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Chapter 454 Road! Monthly Pass)

 Concession, Meyer West Road.

The secret base of the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service.

Sheng Shuyu knocked on the door and entered.

He glanced at Zheng Weilong, then walked to Dai Chuzuo, covered his mouth and whispered a few words.

"Virgo, I won't disturb your rest." Zheng Weilong felt quite unhappy, but he wisely stood up and said goodbye.

"Dao San, thank you for all the hard work here." Dai Chunfeng said.

"They are all serving the party and the country, serving the leader, and doing things within their own bounds." Zheng Weilong said, glanced at the silent Sheng Shuyu, and went out to leave.

"Virgin, this is the secret telegram from Nanjing called 'Blue Bird'." Sheng Shuyu handed the telegram to Dai Chunfeng.

The message has been translated.

To be precise, Qi Wu in Nanjing, who had mastered the code book related to the "Blue Bird", translated the telegram and sent it to Sheng Shuyu. Sheng Shuyu then translated it according to another set of code books he had.

In the entire Secret Service, only Dai Chunfeng and Qi Wu had the code book that connected them with Qade Bird and the Nanjing headquarters.

"Great!" Dai Chunfeng glanced at the message and said happily.

There was no further intelligence feedback from the 'Qiqiaohua', so for the time being, the Secret Service only highly suspected that Masao Nishida had sneaked into Shanghai, but did not finally confirm the matter.

Unexpectedly, the Blue Bird learned about Masao Nishida’s situation so quickly, not only confirming that Masao Nishida was indeed in Shanghai, but also learning about Masao Nishida’s current position and work tasks in Shanghai.

After being happy, Dai Chunfeng's expression became solemn again.

At this moment, although the Japanese army had begun to switch from defense to offense on the Songhu battlefield, overall, the two sides were still in a stalemate.

Under this circumstance, the Japanese side was already considering the "security" after occupying Shanghai, and arranged for an Army Major General like Nishida Masao to serve as the squad leader of the general affairs squad of the Shanghai Expeditionary Army's Secret Service Department, seeking to infiltrate the concession.

This caused Dai Chunfeng to be highly alert and worried.

Dai Chunfeng was mentally prepared for the fall of Shanghai.

Regarding the struggle against Japan after the fall of Shanghai, the top brass of the Secret Service were very aware of the importance of the concession.

The special nature of the concession made it an inevitable choice for the Secret Service. Relying on the concession stronghold to hide, it would attack the Chinese border and attack the traitors and Japanese invaders. This was the basic action plan.

If the Japanese side increasingly penetrates into the concession, and even controls the concession to a certain extent, this will definitely be a huge security threat to the Secret Service.

"Shuyu, where do you think the Japanese will make a fuss?" Dai Chunfeng asked Sheng Shuyu.

"Traitors." Sheng Shuyu said decisively, "Although the concession belongs to the French, British, and Americans, the people who really do things and control the streets and alleys of the concession are Chinese patrols, Chinese inspectors, and gang members."

"If the Japanese want to infiltrate the concession as quickly as possible, especially if they have more informants, the most time-saving and labor-saving way is to recruit traitors to work for them." Sheng Shuyu said.

Dai Chunfeng took it seriously and nodded gloomily.

"Some people forget their ancestors and are no longer Chinese. They want to be Japanese dogs." Dai Chunfeng sneered, "Then let's just treat them like dead dogs."

Sheng Shuyu said nothing, but he knew that following Dai Chunfeng's words, there would be a bloody storm in Shanghai in the future.

"If you were Japanese, who would you be the first to recruit as a traitor?" Dai Chunfeng suddenly asked.

"Cheng Qianfan." Sheng Shuyu said without hesitation.

Cheng Qianfan did not leave the safe house on Desilang Road immediately.

He washes rice and cooks it.

Another salted fish was fried.

After dinner, I peeled an orange and ate it.

The fish bones, fish bones, and orange peels were thrown into the bamboo basket in the kitchen.

I took the trash basket out and dumped the trash into the trash pool.

After returning with the bamboo basket, Cheng Qianfan tinkered at the door for a while.

Walked to the door of the neighbor's house next door and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" a voice asked from inside.

"Mr. Qiu, it's me, from next door." Cheng Qianfan held a small walnut in his mouth and said in a hoarse voice, "It's a rat, so I set a mousetrap nearby and told the kids to be careful."

"I understand." Mr. Qiu responded and walked back.

"Who is it?" Mrs. Qiu asked her husband.

"The person next door said there was a rat trap and asked the children to be careful," Mr. Qiu said.

"What's the surname next door and what does he do?" asked Mrs. Qiu. "He always leaves early and comes home late. He hasn't seen anyone for several days."

"It seems his surname is Qian, I can't remember." Mr. Qiu was not sure, "You don't care what he does, sleepy."

Mrs. Qiu said oh and stopped talking.

"Oops, hair." Mrs. Qiu lightly hit her husband.

Cheng Qianfan did not go home, so he stayed in the safe house that night. At around three o'clock in the morning, he woke up on time, washed up and went out.

When I locked the door, I deliberately made some noise, went out and rode my bike, turned right out of the alley and left.

At this time, Liu Ada would always feel quite sad when he saw Inspector Cheng coming back carrying glutinous rice cakes, sugar cakes, fried dough sticks, fried dough sticks and other pastries.

Inspector Xiao Cheng attaches great importance to his family's business.

It’s not about how much Inspector Xiao Cheng can eat at home.

It's because, if Inspector Xiao Cheng patronizes his wonton stall, the neighbors will also like to eat it. If Inspector Xiao Cheng doesn't eat his wonton stall one day, rumors will spread, and Inspector Xiao Cheng will dislike it.

His wontons are dull.

Liu Ada highly suspected that this rumor was spread by the fried steamed buns in the alley next door.

Especially when he saw the fried steamed buns in Cheng Qianfan's hand, Liu Ada became even more convinced of his suspicions.

Dolphin Road.

Under pressure, the National Party Affairs Investigation Office finally agreed to formally hand over some of the detained 'prisoners' to the Red Party.

"Mr. Zhou, I have long admired your name." Wu Shanyue shook hands with Zhou Hongsu.

Zhou Hongsu shook hands with his opponent. He looked beyond the executioner of the Party Affairs Investigation Department in front of him and looked behind him.

A truck is parked on the side of the road.

About a dozen skinny people were supporting each other. Their bodies were obviously injured, and some could not stand at all. However, everyone's eyes were so firm and powerful.

"Mr. Wu, is this what you said in your reply to us that you are in good health? Are you acting as usual?" Zhou Hongsu was furious and asked Wu Shanyue.

"Mr. Zhou, you must know that the National and Red parties only formally reached cooperation this year. Before that, I don't need to say more about our relationship." Wu Shanyue sneered, "Old wounds, nothing to make a fuss about."

With that said, Wu Shanyue ignored Zhou Hongsu, turned around and left with his men.

"Asshole!" Zhou Hongsu cursed angrily.

He took two colleagues from the Eighth Office and took a few steps forward. Looking at the people in front of him, his eyes became moist.

The reason why he was angry just now was because he saw a female comrade whose eyes were blinded, obviously by being poked, and another comrade was being supported, and his calf was bent back at 90 degrees.


"Comrades, I will take you home on behalf of the organization." Zhou Hongsu's eyes were moist.

Hearing this, a dozen comrades who had been tortured but remained unyielding could no longer hold on. Some covered their faces and cried, some stood there with tears flowing down their cheeks, and some were laughing.

Smiling and laughing, tears came down.

Just now, they were holding on and must not lose the party's face in front of the enemy.

Zhou Hongsu arranged for comrades from the Eighth Office to help these comrades who were in poor health into the car. The only car owned by the Eighth Office drove over. In addition, through connections, he managed to borrow several cars.

Liu Bo stood there, he didn't cry, but there seemed to be a torrent in his heart.

He was arranged to be imprisoned with these people yesterday. From the mouths of these inmates, he learned about the situation and experiences of the captured Red Party members.

Some people have been arrested for five years and have to be tortured almost every once in a while. It is no longer torture, because no matter how cruel the torture is, they have survived it, and the national secret service knows that nothing can be asked.


The subsequent torture was more like deliberate torture and rape by the other party. Each time, they experienced harsh torture, and then they were carried out with blood dripping from them. When the injured's wounds had just healed, they were tortured again. This was repeated, and many people were tortured alive.

Torture and death.

Liu Bo listened to the Red Party member who had been arrested for five years and suffered such inhuman torture talk about this. This man did not hide his hatred for the Kuomintang, but from his eyes, Liu Bo saw more.

is a firm gaze.

It is a faith as strong as steel.

The two also discussed their understanding of Redism. The other was surprised by Liu Bo's understanding of Red ideology. At the same time, seeing Liu Bo's serious injuries, he also admired his comrade very much.

"We are all Red Party members made of steel!" the man said to Liu Bo.

At this moment, Liu Bo stood here, the pain on his body was also tormenting him, but at this moment, he was more at a loss.

Have you been released?

Judging from this posture, it was the Red Party who rescued him?

He was confused, hesitant, and even a little at a loss.

Hearing the Red Party official in front of him say, "Welcome home," Liu Bo missed his wife and children so much.

Zhou Hongsu looked at Liu Bo. The complicated expression in his eyes flashed across his face. He stepped forward and held Liu Bo's hand. "Comrade Liu Bo, please get in the car."

Liu Bo——Comrade!

Hearing the other party call him this, Liu Bo felt a huge warmth suddenly surge in his bewildered heart.

He looked at Zhou Hongsu, opened his split lips, and said, "Thank you."

"Between comrades, there is no need to say thank you." Zhou Hongsu smiled, "Those who agree with Redism and are willing to work for the freedom and happiness of the working people around the world. Those who work hard are like-minded people."

"Yes, comrade, like-minded, comrade." Liu Bo nodded. He looked at the car next to him, "Comrade, I want to go home and have a look."

"Yes, it's understandable." Zhou Hongsu nodded, and as he spoke, he smiled and pointed to the car behind him.

Liu Bo turned around and saw his wife and son getting out of the car. The wife was covering her face and crying, and the son was running over calling his father.

The child ran very fast and rushed directly into Liu Bo's arms.

Zhou Hongsu knew that Liu Bo had been severely tortured, and was worried about Liu Bo's injuries, so he went up to hug the child.

The little guy was very clever. He twisted his waist to avoid Zhou Hongsu and threw himself directly into his father's arms, knocking Liu Bo to the ground as he was squatting to hug the child.


The injury on his back involved muscles and stretched nerves, and Liu Bo let out a muffled groan.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" the child asked.

"It's nothing, dad is fine," Liu Bo said.

"Dad, where have you been these days?" The child continued to ask, and he asked his mother, who never told him where his father had been. If he asked too many questions, his mother would beat him.

"Dad is lost. Dad is looking for the way." Liu Bo said.

"Have you found it?" the child asked.

"Found it." Liu Bo pinched his son's cheek, with a smile on his face, "Found it, found it."

He found the red road to liberate the working people around the world!

Liu Bo stood up with difficulty and touched his son's head. Liu Bo smiled at his concerned and crying wife.

He then looked at the comrade who had been imprisoned for five years, endured countless tortures, had countless scars all over his body, and barely had a good piece of meat. He stood next to the car and smiled at him.

Other comrades in the car who had just been released also poked their heads out, smiled at him, and waved.

He thought of his parents, who had been poor and oppressed by fishing tyrants all their lives.

I think of my neighbor's family who was beaten to death and thrown into the sea because they resisted the oppression of the fishermen.

I remembered a lot.

Liu Bo held his son's hand, and his wife came up to support him and walked towards the car.

This is:

No exploitation.

There is no oppression.

Everyone is equal!

A red road of truth! (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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