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Chapter 060 List

"Sir, there are ginger slices in the white porridge. Please drink two more bowls to get rid of the cold." Shao's mother shouted from downstairs.

"Got it." Peng Yuou said, and he rubbed his temples.

Stayed up all night again.

Returning home in the early morning, Peng and Ou were startled by Lao Huang hiding in his bedroom.

At this moment, Peng and Ou glanced at their bedroom and shook their heads.

He couldn't figure out how Lao Huang managed to sneak into his room without telling Shao's mother downstairs.

After taking a look at the list in his hand, Peng Yuou frowned:

Our party must notify some people on the list to evacuate Shanghai as soon as possible to prevent these patriots from being poisoned by the Japanese invaders.

The key to the problem now is that the list is true, but we don't know which of them are still strong-willed, and which of them have wavered in their stance, or even secretly defected to the Japanese.

Finally, his eyes focused on the name circled by the square.

This is the target that the Japanese have decided to attack.

Among them, the name of Peng Yuou, former professor of the Chinese Language Department of Fudan Public School, is prominently listed.

Peng and Ou knew that they had to evacuate Shanghai as soon as possible.

Not only because the Japanese have decided to attack him, but also because the organization has made new arrangements for his work. He is expected to go to Wuhan first, and the comrades of the Eighth Office of Wuhan will arrange for him to secretly go to the northwest headquarters.

Things have to be prioritized. These people enclosed by the squares must be notified immediately to evacuate Shanghai.

Peng and Ou made a decision in their hearts.

At this moment, he stared at the list and frowned.

He then carefully copied it out, including circles, semicircles, crosses, and square marks. He did not exactly follow the list given by Cheng Qianfan.

For example, Peng and Ou did not circle their names with squares, but added two more names.

One of them is a famous figure in education and a patriot.

There is also a well-known journalist in Shanghai's media circles. He speaks sharply and often calls on the people to resist Japanese aggression in newspapers. However, his true identity is a secret member of our party and a member of the Left Alliance.

Other marks, Peng and Ou, also increased and decreased.

Among them, the list of those who were initially judged to still maintain their patriotic integrity increased, while the list of those suspected of defecting to the Japanese decreased.

After doing all this, Peng and Ou took out the match box, put the 'original' list into the brazier and lit it, then used a bald brush to spread it, and finally poured half a bowl of tea.

Peng and Ou already have preliminary ideas on how to deal with this list.

What also troubled him was the attitude of several comrades, represented by Comrade Luo Yannian, towards Cheng Qianfan.

Luo Yannian insisted on his resolute attitude and suggested that Cheng Qianfan be sanctioned by the organization.

Finally, Peng Yuou found Luo Yannian privately and talked to him in the name of the organization. On the grounds that Cheng Qianfan was the inspector of the French Concession and had considerable influence in the French Concession. To deal with such a person, the headquarters must approve it, so Luo Yannian had no choice but to give up for the time being.

Peng and Ou know why Luo Yannian hates Cheng Qianfan so much.

Two and a half years ago, the National Party Affairs Investigation Office and the patrol team launched a large-scale manhunt in the French Concession. Comrade Luo Yannian's traffic officer, Comrade Huo Xingqian, was shot and killed by policemen during the large-scale manhunt.

What was later learned was that Huo Xingqian could have successfully evacuated, but was discovered by Cheng Qianfan, and the two had a fight. Although Huo Xingqian was not killed by Cheng Qianfan's gun, Cheng Qianfan was the culprit who killed Huo Xingqian.

Therefore, Luo Yannian deeply hated Cheng Qianfan. In Luo Yannian's eyes, the former patrol officer Cheng Qianfan and the current Inspector Cheng, Cheng Qianfan, were heinous counter-revolutionaries. This man could be said to have stepped up to the rank and made a fortune step by step on the blood of martyrs.

Peng and Ou sighed softly.

Comrade Luo Yannian did not know that his traffic officer Huo Xingqian had decided to rebel and surrender to the enemy at that time, and Huo Xingqian not only had a secret list of our party's members in the Nanshi Public Security Bureau, he had even written a confession in advance and brought it with him

On the body.

An insider comrade of our Party's Party Affairs Investigation Department passed on information at a critical moment.

Comrade "Zhulin" arranged for Cheng Qianfan to take action urgently, planning to kill Huo Xingqian and retrieve the list and confession.

The actual situation is that when Huo Xingqian ran towards the agents of the Party Affairs Investigation Department and wanted to defect to the enemy, Cheng Qianfan pounced on him decisively and punched Huo Xingqian several times, making him unable to make a sound.

Later, when the two were fighting together, Cheng Qianfan took the opportunity to take away the list and confession.

Afterwards, he pretended to be in a fight and was kicked, giving Huo Xingqian the opportunity to escape.

When Huo Xingqian got up and ran away, Cheng Qianfan was about to decisively shoot and kill the traitor. Other patrolmen took the credit and shot Huo Xingqian to death indiscriminately.

Afterwards, comrade "Zhulin" believed that Cheng Qianfan discovered Huo Xingqian, arrested him decisively, and a fight broke out, but Huo Xingqian did not die at the point of his gun. This was the best situation.

This matter involves the secret identity and safety of "Huo Miao". Only Teke's "Zhulin" comrades know about it, and even Peng and Ou did not know the inside story at first.

However, out of the protection of the comrades on the hidden front, Comrade "Zhulin" filed a record of this matter.

After the death of comrade "Zhulin", Peng and Ou found the relevant records according to the information left by their comrades.

However, the filing is just a simple record. Our party's special agent was ordered by the "Bamboo Forest" to eradicate the traitor Huo Xingqian and successfully completed the task.

Very simple and doesn't mention any other relevant information.

Placed together with this record was Huo Xingqian's confession. In the confession, Huo Xingqian said that he carried with him the secret list of our party's members at the Nanshi Police Station as a gift of allegiance.

About two years ago, Cheng Qianfan rescued Wang Jun and other comrades late at night, and then came to Masinan Road to meet Peng and Ou.

The two 'met' for the first time through a door.

Cheng Qianfan calls himself ‘Qian Xinghuo’.

Peng and Ou's first reaction was: Comrade Xinghuo is lurking.

However, he then had a strange association: Qian Xinghuo, Huo Xingqian!

He judged that this comrade might be the Special Kosovo agent comrade in the record left by Comrade "Zhulin".

However, Peng Yuou did not mention this matter, let alone inquire and identify Cheng Qianfan's identity through this matter, because he was very aware of organizational disciplines. Without the approval of the Special Branch leader and the nod of the headquarters leader, Special Branch's ace agent was

Won't answer his related questions.

Therefore, Peng and Ou used the fact that Comrade Xinghuo warned Wang Jun about the traitor Zhu Yuan to identify and judge, proving that Qian Xinghuo was their comrade.

Later, when Comrade Huo Miao returned to the organization to investigate, he did not mention this matter at first.

This is because this incident did not occur while the Flame was out of contact with the organization.

However, at that time, Shanghai Special Branch had lost contact with the headquarters, and Comrade "Zhulin" had died. Whether Cheng Qianfan killed his own comrades became the key to verification.

Cheng Qianfan reported a key piece of information. Due to organizational discipline, after he obtained the list and confession from Huo Xingqian, he did not read the list. However, the angry "Zhulin" comrade later showed him Huo Xingqian's confession.

Cheng Qianfan copied Huo Xingqian's confession almost word for word.

The organization went to Peng Yuou for questioning. Peng Yuou told the story and submitted the relics and relevant information of Comrade "Zhulin". Comparing the two, it was confirmed that "Huo Miao" was exactly what Comrade "Zhulin" had recorded.

That agent, this is a staunch red warrior, a loyal red agent! (PS2)

Cheng Qianfan changed into casual clothes, said hello to Datou Lu, and Shi Shiran left the patrol room.

He was going to secretly 'visit' Sanbonjiro and formally report to Sanbonjiro about the shooting of Wang Kangnian and Ding Naifei.

He knew that Sanbonjiro would not punish him for this matter, but he knew that he must take the initiative to report the matter.

This is a matter of attitude.

PS1: Please vote for me, please subscribe, please give me rewards, thank you.

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