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Chapter 1511 The Gendarmerie Fire (please vote for me)

Onodera Shogo looked for the huge fire and came to the T-shaped warehouse. He only saw the warehouse door open and the military police carrying buckets and washbasins, messily putting out the fire.

"How did it start a fire?" Onodera Shogo grabbed Jichiro Kamai who was yelling in panic, asking his men to put out the fire quickly, "Kamigai-kun, what's going on!"

"I don't know, I don't know." Jichiro Kamiai wiped the fly ash from his face, his eyes full of panic, "It suddenly caught fire."

Onodera Shogo angrily let go of Kamaijiichiro. The guy's helpless look made him angry.

"Where's the water dragon?" Shogo Onodera shouted loudly.

Looking at the huge fire in the warehouse and feeling the heat, he knew that it was impossible to put out the fire with just the water in the bucket or washbasin. Not only that, but when the water from the bucket was poured into the fire, the flames suddenly spread.

The higher.

"Yes, yes, water dragon." Jichiro Kamiai woke up from a dream and shouted loudly, "Go quickly and push the water dragon over."

Soon, the military police hurriedly pushed the hand-operated fire hose over. However, the water pressure of the hand-operated water hose was obviously insufficient, and the fire was huge. The soldiers could not get closer, so that the water column could not be thrown into the fire scene.

, the fire can only be put out at the entrance of the warehouse towards the edge of the fire scene.

"It's over, it's all over." Jichiro Kamiai murmured as he looked at the fire that had not weakened at all as if he were mourning for his heir.

Soon, the Chief of the Military Police Security Office, Minetaro Tsuchida, and his men, the Chief of the Security Office's First Section, Atsushi Mizuguchi, and the Chief of the Second Section, Hiromi Kubota, and others also arrived.

Seeing that the entire warehouse was in flames and it was impossible to put out the fire, Minetaro Tsuchida looked gloomy and terrifying.

He grabbed Jichiro Kamiai, who was in charge of the internal security of the military police, and asked loudly about the situation.

Kamaiji Ichiro's face was ashen, and he didn't know anything about it.

Minetaro Tsuchida was furious.

"Onodera-kun." Tsuchida Minetaro found Onodera Shogo, "Do you know how the fire ignites?"

"I also saw the fire in the office and hurried over." Onodera Shogo said, shaking his head.

Several people looked at the soldiers desperately fighting the fire, their faces turned pale, because they knew that it was all in vain.

At dawn, the fire in the warehouse was finally under control. To be precise, the materials in the warehouse were nearly burned out.

Umezu Sagami arrived with a team of military police, and also brought a warrant from Shanghai Military Police Commander Junichiro Ikeuchi, to arrest and interrogate the guards on duty and Major Kamaijiichiro who was in charge of the security work on the spot.

At the same time, Onodera Shogo, the chief of the First Section of the Military Police Intelligence Office, was ordered to be responsible for counting the losses and inspecting the scene.

"You were the first to discover the fire?" Umezu Sagami asked Takahashi Kiyono.

Takahashi Kiyono looked very embarrassed, with fly ash and sweat sticking together, his whole body was covered in dust, and a large piece of his hair was burned away by the fire.

"Report to Lieutenant Colonel that it was Kita Kintaro who smelled the burning smell first." Takahashi Kiyono said, "Then my subordinates looked around and saw no fire anywhere. Finally, they suspected that there was a fire in the warehouse."

Umezu Sagami looked at Kintaro Kita, who nodded repeatedly.

"Then what did you do?" Umezu Sagami asked.

"The subordinate quickly took out the key and opened the warehouse door to check." Takahashi Kiyono said, "After the warehouse door was opened, we were about to rush in, and we saw the fire suddenly burst out, and the subordinate's hair was burned at that time.


Umezu Sagami frowned slightly. He knew that this was because a fire broke out inside the warehouse. However, because the fire was so strong, the oxygen in the warehouse was quickly evacuated. At this time, the door of the warehouse opened with a bang, and fresh oxygen was quickly sucked in.

On the contrary, it instantly fueled the fire.

However, he also knew that this could not be blamed on the two of them. When they found that the warehouse was on fire, Takahashi Kiyono and Kita Kintaro hurriedly opened the door to check. This was normal operation, and these two guys did not necessarily understand that fresh air was being sucked in, which contributed to the fire.

The principle of fire.

"Have you ever noticed any abnormalities during your watch?" asked Umezu Sagami.

They both shook their heads.

"Before the fire, did you ever open the warehouse door and go in?" Umezu Sagami asked again.

The two men shook their heads faster.

"Sir, we are only responsible for guarding the warehouse door. We have no right to open the warehouse door without the permission of Major Shang and Major unless it is an emergency." Takahashi Kiyono quickly explained.

At this time, a military policeman came in, walked up to Umezu Sagami, and reported to him in a low voice.

"Lieutenant Colonel, we have interrogated the two previous guards on duty, and found nothing unusual, and no one has entered the warehouse."

Sanami Umezu couldn't help but frown. No one had entered the warehouse, and suddenly there was a fire inside the warehouse.

"Could it be that there are flammable items in the warehouse and spontaneous combustion occurred?" Umezu Sagami thought to himself.

However, he first self-denied this possibility in his mind. If it were a hot midsummer, spontaneous combustion of flammable materials might happen, but now it is cold March, so this situation is almost impossible to happen.

"During the day, was the warehouse door open? Has anyone gone in?" Sanami Umezu asked in a deep voice.

Takahashi Kiyono and Kita Kintaro looked at each other.

"Say." Umezu Sagami patted the table.

"During the day, Major Shanghe led people to transport a batch of supplies into the warehouse." Kita Kintaro said tremblingly.

"What kind of supplies are they?" Umezu Sagami immediately asked.

"It's cloth, grain, some red wine, perfume, and women's leather bags." Kita Kintaro said.

Hearing this, Umezu Sagami couldn't help but frown.

If these materials appear in a T-shaped warehouse, it is barely reasonable to say that cloth and grain appear in a T-shaped warehouse, but red wine? Perfume? Women's leather bags?

This is unreasonable.

Umezu Sagami was about to continue the interrogation.

"Commander, Commander Ikeuchi, please come over." A gendarmerie staff officer came in and said.

The office of Military Police Commander Junichiro Ikeuchi.

When Umezu Sagami moved in, many people were already in the office.

Onodera Shogo, Chief of the Intelligence Room 1st Section, Minetaro Tsuchida, Chief of the Security Office, Atsushi Mizuguchi, Chief of the 1st Security Office Section, Hiromi Kubota, Chief of the 2nd Security Office Section, and Ichiro Kamiaiji, Captain of the 2nd Guards Division in charge of the security work that day.

, and Kenjiro Kitani, chief of the inspection office of the Military Police Headquarters.

Among them, the captain of the second brigade of the security room, Ichiro Kamai, stood there with a face ashen as death.

"Sasami, have you found any clues about the fire?" Junichiro Ikeuchi asked in a deep voice.

His face was livid and he was in a bad mood.

He had just received a telegram yesterday from his senior and commander of the Eleventh Army, Okamura Neiji. He learned that Okamura would be coming to Shanghai in two days. Junichiro Ikeuchi was very happy and was planning how to entertain this senior military official.

, but he didn’t expect that a fire broke out late at night at the military police station, which made Junichiro Ikeuchi very angry.

"After preliminary investigation, the guards who were on duty that night all said that there was nothing abnormal before the fire, and no one entered the warehouse without permission in violation of military orders." Umezu Sagami said, "Now it is initially inferred that the fire broke out inside the warehouse. As for the reason why it happened inside

The fire broke out and is still under investigation."

"There was a fire inside?" Kenjiro Kitani, the director of the inspection office, frowned when he heard this. "At this time of year, the possibility of a natural disaster is extremely small."

"Yes." Umezu Sagami nodded and said, "I also think that the possibility of spontaneous combustion can be basically ruled out."

"Since it's impossible to ignite spontaneously..." Junichiro Ikeuchi said, "then it's internal arson?"

"This possibility exists." Umezu Sagami said, "But the biggest doubt lies in this."

He told Junichiro Ikeuchi, "The guards on duty said there was nothing unusual and no one had entered the warehouse. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to understand how arson was carried out inside the warehouse."

"Sagami-kun has only confirmed that our guards did not enter the warehouse before the fire last night. So, what happened during the day yesterday?" Tsuchida Minetaro asked, "Is it possible that someone opened the warehouse during the day?

He sneaked in, then took the opportunity to lurk in the warehouse, and then waited for an opportunity to set fire at night."

"What Chief Tsuchida means is that this is a dead man who took advantage of the opportunity to enter the warehouse during the day in order to burn down our warehouse?" Onodera Shogo said with a frown.

He shook his head, "The materials in the warehouse are certainly important, but in the eyes of the anti-Japanese elements, since they can sneak in, they can have more important goals."

Everyone nodded, they understood the meaning of Onodera Shogo's words. If anti-Japanese elements really infiltrated the Military Police, their most likely goal would be to assassinate senior military police officers——

For example, the Commander who is sitting on the chair across from you right now is definitely the target that the anti-Japanese elements are most eager to assassinate.

Even finding a way to poison the military police canteen would be more attractive to these anti-Japanese elements than burning supplies.

"No, no, no." Tsuchida Minetaro shook his head, "I mean, someone sneaked in, set fire, and then ran out when the warehouse door was opened and our people were putting out the fire."

He said, "This person should be disguised and wearing our military uniform so that our people could not find him in the chaos."

"This is impossible," Onodera Shogo said, "I saw the fire in the office and rushed to the warehouse as soon as possible. The fire was so strong that it was impossible for people to survive in the warehouse."

"Even if he survives, he must have been severely burned." He looked at Minetaro Tsuchida and said, "When I arrived at the scene, I did not find any seriously burned soldiers."

"I support Onodera-kun's point of view." Sanami Umezuzumi said, "According to my interrogation of the soldiers on duty when the fire broke out, they opened the warehouse door to check as soon as they discovered the fire. Because of the air injection caused by opening the door, the warehouse

The door fire exploded quickly, and the soldiers' hair was burned. Under such circumstances, even if someone was hiding in the warehouse, it would be impossible to come out alive."

He looked at Junichiro Ikeuchi and said, "Commander, we did not find any burned corpses in the warehouse, so the possibility of someone hiding in the warehouse setting the fire can be ruled out."

"So, what you are saying is that someone used some method to ignite the warehouse late at night when no one was around, causing this fire?" Junichiro Ikeuchi said with a frown.


"Then tell me, how did the enemy set fire to the warehouse when no one was around?" Junichiro Ikeuchi slammed the table and said angrily.

Everyone in the hall bowed their heads and remained silent.

"Kitani-kun." Ikeuchi Junichiro snorted coldly and said.


"Immediately set up a warehouse arson investigation team with the inspection room as the main body, and you will be the leader of the investigation team." Junichiro Ikeuchi said coldly, "The intelligence room and the security room will coordinate the investigation."

"Hai." Kenjiro Kitani, Shogo Onodera, and Minetaro Tsuchida said in unison.

"Sagami." Junichiro Ikeuchi looked at Umesumi Sagami.

"You also join the investigation team."


Everyone glanced at Umezu Sagami. Sagami was the young officer whom the Commander most admired. It could be said that he was the most trusted person in the room.

Junichiro Ikeuchi waved his hand, and everyone withdrew in understanding.

Jichiro Kamai also quickly followed the crowd, trying to blend in with the crowd and retreat.

Umezu Sagami stepped forward and stopped Jichiro Kamai with his hand.

Several people glanced at Kamaijiichiro and sighed. Regardless of whether the arson case could be brought to light or whether the mastermind behind the fire could be caught and brought to justice, the captain of the second brigade of the guard room, Kamikaijiichiro, was responsible for the security work that night.

They will all be held accountable, and the possibility of being sent to a military court for dereliction of duty by the angry commander is not even ruled out.

On the contrary, everyone left, except Umetsuzumi Sagami who took the initiative to stay, which attracted everyone's attention.

In particular, Kitani Kenjiro, who had just been appointed as the head of the arson investigation team by Junichiro Ikeuchi, took a deep look at Sanami Umesumi.

Junichiro Ikeuchi did not prevent Umezu Sanagami from leaving Jichiro Kamai.

He knew his young officer, and Umezu Sagami naturally had his own intentions and reasons for doing this.

"Kamigo-kun." Sagami Umezu said with a serious expression, "I am now interrogating you in front of His Excellency the Commander. I hope you will not make any mistakes or hide anything."

Jichiro Kamai looked up at Umezu Sagami. He wanted to know, when did he hide something?

He has nothing to hide, and he doesn’t dare to hide anything at all!

"Yesterday during the day, you led a group of people to transport a batch of supplies into the T-shaped warehouse." Umezu Sagami asked, "Is this the case?"

Jichiro Kamai nodded.

"Answer me!" Sanami Umetsuzumi raised his voice and yelled.

"Yesterday during the day, I escorted a batch of supplies to the T-shaped warehouse." Jichiro Kamai glanced at Sanami Umezu and said.

"What kind of supplies are they?" Umezu Sagami asked.

"It's food, cloth, and..." Jichiro Kamai replied, his heart suddenly thumped, and he knew why Umezu Sagami asked about this matter.

"What else? Tell me!" Sanami Umezuzumi said coldly.

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