphold justice for you."

Here, Ikegami and Saburo came to Onodera Shogo and ordered Onodera Shogo to lead the team to evacuate immediately.

Onodera Shogo refused to obey the order and insisted on arresting Li Cuiqun who dared to shoot and rebel on the grounds that Ikegami and Saburo had no authority to command the military police.

At this moment, a three-wheeler came speeding towards him, stopped at a corner, and a military police officer quickly ran to Onodera Shogo, showed his ID and whispered to him.

Reluctantly, Onodera Shogo glanced at the closed courtyard door fiercely, stamped his foot, "Get out!"

When they saw the gendarmerie carrying the body and driving away, Li Cuiqun and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Director Li, open the door, I'll go in now." Chen Chunpu shouted.

"Open the door!" He stood up, glanced around, and when he saw the heavy casualties among his men, he was so angry that he let out a low roar as if to vent his anger.

Downstairs, Chen Chunpu and Ikegami and Saburo whispered again, and Ikegami and Saburo got in the car and left.

"How did you get into this mess?" Chen Chunpu asked when he saw Li Cuiqun, glanced at the corpse on the ground and the injured agent who was screaming in agony.

"The gendarmerie directly surrounded us and came with force." Li Cuiqun gritted his teeth and said, "There are even more traitors fishing in troubled waters."

Chen Chunpu followed Li Cuiqun's gaze and saw Deng Wenye being controlled.

"Deng Wenye, the former chief of the operations section of the Qingdao station, was the guy who caused the trouble." Li Cuiqun said, "He fired the first shot, and this was the shot the Japanese were waiting for."

"This is troublesome." Chen Chunpu frowned, "The attack on Fushimi Gong Junyou was originally done by the remnants of Qingdao Station, and now you still have people from Qingdao Station causing trouble..."

"I was too eager and was deceived." Li Cuiqun shook his head, "This guy acted very obediently, which made me numb and careless."

"Is there anyone else? Get them under control first," Chen Chunpu said.

"They're all dead." Li Cuiqun shook his head.

Deng Wenye brought his original men, who were the most courageous in the firefight with the Japanese just now. He even suspected that these people were not afraid of death at all, or that they were deliberately seeking death. They fired at the Japanese without any care, and soon suffered heavy casualties.

"Where are the others?" Chen Chunpu asked solemnly.

Li Cuiqun knew that Chen Chunpu was asking about other defectors from Qingdao Station.

"Those people are very honest and have done nothing unusual." Li Cuiqun said, "However, just in case, I have ordered them to be under strict supervision."

"Where is Ke Zhijiang?" Chen Chunpu asked.

"Ke Zhijiang is very honest," Li Cuiqun said, "and this man is the station chief of Qingdao Station and has great prestige at Qingdao Station. I didn't let him out just now."

With that said, Li Cuiqun walked to Deng Wenye, who was being held down by his subordinates. He stared at Deng Wenye with a sinister look, "Li thinks that he is not kind to you. He not only gave you a way out, but also gave you guidance."

A sunny avenue.”

"Why do you do this?" Li Cuiqun asked coldly.

"Sunshine Avenue?" Deng Wenye sneered, "Being a traitor? This is what you call the Sunshine Avenue!"

"Mr. Wang's peaceful national salvation is China's only hope." Li Cuiqun's eyes were like daggers, "You have been poisoned by Chongqing too much!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the multiple corpses of the former Qingdao station action team members around Deng Wenye, "Just because of your own selfishness, you killed them, how can your conscience be at ease?"

"Hahaha!" Deng Wenye laughed loudly, "Brothers died on the battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War. They don't have to die bearing the reputation of being traitors."

"How happy it is to die in the right place!" Deng Wenye shouted, "to die in the right place!"

"Take him down and interrogate him strictly," Li Cuiqun ordered with a livid face.

"Let me go, I can leave by myself." Deng Wenye struggled to get up.

Several agents subconsciously looked at Li Cuiqun.

"Take them away." Li Cuiqun was filled with hatred.

"Stubborn!" Chen Chunpu's face was gloomy. "Director Li, I suggest you screen these people at Qingdao Station again to prevent people with evil intentions from lurking among them."

Li Cuiqun knew that Chen Chunpu's words were actually expressing dissatisfaction with him.

"I was careless." He nodded, "I underestimated the stubbornness of some people."

"This matter, this Deng Wenye, is very likely to be seized by the Japanese as an excuse." Chen Chunpu said, "The purpose of the Qingdao Military Police is to shirk responsibility."

"I understand." Li Cuiqun lit a cigarette and took a puff, "However, according to my judgment, people like Deng Wenye have been under surveillance, and they have no chance to contact Shen Xi and the others. Therefore, that matter

It should have nothing to do with them."

"It's not that it should be, it must have nothing to do with it." Chen Chunpu said with a serious expression, "Today's incident must be an isolated incident. It was a misunderstanding deliberately created by the Secret Service Headquarters and the Military Police by spies from the Qingdao Station. We are all victims."

"I understand." Li Cuiqun's eyes were red and full of hatred, "I spent my whole life catching eagles, only to be pecked in the eye by a sparrow!"

"Anyway, this matter is a bit troublesome." Chen Chunpu said in a low voice, "Of course, Mr. Wang is here to make sure that my brother is okay."

"The Japanese in Qingdao will not give up." He looked around and said, "Qingdao is not our territory after all. When the meeting ends tomorrow, you will immediately bring someone to escort Mr. back to Shanghai."

At this time, a cry of surprise came from the distance.

"What's going on?" Li Cuiqun was shocked and hurried over to take a look.

Deng Wenye leaned against the wall.

Next to him was an agent from the Secret Service Headquarters whose throat had been cut. He could see that only air was coming in and no air was coming out.

A dagger was inserted deeply into Deng Wenye's chest.

"What's going on?" Li Cuiqun was shocked and angry, "Where did the dagger come from!"

"Director, we were negligent and did not search you." An agent who made a mistake lowered his head and said.

Li Cuiqun glared at his subordinates fiercely and walked to Deng Wenye's side.

Deng Wenye was not dead yet, he just looked at Li Cuiqun walking toward him so quietly.

There was a smile on his face.

He opened his mouth, and a large mouthful of blood poured out of his mouth.

Wan Haiyang walked by and squatted down to listen to what Deng Wenye said.

Soon, Deng Wenye closed his mouth and became completely silent.

"What did he say?" Li Cuiqun asked Wan Haiyang.

Wan Haiyang shook his head, looked around, and said nothing.

Li Cuiqun snorted coldly, knowing that it would be better not to say some things, so as not to shake the morale of the army.

Chen Chunpu was very curious. He walked up to Wan Haiyang and asked, "What did you say?"

Wan Haiyang covered his hands and whispered to Chen Chunpu.

"Stubborn!" Chen Chunpu snorted coldly, but he did not dare to look at Deng Wenye's body and walked away.

Deng Wenye curled up quietly in the corner, with a smile still on his lips. The last thing he said was:

Brothers, slow down, I'm coming.

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