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Chapter 102 The man in the police hospital

 Trast Road, French Concession Police Hospital.

Two cars, one behind the other, braked suddenly and stopped in front of the hospital.

Cheng Qianfan jumped out of the cab, then walked around to the passenger cab, opened the door, and helped Pete get out of the car.

Lu Jiufan also came over immediately with two patrol officers.

Under the protection of three armed men, the two rushed into the hospital lobby.

"Doctor! Doctor!" Cheng Qianfan shouted loudly.

"Mozi?" asked a doctor with a Sichuan accent.

After seeing clearly that it was the famous Inspector Cheng, a smile immediately broke out on his angry face, "Inspector Cheng, what are you doing?"

Then, he noticed Pete, frowned and asked, "Why is Lieutenant Pete injured?"

"We were attacked by thugs and Lieutenant Pitt was shot in the shoulder." Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice, "If you pretend to be a doctor, please arrange surgery immediately."

"No problem." Doctor Mao nodded and said.

"Do you still have sulfa?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Yes, some are registered in the eucalyptus, but they dare not take medicine without your approval, Inspector Cheng." Dr. Mao said quickly.

Cheng Qianfan prepared five boxes of sulfa powder at the Terracotta Road Police Hospital.

This is his private medicine, just in case of emergency. No one can use these boxes of sulfa powder without permission from Inspector Xiao Cheng.

"Don't tell Linda that I was shot." Peter suddenly said to Cheng Qianfan.

"I understand." Cheng Qianfan nodded.

Turning around, Cheng Qianfan waited for Peter to enter the operating room and asked for three phone calls.

A phone call was made to the Political Division of the Patrol Room.

He reported to Mr. Xi Neng, the squad leader of the Political Department, that he and Peter were almost killed by a grenade.

And, under the leadership of Lieutenant Pete, the deputy squad leader of the investigation squad, he fought bravely with the thugs.

The brave Lieutenant Pitt was unfortunately shot during a fierce battle with the enemy.

Your Excellency Xi Neng was extremely angry.

The second call was to Xiu Gongshen from the Translation Office of the Political Division.

"Teacher, someone secretly put a grenade in my briefcase and wanted to blow me up." Cheng Qianfan said in a low voice.

"What?" Xiu Gongshen stood up from the office chair and asked in surprise, "How are you? Are you injured?"

"Fortunately, I found it in time and threw the briefcase out." Cheng Qianfan held the cigarette in his mouth and touched his body. Only then did he remember that he had thrown away his gold lighter in "fury".

"Wang Kangnian appeared at the scene. I don't know why. His men opened fire and attacked me and Pete. When we fired back, Peter was shot." Cheng Qianfan spoke a little fast and his voice was a little urgent, "I captured Wang Kangnian.

Waiting for others."

"I understand." Xiu Gongshen nodded, "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

"Hey, have you finished your call?" A man waiting for a call urged impatiently.

Cheng Qianfan put down the phone, hung up, then picked up the phone again and asked for a third call.

"What a shame!" The man cursed and was about to rush up and hit someone.

Lu Jiufan was about to go up and get someone.

Cheng Qianfan turned his head and looked at this person coldly with gloomy eyes.

"Cheng, Inspector Cheng -" The man was stunned, his mind seemed to be turning over, remembering various rumors about this person, his mouth opened wide, and he was shocked.

"Get out!" Cheng Qianfan frowned and uttered one word.

"Hey, hey, get out of here!" The man lightly slapped himself in the face, smiled, and ran away as if he was running away.

"Inspector, do you want some?" Lu Jiufan asked in a low voice. As he spoke, he lit a match and helped Inspector Xiao Cheng light his cigarette.

"What?" Cheng Qianfan asked. Before Lu Jiufan could answer, the call was connected.

The call was made to Pete's home, and it was Linda who answered the phone.

In a worried and urgent tone, Cheng Qianfan informed Linda of the news that Peter had been shot, and then heard the exclamations and sobs on the other side of the phone.

After asking where Peter was now, Linda hurriedly hung up the phone.

"Inspector, didn't Lieutenant Pete say not to tell Ms. Linda?" Lu Jiufan was a little surprised and asked.

"You don't understand." Cheng Qianfan shook his head.

Lu Jiufan scratched his head, he really didn't understand.

"Lock him up first. I want to see who wants to kill me." Then, he heard the inspector holding a cigarette between his teeth and saying with murderous intent.

"Understood." Lu Jiufan nodded vigorously.

"Give me the fire." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Yes!" Lu Jiufan handed a box of matches in his pocket to the inspector.

Lu Jiufan went to catch the man just now. He had previously ordered one of his men to follow him secretly.

"Stay at the door." Cheng Qianfan ordered the remaining subordinates.


He entered the temporary lounge specially provided for him by the doctor and closed the door.

Inspector Cheng, who had been holding on, leaned against the wall.

Then, like soft noodles, he slid down the wall, and finally sat down on the floor. He took out his Golden Brand cigarette, lit several matches in a row, and then lit the cigarette and started smoking.

His hands are shaking.

There were also beads of sweat on his forehead.

I took several puffs in succession, and finally I choked and coughed repeatedly.

"He was frightened, tsk tsk." A middle-aged man wearing a white coat and a mask held a telescope with both hands, and a despicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As he spoke, he turned to look at Sanbonjiro next to him, "Is this Kentaro Miyazaki that Sanbonjiro praised so much?"

Mimotojiro's face looked a little ugly, "Miyazaki-kun is an outstanding young man. He has always behaved very steadily. This gaffe must be caused by something big that we don't know about."

He cursed secretly in his heart.

Today he came to the Terrace Road Police Hospital to secretly meet with this person. Because of Kentaro Miyazaki's special relationship with this person, he naturally had a lot of praise in his words. Unexpectedly, he was self-defeating and was ridiculed by this person.

What surprised Mimotojiro the most was why Kentaro Miyazaki suddenly appeared in the patrol room police hospital.

"No matter how big something happens, you are too courageous." The man shook his head.

However, this person was quite objective. From the window in the corridor, he could see that Kentaro Miyazaki behaved normally when giving orders to the people around him. He was even quite calm and majestic. Therefore, he paused and added, "Behave in front of others."

It’s not bad, it didn’t publicly disgrace the empire.”

Sanbonjiro glanced at the man and said, "Aren't you going to meet Kentaro Miyazaki?"

"Why are we meeting?" The man put down the telescope and glanced at Sanbonjiro, "Although I am his teacher, I am actually his teacher in name only. I have not met him a few times, let alone a teacher-student relationship."

As he said this, he sneered, "Next time I return to Peking, I will ask Mr. Taniguchi how he taught such a timid student."

Sanbonjiro smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said nothing more.

He accidentally learned that this man and Miyazaki Kentaro actually had a teacher-student relationship, so he intended to use this to enhance his relationship with this man, but unexpectedly it seemed to be self-defeating.

This person seems to be only a nominal teacher of Miyazaki Kentaro, and he has a bad relationship with Miyazaki Kentaro's teacher Hiroyuki Taniguchi.

Cheng Qianfan put out his cigarette butt.

He took out another cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it with a match, took a heavy puff, and exhaled a stream of smoke.

Amid the smoke, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

At the same time, he glanced in the direction of the window without any trace from the corner of his eye.

After another two or three minutes, he finally confirmed that the other party had left, either put down the telescope and stopped looking over, or was no longer monitoring him for the time being.

While he was on the phone, he noticed a flash of light.

This is the reflection of the telescope.

He immediately made an inference.

Of course, it could also be the reflection from the mirror.

However, Cheng Qianfan did not dare to be careless and was alert.

After entering the room, he pretended to be alone and revealed his frightened 'true face', then pretended to be limp and slid down the wall.

At the same time, he secretly observed with vigilance.

Sure enough, when his body slid down and sat on the floor, a light spot flashed past. This was when the light passed through the lens of the telescope and refracted against the glass of the window while searching for his trace.

light and shadow.

At this moment, Cheng Qianfan's mind was filled with all kinds of questions.

Who is the other party?

Why are you observing him secretly?

Is it a coincidence?

Or has he been targeted?

There are two types of targeting:

Was he being followed all the way to the police hospital?

Or has he already been listed as a target of suspicion by some people for some reason, or is it just because there is something strange about this place. Once anyone approaches this place, they will be secretly watched and suspected of their purpose of coming here?

These are two completely different concepts.

Also, how did Comrade "Daffodil" get exposed?

Wang Kangnian obviously went for Comrade Narcissus. What channels and methods did he use to target the nursery?

Is there a direct connection between the exposure of Comrade "Daffodil" and the sacrifice of Comrade Da Zhuang?

Or is there a link between them that connects them all? A traitor has appeared——

This person betrayed Da Zhuang first, and then Comrade Miao Pu?!

Cheng Qianfan flicked the ash from his cigarette, his expression changing continuously. He needed further information for his reference and analysis!

Comrade "Daffodil" must not fall into the hands of the enemy.

Although Miaopu didn’t know who had prepared the mission and codeword she was waiting for, let alone the existence of ‘flame’.

Objectively speaking, 'daffodil' is unlikely to pose any risk of exposure to 'flame'.

However, Cheng Qianfan knew that he had to rescue him as much as possible.

There is a hidden connection between 'Narcissus' and 'Flame' that 'Narcissus' doesn't even know about.

Although 'Narcissus' herself doesn't know it, once 'Narcissus' falls into the hands of the enemy, the worst case scenario is that 'Darcissus' fails to withstand the enemy's torture and confesses the mission and code words, which in itself is a

Hidden danger.

Although this hidden danger may be very small, and the enemy will look for him in reverse through "Daffodils", and the possibility of catching him is extremely low, the enemy must know the existence of such an extremely covert Red Party agent.

This itself is a hidden danger.

The dangers in the two situations are completely different between being known by the enemy and not being known by the enemy.

In addition, Cheng Qianfan must not be careless, because he only learned about whether Narcissus knew about Huo Miao, or how much information he knew about him, from Peng Yuou.

If there are details that neither Peng nor Ou noticed, they can provide certain direction for 'Daffodil'.

Then, Cheng Qianfan is still at risk of exposure.

For example, when he was in Hangzhou, he helped the Hangcheng Red Party narrowly avoid the conspiracy set by the Japanese.

The codename "Butterfly Flower" itself, and the fact that "Butterfly Flower" was the person who wrote the code book for our party's anti-Japanese armed forces in Northeast China, should not have been known to Wen Changjian.

Even the Hangzhou Red Party, until the moment they learned the truth, did not expect that Wen Changjian, a person who should not know about this matter, would know such an absolute secret.

The news was leaked by Wen Changjian by accident from Huang Lei. Even Huang Lei, an old party member, did not realize that he had inadvertently leaked a highly confidential secret.

Cheng Qianfan had met with Comrade "Nongfu" before. Comrade "Nongfu" had mentioned this matter and conveyed the gratitude of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee to him, an "unnamed" underground party comrade, so Cheng Qianfan knew about this matter.

The whole story.

Therefore, taking this as a warning, Cheng Qianfan was not sure whether Comrade "Daffodil" knew nothing about him at all.

Therefore, Cheng Qianfan, who was highly vigilant, immediately made a decision. In order to protect the safety of the party's important latent agent "Huo Miao", he must save Miaopu——

Without exposing yourself.

This is the reason he convinced himself!

He was unwilling to admit that the reason why he took action was: this was his comrade!

At this moment, he could no longer watch his comrades being arrested and even killed by the enemy in cold blood.

He needs to find a reason to take action.

It may endanger the safety of the 'fire', which is the most appropriate reason.

Yes, if there is a comparison of importance, the 'flame' is more important, the 'narcissus' can be sacrificed, and the 'flame' must be protected, as much as possible.

It's so cruel.

This importance does not mean that any of the comrades is nobler than the other, but rather the difference in position and the help that this position may bring to the party and the people.

Maybe in another time and place, Comrade "Daffodil" has urgent information. At that time, Comrade "Daffodil" is more important than "Huo Miao", and "Huo Miao" will not hesitate to sacrifice himself to protect "Darcissus".

Cheng Qianfan took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and lit the cigarette butt.

He took a few puffs.

Just like the flames of this pair of fires, although they are very dim, they are very important.

He wants to find a reason for himself to take the risk to rescue 'Daffodil'.

If, in the flash of lightning, he fails to find a reason worth taking the risk, then he must stand still and watch as 'Daffodil' is arrested or even killed.

This is cruel and strict organizational discipline:

As an extremely special ace agent, ‘Huo Miao’ has the power to make temporary decisions. However, this temporary ‘decision-making power’ is limited and must have legitimate ‘reasons’ that are recognized by the organization and do not violate organizational disciplines and principles.

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This chapter has been completed!
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