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Chapter 377 Air Combat (asking for double monthly tickets)

Liang Hongyun judged that the early assembly was related to the bad weather, and it turned out to be true.

Subsequently, the commander of Guangde Air Force Base took the stage and announced the latest order of the Aviation Commission:

"Unable to wait for all preparations to be completed, all departments immediately assembled and prepared to bomb enemy ships and enemy concession bases in Shanghai."

One of the important reasons that prompted the Chinese Air Force to decide to launch the attack in advance, even in a somewhat hasty manner, was the heavy rain caused by the passage of the typhoon in Shanghai yesterday.

The MAVAC predicts that due to severe weather, it will be difficult for all troops to assemble before dusk on August 14 as scheduled.

In addition, what is even more worrying is that after aerial reconnaissance, "enemy ships shelled our city near Wusongkou last night. Most of their warships, about ten or so, are still concentrated in the sea east of Chongming Island."

"In addition, according to the information provided by the National Secret Service, a temporary airport built by the Japanese army on a former golf course is about to be built near the Open University Cotton Factory. We cannot wait any longer. Once the temporary airport at the Open University Cotton Factory is built, it will provide the Japanese Air Force with

Base area."

During the first Battle of Songhu, the Japanese large-caliber naval guns bombarded the Chinese army positions, and aircraft coordinated with ground troops to attack the Wusong Fort, which left a deep impression on the Chinese generals.

Therefore, the Air Force must first kill the Japanese warships and at the same time not allow the Japanese aircraft to find a place to stay. This is the arduous task of the Chinese Air Force in the Songhu War!

Therefore, in the face of many factors such as bad weather that will affect the speed of assembly, and the impending construction of the temporary airport of the Open University Cotton Mill, the Chinese Air Force has to launch an attack in advance before it is fully prepared for combat.

In the twenty-sixth year of the Republic of China, August 14, 2:15 in the morning.

A bolt of lightning struck a high-voltage line on the opposite street, causing sparks to fly.

Cheng Qianfan, who was staring out the window, watched the scene of fireworks in silence.

At this very moment, Guangde Air Force Base’s Chance Vought O3U-2 reconnaissance aircraft, Hawker II fighter jets, Northrop 2EC light bombers and other aircraft took off from Guangde in batches according to the established plan.

, straight into the violent storm, and will rush to Shanghai via Lushan!

Cheng Qianfan left the Tianya Photo Studio at around four in the morning and came to the Central District Patrol Room on Xue Huali Road.

Inspector Cheng, who was tired of his travels, drove the patrolman on the night shift home to rest.

He also ordered his trusted subordinate Hao Zai to stay and continue to watch the night.

He himself went into the lounge and fell asleep with his head covered.

About half an hour later, Inspector Cheng, who couldn't sleep, came out to release water.

Then I saw Haozi buying fried pancakes and steamed dumplings, and eating them at the desk in the waiting room.

"Chopsticks." Cheng Qianfan sat down directly, took a pair of chopsticks and started eating.

"Have you checked clearly?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

He knew that Haozi went out to buy breakfast just now, but he was actually taking the opportunity to get information.

"No." Hao Zai took a bite of the fried pancake and whispered, "We are keeping an eye on Li Li. There was no follow-up action yesterday. We didn't see him coming into contact with Jiangguchi, but..."

"But what?" Cheng Qianfan picked up a piece of fried fish, stared at it, then pulled out a piece of hair, cursed, and directly threw the fried dumpling to Hao Zai, "You can eat it."

Hao Zai immediately subconsciously glanced out from the corner of his eye, and sure enough, there was something going on.

He saw a figure walking around the corner of the corridor under the steps outside the arresting hall, "It's Inspector Zhao. The Political Department arranged for him to be on duty yesterday."

"Well, keep talking, it's nothing." Cheng Qianfan stopped eating the fried dumplings, picked up a small steamed bun, made a small slit with his teeth, gently sucked the juice, then ate the meat filling, and finally

The bun skin that had been split into two pieces was swallowed whole.

"However, yesterday I took my men with me and inspected several hotels in Sichuan Hongbang in the name of eliminating the hidden dangers of thugs." Hao Zai said.

"Which ones?" Cheng Qianfan immediately became interested.

"Hongyun Hotel, Damin Hotel, Limin Hotel." Hao Zai said, took out his notepad, took a look at it, and continued, "Good Luck Hotel, Wen Family Hotel, and Baiyun Hotel."

Cheng Qianfan took it over and took a look at it. He recalled in his mind the roll call that Haozi said just now and compared it with the name on Haozi's notepad.

Lucky Hotel is a rooster with a solid dot behind it.

Damin Hotel, is it? It seems to be a bowl of rice? There is a small circle behind it.

Limin Hotel is a sickle and a bowl of rice, with a small circle behind it.

Cheng Qianfan somewhat understood that the solid dots were hotels and the hollow circles were hotels.

The rooster represents good luck.

"What is this bowl of rice?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Damin." Hao Zai replied.

"Where's the sickle and a bowl of rice?"

"Benefiting the people."

Of course I fucking know they are Damin and Limin, the question is how do you connect these ‘paintings’ to these names?

Suddenly, Cheng Qianfan's heart moved and he understood.

He glanced at Hao Zai, this kid is really a damn talent.

"The laborious inspection of hotels is actually screening suitable hotels for the Japanese in accordance with the requirements of the Japanese." Cheng Qianfan took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, "It means that the Japanese are already taking action. All we have to do now is to continue

Keep an eye on Li Li."


"You can change your mind and keep an eye on the hotels to see which one will suddenly buy a large amount of food for cooking."


"How is the investigation of Eguchi Hideya's family situation going?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"I arranged for Zhao Yi to go check it out, but there's no news back yet," Hao Zai said.

Cheng Qianfan nodded, "I'm going to take a nap, and you can keep an eye on me."


Seven o'clock in the morning.


There was a loud noise in the distance.

"Where did it explode again?" Cheng Qianfan, wearing a white shirt and coat, rushed out of the break room in the office and shouted.

"It looks like it's heading towards Hongkou," Hao Zai said.


Cheng Qianfan's heart moved. Did the Chinese army launch an attack on the Japanese army?

Cheng Qianfan's guess was correct.

This is the Chance Vought O3U-2 reconnaissance aircraft of the 35th Squadron of the Chinese Air Force attacking the Japanese armory at the Open University Cotton Mill.

More than an hour later, when the patrol officers came to the patrol room one after another to go to work, the Chinese Air Force's bombing of the Japanese stronghold in Hongkou officially began.

21 Northrop 2EC light bombers of the Chinese Air Force began a second wave of air attacks on the Open University Cotton Mill and Japanese warships.

The entire patrol room was also noisy. From time to time, the patrol officers ran to the top floor of the police hall building and looked towards Hongkou and the Huangpu River.

Cheng Qianfan did not go to the rooftop, he was smoking in the corridor on the second floor.

He thought of his third brother and was inexplicably worried. He wondered if Shen Huaiming had participated in this military operation.

At this moment, he saw Peter, dressed in a crisp French army uniform, quickly coming downstairs.

"Would you like to watch the air combat?" Pete raised a certificate in his hand.

Cheng Qianfan didn't answer, just threw the cigarette butt on the ground and followed quickly.

"What kind of certificate is this?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

Peter, who was driving, ignored him, and Cheng Qianfan took it over to look at it himself.

"You wrote this yourself, right? Stamped it yourself?" Cheng Qianfan recognized it as Peter's handwriting and asked.

This so-called certificate of a special military observer in the French Concession was seen through by Cheng Qianfan at a glance.

"That's right." Pete nodded, with a proud look on his face, "But it's useful."

It is indeed useful.

Needless to say, the French Concession, even in the public concession, this so-called special military observer's certificate is unimpeded.

Cheng Qianfan had no doubts about this, because the seal not only had the seal of the French Concession Political Office, but the most outrageous thing was that it also had the seal of the British and American Public Concession Industry Bureau.

"Why is there the seal of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in the Public Settlement?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

He turned to look at the roadside. Many citizens were swarming towards Hongkou. Obviously, these people also wanted to 'watch' the air battle.

However, patrols in the public concessions have begun to be dispatched to maintain order, and patrol officers from Annan brandished batons to beat Chinese people.

The jeep Cheng Qianfan was riding in drove by. He looked at the scene coldly without making any reaction.

"If my compatriot was beaten like this by the Annamites, I would shoot his head off." Peter said with a sneer.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Peter and said, "It's not that you are so powerful, it's that your motherland is strong enough."

"No, no, no." Peter shook his head, "Even in the most humble and small country, there are people who are unyielding and extremely strong in heart!"

Cheng Qianfan sneered and said nothing more.

"Sir, no passage is allowed in front." A Chinese police officer from the public concession stopped Peter's car.

"I have a pass." Peter handed over the certificate.

The Chinese police officer checked the document and handed it back politely, "Second Lieutenant Pitt, the front is a war zone. For your safety, you cannot move forward."

As he spoke, he pointed to a high-rise building on the left, "Maybe there are friends of yours over there."

Cheng Qianfan turned around to look, and he recognized it was the Sassoon Building.

The rooftop of Sassoon Building.

Pete hugged and shook hands with several British and Americans.

Cheng Qianfan keenly noticed that when Peter hugged a British girl with small freckles on her face, the two of them looked tired and crooked, so he concluded that the man and woman must be having an affair:

It was Miss Ruth who came to greet them and they were able to reach the rooftop of the Sassoon Building.

These British and Americans had a relatively cold attitude towards the Chinese patrolman Cheng Qianfan, and some even showed unabashed contempt.

Of course, some people showed proper hospitality etiquette to Inspector Xiao Cheng.

However, Cheng Qianfan was keenly aware that this did not mean that these people had equal respect for him, a Chinese police officer. To be more precise, it was the so-called gentlemanly etiquette of these British people.

The person who really had a good attitude toward Cheng Qianfan was an American young man named Jackson.

He was amazed at Cheng Qianfan's fluent English, and the two had a great conversation.

Rich food and red wine.

The sky after the rain is still a little gray.

Cheng Qianfan chatted and enjoyed food and red wine with these French, British, Americans, and other Chinese people in suits.

From time to time, I pick up my binoculars and watch the battle between the Chinese and Japanese air forces.

And comment on it.

Cheng Qianfan smiled and clinked glasses with Nelson, making comments or echoing a few words from time to time.

At this moment, his heart was actually surrounded by huge feelings of humiliation and anger.

My motherland!

There was an angry roar in his heart!

The motherland was invaded by the Japanese invaders, and our aerialists fought bloody battles with the Japanese army.

These, all of these, have actually become a source of entertainment and a 'live movie' for the French, British, Americans, Portuguese and Dutch to enjoy good food and wine.

Cheng Qianfan set up the telescope with both hands.

Through a layer of gray mist, a group of Chinese bombers could be vaguely seen bombarding Japanese warships on the river.

Perhaps due to the visual bombing and the poor visibility due to low clouds, the bomb did not hit the enemy ship, and the Japanese warships could be seen escaping to the Yangtze River Estuary from a distance.

Dog man and woman!

Cheng Qianfan caught a glimpse of Peter sneaking away from the rooftop with Miss Ruth.

Apparently, the man and woman went on a tryst.

Cheng Qianfan then directly greeted Nelson and left.

Every extra minute he spends on this rooftop is torture for him.

With a smile on your face, your heart is like angry lava!

After leaving the Sassoon Building, Cheng Qianfan drove away Peter's car. He had the car key.

When passing an intersection, Cheng Qianfan frowned.

He seemed to have seen Lu Xinge just now.

However, it only passed by in a flash. There were too many citizens watching the air battle, and he couldn't be sure.

Lu Xingge looked at Cheng Qianfan driving away in a military jeep, and it took him a while to look away.

"Brother, that person just now is Cheng Qianfan, the third patrol officer of the Central District Patrol Office of the French Concession." A team member whispered, "This person is quite capable in the French Concession, and..."

"And what?"

"And it is rumored that this person has always been relatively close to the Japanese." The team member whispered, "Should we send someone to keep an eye on him?"

"No need for the time being." Lu Xingge shook his head. The main task of the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service now is to collect intelligence and cooperate with the national army in frontal battlefield operations.

As for taking action against pro-Japanese elements and traitors, it is not the top priority at the moment.

No. 22, Xue Huali Road, the third patrol hall was in a mess.

Da Toulu led people to arrest a group of guys who broke car windows and stole the property inside the car.

As soon as Cheng Qianfan returned to the office, Datou Lu came excitedly to report the results.

"Where did you catch it?" Cheng Qianfan was also very happy.

These guys are so bold that they smashed the car of His Excellency Mr. Ferguson, the police chief of the French Concession a few days ago. The superiors issued strict orders to catch these thieves.

"Mr. Zhao Road." Da Toulu said loudly.

"Nice job!" Cheng Qianfan exclaimed.

The door is closed.

Da Toulu lowered his voice, "Xia Wenqiao said that they made a mistake in this matter. Now I will give you an explanation, Inspector."

"Idiot, you can't handle such a small thing." Cheng Qianfan cursed.

Car smashing party activities were rampant. Inspector Xiao Cheng of the third patrol, Inspector Liang Yuchun of the first patrol, and Inspector Yuan Kaizhou of the second patrol were all reprimanded by Qin Detai.

Inspector Xiao Cheng and Qing Gang leader Xia Wenqiao, who had previously become dirty due to black market transactions, have temporarily 'put aside their past feud' and are working together again.

Xia Wenqiao sent someone out and arranged for several of his men to smash the car. After several days of continuous smashing, Inspector Xiao Cheng was responsible for arresting the people and collecting the rewards.

In exchange, Cheng Qianfan would secretly instruct his subordinates to conduct a strict inspection of the warehouse of Zhao Yicai, who was currently engaged in an 'infighting within the Qing Gang' with Xia Wenqiao.

Unexpectedly, some of Xia Wenqiao's subordinates made a mistake in their work. They made a mistake in the first order of business and even damaged Police Chief Ferguson's car.

If Xia Wenqiao hadn't cursed and swore that his subordinates had gotten the information wrong, Cheng Qianfan would have thought that this guy wanted to die with him because of old grudges.

Whoever caused the trouble will wipe it out.

Xia Wenqiao could only remain mute and eat Coptis chinensis, and handed over these idiot men to Inspector Xiao Cheng to perform meritorious service.

Although judging from the results, Cheng Qianfan took a big advantage, which was greater than the credit agreed upon by both parties.

However, Xia Wenqiao reluctantly owed Cheng Qianfan a favor.

As soon as Da Toulu left, Hao Zai came in with a smile and directly touched the cigarette on the inspector's table.

"It's not like you can't afford cigarettes, don't look so embarrassed." Cheng Qianfan scolded angrily.

"The inspector's cigarettes are different." Hao Zai chuckled, "Team leader, we have found Jiangkou's special operations team."

This chapter has been completed!
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